The first Black man to lose his job under Biden: Surgeon General responds to being pushed out


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
It has been decades since any Surgeon General has been asked to leave by an incoming administration. It just shows what miserable fucks the Biden team is. Little people surround a little man named Joe Biden.

The office of Surgeon General is a non-political military role that is normally considered to be outside of regime change protocols. It has been decades since a Surgeon General stepped down during a presidential transition when Vice Admiral Julius B. Richmond stepped down on President Ronald Reagan’s first Inauguration Day. In that scenario, he was not pushed out but asked to stay on. He declined.

Joe Biden’s administration pushed former Surgeon General Jerome Adams out the door before the new president was officially inaugurated.

It has been decades since any Surgeon General has been asked to leave by an incoming administration. It just shows what miserable fucks the Biden team is. Little people surround a little man named Joe Biden.

The office of Surgeon General is a non-political military role that is normally considered to be outside of regime change protocols. It has been decades since a Surgeon General stepped down during a presidential transition when Vice Admiral Julius B. Richmond stepped down on President Ronald Reagan’s first Inauguration Day. In that scenario, he was not pushed out but asked to stay on. He declined.
Joe Biden’s administration pushed former Surgeon General Jerome Adams out the door before the new president was officially inaugurated.

Won't be the last either. I hear they are closing the fried chicken liver and lake trout stand a couple of streets over. Lots of brothers gonna be standing in them unemployment lines real soon. Hope they remember to bring their masks . . .
It has been decades since any Surgeon General has been asked to leave by an incoming administration. It just shows what miserable fucks the Biden team is. Little people surround a little man named Joe Biden.

Actually it shows there's a pandemic going on, Dumbass, and Biden's choice Vivek Murthy (who was Surgeon General during the second O'bama administration) has been advising Biden on Coronavirus for several months already.
It has been decades since any Surgeon General has been asked to leave by an incoming administration. It just shows what miserable fucks the Biden team is. Little people surround a little man named Joe Biden.

The office of Surgeon General is a non-political military role that is normally considered to be outside of regime change protocols. It has been decades since a Surgeon General stepped down during a presidential transition when Vice Admiral Julius B. Richmond stepped down on President Ronald Reagan’s first Inauguration Day. In that scenario, he was not pushed out but asked to stay on. He declined.
Joe Biden’s administration pushed former Surgeon General Jerome Adams out the door before the new president was officially inaugurated.

The most pathetic surgeon general
It has been decades since any Surgeon General has been asked to leave by an incoming administration. It just shows what miserable fucks the Biden team is. Little people surround a little man named Joe Biden.

The office of Surgeon General is a non-political military role that is normally considered to be outside of regime change protocols. It has been decades since a Surgeon General stepped down during a presidential transition when Vice Admiral Julius B. Richmond stepped down on President Ronald Reagan’s first Inauguration Day. In that scenario, he was not pushed out but asked to stay on. He declined.
Joe Biden’s administration pushed former Surgeon General Jerome Adams out the door before the new president was officially inaugurated.

Systemic racism

It has been decades since any Surgeon General has been asked to leave by an incoming administration. It just shows what miserable fucks the Biden team is. Little people surround a little man named Joe Biden.

The office of Surgeon General is a non-political military role that is normally considered to be outside of regime change protocols. It has been decades since a Surgeon General stepped down during a presidential transition when Vice Admiral Julius B. Richmond stepped down on President Ronald Reagan’s first Inauguration Day. In that scenario, he was not pushed out but asked to stay on. He declined.
Joe Biden’s administration pushed former Surgeon General Jerome Adams out the door before the new president was officially inaugurated.

He pushed tRump's lies.

