The fight goes on in Texas

depends on what the "educators" are teaching.

You're right, because abstinence only education doesn't work for shit.

Birth control pregnancy no Abortion..very simple isn't it?

When used correctly, birth control can be very effective...which is why it must be taught about in schools....and provided free to anyone who needs it (like planned parenthood does).

Unborn babies don't have Social Security numbers yet, right?

Here's a perfect solution...

One designed to make Liberals go all soft-and-fuzzy and to jump on-board without thinking...

We just call 'em "Undocumented Citizens"...

I mean, after all...

If Liberals are so friggin' gung-ho to advocate for Undocumented Aliens...

Should we not work all-the-harder on behalf of Undocumented Citizens?

Unborn Babies = Undocumented Citizens
ummm..... hey allie :eusa_eh: If its a "baby", while still inside the woman, why doesn't it have a SSN? :eusa_whistle:

I didn't get a SS# until I was 8 years old:cuckoo:..negged for being....

You fill out the paperwork at the hospital nowadays. They're given at birth. Just like the tax write offs...

yeah asswipe..... errr..... Jroc. If you had any integrity, you'd remove that ill-advised rep. :eusa_whistle:
Texas has the most uninsured children of any state.

Texas has either the second or third highest rate of food insecurity in the country at 18.5%. Arkansas and Mississippi are tied for first place with 19.2%.

Hunger/Food Insecurity

Texas child abuse, neglect deaths soar 31 percent | - News for Dallas, Texas - The Dallas Morning News

Anyplace you find conservatives in charge for a hundred years or more, you find hunger, poverty, disease, deaths, and anti women legislation. They are such a rotten group to be malevolent to so many.
I've no doubt the baby killers are targeting Indians in the same way they have targeted blacks. I've no doubt that people will rush to fund abortion clinics put right in the middle of reservations, just as they have funded (with lots of gov't assistance) abortion clinics in the poorest black neighborhoods. Those populations are troublesome, and per usual, the progressive way is to kill them off.


"She served until being impeached on June 29, 2006, several months short of the two-year term. The major controversy was over her effort to provide for women on the reservation needing family planning services after the South Dakota legislature banned most abortions throughout the state. The tribal council impeached her for proceeding without gaining their consensus."

Cecilia Fire Thunder - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They fired her dumb ass for trying to kill their babies.

The American Taliban's quest to nationalize a women's uterus will only penalize poor women.

Rich women will be able to fly to other states or nations.

good post :)

Texas has the most uninsured children of any state.

Texas has either the second or third highest rate of food insecurity in the country at 18.5%. Arkansas and Mississippi are tied for first place with 19.2%.

Hunger/Food Insecurity

Texas child abuse, neglect deaths soar 31 percent | - News for Dallas, Texas - The Dallas Morning News

Anyplace you find conservatives in charge for a hundred years or more, you find hunger, poverty, disease, deaths, and anti women legislation. They are such a rotten group to be malevolent to so many.
I've no doubt the baby killers are targeting Indians in the same way they have targeted blacks. I've no doubt that people will rush to fund abortion clinics put right in the middle of reservations, just as they have funded (with lots of gov't assistance) abortion clinics in the poorest black neighborhoods. Those populations are troublesome, and per usual, the progressive way is to kill them off.


"She served until being impeached on June 29, 2006, several months short of the two-year term. The major controversy was over her effort to provide for women on the reservation needing family planning services after the South Dakota legislature banned most abortions throughout the state. The tribal council impeached her for proceeding without gaining their consensus."

Cecilia Fire Thunder - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They fired her dumb ass for trying to kill their babies.

The American Taliban's quest to nationalize a women's uterus will only penalize poor women.

Rich women will be able to fly to other states or nations.


the xstian right/repub base are Murica's equivalent to the taliban, yes.
depends on what the "educators" are teaching.

You're right, because abstinence only education doesn't work for shit.

Birth control pregnancy no Abortion..very simple isn't it?

Here’s something just as simple:

Let’s follow what conservatives believe and limit the size and power of government, allowing the individual to decide what’s in his own best interests, free from undue government interference.
Texas has the most uninsured children of any state.

Texas has either the second or third highest rate of food insecurity in the country at 18.5%. Arkansas and Mississippi are tied for first place with 19.2%.

Hunger/Food Insecurity

Texas child abuse, neglect deaths soar 31 percent | - News for Dallas, Texas - The Dallas Morning News

Anyplace you find conservatives in charge for a hundred years or more, you find hunger, poverty, disease, deaths, and anti women legislation. They are such a rotten group to be malevolent to so many.

