The Dow Is Exactly Where It Was A Year Ago

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Since Trump took office, the DOW has grown an average of 10.4% per year.
During Obama's 8 years, it grew an average of 18.5% per year.



lol here we have a fine example of how stupid those who are mathematically ignorant are. The DOw grew because of a 1.5 trillion Federal bailout, for one, and anybody who is familar with compounding interest can easily laugh at the rest of the idiotic 'point'. Clue for the challenged:

Which is greater, 18.5% of $100 dollars, or 10.4% of $500?
I said the average of the past 5 months was 9%

That includes the entire time before the month of May

Only idiots track long term investments in one month increments.

I'm in the positive every quarter because unlike some of you people I know that a balanced portfolio includes more stock that the 30 that makes up the Dow

So you're embarrassed about the month of May huh.

Yeah not surprising.

Not at all because it doesn't matter in the LONG RUN

So you can't face the question.

I don't feel like going back to figure it out

Because it's a waste of time since one month's performance doean't matter over a 30 or 40 year time frame.

You CAN'T, because you don't even have investments. If you did you'd have a monthly statement.

I can call up any month I want, in seconds. You're a fraud.

I get them on line and I haven't downloaded any since the end of Q1. I got the 9% figure from my account overview not my statements

Snail mail is for losers
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Since Trump took office, the DOW has grown an average of 10.4% per year.
During Obama's 8 years, it grew an average of 18.5% per year.



lol here we have a fine example of how stupid those who are mathematically ignorant are. The DOw grew because of a 1.5 trillion Federal bailout, for one, and anybody who is familar with compounding interest can easily laugh at the rest of the idiotic 'point'. Clue for the challenged:

Which is greater, 18.5% of $100 dollars, or 10.4% of $500?
And Trump giving tax breaks of a trillion or so had what affect on the DOW?
And what was it before May?


What about the last 5 months don't you understand?

Are you actually confused by the names of the months?

The simpler you put a question around here, the stupider the replies get. Amazing.

You do realize that the time frame of the last 5 months includes the months before May don't you?

I actually have to sit here and teach you what the three-letter word "May" means?
/——/ We know what May is. She’s the former PM
View attachment 263828
False. She is the current PM.

Are rightwingers wrong about everything?
What about the last 5 months don't you understand?

Are you actually confused by the names of the months?

The simpler you put a question around here, the stupider the replies get. Amazing.

You do realize that the time frame of the last 5 months includes the months before May don't you?

I actually have to sit here and teach you what the three-letter word "May" means?
/——/ We know what May is. She’s the former PM
View attachment 263828
False. She is the current PM.

Are rightwingers wrong about everything?
/———/ on her way out end of June. Oh you got me now.
What about the last 5 months don't you understand?

Are you actually confused by the names of the months?

The simpler you put a question around here, the stupider the replies get. Amazing.

You do realize that the time frame of the last 5 months includes the months before May don't you?

I actually have to sit here and teach you what the three-letter word "May" means?
/——/ We know what May is. She’s the former PM
View attachment 263828
False. She is the current PM.

Are rightwingers wrong about everything?

Rightwingers get things right once in a while, IMO.

It's Trumpbots whom are almost ALWAYS wrong....about everything.
What about the last 5 months don't you understand?

Are you actually confused by the names of the months?

The simpler you put a question around here, the stupider the replies get. Amazing.

You do realize that the time frame of the last 5 months includes the months before May don't you?

I actually have to sit here and teach you what the three-letter word "May" means?
/——/ We know what May is. She’s the former PM
View attachment 263828
False. She is the current PM.

Are rightwingers wrong about everything?

That poster has already demonstrated that the concept of "time" confuserates him.

Plus, he's wanking off to his Orange god because Orange can't spell her name* and that must be her fault.

