The Fight for 15 dollars an hour...the computer that just took my order is laughing at you......

You just got on here and claimed the only people who work at McDonald's are teenagers... now you are bemoaning the fact people are being deprived jobs that don't pay enough to put a roof on their heads.

What a lying scumbag you are.

I defy you to point out where I said the only people who work at McDonald's are teenagers. I never said it...

you really need a consistent argument, buddy.

You need to stop lying about what others have said. It makes you look desperate...

That's debatable... The point is, the Whopper is BK's signature product, the Big Mac is McD's signature product.



The MX-5 is Mazda's "signature" sports car. The Aventador is Lamborghini's "signature" sports car.

Only a fool like you would attempt to compare them.

It makes no sense to compare things which are so different. Doesn't matter, though. I've already shown that you're wrong about which burger is more expensive...

Yes, but what you MORONS don't understand is why they've skyrocketed.

Reason 1- The states don't support as much of the cost anymore, which have been shifted to the students.
Reason 2- Thanks to Supply and Demand, the costs of college have gone up because there are still as many classroom seats, but more people want them.

You're stupid. There's just no other way to see it. You lament about "supply and demand" when it comes to college tuition, but you refuse to apply that same concept to employment. Nobody wants to pay someone $15 to flip burgers, simply because that skill set isn't worth $15 an hour...

Has a lot more to do with the fact that most entry level jobs require a college degree now. Used to be, you could get a purchasing job with just a High School diploma. Then about 20 years ago, they started demanding a college degree, and a lot of buyers I know with decades of experience got their resumes tossed out by Applicant Tracking Software merely because there was no bachelor's degree listed. Today, they not only want a bachelor's degree, they want one in Business or some related field.


What "entry level jobs" require a degree? Are you saying the gal waiting tables at the local Denny's has her degree in waitressing?

So understanding that, you now know why college is so expensive. Which wouldn't be so bad if Minimum wage had kept up. Instead these kids put themselves into massive debt, can only get a job at McDonalds, and when they graduate, their ability to get a job working someplace better is iffy.

As I've said earlier, anyone who takes on "massive debt" and ends up working at McDonald's after they graduate is a failure at life, and I've little sympathy for those people...

of course they were outraged, WHEN THEY GOT CAUGHT.

I'm not going to explain to you how mailing lists, and the dissemination of them, works, but the corporations involved are rarely, if ever, the ones holding them. I harbor no illusion that you have an actual clue...
Why are you fixated on McDonalds and Denny’s? You think those are the only low paid jobs out there.?

Even Walmart was forced to raise wages. And they are begging for help.

Couple reasons.

First, those are two chains which everyone is familiar with. For instance, here in Florida we don't have Jack In The Box. In San Diego (last I knew, anyway), they don't have Whattaburger. In North Carolina Carl's Jr. is actually Hardee's and there's no such thing as In-N-Out Burger.

Second, Denny's is probably the cheapest "sit down" chain on the planet, and McDonald's is probably the cheapest fast food joint. Because they're the chians with the cheapest prices, customers are more likely to react negatively when their prices increase...
Duurrrr.... idiot... the government doesn't spend that money, the students have to pay it back.

That's why morons on the left want the debt forgiven, because the students paid it back. DURR

End the limitless government loans, colleges will have to cut costs to attract customers.
Equal protection of the laws is in our Constitutions. Sounds like a good reason for some on the left.

It's in our Constitutions?

How many of those Constitutions is it in?
You mean the ones nobody uses?

Well, the OP strongly suggests otherwise.

Or do you believe he's the only person to use it?

Panera Bread tried those. No one used them and people lined up to have a live person take their order.

Huh. It's a hit here at the Panera Bread in St. Augustine...

My local Jewel-Osco is on their third version of "Self-Serve"- Most people go to a live cashier if they have more than a handful of items, and you still need a cashier on standby when people can't figure out how to use them.

Well, I'm not at all familiar with Jewel-Osco is, but I'm very familiar with their parent company, Albertson's. That's a HUGE grocery chain out west, and their self-serve lanes were always crowded.

Hell, look at Wal-Mart. My local store has eight self-service lanes. My local Publix (grocery store) has eight, as well. These lines are always long. But the point is that, instead of 16 people getting paid to run a register, 15 people don't have jobs. One person gets to have a job because they're "on duty" in case customers have questions about using the machines.

