The 'Fantasy' of 'Equal Justice' In America


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The concept of 'Equal Justice' in the United States, where justice is applied equally to every American no matter what color, race, creed, sex, religion, monetary, or political status has come to be ranked right up there with 'the Easter Bunny' and as elusive as getting a photograph of Big Foot.

Despite once having declared, 'There are NO 'Two Americas', one for ordinary citizens and one for the 'elitist ruling class'', Democrats continue to prove with their actions this is not the way our world, dictated by them, is.

Case in point, the latest example:

"Fired FBI agent Peter Strzok told Congress last year that the agency "did not have access" to Clinton Foundation emails that were on Hillary Clinton's private server because of a consent agreement "negotiated between the Department of Justice attorneys and counsel for Clinton."

That agreement was revealed in newly released congressional transcripts from Strzok's closed-door testimony at the House Judiciary Committee on June 27, 2018.

When asked by then-majority general counsel Zachary Somers if “the Clinton Foundation was on the server”, Strzok testified that he believed it was “on one of the servers, if not the others.” But Strzok stressed that due to an agreement between the DOJ and Clinton, they were not allowed to search Clinton Foundation emails for information that could help in their investigation.

The FBI would have been investigating Clinton's emails in 2016, when former President Barack Obama was still in office and when Clinton was running for president against then-candidate Donald Trump.

Somers asked in the 2018 hearing: “Were you given access to those emails as part of the investigation?”

Strzok replied: “We were not. We did not have access," according to the transcript."


Ummmm, this is the FBI....the same guys who raid people's homes at 'o-dark-thirty' wearing SWAT equipment and with guns drawn to SEIZE, with force if necessary, hard drives, PCs, laptops, cell phones, any electronics, discs, USBs, e-mails, and documents of ordinary citizens and anyone associated with President Trump.... How could they NOT have access?

I mean, they followed non-standard protocol, as the US IG pointed out -- they ASKED her nicely to turn over any and all evidence...when it was convenient for her to do so. They allowed HER to tell THEM what she would be willing and would not be willing to turn over on the 1 illegal unauthorized unencrypted unsecured server illegally containing TOP SECRET of 2 servers, we now know, she had....

So HOW could the top police agency in the US NOT have access?

Oh yeah, that's right.....

They AGREED not to look at / seize the criminal suspect's 2nd server, the one pertaining to their 'Clinton Foundation', their 'charity' that received over $100 MILLION from the Russians, specifically from the Russian who led the KGB Bank's effort to acquire Uranium One.

THIS is what Democrats (and snowflakes) call '1 America' and 'EQUAL Justice' for all'....


Oh, So This Is Why The FBI Couldn't View The Clinton Foundation Emails On Hillary's Unauthorized Server

The concept of 'Equal Justice' in the United States, where justice is applied equally to every American no matter what color, race, creed, sex, religion, monetary, or political status has come to be ranked right up there with 'the Easter Bunny' and as elusive as getting a photograph of Big Foot.

Despite once having declared, 'There are NO 'Two Americas', one for ordinary citizens and one for the 'elitist ruling class'', Democrats continue to prove with their actions this is not the way our world, dictated by them, is.

Case in point, the latest example:

"Fired FBI agent Peter Strzok told Congress last year that the agency "did not have access" to Clinton Foundation emails that were on Hillary Clinton's private server because of a consent agreement "negotiated between the Department of Justice attorneys and counsel for Clinton."

That agreement was revealed in newly released congressional transcripts from Strzok's closed-door testimony at the House Judiciary Committee on June 27, 2018.

When asked by then-majority general counsel Zachary Somers if “the Clinton Foundation was on the server”, Strzok testified that he believed it was “on one of the servers, if not the others.” But Strzok stressed that due to an agreement between the DOJ and Clinton, they were not allowed to search Clinton Foundation emails for information that could help in their investigation.

The FBI would have been investigating Clinton's emails in 2016, when former President Barack Obama was still in office and when Clinton was running for president against then-candidate Donald Trump.

Somers asked in the 2018 hearing: “Were you given access to those emails as part of the investigation?”

Strzok replied: “We were not. We did not have access," according to the transcript."


