The Education of Greta Thunberg: Naivety Meets Reality for the Teen Climate Alarmist


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Convincing children to skip school shows just how serious Gorebal Warming truly is.

Since she first stood alone in front of the Swedish parliament last August protesting insufficient action in fighting climate change, 16-year-old Greta Thunberg has literally become the poster child for a worldwide student movement. Holding a "school strike for climate change" sign, the then 15-year-old said she was refusing to attend classes until Swedish politicians acted.

Her actions led last week to an estimated one million or more students in over 100 countries to boycott classes to prompt what they say is urgent action needed to reign in harmful climate change.

“We are facing the biggest crisis humanity has ever faced,” said Ms. Thunberg. “If your house is on fire, you don’t sit down to talk about it. I want people to panic.”

She did admit that “I am not a scientist. I don’t have the proper education.” She is quite correct in that regard. It is not just that she is blissfully ignorant of many climate facts, but what she does supposedly know is just so wrong. If she were to return to the classroom, her lessons should serve to calm her fears.

During Health class, she would find that she has been incredibly misled about the health implications of rising temperatures. Contrary to what her handlers have told her, the real killer is cold, not heat. As many as 20 times as many people die around the globe from cold-related issues as from heat. Rising temperatures will save lives.

While still in Health class, her teachers could provide the students with information on one of the biggest pollution-related killers: the indoor air pollution associated with stoves and fires inside homes. Replacing the wood- and dung-fired stoves in homes with the clean-burning fossil fuels that Greta so dislikes would reduce the estimated 1.6 million people who die every year from the associated respiratory illnesses.

Finally, in her Economics class, she might learn that the fossil fuels that she wants to ban are providing reliable, abundant and affordable energy to the planet’s growing population. Her teacher might also tell the class that the poorest pay the highest percentage of their meager incomes for energy, so the higher energy costs associated with the renewable energy would harm those unfortunates the most.

I am quite sure that Ms. Thunberg has a big heart and wants the best for Earth and humanity, but it is time for her to go back to school to learn what she doesn’t know and to unlearn so much of what she has been taught.

The Education of Greta Thunberg: Naivety Meets Reality for the Teen Climate Alarmist
Any Swede in their right mind would be praying day and night for global warming...


Or making human sacrifices (however Swedes invoke their deities).
Convincing children to skip school shows just how serious Gorebal Warming truly is.

Since she first stood alone in front of the Swedish parliament last August protesting insufficient action in fighting climate change, 16-year-old Greta Thunberg has literally become the poster child for a worldwide student movement. Holding a "school strike for climate change" sign, the then 15-year-old said she was refusing to attend classes until Swedish politicians acted.

Her actions led last week to an estimated one million or more students in over 100 countries to boycott classes to prompt what they say is urgent action needed to reign in harmful climate change.

“We are facing the biggest crisis humanity has ever faced,” said Ms. Thunberg. “If your house is on fire, you don’t sit down to talk about it. I want people to panic.”

She did admit that “I am not a scientist. I don’t have the proper education.” She is quite correct in that regard. It is not just that she is blissfully ignorant of many climate facts, but what she does supposedly know is just so wrong. If she were to return to the classroom, her lessons should serve to calm her fears.

During Health class, she would find that she has been incredibly misled about the health implications of rising temperatures. Contrary to what her handlers have told her, the real killer is cold, not heat. As many as 20 times as many people die around the globe from cold-related issues as from heat. Rising temperatures will save lives.

While still in Health class, her teachers could provide the students with information on one of the biggest pollution-related killers: the indoor air pollution associated with stoves and fires inside homes. Replacing the wood- and dung-fired stoves in homes with the clean-burning fossil fuels that Greta so dislikes would reduce the estimated 1.6 million people who die every year from the associated respiratory illnesses.

Finally, in her Economics class, she might learn that the fossil fuels that she wants to ban are providing reliable, abundant and affordable energy to the planet’s growing population. Her teacher might also tell the class that the poorest pay the highest percentage of their meager incomes for energy, so the higher energy costs associated with the renewable energy would harm those unfortunates the most.

I am quite sure that Ms. Thunberg has a big heart and wants the best for Earth and humanity, but it is time for her to go back to school to learn what she doesn’t know and to unlearn so much of what she has been taught.

The Education of Greta Thunberg: Naivety Meets Reality for the Teen Climate Alarmist
Sadly, the indoctrination of our youth to be dependent on the government isn't only there, its here in the US as well.