Vicious stupidity of the radical leftist nut jobs:cuckoo:
"...Anyplace you find conservatives in charge for a hundred years or more, you find hunger, poverty, disease, deaths, and anti women legislation. They are such a rotten group to be malevolent to so many."
As opposed to places like the City of Chicago, where Democrats have been in-charge for 80-90 years, and run the place into the ground...
It's not just about abortion. It's about the state's willingness to put reasonable limits on abortion. A lot of it is political and some of it is the left wing's agenda of punishing women because they refuse to take responsibility for fatherhood. A woman who goes through the horrific procedure known as partial birth abortion where she sees the once viable life inside her tortured and murdered should be eligible for PTSD pension just like any combat Veteran.
"...Anyplace you find conservatives in charge for a hundred years or more, you find hunger, poverty, disease, deaths, and anti women legislation. They are such a rotten group to be malevolent to so many."
As opposed to places like the City of Chicago, where Democrats have been in-charge for 80-90 years, and run the place into the ground...

liberal utiopia
[ame=]Examples of a Bad neighbourhood in Detroit - YouTube[/ame]
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You're right, because abstinence only education doesn't work for shit.

Birth control pregnancy no Abortion..very simple isn't it?

When used correctly, birth control can be very effective...which is why it must be taught about in schools....and provided free to anyone who needs it (like planned parenthood does).
There's no better birth control over a youth than parents who don't put up with adult sexual exploration by minors.
"...Anyplace you find conservatives in charge for a hundred years or more, you find hunger, poverty, disease, deaths, and anti women legislation. They are such a rotten group to be malevolent to so many."
As opposed to places like the City of Chicago, where Democrats have been in-charge for 80-90 years, and run the place into the ground...

liberal utiopia
[ame=""]Examples of a Bad neighbourhood in Detroit - YouTube[/ame]
And it isn't the only one. Try the entire State of Kalifornya!
Texas has the most uninsured children of any state.

Texas has either the second or third highest rate of food insecurity in the country at 18.5%. Arkansas and Mississippi are tied for first place with 19.2%.

Hunger/Food Insecurity

Texas child abuse, neglect deaths soar 31 percent | - News for Dallas, Texas - The Dallas Morning News

Anyplace you find conservatives in charge for a hundred years or more, you find hunger, poverty, disease, deaths, and anti women legislation. They are such a rotten group to be malevolent to so many.
Texas has the most uninsured children of any state.

Texas has more children of any state.

Texas has either the second or third highest rate of food insecurity in the country at 18.5%. Arkansas and Mississippi are tied for first place with 19.2%.

You've just listed breadbasket states in which people grow a lot of their own food. Nobody starved.

From your link: "Deaths from child abuse and neglect in Texas soared 31 percent to 280 last fiscal year, according to the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services."

Texas had 3 months of weather that was over 100 degrees, and there has never been a year like it in the entire written history of the state. Acclimated people as well as newcomers didn't realize just how hot it was, and how fast a child can die in a car while they just run into some place for a few minutes. You can point your finger and rant statistics all you want, but other places weren't this hot last year. There were days when it was over 115 degrees for several hours that year. And needless to mention, when the thermometer hits 95 degrees, road rage goes way up. People go nuts in hot weather when unpleasant goes over the top. It's called red hot mad.

Don't know why that is, it just is.
I've no doubt the baby killers are targeting Indians in the same way they have targeted blacks. I've no doubt that people will rush to fund abortion clinics put right in the middle of reservations, just as they have funded (with lots of gov't assistance) abortion clinics in the poorest black neighborhoods. Those populations are troublesome, and per usual, the progressive way is to kill them off.


"She served until being impeached on June 29, 2006, several months short of the two-year term. The major controversy was over her effort to provide for women on the reservation needing family planning services after the South Dakota legislature banned most abortions throughout the state. The tribal council impeached her for proceeding without gaining their consensus."

Cecilia Fire Thunder - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They fired her dumb ass for trying to kill their babies.

The American Taliban's quest to nationalize a women's uterus will only penalize poor women.

Rich women will be able to fly to other states or nations.



The nazis are the ones who want to kill the babies of poor women.

Why do you hate them? What did they do to you? Why are you so adamant that minorities and the poor be slaughtered in substandard abbatoirs?

Don't you think they deserve high quality medical care?:confused:
Birth control pregnancy no Abortion..very simple isn't it?

When used correctly, birth control can be very effective...which is why it must be taught about in schools....and provided free to anyone who needs it (like planned parenthood does).
There's no better birth control over a youth than parents who don't put up with adult sexual exploration by minors.

Those parents end up grandparents if they don't couple that parental control with access to birth control and the education as to how it is used.

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