Ummmm, this is the FBI....the same guys who raid people's homes at 'o-dark-thirty' wearing SWAT equipment and with guns drawn to SEIZE, with force if necessary, hard drives, PCs, laptops, cell phones, any electronics, discs, USBs, e-mails, and documents of ordinary citizens and anyone associated with President Trump.... How could they NOT have access?

I mean, they followed non-standard protocol, as the US IG pointed out -- they ASKED her nicely to turn over any and all evidence...when it was convenient for her to do so. They allowed HER to tell THEM what she would be willing and would not be willing to turn over on the 1 illegal unauthorized unencrypted unsecured server illegally containing TOP SECRET of 2 servers, we now know, she had....

So HOW could the top police agency in the US NOT have access?

Oh yeah, that's right.....

They AGREED not to look at / seize the criminal suspect's 2nd server, the one pertaining to their 'Clinton Foundation', their 'charity' that received over $100 MILLION from the Russians, specifically from the Russian who led the KGB Bank's effort to acquire Uranium One.

THIS is what Democrats (and snowflakes) call '1 America' and 'EQUAL Justice' for all'....


Oh, So This Is Why The FBI Couldn't View The Clinton Foundation Emails On Hillary's Unauthorized Server

There is plenty of other records of a non profit foundation, rather than just some emails on a private server.
If there was anything fishy, some state AG would be going after it.
Case in point.
So the 30,000 private emails were never destroyed as you all claimed???

"Fired FBI agent Peter Strzok told Congress last year that the agency "did not have access" to Clinton Foundation emails that were on Hillary Clinton's private server because of a consent agreement "negotiated between the Department of Justice attorneys and counsel for Clinton."

What is it that you do not understand about these emails having nothing to do with Benghazi, (the subpoena for the Benghazi emails and later all govt emails)?

When Ivanka was illegally using her private email domain for gvt use, and got caught, she simply turned over what she believed to be her gvt emails, and kept all of her business and private emails from us. Did you throw a fit over that....?

A subpoena is for specific reason, showing probable cause of a specific crime, that you are pretty certain you will find, if you are allowed to take the person's constitutional right to privacy, away from them.

Subpoenas to search someone's private property are not nilly dilly.

Even if this somehow ended up in a court suit for them, Clinton's lawyers likely would have won.

Outside of that, I agree justice is not blind in this country... the wealthy get kid glove treatment, like Jeffrey Epstein.
There is plenty of other records of a non profit foundation, rather than just some emails on a private server.
If there was anything fishy, some state AG would be going after it.
Case in point.
It's not really an issue of 'nothing fishy going on so a non-profit server was ignored'. It is the double-standard between how Hillary and Cohen / Manafort were treated. As pointed out, the latter were not ASKED to turn things over, afforded the ability to tell the FBI what THEY would decide to turn over or not, and / or were negotiated with in order to come to an agreement regarding what things the FBI would and would not ignore.
There is plenty of other records of a non profit foundation, rather than just some emails on a private server.
If there was anything fishy, some state AG would be going after it.
Case in point.
It's not really an issue of 'nothing fishy going on so a non-profit server was ignored'. It is the double-standard between how Hillary and Cohen / Manafort were treated. As pointed out, the latter were not ASKED to turn things over, afforded the ability to tell the FBI what THEY would decide to turn over or not, and / or were negotiated with in order to come to an agreement regarding what things the FBI would and would not ignore.
Cohen's subpoena allowed President Trump's lawyers to go through the things Trump may have been involved in, and take them out, before the FBI could search Cohen's stuff.
There is plenty of other records of a non profit foundation, rather than just some emails on a private server.
If there was anything fishy, some state AG would be going after it.
Case in point.
It's not really an issue of 'nothing fishy going on so a non-profit server was ignored'. It is the double-standard between how Hillary and Cohen / Manafort were treated. As pointed out, the latter were not ASKED to turn things over, afforded the ability to tell the FBI what THEY would decide to turn over or not, and / or were negotiated with in order to come to an agreement regarding what things the FBI would and would not ignore.
Cohen's subpoena allowed President Trump's lawyers to go through the things Trump may have been involved in, and take them out, before the FBI could search Cohen's stuff.
You don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Trump's lawyers never went through Cohen's papers and effects.
So the 30,000 private emails were never destroyed as you all claimed???