When I moved here seven years ago, Publix had two self serve lanes and Wal-Mart had exactly none. BSince voters in Florida approved the $15 an hour minimum wage in November, both stores are currently looking into further increasing the number of self-service lanes. That's even more people who'll be out out of work, and it will be a direct result of the increase in minimum wage. Saying people won't lose jobs is just ignorant, simply because it's already happening...

Actually, we know what could happen. We saw that this summer. A lot of angry poor people who got upset, just like they did in France 200 years ago.

Yeah, I don't remember people in cars ramming through hordes of scumbag rioters 200 years ago...

But our rich people are just as clueless as the French Nobility.... so I'm looking forward to public guillotinings.

The "guillotining" you saw was when rioters were getting blasted on freeways by drivers who essentially said "Fuck you, scumbag".

That was always a beautiful thing to watch...

Okay, the problem is, the Military has been doing that for hundreds of years, and it was a bad system they inherited from the British, when only the upper classes were allowed to get an education and be officers.


Nathaneal Greene, probably Washington's most gifted and talented General, didn't go to college. Neither did Andrew Jackson, come to think of it...

Now leaving the Service Academies aside (which are pretty much spending $400,000 to produce a single O-1, which is stupid), what you see now is most officers are enlisted men, go to college on a scholarship, and then go to OCS. So what I saw was OCS officers who knew what they were doing, and ROTC officers who were kind of clueless.

The vast majority of officers in the armed forces are either graduates of on of the service academies, or they've gone through OCS after graduating college. Comparatively speaking, there are very few mustangs in the military...

Guy, stand by my point. No real company is looking for an intern from Cleetus Community College.

Well, considering as there's no such thing as "Cleetus Community College", I suppose you would be correct on that, regardless of how stupid being correct makes you appear. Your intent, of course, was to besmirch community colleges in general and criticize them for not having intern programs.

Well, you were proven wrong. They do. You lack the quality of character and the requisite level of integrity to admit that, but everyone knows what you were trying to do and that you were an abject failure at doing it...

I know that you guys on the right hate college because you think they are brainwashing young kids to be liberals.

You're a clueless dolt.

Despite what many on the right believe, I've never taken the position that colleges do that. I know my daughter graduated college without any left-wing cesspool of knowledge being forced on her. Your failing is that you repeatedly try to lump everyone who doesn't believe exactly as you into one little box, and you can't do it.

I just wish you were smart enough to know that...
I'm still a better person than you could ever even hope to be. I have never looked down my nose at other people the way you have your whole arrogant life.

People like Joe live their entire pathetic lives wanting only which others have that they cannot achieve for themselves, so they make demands.

In this case, Joe is demanding $15 an hour as a minimum wage. He wants to see people live on $15 an hour. He says he wants minimum wage to be a "living wage". For Joe, $15 an hour represents a living wage.

He's just not smart enough to understand that, at 40 hours a week, $15 an hour isn't a living wage.

Here in Florida, "full time" is a minimum of 32 hours a week. At $15 an hour, that equates to $23,040 a year. The federal tax on that in $987.50, plus 12% of anything over $9,875, or $1,579.90. So, the total federal tax is $2,567.30, which leaves $20,472.70., or $1,706.06 per month to live on.

The average rent for an 880 square foot, 1BR/1BA apartment here is $1,244. This leaves $462.60 per month to live on. Now consider that we've not yet paid our electric bill $60 a month on average), our water bill ($50) and cable/internet ($90). Add those up and you'll be looking at $262.60 left in your checking account.

Oh, you want health insurance? Well, in Florida, a single 26 year old male can expect to pay at least $100 a month (and that's optimistic) for health coverage. You now have $162.60 left. Do you have a car? Let's assume it's paid off (because this all goes to shit in a hurry if you have a car payment). Well, a 26 year old male can get insurance to meet Florida State minimums for $169.43 from Geico.

You've now got $46.83 left to your name and you haven't even bought fucking groceries yet...
$15 per hour still isn't a living wage and for that an employer should not expect one to work hard. So fighting for $15 per hour is a waste of time. Heck I would have never dreamed of applying for a minimum wage job. Nobody should fill those vacancies. That would be awesome to listen to employers whine about nobody good is applying. Get trained in a highly sought after field and start off making a decent wage, not a real good, but decent wage of $50 per hour. I know a nurse that before covid was working 35 hours per week, getting paid $54 per hour, and getting paid for 40 hours. That's a low end middle class salary in the us.
Duurrrr.... idiot... the government doesn't spend that money, the students have to pay it back.

