The end of the American Dream


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
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The American Dream died in 2012. When Obama started serving his second term.

The American Dream vanished when the MSM decided to distort news and then omit them. So, they can oppress the American people into "believing" what they were reporting was "actual" news. When in fact, most of the MSM admit to this. But yet, they continue their barrage of unsolicited news (aka fake news).
The American Dream died in 2012. When Obama started serving his second term.

The American Dream vanished when the MSM decided to distort news and then omit them. So, they can oppress the American people into "believing" what they were reporting was "actual" news. When in fact, most of the MSM admit to this. But yet, they continue their barrage of unsolicited news (aka fake news).

The American Dream started dying in the 1980s when we sold out to Reagan’s Supply Side economics
The American Dream died in 2012. When Obama started serving his second term.

The American Dream vanished when the MSM decided to distort news and then omit them. So, they can oppress the American people into "believing" what they were reporting was "actual" news. When in fact, most of the MSM admit to this. But yet, they continue their barrage of unsolicited news (aka fake news).

The American Dream started dying in the 1980s when we sold out to Reagan’s Supply Side economics

So, are we blaming Jimmy Carter for that now? Lol

GDP has increased
The money is there. The percent that workers are paid is not keeping pace.

Corporate profits have increased over the last two decades
It has not gone to the workers
Finish school, get a job, get married, raise a family, take family vacations, buy a house, send your kids to college, eventually retire

Most jobs don't support middle-class life after accounting for cost of living, exclusive study shows

Sixty-two percent of jobs fall short of that middle-class standard when factoring in both wages and the cost of living in the metro area where the job is located, according to the study by Third Way, a think tank that advocates center-left ideas.

I agree; The American Dream IS DEAD.

Silicon Valley's dirty secret: Using a shadow workforce of contract employees to drive profits 

MONEY has become The American GOD.
Americans place GREED above ALL ELSE.

Some 57.3 million Americans, or 36% of the workforce, are now freelancing, reveals a 2017 report by Upwork.

"Permanent employment — there's no such thing anymore. The line will get blurrier and blurrier"
A key to the declining American Dream is the decline in union membership

Collective bargaining used to provide workers with the leverage to demand more of corporate profits.

Now, it is every man for himself as employers work one employee against the rest. Employees who fear for their jobs are not going to demand more pay
Finish school, get a job, get married, raise a family, take family vacations, buy a house, send your kids to college, eventually retire

Most jobs don't support middle-class life after accounting for cost of living, exclusive study shows
Advances in technology.
Should make our lives easier

We have the strongest economy on earth but our working class is losing a basic standard of living
It is all related to Return On Investment and the purposeful mechanism of overpopulating our workforce to drive down wages by both parties.
When government regulations prevent new housing, housing costs skyrocket.

When government taxes penalize small companies (who have the largest pool of employees) and keeps them from hiring, salaries are impacted.

When government forces energy costs “to necessarily rise”, people have less money.
Finish school, get a job, get married, raise a family, take family vacations, buy a house, send your kids to college, eventually retire

Most jobs don't support middle-class life after accounting for cost of living, exclusive study shows

Sixty-two percent of jobs fall short of that middle-class standard when factoring in both wages and the cost of living in the metro area where the job is located, according to the study by Third Way, a think tank that advocates center-left ideas.

Based on the rent in Brooklyn NY?

You do know that there are other places to live don't you?
The American Dream died in 2012. When Obama started serving his second term.

The American Dream vanished when the MSM decided to distort news and then omit them. So, they can oppress the American people into "believing" what they were reporting was "actual" news. When in fact, most of the MSM admit to this. But yet, they continue their barrage of unsolicited news (aka fake news).

