The Economy - Not So Good-


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016

Democrats and Republicans - I'm sorry to have to break some bad news to both sides here, but our economy is not as rosy as you think:

The last 6 years of President Obama's administration, democrats were dancing in the streets, celebrating all those newly created jobs as America recovered from the great recession, but those jobs were mostly low wage, part time jobs with irregular hours. In addition, the national debt, which was on the rise since Clinton balanced it in the 90's was on the rise as well. Fast forward to the Trump administration, and little has changed. Lots of new jobs, but little pay to show for it. In addition, the national debt is still spiraling upward. So, to both sides I say to you...get your financial houses in order, and don't start dancing in the street. The NYSE is wall street, not main street. This economic recovery is built largely on sand-

- and that sand is shifting!

Most jobs created since the recession have been low-paying
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Nobody here believes that you're an independent, so give it up.

And leave it to leftist ingrates to whine that the new jobs being created aren't good enough for them....You self-indulgent little creeps really take the cake.

Trump has forced the left to show their true colors, nobody likes them.
Nobody here believes that you're an independent, so give it up.

And leave it to leftist ingrates to whine that the new jobs being created aren't good enough for them....You self-indulgent little creeps really take the cake.

The Productivity–Pay Gap

Link takes the data out to 2018. There's your wealth redistribution kids. Looks utterly bipartisan to me.

Democrats and Republicans - I'm sorry to have to break some bad news to both sides here, but our economy is not as rosy as you think:

The last 6 years of President Obama's administration, democrats were dancing in the streets, celebrating all those newly created jobs as America recovered from the great recession, but those jobs were mostly low wage, part time jobs with irregular hours. In addition, the national debt, which was on the rise since Clinton balanced it in the 90's was on the rise as well. Fast forward to the Trump administration, and little has changed. Lots of new jobs, but little pay to show for it. In addition, the national debt is still spiraling upward. So, to both sides I say to you...get your financial houses in order, and don't start dancing in the street. The NYSE is wall street, not main street. This economic recovery is built largely on sand-

- and that sand is shifting!

Most jobs created since the recession have been low-paying

I don't get how this is a problem.

Most jobs created since recession have been low-paying........

Not to be sarcastic, but my automatic response was.... HOLY CRAP! NEWS FLASH! JOBS NEEDED WERE THE JOBS CREATED???

Look, not sure why this is unknown, but most of the jobs lost during the recession were low-income jobs.
Most of the jobs needed by people, were people who were in the low-skill labor pool.

Thus most of the jobs that would be created in the recovery would be........... low-paying jobs.

Seriously, what exactly did you think was going to be the outcome?

If you have 2.5 Million unemployed unskilled people (number is a bit dated, from 2012 I think), how does creating a million engineering jobs help any of them?

What jobs do you think unskilled people are going to get, that pays a middle class income? Seriously?

You claim to have 'thoughts from an independent'... ok Mr. Independent... explain what type of jobs, no-skill or low-skill people are going to get, that are not low-paying jobs?
Nobody here believes that you're an independent, so give it up.

And leave it to leftist ingrates to whine that the new jobs being created aren't good enough for them....You self-indulgent little creeps really take the cake.

The Productivity–Pay Gap

Link takes the data out to 2018. There's your wealth redistribution kids. Looks utterly bipartisan to me.

So does that "hourly compensation" include the legacy costs of Unions?
Does it include taxes? For example, employers pay $7/hour to the government for FICA. That $7/hour comes out of employee pay, in reduced wages.
Does it include the cost of health care expenses? Or PTO?

All of these these benefits, come directly out of employee pay. You get paid less money, for every benefit you receive.

Democrats and Republicans - I'm sorry to have to break some bad news to both sides here, but our economy is not as rosy as you think:

The last 6 years of President Obama's administration, democrats were dancing in the streets, celebrating all those newly created jobs as America recovered from the great recession, but those jobs were mostly low wage, part time jobs with irregular hours. In addition, the national debt, which was on the rise since Clinton balanced it in the 90's was on the rise as well. Fast forward to the Trump administration, and little has changed. Lots of new jobs, but little pay to show for it. In addition, the national debt is still spiraling upward. So, to both sides I say to you...get your financial houses in order, and don't start dancing in the street. The NYSE is wall street, not main street. This economic recovery is built largely on sand-

- and that sand is shifting!

Most jobs created since the recession have been low-paying

The last six years of Obama admin he had a GOP House lead by Boehner and Ryan and the last two was McConnell Senate, so thank you Boehner and Ryan along with all the States for helping out getting the economy going and keeping it going...