I love how the more desperate you become the more ridiculous your attempts to lie, deny, and justify become.... :p

The FBI, as stated, reported that those 15,000+ OFFICIAL SUBPOENAED documents had been RECOVERED. Under oath testifying before Congress then FBI Director Comey informed Congress / Confirmed that evidence shows there was an attempt to destroy these documents / files but that the FBI had recovered them. Comey also testified that official subpoenaed devices had been illegally destroyed and sim cards taken instead of being handed over to the FBI,

Gowdy: Secretary Clinton said neither she or anyone else deleted work related emails from her personal account.

Comey: There's no doubt that the work related emails that were removed electronically from the email system.

Rep Trey Gowdy rips into FBI Director James Comey on Hillary Clinton's 'intent'

What is it that you do not understand about these emails having nothing to do with Benghazi, (the subpoena for the Benghazi emails and later all govt emails)?

Evidence shows Hillary lied to the FBI by telling them the files / e-mails she withheld / tried to destroy were 'personal'. Now YOU want to try to tell ANYONE what was or was not on a server that was never searched because of a 'deal' Hillary made with the FBI that protected her from prison and who was exposed as having attempted a coup of the current President?

Gowdy: Secretary Clinton said neither she or anyone else deleted work related emails from her personal account.

Comey: There's no doubt that the work related emails that were removed electronically from the email system.

Rep Trey Gowdy rips into FBI Director James Comey on Hillary Clinton's 'intent'
nice cut n paste.... Comey continued to say in that testimony that no one on the Clinton team, or any person, deliberately deleted them, that when they upgraded servers, a glitch occurred and did not make the electronic update transfer properly, and that these emails were thrown in to a scrambled file during the update transfer.
The concept of 'Equal Justice' in the United States, where justice is applied equally to every American no matter what color, race, creed, sex, religion, monetary, or political status has come to be ranked right up there with 'the Easter Bunny' and as elusive as getting a photograph of Big Foot.

Despite once having declared, 'There are NO 'Two Americas', one for ordinary citizens and one for the 'elitist ruling class'', Democrats continue to prove with their actions this is not the way our world, dictated by them, is.

Case in point, the latest example:

"Fired FBI agent Peter Strzok told Congress last year that the agency "did not have access" to Clinton Foundation emails that were on Hillary Clinton's private server because of a consent agreement "negotiated between the Department of Justice attorneys and counsel for Clinton."

That agreement was revealed in newly released congressional transcripts from Strzok's closed-door testimony at the House Judiciary Committee on June 27, 2018.

When asked by then-majority general counsel Zachary Somers if “the Clinton Foundation was on the server”, Strzok testified that he believed it was “on one of the servers, if not the others.” But Strzok stressed that due to an agreement between the DOJ and Clinton, they were not allowed to search Clinton Foundation emails for information that could help in their investigation.

The FBI would have been investigating Clinton's emails in 2016, when former President Barack Obama was still in office and when Clinton was running for president against then-candidate Donald Trump.

Somers asked in the 2018 hearing: “Were you given access to those emails as part of the investigation?”

Strzok replied: “We were not. We did not have access," according to the transcript."


Ummmm, this is the FBI....the same guys who raid people's homes at 'o-dark-thirty' wearing SWAT equipment and with guns drawn to SEIZE, with force if necessary, hard drives, PCs, laptops, cell phones, any electronics, discs, USBs, e-mails, and documents of ordinary citizens and anyone associated with President Trump.... How could they NOT have access?

I mean, they followed non-standard protocol, as the US IG pointed out -- they ASKED her nicely to turn over any and all evidence...when it was convenient for her to do so. They allowed HER to tell THEM what she would be willing and would not be willing to turn over on the 1 illegal unauthorized unencrypted unsecured server illegally containing TOP SECRET of 2 servers, we now know, she had....

So HOW could the top police agency in the US NOT have access?

Oh yeah, that's right.....