The American Dream started dying in the 1980s when we sold out to Reagan’s Supply Side economics
And yet millions of people have bought homes, started businesses etc

Gee I wonder how they did that?
Finish school, get a job, get married, raise a family, take family vacations, buy a house, send your kids to college, eventually retire

Most jobs don't support middle-class life after accounting for cost of living, exclusive study shows
Advances in technology.
Should make our lives easier

We have the strongest economy on earth but our working class is losing a basic standard of living

Advances in tech make a job that required skilled labor an entry level job that requires less or no skill
Finish school, get a job, get married, raise a family, take family vacations, buy a house, send your kids to college, eventually retire

Most jobs don't support middle-class life after accounting for cost of living, exclusive study shows

Sixty-two percent of jobs fall short of that middle-class standard when factoring in both wages and the cost of living in the metro area where the job is located, according to the study by Third Way, a think tank that advocates center-left ideas.

Based on the rent in Brooklyn NY?

You do know that there are other places to live don't you?
The American Dream died in 2012. When Obama started serving his second term.

The American Dream vanished when the MSM decided to distort news and then omit them. So, they can oppress the American people into "believing" what they were reporting was "actual" news. When in fact, most of the MSM admit to this. But yet, they continue their barrage of unsolicited news (aka fake news).

The American Dream started dying in the 1980s when we sold out to Reagan’s Supply Side economics
And yet millions of people have bought homes, started businesses etc

Gee I wonder how they did that?
Many more are not buying homes
That is another part of the American Dream that is falling
Workers compensate for low wages by borrowing. Student debt is stifling. Fewer affordable homes are being built.
Finish school, get a job, get married, raise a family, take family vacations, buy a house, send your kids to college, eventually retire

Most jobs don't support middle-class life after accounting for cost of living, exclusive study shows
Advances in technology.
Should make our lives easier

We have the strongest economy on earth but our working class is losing a basic standard of living

Advances in tech make a job that required skilled labor an entry level job that requires less or no skill
Used to be workers with low skills could still make enough to support a family. Now, government assistance is needed

Employers keep the additional profits
Finish school, get a job, get married, raise a family, take family vacations, buy a house, send your kids to college, eventually retire

Most jobs don't support middle-class life after accounting for cost of living, exclusive study shows

Sixty-two percent of jobs fall short of that middle-class standard when factoring in both wages and the cost of living in the metro area where the job is located, according to the study by Third Way, a think tank that advocates center-left ideas.

Based on the rent in Brooklyn NY?

You do know that there are other places to live don't you?
The American Dream died in 2012. When Obama started serving his second term.

The American Dream vanished when the MSM decided to distort news and then omit them. So, they can oppress the American people into "believing" what they were reporting was "actual" news. When in fact, most of the MSM admit to this. But yet, they continue their barrage of unsolicited news (aka fake news).

The American Dream started dying in the 1980s when we sold out to Reagan’s Supply Side economics
And yet millions of people have bought homes, started businesses etc

Gee I wonder how they did that?
Many more are not buying homes
That is another part of the American Dream that is falling
Workers compensate for low wages by borrowing. Student debt is stifling. Fewer affordable homes are being built.

You do know that you can hire a builder to build you a house don't you? You don't have to buy one that's already built

For example I have an employee who is single and she just had a home built. She's 26 or 27 years old.

The fact that she can do this basically throws your entire argument out the window.

There are many homes on the market that can be considered fixer uppers but young people don't seem to want to buy those

You don't have to go into debt to go to college

You don't have to spend more than you make

If all you want to see are the excuses why things can't be done then that is all you will ever see,
The American Dream died in 2012. When Obama started serving his second term.

The American Dream vanished when the MSM decided to distort news and then omit them. So, they can oppress the American people into "believing" what they were reporting was "actual" news. When in fact, most of the MSM admit to this. But yet, they continue their barrage of unsolicited news (aka fake news).

The American Dream died when Reagan destroyed unions, and cancelled the War on Poverty.

When Americans stopped pulling together and decreed that it was every man for himself, the American Dream died.

When companies put profits ahead of being good citizens, and supporting their communities, the American Dream died.

When Republicans cut funds for education for poor kids, the American Dream died.

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