That's why morons on the left want the debt forgiven, because the students paid it back. DURR

End the limitless government loans, colleges will have to cut costs to attract customers.
Equal protection of the laws is in our Constitutions. Sounds like a good reason for some on the left.

It's in our Constitutions?

How many of those Constitutions is it in?
State and federal.
That's why morons on the left want the debt forgiven, because the students paid it back. DURR

End the limitless government loans, colleges will have to cut costs to attract customers.

Or we just have free college like any other industrialized country.

Aaaaaand there it is. Loser libs want everything for free.

Joe, I'd be real interested to hear your take on my dissection of what $15 an hour really means. You insist it will be a living wage.

Please explain how...
That's why morons on the left want the debt forgiven, because the students paid it back. DURR

End the limitless government loans, colleges will have to cut costs to attract customers.

Or we just have free college like any other industrialized country.

We could do that. What's our cutoff?

Top 10% of students? Fewer?

Won't your result be racist?
Well, the OP strongly suggests otherwise.

Or do you believe he's the only person to use it?

Well, the OP gets on here and tries to convince people that swimming pools are more dangerous than guns... so I take anything he says with a shaker of salt.

The "guillotining" you saw was when rioters were getting blasted on freeways by drivers who essentially said "Fuck you, scumbag".

That was always a beautiful thing to watch...

Especially when they got arrested and sent to jail for being racist assholes.

Hell, look at Wal-Mart. My local store has eight self-service lanes. My local Publix (grocery store) has eight, as well. These lines are always long. But the point is that, instead of 16 people getting paid to run a register, 15 people don't have jobs. One person gets to have a job because they're "on duty" in case customers have questions about using the machines.

Actually, the self-serves are kind of useless if you are buying more than a couple of items. Or if you are buying booze.


Nathaneal Greene, probably Washington's most gifted and talented General, didn't go to college. Neither did Andrew Jackson, come to think of it...

Wow, really? Jackson was a racist monster, and he's your best example?

The vast majority of officers in the armed forces are either graduates of on of the service academies, or they've gone through OCS after graduating college. Comparatively speaking, there are very few mustangs in the military...

Actually, about 10% are. Frankly, we don't have enough. What I've found is that most ROTC officers were kind of useless, and if you wanted a guy who knew what he was doing, it was an OCS guy.

Your intent, of course, was to besmirch community colleges in general and criticize them for not having intern programs.

Actually, I besmirch them because they are kind of useless. Seriously, I went to one for one semester prior to getting accepted at UIC. The professors were kind of idiots and the coursework was less challenging than what I had encountered at my Catholic High School. I doubt they've gotten any better in the subsequent 40 years.

Well, you were proven wrong.

I'm never wrong.. nobody wants an intern from a community college.

Despite what many on the right believe, I've never taken the position that colleges do that. I know my daughter graduated college without any left-wing cesspool of knowledge being forced on her. Your failing is that you repeatedly try to lump everyone who doesn't believe exactly as you into one little box, and you can't do it.

Sure I can... I see the entire right wing as easy dupes.. except the few rich guys pulling the strings.
Joe, I'd be real interested to hear your take on my dissection of what $15 an hour really means.

Yawn, I've heard it all before from the Hate Radio brainwashed masses.

It bores me.

As I pointed out earlier, a lot of these people who are working for less than a living wage are the ones we INSISTED go to work and risk catching TRUMP PLAGUE. Time to really rethink how we compensate people.
People like Joe live their entire pathetic lives wanting only which others have that they cannot achieve for themselves, so they make demands.

Actually, between my straight job and my consulting business, I make close to six figures, which is quite good, even for a state like IL.

But because I am also a DECENT HUMAN BEING ( An alien concept to a conservative movement where cruelty has become the point) I think that if you are going to ask someone to go to work cleaning up at a hospital or handing out fast food safely, they should make a living wage. We should also have universal health care, because your family's health should not depend on how useful an employer finds you.