* >> The mistake was later corrected, it was reported. Teresa May is the name of a former glamour model and porn actress who starred in films including Whitehouse: The Sex Video and Leather Lust. << --- just sayin'....​
Since Trump took office, the DOW has grown an average of 10.4% per year.
During Obama's 8 years, it grew an average of 18.5% per year.



lol here we have a fine example of how stupid those who are mathematically ignorant are. The DOw grew because of a 1.5 trillion Federal bailout, for one, and anybody who is familar with compounding interest can easily laugh at the rest of the idiotic 'point'. Clue for the challenged:

Which is greater, 18.5% of $100 dollars, or 10.4% of $500?
And Trump giving tax breaks of a trillion or so had what affect on the DOW?

Why not just show us you know what exactly you're babbling about here instead of just parroting some rubbish you read somewhere, and then try and pretend to know what that has to do with what I said.
Imagine where it would be if we hadn't had a lost year thanks to Trump's trade war!
/——-/ No lost year year unless you’re an idiot investor.
I'm not sure what they were referring to either. The DOW and S&P both are showing much better one year gains than the Sanders Soviet Socialist (SSS) wing predicted. But then the SSS has never been characterized by honesty.

Their overall economic model is essentially the Democrats’ health-care model writ large: Destroy and discredit what’s there, and then . . . improvise.

Senator Sanders finds Constitution wanting. What good is the Bill of Rights, he asks, when one must struggle so hard for mere material existence?

“Are you truly free if you are forced to work 60 or 80 hours a week?”​

And yet the median American work week is less than 35 hours a week, significantly lower than it was in 1980. What in fact distinguishes low-income households is not on average that they have too many hours of work to do but that they have too few: Only 40 percent of the working-age poor (those below the federal poverty line) in 2014 worked at all. Among those who do work, many are involuntarily relegated to part-time or seasonal work. High-income households average more work hours, not fewer, than low-income households. The problem the poor face is not long hours at the salt mine but unemployment.

But what are a few more lies when there’s a utopia to be built?

Senator Sanders and Senator Elizabeth Warren may roll out 55 five-point policy proposals per hour, offering them with varying degrees of seriousness, but theirs is fundamentally a negative platform. What they hate and wish to liquidate is the system of markets, trade, law, regulation, and taxes for reasons that are as much tribal (they resent the social status conferred by wealth as least as much as the political power attending it), moral, and aesthetic as they are economic. Their policy proposals are almost always the same:

“Pillage the rich and create a lot of new public-sector jobs for me and my friends.”​

Perhaps Senator Sanders should spend more time in contemplation and historical studies at his waterfront dacha.

The Democrats Are the Socialist Party Again | National Review
When the Surrender Monkey left the Dow was at 19732 points as of today Dow is up 5000 points in 2 years 5 months.....Trumps tariffs work watch the Dow at 30000!

During Obama's tenure the DJIA increased 148%, or an annual average of 18.5%.

The DJIA has been flat for the past 18 months.

There is NO WAY IN HELL the DJIA will ever realize anything close to the percentage of increase during Obama's tenure while Trump is fucking up the economy & the markets but keep those delusions of yours coming.
So, predictions of it dropping thru the floor were wrong?
No one predicted it would drop through the floor.

But plenty of lickspittles, and Trump himself, predicted trade wars are easy to win! :lol:

Yep, drop through the floor may have been a bit harsh...collapse was the terminology used.
Media Predicted Economic Collapse Under Trump — It Didn’t Happen

Trump is still POTUS, last I checked.
Trump has plenty of time to fuck the markets & the economy all to Hell.
Just be patient.
January 2018: Donald J. Trump on Twitter


Big tariff war easy to win! Congrats!

/——-/ So? It’s an average of 30 companies, you dolt.

I seem to have missed your post calling the POTUS a dolt for bragging about the DJI numbers...who odd! :laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:
/—-/ I don’t deny Trump may have said the Dow at some point but he generally says “stock market” Trump: "the reason our stock market is so successful is because of me"

Trump always takes credit for successes but when the markets tank will Trump also take any blame for that?

No. He won't. He will blame it on the Clintons & Obama.
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