They AGREED not to look at / seize the criminal suspect's 2nd server, the one pertaining to their 'Clinton Foundation', their 'charity' that received over $100 MILLION from the Russians, specifically from the Russian who led the KGB Bank's effort to acquire Uranium One.

THIS is what Democrats (and snowflakes) call '1 America' and 'EQUAL Justice' for all'....


Oh, So This Is Why The FBI Couldn't View The Clinton Foundation Emails On Hillary's Unauthorized Server


Ok, so two years into the Trump Presidency we can't prosecute HIllary because Trump is in on the conspiracy.

Man, I see a lot of posts about Hillary.

Guess I did promise to bring up Donald's sex life to the moral hypocrites for the next 20 years though.

If I say I really don't like Hillary will that let you get on with life?
their 'charity' that received over $100 MILLION from the Russians, specifically from the Russian who led the KGB Bank's effort to acquire Uranium One.
I'm so sick and tired of your half truths and lies...

The 100 million in donations were received by the foundation for a charitable cause that Guistra shared with Bill Clinton, LONG LONG BEFORE Hillary Clinton became Secretary of State and before Clinton even ran for President. And that Guistra sold his ownership of Uranium One years before Rosadam uranium bought out this Canadian company.... Your right wing news is deceiving you! And this has been shown to you on numerous occasions, YET you keep repeating this crud....?
Gowdy: Secretary Clinton said neither she or anyone else deleted work related emails from her personal account.

Comey: There's no doubt that the work related emails that were removed electronically from the email system.

Rep Trey Gowdy rips into FBI Director James Comey on Hillary Clinton's 'intent'
nice cut n paste.... Comey continued to say in that testimony that no one on the Clinton team, or any person, deliberately deleted them, that when they upgraded servers, a glitch occurred and did not make the electronic update transfer properly, and that these emails were thrown in to a scrambled file during the update transfer.
And you believe him?

The concept of 'Equal Justice' in the United States, where justice is applied equally to every American no matter what color, race, creed, sex, religion, monetary, or political status has come to be ranked right up there with 'the Easter Bunny' and as elusive as getting a photograph of Big Foot.

Despite once having declared, 'There are NO 'Two Americas', one for ordinary citizens and one for the 'elitist ruling class'', Democrats continue to prove with their actions this is not the way our world, dictated by them, is.

Case in point, the latest example:

"Fired FBI agent Peter Strzok told Congress last year that the agency "did not have access" to Clinton Foundation emails that were on Hillary Clinton's private server because of a consent agreement "negotiated between the Department of Justice attorneys and counsel for Clinton."

That agreement was revealed in newly released congressional transcripts from Strzok's closed-door testimony at the House Judiciary Committee on June 27, 2018.

When asked by then-majority general counsel Zachary Somers if “the Clinton Foundation was on the server”, Strzok testified that he believed it was “on one of the servers, if not the others.” But Strzok stressed that due to an agreement between the DOJ and Clinton, they were not allowed to search Clinton Foundation emails for information that could help in their investigation.

The FBI would have been investigating Clinton's emails in 2016, when former President Barack Obama was still in office and when Clinton was running for president against then-candidate Donald Trump.

Somers asked in the 2018 hearing: “Were you given access to those emails as part of the investigation?”

Strzok replied: “We were not. We did not have access," according to the transcript."


Ummmm, this is the FBI....the same guys who raid people's homes at 'o-dark-thirty' wearing SWAT equipment and with guns drawn to SEIZE, with force if necessary, hard drives, PCs, laptops, cell phones, any electronics, discs, USBs, e-mails, and documents of ordinary citizens and anyone associated with President Trump.... How could they NOT have access?

I mean, they followed non-standard protocol, as the US IG pointed out -- they ASKED her nicely to turn over any and all evidence...when it was convenient for her to do so. They allowed HER to tell THEM what she would be willing and would not be willing to turn over on the 1 illegal unauthorized unencrypted unsecured server illegally containing TOP SECRET of 2 servers, we now know, she had....

So HOW could the top police agency in the US NOT have access?

Oh yeah, that's right.....