I'm also a PRAGMATIST, and having a background in history, I know that when you have a society where you have the rich and everyone else is very poor, eventually, you get to

France 1787
Russia 1917
China 1949
Cuba 1959
Iran 1979

People get fed up after a certain point.
You just got on here and claimed the only people who work at McDonald's are teenagers... now you are bemoaning the fact people are being deprived jobs that don't pay enough to put a roof on their heads.

What a lying scumbag you are.

I defy you to point out where I said the only people who work at McDonald's are teenagers. I never said it...

you really need a consistent argument, buddy.

You need to stop lying about what others have said. It makes you look desperate...

That's debatable... The point is, the Whopper is BK's signature product, the Big Mac is McD's signature product.



The MX-5 is Mazda's "signature" sports car. The Aventador is Lamborghini's "signature" sports car.

Only a fool like you would attempt to compare them.

It makes no sense to compare things which are so different. Doesn't matter, though. I've already shown that you're wrong about which burger is more expensive...

Yes, but what you MORONS don't understand is why they've skyrocketed.

Reason 1- The states don't support as much of the cost anymore, which have been shifted to the students.
Reason 2- Thanks to Supply and Demand, the costs of college have gone up because there are still as many classroom seats, but more people want them.

You're stupid. There's just no other way to see it. You lament about "supply and demand" when it comes to college tuition, but you refuse to apply that same concept to employment. Nobody wants to pay someone $15 to flip burgers, simply because that skill set isn't worth $15 an hour...

Has a lot more to do with the fact that most entry level jobs require a college degree now. Used to be, you could get a purchasing job with just a High School diploma. Then about 20 years ago, they started demanding a college degree, and a lot of buyers I know with decades of experience got their resumes tossed out by Applicant Tracking Software merely because there was no bachelor's degree listed. Today, they not only want a bachelor's degree, they want one in Business or some related field.


What "entry level jobs" require a degree? Are you saying the gal waiting tables at the local Denny's has her degree in waitressing?

So understanding that, you now know why college is so expensive. Which wouldn't be so bad if Minimum wage had kept up. Instead these kids put themselves into massive debt, can only get a job at McDonalds, and when they graduate, their ability to get a job working someplace better is iffy.

As I've said earlier, anyone who takes on "massive debt" and ends up working at McDonald's after they graduate is a failure at life, and I've little sympathy for those people...

of course they were outraged, WHEN THEY GOT CAUGHT.

I'm not going to explain to you how mailing lists, and the dissemination of them, works, but the corporations involved are rarely, if ever, the ones holding them. I harbor no illusion that you have an actual clue...
Why are you fixated on McDonalds and Denny’s? You think those are the only low paid jobs out there.?

Even Walmart was forced to raise wages. And they are begging for help.

Couple reasons.

First, those are two chains which everyone is familiar with. For instance, here in Florida we don't have Jack In The Box. In San Diego (last I knew, anyway), they don't have Whattaburger. In North Carolina Carl's Jr. is actually Hardee's and there's no such thing as In-N-Out Burger.

Second, Denny's is probably the cheapest "sit down" chain on the planet, and McDonald's is probably the cheapest fast food joint. Because they're the chians with the cheapest prices, customers are more likely to react negatively when their prices increase...
We may go to McDonalds once a year. Prefer Wendy’s , Big Boy, Skyline or Arbys. But our favorite is Bob Evans where you can get a wholesome meal.

Dennys was so crumby there are none left
People like Joe live their entire pathetic lives wanting only which others have that they cannot achieve for themselves, so they make demands.

Actually, between my straight job and my consulting business, I make close to six figures, which is quite good, even for a state like IL.

But because I am also a DECENT HUMAN BEING ( An alien concept to a conservative movement where cruelty has become the point) I think that if you are going to ask someone to go to work cleaning up at a hospital or handing out fast food safely, they should make a living wage. We should also have universal health care, because your family's health should not depend on how useful an employer finds you.

I'm also a PRAGMATIST, and having a background in history, I know that when you have a society where you have the rich and everyone else is very poor, eventually, you get to

France 1787
Russia 1917
China 1949
Cuba 1959
Iran 1979

People get fed up after a certain point.

You've been a big proponent of a $15 minimum wage; allegedly a "living wage", yet I showed how $15 an hour isn't close to a living wage.