Sad part is Pelosi will be in charge of the House like she was in Bush last two years if the economy goes south...

So sad she was part of the economic collapse under Bush...

Democrats and Republicans - I'm sorry to have to break some bad news to both sides here, but our economy is not as rosy as you think:

The last 6 years of President Obama's administration, democrats were dancing in the streets, celebrating all those newly created jobs as America recovered from the great recession, but those jobs were mostly low wage, part time jobs with irregular hours. In addition, the national debt, which was on the rise since Clinton balanced it in the 90's was on the rise as well. Fast forward to the Trump administration, and little has changed. Lots of new jobs, but little pay to show for it. In addition, the national debt is still spiraling upward. So, to both sides I say to you...get your financial houses in order, and don't start dancing in the street. The NYSE is wall street, not main street. This economic recovery is built largely on sand-

- and that sand is shifting!

Most jobs created since the recession have been low-paying

I don't get how this is a problem.

Most jobs created since recession have been low-paying........

Not to be sarcastic, but my automatic response was.... HOLY CRAP! NEWS FLASH! JOBS NEEDED WERE THE JOBS CREATED???

Look, not sure why this is unknown, but most of the jobs lost during the recession were low-income jobs.
Most of the jobs needed by people, were people who were in the low-skill labor pool.

Thus most of the jobs that would be created in the recovery would be........... low-paying jobs.

Seriously, what exactly did you think was going to be the outcome?

If you have 2.5 Million unemployed unskilled people (number is a bit dated, from 2012 I think), how does creating a million engineering jobs help any of them?

What jobs do you think unskilled people are going to get, that pays a middle class income? Seriously?

You claim to have 'thoughts from an independent'... ok Mr. Independent... explain what type of jobs, no-skill or low-skill people are going to get, that are not low-paying jobs?

Are you saying a dropout of grade school should not be paid like a Geo-Tech Engineer or a Brain Surgeon?

I am sure they can do it without spending a day in school...

( yes... Sarcasm )
Nobody here believes that you're an independent, so give it up.

And leave it to leftist ingrates to whine that the new jobs being created aren't good enough for them....You self-indulgent little creeps really take the cake.

The Productivity–Pay Gap

Link takes the data out to 2018. There's your wealth redistribution kids. Looks utterly bipartisan to me.
Oh No......not more graphs drawn by swampers....
HEY LIBS!...we are living the great on some graph or link made by skeptics with agendas.....
Nobody here believes that you're an independent, so give it up.

And leave it to leftist ingrates to whine that the new jobs being created aren't good enough for them....You self-indulgent little creeps really take the cake.

The Productivity–Pay Gap

Link takes the data out to 2018. There's your wealth redistribution kids. Looks utterly bipartisan to me.
Shove your stale chart and the attendant sniveling that comes with it where the sun don't shine, comrade.

Democrats and Republicans - I'm sorry to have to break some bad news to both sides here, but our economy is not as rosy as you think:

The last 6 years of President Obama's administration, democrats were dancing in the streets, celebrating all those newly created jobs as America recovered from the great recession, but those jobs were mostly low wage, part time jobs with irregular hours. In addition, the national debt, which was on the rise since Clinton balanced it in the 90's was on the rise as well. Fast forward to the Trump administration, and little has changed. Lots of new jobs, but little pay to show for it. In addition, the national debt is still spiraling upward. So, to both sides I say to you...get your financial houses in order, and don't start dancing in the street. The NYSE is wall street, not main street. This economic recovery is built largely on sand-

- and that sand is shifting!

Most jobs created since the recession have been low-paying

I don't get how this is a problem.

Most jobs created since recession have been low-paying........

Not to be sarcastic, but my automatic response was.... HOLY CRAP! NEWS FLASH! JOBS NEEDED WERE THE JOBS CREATED???

Look, not sure why this is unknown, but most of the jobs lost during the recession were low-income jobs.
Most of the jobs needed by people, were people who were in the low-skill labor pool.

Thus most of the jobs that would be created in the recovery would be........... low-paying jobs.

Seriously, what exactly did you think was going to be the outcome?

If you have 2.5 Million unemployed unskilled people (number is a bit dated, from 2012 I think), how does creating a million engineering jobs help any of them?

What jobs do you think unskilled people are going to get, that pays a middle class income? Seriously?

You claim to have 'thoughts from an independent'... ok Mr. Independent... explain what type of jobs, no-skill or low-skill people are going to get, that are not low-paying jobs?

Are you saying a dropout of grade school should not be paid like a Geo-Tech Engineer or a Brain Surgeon?

I am sure they can do it without spending a day in school...

( yes... Sarcasm )

No. That right there, was my point.

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