The Fight for 15 dollars an hour...the computer that just took my order is laughing at you......

So what if employers automate for the bottom line if Labor can apply for unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed in our at-will employment States.

In what state do unemployment benefits last forever?
In any State where Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment lasts forever.

Yeah, but no...
Only right wingers never solve any problems with their alleged, "gospel Truth".
UC can solve simple poverty on an at-will basis; unemployment is no longer a concern with the automatic stabilization of uniform operation of the laws and equal protection.

UC can solve simple poverty on an at-will basis; unemployment is no longer a concern with the automatic stabilization of uniform operation of the laws and equal protection.


I hope we give unlimited unemployment benefits to Danny, because we need his weed
spending to help circulate capital and fix the natural rate of unemployment under capitalism.
But that's not the price of admission. There are people who are now employed who are going to lose their jobs as a result of the raise in minimum wage. It's stupid to think otherwise...

You guys say that every time it goes up, and it never happens.

Just like the inflation never happens.

I would have no problem with that. Unfortunately, your approach is never going to change a thing, because you're content with skyrocketing education costs as long as those who employ people are on the hook to pay for it...

I'd be content if the wealth were distributed fairly, because the route we are going now usually ends up with guillotines and firing squads.

What field?

There are plenty of "good jobs" which don't require a degree...

I'm in purchasing and supply chain. I also have a business that writes resumes.

How'd direct government student loans climb over $1.4 trillion? DURR.

Loans aren't spending. DURRRRRRRR... that's the problem, the kids are still on the hook for that money. DURRRR. That Home Schooling has done you a lot of good. DURRRRRRR

Cleetus U? What are you talking about? I don't have degree. I failed out of college.

That's obvious.

You can't hurt my pride dude, because I have no pride. I know I'm a grade A, certifiable failure of Humanity. You can't kill, that which has no life left in it.

Again, that's abundantly clear.

In fact, in some cases the reverse is what I've witnessed, because nothing is a turn off to employers, than a new-hire-on, that has an ego and arrogance about them because they came from some big name school.

Really? I've seen the opposite. Not only do companies want kids from the big name schools, they offer internships to try to recruit them. I've been at three different companies where they brought in interns, and offered them jobs when they graduated.

Nobody offers an internship to Cleetus Community College.

I'm still a better person than you could ever even hope to be. I have never looked down my nose at other people the way you have your whole arrogant life.
Why the left is demanding the National level for minimum wage to be raised to fifteen dollars an hour is because States like Texas will be more attractive to big businesses because of the lower wages, taxes, regulations and cost of living versus what it would cost to operate the same business in California...

The left can give a damn about the poor person because if they did they would then understand that flipping a burger is not a career choice unless you own the business and should only be a stepping stone in life!
Just went through McDonald's drive thru.......a computer took my order........

The Fight for 15 just forced even more people out of work.......good job democrats....

But serfs just need to vote every 2 years........they don't need jobs.

If that computer was practical for $15.00, it was practical for $7.50...

Actually, I've seen these automated systems come and go... people really don't like them.

Forget about the human worker that has to fill that computer order.

Jobs change, computers take over, but a human is still needed. They design, create the computer, fix it, keep it running, fill the orders and send them out. Their jobs become more complicated. They deserve more than #15 an hour.

I am so glad I live in the midst of two generations who design, build and work on those computers. They have kept my feet on the ground of what computers can not do.
Why the left is demanding the National level for minimum wage to be raised to fifteen dollars an hour is because States like Texas will be more attractive to big businesses because of the lower wages, taxes, regulations and cost of living versus what it would cost to operate the same business in California...

The left can give a damn about the poor person because if they did they would then understand that flipping a burger is not a career choice unless you own the business and should only be a stepping stone in life!
No, but they do understand it is a life experience on the way to better jobs. There is no better life experience than starting at the bottom. Did you?
Why the left is demanding the National level for minimum wage to be raised to fifteen dollars an hour is because States like Texas will be more attractive to big businesses because of the lower wages, taxes, regulations and cost of living versus what it would cost to operate the same business in California...

The left can give a damn about the poor person because if they did they would then understand that flipping a burger is not a career choice unless you own the business and should only be a stepping stone in life!
No, but they do understand it is a life experience on the way to better jobs. There is no better life experience than starting at the bottom. Did you?

They don't understand that. The democrats want burger flipping jobs to be lifelong is conservatives who understand the first job experience as a way to bigger and better things........people succeeding does not work for the democrat party.....the better off people are the less likely they are to vote for the incentive isn't there to help people...
Actually, I've seen these automated systems come and go... people really don't like them.
Let the market decide

if hungry customers want to pay double for a hamburger and fries because the person at the counter is making $15 thats fine with me

but if they dont want to overpay businesses should be able to fill that demand also at $7.50 or with a computer
Why the left is demanding the National level for minimum wage to be raised to fifteen dollars an hour is because States like Texas will be more attractive to big businesses because of the lower wages, taxes, regulations and cost of living versus what it would cost to operate the same business in California...