They AGREED not to look at / seize the criminal suspect's 2nd server, the one pertaining to their 'Clinton Foundation', their 'charity' that received over $100 MILLION from the Russians, specifically from the Russian who led the KGB Bank's effort to acquire Uranium One.

THIS is what Democrats (and snowflakes) call '1 America' and 'EQUAL Justice' for all'....


Oh, So This Is Why The FBI Couldn't View The Clinton Foundation Emails On Hillary's Unauthorized Server


Emails go two ways. Why couldn’t they just get sec of state emails from the sec of state server ?
Gowdy: Secretary Clinton said neither she or anyone else deleted work related emails from her personal account.

Comey: There's no doubt that the work related emails that were removed electronically from the email system.

Rep Trey Gowdy rips into FBI Director James Comey on Hillary Clinton's 'intent'
nice cut n paste.... Comey continued to say in that testimony that no one on the Clinton team, or any person, deliberately deleted them, that when they upgraded servers, a glitch occurred and did not make the electronic update transfer properly, and that these emails were thrown in to a scrambled file during the update transfer.
And yet that is a LIE because those e-mails were NOT 'deleted by a glitch'. Hillary used Bleach-Bit on her server, a deliberate attempt to wipe her server before turning it in in accordance with the subpoena.

-- No -electronic glitch' destroyed subpoenaed devices or removed sim cards.

- It has also been proven and reported that the reason Comey re-opened Hillary's case just days before the election was because his FBI agents reported they had found copies of all of Hillary's e-mails - including the TOP SECRET ones - illegally in Huma Abedin's personal home PC!

You try to make excuses for ONE crime but that excuse fails to explain all the associated simultaneous crimes.

WHY do you continue to defend a proven criminal traitor who compromised US national security, committed literally THOUSANDS of criminal counts / crimes, to include ESPIONAGE?!
their 'charity' that received over $100 MILLION from the Russians, specifically from the Russian who led the KGB Bank's effort to acquire Uranium One.
I'm so sick and tired of your half truths and lies...

The 100 million in donations were received by the foundation for a charitable cause that Guistra shared with Bill Clinton, LONG LONG BEFORE Hillary Clinton became Secretary of State and before Clinton even ran for President. And that Guistra sold his ownership of Uranium One years before Rosadam uranium bought out this Canadian company.... Your right wing news is deceiving you! And this has been shown to you on numerous occasions, YET you keep repeating this crud....?
You and your traitorous scrum defenders have spent the last 2 years supporting treasonous POSes exposed / proven to have attempted a coup based on ZERO evidence and ZERO crimes.

You almost orgasmed at the false claim of 'collusion' because Trump Jr spent 10 minutes in a meeting designed to try to entrap the Trumps yet Jr walked away having taken nothing from the Russian.

You simultaneously ignore the fact that Hillary took over $100 million from THE Russian who led the KGB Bank's effort to buy Uranium One.
-- 'Nothing to see here'. And ' No need to look at the Clinton Foundation's server or bank records / financial statements'. :p

You simultaneously ignore the fact that Hillary & her campaign paid a foreign spy who hated Trump and was working for the FBI and she paid RUSSIANS for propaganda-filled OPPO research that was used illegally by Obama's DOJ, NSA, CIA, & FBI.


After 2+ years all you still have is no evidence, no crime, & lies
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Emails go two ways. Why couldn’t they just get sec of state emails from the sec of state server ?
Actually, they just got them of Huma's home laptop...
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Gowdy: Secretary Clinton said neither she or anyone else deleted work related emails from her personal account.

Comey: There's no doubt that the work related emails that were removed electronically from the email system.

Rep Trey Gowdy rips into FBI Director James Comey on Hillary Clinton's 'intent'
nice cut n paste.... Comey continued to say in that testimony that no one on the Clinton team, or any person, deliberately deleted them, that when they upgraded servers, a glitch occurred and did not make the electronic update transfer properly, and that these emails were thrown in to a scrambled file during the update transfer.
Why do you ignore all of Comey's testimony in which he repeatedly confirms Hillary lied to Congress and she did break laws. Its in the link you claimed to have read...

Do I need to post every question by Howdy and every answer by Comey telling how Hillary lied and broke laws?
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