Get him out. All tRumplings must go.
Fakey Fauci screwed up 10 times as much as the Surgeon General. I don't see him getting fired. As always, it's all about the politics.
Fauci’s knowledge about the virus evolved with time, as for ALL scientists. He didn’t lie or obfuscate. He was silenced by the administration who limited media access to him. He has a very high approval rating with the American people, bipartisan.
His credibility was destroyed by his association with Trump who refused to allow his public health officials, including the SG, to speak freely and honestly about the science. A trustworthy voice is what the people need as we move to overcome the pandemic.
What would you consider a trustworthy voice? One that agrees with your perceptions? Come on. Man, I am stuck with people like this in Boston. Sadly. Illogical leftist whiners.
His credibility was destroyed by his association with Trump who refused to allow his public health officials, including the SG, to speak freely and honestly about the science. A trustworthy voice is what the people need as we move to overcome the pandemic.
What would you consider a trustworthy voice? One that agrees with your perceptions? Come on. Man, I am stuck with people like this in Boston. Sadly. Illogical leftist whiners.
No, one that echoes the VAST majority of scientists and public health officials worldwide. I sure trust that more than orange man sycophants, whatever their alleged science background.
His credibility was destroyed by his association with Trump who refused to allow his public health officials, including the SG, to speak freely and honestly about the science. A trustworthy voice is what the people need as we move to overcome the pandemic.
What would you consider a trustworthy voice? One that agrees with your perceptions? Come on. Man, I am stuck with people like this in Boston. Sadly. Illogical leftist whiners.
No, one that echoes the VAST majority of scientists and public health officials worldwide. I sure trust that more than orange man sycophants, whatever their alleged science background.
Those scientists have done a great job so far...we can’t even admit that it came from the Wuhan Virology Lab. We claim it was a meat market. Pretty sad. I do not trust these so called scientists. They told me my antibodies would last six months max. It has been 10 and still going strong.

Maybe we need to start being honest in terms of where this virus came from? it has to hurt China’s feelings.
Fakey Fauci screwed up 10 times as much as the Surgeon General. I don't see him getting fired. As always, it's all about the politics.

Indeed, as Fauci was telling people back in March 2020 they could go on cruises.

Also, it was Fauci telling people for months not to wear masks, then he suddenly did a 180º. He was right the first time, I guess he started recommending masks only after his family got into business with his ChiComm pals. Maybe Hunter Biden helped them with that.
Those scientists have done a great job so far...we can’t even admit that it came from the Wuhan Virology Lab. We claim it was a meat market. Pretty sad. I do not trust these so called scientists. They told me my antibodies would last six months max. It has been 10 and still going strong.

Maybe we need to start being honest in terms of where this virus came from? it has to hurt China’s feelings.

See: US Scientist Who Led Charge Against COVID Lab Leak Theory Admits He Was Trying To Protect Chinese Scientists
Fakey Fauci screwed up 10 times as much as the Surgeon General. I don't see him getting fired. As always, it's all about the politics.

Indeed, as Fauci was telling people back in March 2020 they could go on cruises.

Also, it was Fauci telling people for months not to wear masks, then he suddenly did a 180º. He was right the first time, I guess he started recommending masks only after his family got into business with his ChiComm pals. Maybe Hunter Biden helped them with that.
Fauci is our only hope. How dare you? Blasphemy!
Those scientists have done a great job so far...we can’t even admit that it came from the Wuhan Virology Lab. We claim it was a meat market. Pretty sad. I do not trust these so called scientists. They told me my antibodies would last six months max. It has been 10 and still going strong.

Maybe we need to start being honest in terms of where this virus came from? it has to hurt China’s feelings.

See: US Scientist Who Led Charge Against COVID Lab Leak Theory Admits He Was Trying To Protect Chinese Scientists
Imagine you live in a town where there is a well know dog fighting ring. A dog goes missing and everyone tells you...nah it’s a just ran away. Even a complete moron would put two and two together.

Wuhan has a virology lab that specializes in viruses and has poor safety protocols. A virus originates in Wuhan and poisons the world.

Leftists: It was from a meat market. This is just a coincidence.

Leftists are morons.

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