The left can give a damn about the poor person because if they did they would then understand that flipping a burger is not a career choice unless you own the business and should only be a stepping stone in life!
No, but they do understand it is a life experience on the way to better jobs. There is no better life experience than starting at the bottom. Did you?

My first job was mowing lawns and hauling batteries off trucks...

I guess I was more of the type that believed you can earn a buck by working on your own instead at some fast food joint...
Why the left is demanding the National level for minimum wage to be raised to fifteen dollars an hour is because States like Texas will be more attractive to big businesses because of the lower wages, taxes, regulations and cost of living versus what it would cost to operate the same business in California...

The left can give a damn about the poor person because if they did they would then understand that flipping a burger is not a career choice unless you own the business and should only be a stepping stone in life!
No, but they do understand it is a life experience on the way to better jobs. There is no better life experience than starting at the bottom. Did you?

My first job was mowing lawns and hauling batteries off trucks...

I guess I was more of the type that believed you can earn a buck by working on your own instead at some fast food joint...
So that is what you chose to do and gave you the incentive to move on, better yourself? I bet you have a story.
Naw, I want all working folks to get a living wage... and I want the corporate abomination that is McDonald's to DIE.

Then why do you want the employer of 210,000 people to go belly up? There is no such thinig as an employer of 210,000 people which isn't corporate...

No, they'll just go to work somewhere else... No big deal.

Who's going to be in a position to employ 210,000 people at the drop of a hat? No one, that's who.

You say you want these people to have have jobs, yet you wish for the demise of their employer. If you're unable to see just how fucked up that is, you're beyond help...

But seriously, Fuck McDonalds.

When I was in my mid-teens, I had about a dozen friends who worked at McDonald's. They were making minimum wage; maybe a bit more if they'd been there a while. They all lived at home, did their homework after they got home, went to school, played sports, and did other shit that kids do, including working their minimum wage jobs. That's who minimum wage is designed for. It's not for someone with a mortgage and two car payments and three kids. It was never meant to be for those people.

I've no great amount of love for McDonald's, but they provide jobs to people who need jobs. If those people need better paying jobs, to use your words, "they;'ll just go work somewhere else'. See, you've solved your problem. McDonald's doesn't have to pay these people $15 an hour, because, according to you, they can just go work elsewhere...

On the other hand wages were 75 cents an hour 70 years ago,$1.25 was a good job. We are not living 70 years ago and there are millions of workers in low wage jobs. Why fixate on McDonalds?

You have retail workers, Hotel workers,etc.

The COL is not stagnant.
You just got on here and claimed the only people who work at McDonald's are teenagers... now you are bemoaning the fact people are being deprived jobs that don't pay enough to put a roof on their heads.

What a lying scumbag you are.

I defy you to point out where I said the only people who work at McDonald's are teenagers. I never said it...

you really need a consistent argument, buddy.

You need to stop lying about what others have said. It makes you look desperate...

That's debatable... The point is, the Whopper is BK's signature product, the Big Mac is McD's signature product.



The MX-5 is Mazda's "signature" sports car. The Aventador is Lamborghini's "signature" sports car.

Only a fool like you would attempt to compare them.

It makes no sense to compare things which are so different. Doesn't matter, though. I've already shown that you're wrong about which burger is more expensive...

Yes, but what you MORONS don't understand is why they've skyrocketed.

Reason 1- The states don't support as much of the cost anymore, which have been shifted to the students.
Reason 2- Thanks to Supply and Demand, the costs of college have gone up because there are still as many classroom seats, but more people want them.

You're stupid. There's just no other way to see it. You lament about "supply and demand" when it comes to college tuition, but you refuse to apply that same concept to employment. Nobody wants to pay someone $15 to flip burgers, simply because that skill set isn't worth $15 an hour...

Has a lot more to do with the fact that most entry level jobs require a college degree now. Used to be, you could get a purchasing job with just a High School diploma. Then about 20 years ago, they started demanding a college degree, and a lot of buyers I know with decades of experience got their resumes tossed out by Applicant Tracking Software merely because there was no bachelor's degree listed. Today, they not only want a bachelor's degree, they want one in Business or some related field.


What "entry level jobs" require a degree? Are you saying the gal waiting tables at the local Denny's has her degree in waitressing?

So understanding that, you now know why college is so expensive. Which wouldn't be so bad if Minimum wage had kept up. Instead these kids put themselves into massive debt, can only get a job at McDonalds, and when they graduate, their ability to get a job working someplace better is iffy.

As I've said earlier, anyone who takes on "massive debt" and ends up working at McDonald's after they graduate is a failure at life, and I've little sympathy for those people...

of course they were outraged, WHEN THEY GOT CAUGHT.

I'm not going to explain to you how mailing lists, and the dissemination of them, works, but the corporations involved are rarely, if ever, the ones holding them. I harbor no illusion that you have an actual clue...
Why are you fixated on McDonalds and Denny’s? You think those are the only low paid jobs out there.?

Even Walmart was forced to raise wages. And they are begging for help.

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