The end of the Bush dynasty ?


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
It's time to not only close the book on Jeb's campaign, but to thank the Bush family for their service. and wish them all farewell.

Rubio’s rise and the end of the Bush dynasty

The day after the Iowa caucuses, I watched as the Shakespearean drama underlying this year’s Republican race — a classic tale of friendship and betrayal — played out its final act on either edge of New Hampshire.

In Keene, close to the Vermont border, I joined the small group of reporters who came to hear Jeb Bush speak to a polite audience of workers at a grocery wholesaler. Bush was, as ever, reasoned and respectful, but he seemed a little frustrated as he compared his old Florida protégé to President Obama.

Marco Rubio is “gifted as a politician, an unbelievable orator,” Bush said. But “the presidency is a leadership position. It’s not a backbencher, where you argue endlessly over amendments.”

Later, I drove down to Exeter, on the seacoast, where Rubio had just arrived to a line of satellite trucks and a raucous crowd of maybe 800 people, packed so tightly into a steaming, centuries-old theater that I heard a volunteer raise questions about the sturdiness of the balcony.

Playful and sure-footed, Rubio seemed like a different guy from the halting candidate I’dwatched in Iowa just a few weeks earlier, under attack from all sides. “It is not enough to be angry,” Rubio told the crowd. “You have a right to be angry. But anger is not a plan.”

At one point, he told the story of how he had courageously decided to take on Florida’s Republican establishment and its then governor, Charlie Crist, when he ran for Senate in 2010. He left out the part about how his mentor, Jeb, had put the whole plan in motion.

New Hampshire is a fiercely unpredictable place, and anything can happen Tuesday. But it sure looks like we’re witnessing the last week of the long Bush dynasty in Republican politics — vanquished, in part, by a onetime confidant who understood where American politics was going.

This is not the way it was supposed to go down. When I talked with Rubio back in March, a few weeks before his official announcement, most analysts believed that Bush’s entry into the race had made Rubio redundant. Bush was better known, better funded and better positioned to lock down Florida’s coveted money and delegates.


Rubio’s rise and the end of the Bush dynasty
Rubio finished third in one state and that was only a caucus. Let's not get ahead of ourselves.
One might speculate that if Senator Rubio were to win the Presidency that Jeb Bush would likely be offered a significant position inside a Rubio Administration, so I think it's a bit early to declare "The end of the Bush Dynasty". :)
One might speculate that if Senator Rubio were to win the Presidency that Jeb Bush would likely be offered a significant position inside a Rubio Administration, so I think it's a bit early to declare "The end of the Bush Dynasty". :)

I don't think Jeb is ever going to forgive Rubio for stealing his dream.

Also, I don't think Rubio is going to be President. Right now, he's the "Well, thank God he's not that crazy person".

That's the kind of thinking that nominated Dole, Romney and McCain. The billionaires all pat each other on the back and say Rubio is their guy, but I'm not feeling the love.

Don't get me wrong. In the Primary, I will probably draw a GOP ballot and I will vote for Rubio.

But in the General, I'll probably end up voting for Hillary because frankly, it's hard to worked for a candidate you guys aren't all that thrilled with.
Rubio finished third in one state and that was only a caucus. Let's not get ahead of ourselves.

The article focuses a great deal on Rubio, but for me the main point is we're likely to see Jeb call it quits before long.

Now that Republican Presidential candidates are starting to drop like flies, the establishment will get what they want, 1 establishment candidate against 2 insurgents splitting the vote. It won't be bad in states that split their electors, but in winner take all states, it is a recipe for disaster for Trump/Cruz.

One of them has got to go, or the establishment wins. This is something they both had better start thinking about now. There is little doubt if you asked either of these candidates "that if they lost, who would they want to win," neither of them would pick Rubio. So now these 2 outsiders must choose a wise political path, or their own actions in concert, will give the GOP exactly what they ran in the 1st place to stop; a RINO!
The Bush Dynasty isn't over with even if Jeb doesn't win. There is a nephew that I suspect is being groomed. It is time for this particular dynasty to fold it up and go home.
The Bush Dynasty isn't over with even if Jeb doesn't win. There is a nephew that I suspect is being groomed. It is time for this particular dynasty to fold it up and go home.

Yeah and take the Clinton "Dynasty" with 'em; of course if there's any justice in the world the FBI will take care of that. ;)
Jeb! Never had a prayer. He should round the people up that convinced him he did and beat them severely....
looks like every week there will be an end to someones dynasty,,,,so whos next? The "Lindsey Graham Dynasty"? or the " Huma Abbadabbadoo Dynasty"?
The Bush Dynasty isn't over with even if Jeb doesn't win. There is a nephew that I suspect is being groomed. It is time for this particular dynasty to fold it up and go home.

Yeah and take the Clinton "Dynasty" with 'em; of course if there's any justice in the world the FBI will take care of that. ;)


Thems fighting words...........for somebody else. By the time this is all over with there will be nada. But the damage will be done. I have an entirely different set of reasons that I am not a Clinton fan.
I will probably break down in tears when the "Palin Dynasty" crashes and Burns! I am sure Joe Biden will too being Sarah has seven hot&young daughters.

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