Why are you afraid to addreess that?
Actually, the self-serves are kind of useless if you are buying more than a couple of items. Or if you are buying booze.

No, they're not.

I use those self-service lines all the time. There's nothing which precludes someone who's buying a lot of items from using them.

And, when someone's buying alcohol, one person is on hand to check the sale instead of 16...

Wow, really? Jackson was a racist monster, and he's your best example?

Doesn't matter if he was a racist monster or not. The fact of tghe matter is that he was a fucking General who didn't go to college...

The vast majority of officers in the armed forces are either graduates of on of the service academies, or they've gone through OCS after graduating college. Comparatively speaking, there are very few mustangs in the military...

Actually, about 10% are. Frankly, we don't have enough. What I've found is that most ROTC officers were kind of useless, and if you wanted a guy who knew what he was doing, it was an OCS guy.

Actually, I besmirch them because they are kind of useless. Seriously, I went to one for one semester prior to getting accepted at UIC. The professors were kind of idiots and the coursework was less challenging than what I had encountered at my Catholic High School. I doubt they've gotten any better in the subsequent 40 years.

But, here's the thing, regardless of your ignorant opinion of them, community college internships exist. They're a thing. And you saying they're not makes you look fucking retarded...

I'm never wrong.. nobody wants an intern from a community college.

Then how do you explain those links I posted, dipshit?

Sure I can... I see the entire right wing as easy dupes.. except the few rich guys pulling the strings.

That's because you're mentally retarded...
Actually, the self-serves are kind of useless if you are buying more than a couple of items. Or if you are buying booze.

No, they're not.

I use those self-service lines all the time. There's nothing which precludes someone who's buying a lot of items from using them.

And, when someone's buying alcohol, one person is on hand to check the sale instead of 16...

Wow, really? Jackson was a racist monster, and he's your best example?

Doesn't matter if he was a racist monster or not. The fact of tghe matter is that he was a fucking General who didn't go to college...

The vast majority of officers in the armed forces are either graduates of on of the service academies, or they've gone through OCS after graduating college. Comparatively speaking, there are very few mustangs in the military...

Actually, about 10% are. Frankly, we don't have enough. What I've found is that most ROTC officers were kind of useless, and if you wanted a guy who knew what he was doing, it was an OCS guy.

Actually, I besmirch them because they are kind of useless. Seriously, I went to one for one semester prior to getting accepted at UIC. The professors were kind of idiots and the coursework was less challenging than what I had encountered at my Catholic High School. I doubt they've gotten any better in the subsequent 40 years.

But, here's the thing, regardless of your ignorant opinion of them, community college internships exist. They're a thing. And you saying they're not makes you look fucking retarded...

I'm never wrong.. nobody wants an intern from a community college.

Then how do you explain those links I posted, dipshit?

Sure I can... I see the entire right wing as easy dupes.. except the few rich guys pulling the strings.

That's because you're mentally retarded...
Many High Schools now give College classes so you have an Associate Degree when you leave High School. And Community Colleges have changed drastically. If anyone went there 20 years ago they just might to want to take a look around how much they have changed. Both Community College and Vocational Schools are great backgrounds for those who go on to 4,6 year Colleges. They are great for those who need to cut costs. They also turn out students that get high paying jobs. The days of looking down your nose at them are gone.

On the self service check out lanes many have signs for limited items. Most use them for quick checkout.
I'm still a better person than you could ever even hope to be. I have never looked down my nose at other people the way you have your whole arrogant life.

People like Joe live their entire pathetic lives wanting only which others have that they cannot achieve for themselves, so they make demands.

In this case, Joe is demanding $15 an hour as a minimum wage. He wants to see people live on $15 an hour. He says he wants minimum wage to be a "living wage". For Joe, $15 an hour represents a living wage.

He's just not smart enough to understand that, at 40 hours a week, $15 an hour isn't a living wage.

Here in Florida, "full time" is a minimum of 32 hours a week. At $15 an hour, that equates to $23,040 a year. The federal tax on that in $987.50, plus 12% of anything over $9,875, or $1,579.90. So, the total federal tax is $2,567.30, which leaves $20,472.70., or $1,706.06 per month to live on.

