The Fantasy of John and Sarah


liberal / progressive
Jun 4, 2007
Nothing Means Anything - By Alan Farago

"Today, the Republican spin machine is struggling to pin the socialization-- nationalization, if you will-- of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac on someone else. How dare the Republicans accuse "liberals" for being angry about the fire sale of US assets to Asia, the Middle East, and even Russia? Filled up your car at Lukoil recently? The fact is that lefties and liberals have been no where in view, except as community organizers and neighborhood activists.

We didn't hear John McCain, last night in St. Paul, nor will Florida top donors hear Sarah Palin in Miami next week utter a solitary word of the fiscal irresponsibility that pushed the US economy into the biggest crisis since the Great Depression while making many of them a fortune in the process.

What I heard John McCain say, was that his campaign is running away from the Republican status quo lickety-split: change we can trust. What I heard was a convention full of Republican party faithful cheering against the performance and record of their own party and against the windfall profits that enriched their top donors."

Alan Farago: Nothing Means Anything

A vote for McCain/Palin is a vote against the fundamental principle of America, the right of the individual to lead their life privately without the government interfering.
What I heard was a convention full of Republican party faithful cheering against the performance and record of their own party and against the windfall profits that enriched their top donors.


So true.

The solution to solving 8 years of republican corruption and incompetence? Elect more republicans!

So true.

The solution to solving 8 years of republican corruption and incompetence? Elect more republicans!

What I heard is a party that realized that the nominee had fought against the enrichment of corrupt public officials and enriching campaign bundlers.
What I heard is a party that realized that the nominee had fought against the enrichment of corrupt public officials and enriching campaign bundlers.

Yes, he's fighting against political corruption by hiring an army of lobbyists and Karl Rove to work on his campaign. Do you really think those lobbyists don't have some other interest invested in his campaign other than wanting him to win?
Yes, he's fighting against political corruption by hiring an army of lobbyists and Karl Rove to work on his campaign. Do you really think those lobbyists don't have some other interest invested in his campaign other than wanting him to win?
Rove isnt working on McCains campaign
The RNC was the oddest spectacles in modern political history, it was a group criticizing themselves but pretending they were somehow separate from themselves. Freud would have loved it. I watched that Hispanic doctor talk about healthcare and John McCain and cspan showed an audience paying no attention. They knew what she said made no sense but even she should have know it.

A vote for McCain/Palin is a vote against Polar bears.
How dare the Republicans accuse "liberals" for being angry about the fire sale of US assets to Asia, the Middle East

China's paid top dollar for our bonds, which is one reason why the 10 year bond is near a historically low yield of 3.70%, how is that a fire sale?

Is this yet another one of those angry, tinfoil hat conspiracy theorists who'd rather rant about politicians and successful people than actually get his facts straight?
Yes, he's fighting against political corruption by hiring an army of lobbyists and Karl Rove to work on his campaign. Do you really think those lobbyists don't have some other interest invested in his campaign other than wanting him to win?

What are you talking about him taking earmarks and directing them towards campaign bundlers? Oh wait nevermind, that's Obama....sorry
Rove isnt working on McCains campaign

You are one dumb tool. Sects like the republican party need ministers of spin. Rove is your brain even though it is a scummy brain. You think Rove apologized for 2000 to McBush? LMAO

"Ken Mehlman, who ran Bush’s 2004 campaign, is now serving as an unpaid, outside adviser to the Arizona Republican. Karl Rove, the president’s top political hand since his Texas days, recently gave money to McCain and soon after had a private conversation with the senator. A top McCain adviser said both Mehlman and Rove are now informally advising the campaign. Rove refused to detail his conversation with McCain."

Mehlman, Rove boost McCain campaign - David Paul Kuhn -

A vote for McCain/Palin is a vote to sanction book banning and teaching creationism as proper values for our political leaders in America.
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You are one dumb tool. Sects like the republican party need ministers of spin. Rove is your brain even though it is a scummy brain. You think Rove apologized for 2000 to McBush? LMAO

"Ken Mehlman, who ran Bush’s 2004 campaign, is now serving as an unpaid, outside adviser to the Arizona Republican. Karl Rove, the president’s top political hand since his Texas days, recently gave money to McCain and soon after had a private conversation with the senator. A top McCain adviser said both Mehlman and Rove are now informally advising the campaign. Rove refused to detail his conversation with McCain."

Mehlman, Rove boost McCain campaign - David Paul Kuhn -

A vote for McCain/Palin is a vote to sanction book banning and teaching creationism as proper values for our political leaders in America.
um, do you realize that your link doesnt prove Rove is working for McCain?
and you called ME dumb
um, do you realize that your link doesnt prove Rove is working for McCain?
and you called ME dumb

well you are the one denying the obvious aren't you? :cuckoo:

I love all this "PROOF" that the Cons want that Rove is working for McCain but they require absolutely ZERO proof when it comes to the shit they say about Obama.
well you are the one denying the obvious aren't you? :cuckoo:

I love all this "PROOF" that the Cons want that Rove is working for McCain but they require absolutely ZERO proof when it comes to the shit they say about Obama.
well, generally, for one to "work" for someone, you would need to be on something known as a "payroll"

maybe its you thats:cuckoo:
well, generally, for one to "work" for someone, you would need to be on something known as a "payroll"

maybe its you thats:cuckoo:

Okay so if that's the case (though I don't think it is) lets say that Karl Rove is "advising" or "helping" John McCain.

Don't need to be on no damn payroll to do either of those.
Yes, he's fighting against political corruption by hiring an army of lobbyists and Karl Rove to work on his campaign. Do you really think those lobbyists don't have some other interest invested in his campaign other than wanting him to win?

And yet you don't have a problem with David Axelrod and his team of paid bloggers spreading lies all over the internet and practicing dishonest chicagoland politics I'll bet. LOL.
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um, do you realize that your link doesnt prove Rove is working for McCain?
and you called ME dumb

I think you are too much a tool but since you can't read maybe others can:

"A top McCain adviser said both Mehlman and Rove are now informally advising the campaign. Rove refused to detail his conversation with McCain."

Is more proof needed tool, they need to feed your empty head spin just a bit quicker. LOL

America for Dummies: A vote for McCain/Palin is a vote to sanction book banning and creationism as science.

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