The fight goes on in Texas

Apparently they cant,or they wouldnt be in need of an abortion.

Isn't that kind of their choice.

It's their choice to have sex, and it's their choice to get an abortion.

Not yours.

If they're not smart enough to have sex without getting pregnant.....

Birth control when used properly still fails 5% of the time.

My sister in law got pregnant because her diet medication nullified her birth control pills. Something they didn't know before the FDA recalled the medicine. (In this case, they went ahead and had the kid, anyway.)
Perfectly valid analogy. Her body, her choice. It is that simple.

We don't have an abortion problem in this country, we have an unwanted pregnancy problem and abortion is simply a symptom.

Safe, legal, rare.

you are correct that we have an unwanted pregnacy problem, why is that? lack of education? culture? lack of parental influence?

an unborn child is NOT part of your body, you are carrying and nourishing it, but it is not you. it is a separate human being. If you choose to kill it how is that any different from killing a 2 year old who is driving you crazy?

try to answer honestly.

Stop being an asshole. You guys would get a lot farther if you did because nobody likes abortion.

I would like to see a world where not another abortion is ever performed for any reason...I just know it can't ever be legislated away.

What's your suggestion then ?
Ohhhh Noooooo Women are going to have actual DOCTORS perform abortions. Not 15 year olds hired right off the street. They are now forced to have abortions in medical clinics that have real instruments and medications. The shame of it all. If there are complications they are now forced to go to real hospitals instead of given a kotex and an aspirin and sent home.

How ever will they survive.
Liberals hero's fight to keep killing babies...a" noble" cause for the leftist ...Craziness:cuckoo:. The fight to save the lives of the unborn go on.. Since the other thread is closed we'll start a new one


Texans who support the Right To Life ,ie, The Woman's, should set up abortions clinics in Indian Reservations.


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If this were really about removing a body part, liberals would be demanding adequate medical facilities. If it were a leg or an arm, you can bet your booty that they would be enraged at the suggestion that a non-doctor perform the surgery or that it be performed at a inadequately maintained clinic. As far as surgery be at a clinic and by someone who couldn't get them to a hospital if something went wrong, don't go there. Liberals would be beside themselves.
I've no doubt the baby killers are targeting Indians in the same way they have targeted blacks. I've no doubt that people will rush to fund abortion clinics put right in the middle of reservations, just as they have funded (with lots of gov't assistance) abortion clinics in the poorest black neighborhoods. Those populations are troublesome, and per usual, the progressive way is to kill them off.


"She served until being impeached on June 29, 2006, several months short of the two-year term. The major controversy was over her effort to provide for women on the reservation needing family planning services after the South Dakota legislature banned most abortions throughout the state. The tribal council impeached her for proceeding without gaining their consensus."

They fired her dumb ass for trying to kill their babies.
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you are correct that we have an unwanted pregnacy problem, why is that? lack of education? culture? lack of parental influence?

an unborn child is NOT part of your body, you are carrying and nourishing it, but it is not you. it is a separate human being. If you choose to kill it how is that any different from killing a 2 year old who is driving you crazy?

try to answer honestly.

Stop being an asshole. You guys would get a lot farther if you did because nobody likes abortion.

I would like to see a world where not another abortion is ever performed for any reason...I just know it can't ever be legislated away.

What's your suggestion then ?

These Thumpers :eusa_pray:, like allie for instance, love to force people to do things because its what their own personal sky pixie dictates. NEWSFLASH!!! not everyone worships the same sky pixie or any sky pixie at all.
These Thumpers :eusa_pray:, like allie for instance, love to force people to do things because its what their own personal sky pixie dictates. NEWSFLASH!!! not everyone worships the same sky pixie or any sky pixie at all.

Newsflash!!..this thread isn't about religion:eusa_hand:

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