The average rent for an 880 square foot, 1BR/1BA apartment here is $1,244. This leaves $462.60 per month to live on. Now consider that we've not yet paid our electric bill $60 a month on average), our water bill ($50) and cable/internet ($90). Add those up and you'll be looking at $262.60 left in your checking account.

Oh, you want health insurance? Well, in Florida, a single 26 year old male can expect to pay at least $100 a month (and that's optimistic) for health coverage. You now have $162.60 left. Do you have a car? Let's assume it's paid off (because this all goes to shit in a hurry if you have a car payment). Well, a 26 year old male can get insurance to meet Florida State minimums for $169.43 from Geico.

You've now got $46.83 left to your name and you haven't even bought fucking groceries yet...

OK, here is another for you. Since the demise of Unions many manufacturers are making people work for less than $15 an hour. The turnover is huge but they refuse to raise wages. That has not brought companies back to the US because Congress has passed laws to make it profitable to move out. Those jobs will never return until tax laws are changed.
You've been a big proponent of a $15 minimum wage; allegedly a "living wage", yet I showed how $15 an hour isn't close to a living wage.

Why are you afraid to addreess that?

Because your numbers are probably bullshit and I don't want to waste time crunching them.

I've got better things to do.

I use those self-service lines all the time. There's nothing which precludes someone who's buying a lot of items from using them.

No, it's just not practical.. And frankly, I don't like scanning and bagging it all myself. Not to mention the bagging area tends to be small and hard to work in. So I'll use one if I have maybe two items and I'm in a hurry.

Otherwise, I'm going to one of those "Essential Workers" you guys seem to think should be paid slave wages.

Doesn't matter if he was a racist monster or not. The fact of tghe matter is that he was a fucking General who didn't go to college...

Maybe if he went to college, he would have realized Genocide was wrong... but never mind. The guy was crazy and piss ignorant.

And Donald Trump's role model.

But, here's the thing, regardless of your ignorant opinion of them, community college internships exist. They're a thing. And you saying they're not makes you look fucking retarded...

Again, I've never seen them, so they don't exist.

Every intern I've seen brought in over my career came from a real college, not some scam they have to let people think they are getting a real college education.

That's because you're mentally retarded...

Nope, guy. The retard is the guy who is working class, and is absolutely fine with the rich fucking over the working class. That's beyond retarded... that's mean AND stupid.
I'm still a better person than you could ever even hope to be. I have never looked down my nose at other people the way you have your whole arrogant life.

People like Joe live their entire pathetic lives wanting only which others have that they cannot achieve for themselves, so they make demands.

In this case, Joe is demanding $15 an hour as a minimum wage. He wants to see people live on $15 an hour. He says he wants minimum wage to be a "living wage". For Joe, $15 an hour represents a living wage.

He's just not smart enough to understand that, at 40 hours a week, $15 an hour isn't a living wage.

Here in Florida, "full time" is a minimum of 32 hours a week. At $15 an hour, that equates to $23,040 a year. The federal tax on that in $987.50, plus 12% of anything over $9,875, or $1,579.90. So, the total federal tax is $2,567.30, which leaves $20,472.70., or $1,706.06 per month to live on.

The average rent for an 880 square foot, 1BR/1BA apartment here is $1,244. This leaves $462.60 per month to live on. Now consider that we've not yet paid our electric bill $60 a month on average), our water bill ($50) and cable/internet ($90). Add those up and you'll be looking at $262.60 left in your checking account.

Oh, you want health insurance? Well, in Florida, a single 26 year old male can expect to pay at least $100 a month (and that's optimistic) for health coverage. You now have $162.60 left. Do you have a car? Let's assume it's paid off (because this all goes to shit in a hurry if you have a car payment). Well, a 26 year old male can get insurance to meet Florida State minimums for $169.43 from Geico.

You've now got $46.83 left to your name and you haven't even bought fucking groceries yet...

OK, here is another for you. Since the demise of Unions many manufacturers are making people work for less than $15 an hour. The turnover is huge but they refuse to raise wages. That has not brought companies back to the US because Congress has passed laws to make it profitable to move out. Those jobs will never return until tax laws are changed.
Only because the minimum wage was not adjusted for inflation for around a decade. And, Congress should merely tax companies the difference for the taxes from wages they would have otherwise received. Congress should not allow any form of, race to the bottom, with cheap wages for labor with our first world economy.

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