Just when you thought prominent Democrats could not possibly get any more cartoonishly delusional

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
Hillary, Pelosi: Trump and Putin Planned Capitol Riot

Just when you thought prominent Democrats could not possibly get any more cartoonishly delusional, Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi demand a commission to investigate their outlandish claim that Trump and Vladimir Putin worked together to orchestrate the Capitol Riot.
Four years of debunked conspiracies about Russian collusion did not suffice. Once they sink their teeth into a lie, they cannot let go.
Clinton began: “I hope historically we will find out who [Trump is] beholden to, who pulls his strings. I would love to see his phone records to see whether he was talking to Putin the day that the insurgents invaded our Capitol. But we now know that not just him, but his enablers, his accomplices, his cult members, have the same disregard for democracy.”
Clinton continued, asking the House speaker if she thinks “we need a 9/11-type commission to investigate and report everything that they can pull together and explain what happened?”
“I do,” Pelosi responded.
Pelosi then confirmed that Trump is beholden to the Russian strongman. “All roads lead to Putin,” she proclaimed.

It is unclear what Putin could do for Trump that it would make it worthwhile for him to cause the maniacs at the Capitol to play into Democrat hands.

What is the point of increasingly silly Russian conspiracy smears with Trump leaving office? Maybe they are laying the groundwork to have him executed for treason.

Meanwhile, we are told by CNN that right-of-center media must be deplatformed because it spreads conspiracy theories.

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I carry hot sauce in my wallet
Hillary, Pelosi: Trump and Putin Planned Capitol Riot

Just when you thought prominent Democrats could not possibly get any more cartoonishly delusional, Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi demand a commission to investigate their outlandish claim that Trump and Vladimir Putin worked together to orchestrate the Capitol Riot.
Four years of debunked conspiracies about Russian collusion did not suffice. Once they sink their teeth into a lie, they cannot let go.
Clinton began: “I hope historically we will find out who [Trump is] beholden to, who pulls his strings. I would love to see his phone records to see whether he was talking to Putin the day that the insurgents invaded our Capitol. But we now know that not just him, but his enablers, his accomplices, his cult members, have the same disregard for democracy.”
Clinton continued, asking the House speaker if she thinks “we need a 9/11-type commission to investigate and report everything that they can pull together and explain what happened?”
“I do,” Pelosi responded.
Pelosi then confirmed that Trump is beholden to the Russian strongman. “All roads lead to Putin,” she proclaimed.

It is unclear what Putin could do for Trump that it would make it worthwhile for him to cause the maniacs at the Capitol to play into Democrat hands.

What is the point of increasingly silly Russian conspiracy smears with Trump leaving office? Maybe they are laying the groundwork to have him executed for treason.

Meanwhile, we are told by CNN that right-of-center media must be deplatformed because it spreads conspiracy theories.

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I carry hot sauce in my wallet

Yeah, and when they provide hard evidence, I'll believe it. Until then, let the dogs bark.
Hillary, Pelosi: Trump and Putin Planned Capitol Riot

Just when you thought prominent Democrats could not possibly get any more cartoonishly delusional, Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi demand a commission to investigate their outlandish claim that Trump and Vladimir Putin worked together to orchestrate the Capitol Riot.
Four years of debunked conspiracies about Russian collusion did not suffice. Once they sink their teeth into a lie, they cannot let go.
Clinton began: “I hope historically we will find out who [Trump is] beholden to, who pulls his strings. I would love to see his phone records to see whether he was talking to Putin the day that the insurgents invaded our Capitol. But we now know that not just him, but his enablers, his accomplices, his cult members, have the same disregard for democracy.”
Clinton continued, asking the House speaker if she thinks “we need a 9/11-type commission to investigate and report everything that they can pull together and explain what happened?”
“I do,” Pelosi responded.
Pelosi then confirmed that Trump is beholden to the Russian strongman. “All roads lead to Putin,” she proclaimed.

It is unclear what Putin could do for Trump that it would make it worthwhile for him to cause the maniacs at the Capitol to play into Democrat hands.

What is the point of increasingly silly Russian conspiracy smears with Trump leaving office? Maybe they are laying the groundwork to have him executed for treason.

Meanwhile, we are told by CNN that right-of-center media must be deplatformed because it spreads conspiracy theories.

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I carry hot sauce in my wallet

Mental illness is the most cruel of all social ills.
Hillary, Pelosi: Trump and Putin Planned Capitol Riot

Just when you thought prominent Democrats could not possibly get any more cartoonishly delusional, Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi demand a commission to investigate their outlandish claim that Trump and Vladimir Putin worked together to orchestrate the Capitol Riot.
Four years of debunked conspiracies about Russian collusion did not suffice. Once they sink their teeth into a lie, they cannot let go.
Clinton began: “I hope historically we will find out who [Trump is] beholden to, who pulls his strings. I would love to see his phone records to see whether he was talking to Putin the day that the insurgents invaded our Capitol. But we now know that not just him, but his enablers, his accomplices, his cult members, have the same disregard for democracy.”
Clinton continued, asking the House speaker if she thinks “we need a 9/11-type commission to investigate and report everything that they can pull together and explain what happened?”
“I do,” Pelosi responded.
Pelosi then confirmed that Trump is beholden to the Russian strongman. “All roads lead to Putin,” she proclaimed.

It is unclear what Putin could do for Trump that it would make it worthwhile for him to cause the maniacs at the Capitol to play into Democrat hands.

What is the point of increasingly silly Russian conspiracy smears with Trump leaving office? Maybe they are laying the groundwork to have him executed for treason.

Meanwhile, we are told by CNN that right-of-center media must be deplatformed because it spreads conspiracy theories.

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I carry hot sauce in my wallet
Hillary and Pelosi are both batcrapcrazy.
Hillary's version of "democracy" means one party rule.
Political Cult always arrest their opposition.
It looks like the Democrat are going on a purge to purify America of anyone who refuses to join their crazy cult.
Moonbattery.com...JTDC. :auiqs.jpg:Where the fuck do you morons come up with these sites? It is a totally appropriate site for your side of the aisle. You guys have lost it. This doesn't even qualify as fake news. It's Q-News...I just made that up. :)
Hillary, Pelosi: Trump and Putin Planned Capitol Riot

Just when you thought prominent Democrats could not possibly get any more cartoonishly delusional, Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi demand a commission to investigate their outlandish claim that Trump and Vladimir Putin worked together to orchestrate the Capitol Riot.
Four years of debunked conspiracies about Russian collusion did not suffice. Once they sink their teeth into a lie, they cannot let go.
Clinton began: “I hope historically we will find out who [Trump is] beholden to, who pulls his strings. I would love to see his phone records to see whether he was talking to Putin the day that the insurgents invaded our Capitol. But we now know that not just him, but his enablers, his accomplices, his cult members, have the same disregard for democracy.”
Clinton continued, asking the House speaker if she thinks “we need a 9/11-type commission to investigate and report everything that they can pull together and explain what happened?”
“I do,” Pelosi responded.
Pelosi then confirmed that Trump is beholden to the Russian strongman. “All roads lead to Putin,” she proclaimed.

It is unclear what Putin could do for Trump that it would make it worthwhile for him to cause the maniacs at the Capitol to play into Democrat hands.

What is the point of increasingly silly Russian conspiracy smears with Trump leaving office? Maybe they are laying the groundwork to have him executed for treason.

Meanwhile, we are told by CNN that right-of-center media must be deplatformed because it spreads conspiracy theories.

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I carry hot sauce in my wallet

Can't say I'm surprised. Nothing these lefty idiots do would surprise me. Talk about a pack of imbeciles.

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