We have allowed liars and deceivers to teach (or should I say indoctrinate) our children. For that we are our own worst enemies...
Convincing children to skip school shows just how serious Gorebal Warming truly is.

Since she first stood alone in front of the Swedish parliament last August protesting insufficient action in fighting climate change, 16-year-old Greta Thunberg has literally become the poster child for a worldwide student movement. Holding a "school strike for climate change" sign, the then 15-year-old said she was refusing to attend classes until Swedish politicians acted.

Her actions led last week to an estimated one million or more students in over 100 countries to boycott classes to prompt what they say is urgent action needed to reign in harmful climate change.

“We are facing the biggest crisis humanity has ever faced,” said Ms. Thunberg. “If your house is on fire, you don’t sit down to talk about it. I want people to panic.”

She did admit that “I am not a scientist. I don’t have the proper education.” She is quite correct in that regard. It is not just that she is blissfully ignorant of many climate facts, but what she does supposedly know is just so wrong. If she were to return to the classroom, her lessons should serve to calm her fears.

During Health class, she would find that she has been incredibly misled about the health implications of rising temperatures. Contrary to what her handlers have told her, the real killer is cold, not heat. As many as 20 times as many people die around the globe from cold-related issues as from heat. Rising temperatures will save lives.

While still in Health class, her teachers could provide the students with information on one of the biggest pollution-related killers: the indoor air pollution associated with stoves and fires inside homes. Replacing the wood- and dung-fired stoves in homes with the clean-burning fossil fuels that Greta so dislikes would reduce the estimated 1.6 million people who die every year from the associated respiratory illnesses.

Finally, in her Economics class, she might learn that the fossil fuels that she wants to ban are providing reliable, abundant and affordable energy to the planet’s growing population. Her teacher might also tell the class that the poorest pay the highest percentage of their meager incomes for energy, so the higher energy costs associated with the renewable energy would harm those unfortunates the most.

I am quite sure that Ms. Thunberg has a big heart and wants the best for Earth and humanity, but it is time for her to go back to school to learn what she doesn’t know and to unlearn so much of what she has been taught.

The Education of Greta Thunberg: Naivety Meets Reality for the Teen Climate Alarmist

I doubt that anything she might learn in school would alter her perceptions whatsoever. She is where she is because she has been indoctrinated since her preschool days...and that won't change as she continues her education. Children today are taught zero critical thinking skills...they are taught to pass standardized tests. I spend several hours a week attempting to reverse the indoctrination my grand kids get in school.

I am teaching them to play guitar and in addition to teaching, I use the time to talk to them as a peer and find out what they are learning in school. It is sad. We often go past the normal lesson time while we do some real research and apply some critical thinking to what they are being taught in all subjects. Education has become is what we get for letting liberals have the educational system.
As many as 20 times as many people die around the globe from cold-related issues as from heat. Rising temperatures will save lives.
Dumb claim.

That study mainly concentrated on cold or temperature zones. The majority of the planet's population lives in tropical zones, where heat is the killer. Nobody is dying of cold in India, but lots die of heat, and that will get worse.

Interesting that the cream of the denier crop couldn't grasp something that simple. Deniers have just never been taught to think critically, which is why they got sucked into the denier cult.
As many as 20 times as many people die around the globe from cold-related issues as from heat. Rising temperatures will save lives.
Dumb claim.

That study mainly concentrated on cold or temperature zones. The majority of the planet's population lives in tropical zones, where heat is the killer. Nobody is dying of cold in India, but lots die of heat, and that will get worse.

Interesting that the cream of the denier crop couldn't grasp something that simple. Deniers have just never been taught to think critically, which is why they got sucked into the denier cult.
Fact: Most weather related deaths are from cold.
Fact: Most weather related deaths are from cold.

No, not a fact, as that study did not look at the tropics. You could say "most weather deaths in temperate areas are from cold", but you can't extend that globally.

This isn't rocket science. What about it confuses you so?
Provide your own link. I’m still waiting.
As many as 20 times as many people die around the globe from cold-related issues as from heat. Rising temperatures will save lives.
Dumb claim.

That study mainly concentrated on cold or temperature zones. The majority of the planet's population lives in tropical zones, where heat is the killer. Nobody is dying of cold in India, but lots die of heat, and that will get worse.

Interesting that the cream of the denier crop couldn't grasp something that simple. Deniers have just never been taught to think critically, which is why they got sucked into the denier cult.

But if deniers cant think critically, how come they are winning?:dunno:. Climate crusaders constantly tell us how they dominate the landscape, but then why has there been zero climate change action?:dunno:

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