The Donald Says the Hate Speech From His Supporters ‘Saddens’ Him


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016

For Trump to say it saddens him to hear his base spout hate speech is one of the most hypocritical statements ever to pour out of his pie hole.

With the many months he spent cultivating the hatred in his supporters and welcoming endorsements by leaders of hate groups, how can he sincerely act surprised by the obscene words and violent actions of his loyal fans? He is the cause of the violence taking place on BOTH sides. Unlike Trump, Mrs. Clinton discouraged such behavior by voters.

Of course, his Trump-bots on these message boards will be quick to deny this fact, just as they deny all other facts that show the United States’ brand of conservatism for the evil it has truly become.

The right-wingers' hatred of the poor, the homeless, the disabled, the elderly, and any other segment of the population dependent on safety net programs is well documented, and is not mitigated by their minor concerns for the unborn. As for that issue, the conservatives’ so-called compassion disappears minutes, no, seconds after the infant’s first breath. They then see the child as a potential leech on society who will soon be picking their right wing pockets.

The Donald, looking into the camera during his interview on “60 Minutes” telling his violent supporters to, “Stop it”, should have looked into the mirror and told himself to, “Stop it” months ago.

Before you simple-minded Trump-bots respond, read the short article at the following link. The author wrote it at a third to fourth grade level, so it is possible half of you will understand it.

‘I’ll Say It Right to the Camera — Stop It’: Donald Trump Says the Hate Speech from His Alleged Supporters ‘Saddens’ Him

So he terrible when he doesn't say anything and a hypocrite when he does.

Look I get people don't like trump. I've been warning against him for a as and a half. But he is going to be president. Do we want him to be someone who will get better over time or do we want him holding to the same old ways?

For Trump to say it saddens him to hear his base spout hate speech is one of the most hypocritical statements ever to pour out of his pie hole.

With the many months he spent cultivating the hatred in his supporters and welcoming endorsements by leaders of hate groups, how can he sincerely act surprised by the obscene words and violent actions of his loyal fans? He is the cause of the violence taking place on BOTH sides. Unlike Trump, Mrs. Clinton discouraged such behavior by voters.

Of course, his Trump-bots on these message boards will be quick to deny this fact, just as they deny all other facts that show the United States’ brand of conservatism for the evil it has truly become.

The right-wingers' hatred of the poor, the homeless, the disabled, the elderly, and any other segment of the population dependent on safety net programs is well documented, and is not mitigated by their minor concerns for the unborn. As for that issue, the conservatives’ so-called compassion disappears minutes, no, seconds after the infant’s first breath. They then see the child as a potential leech on society who will soon be picking their right wing pockets.

The Donald, looking into the camera during his interview on “60 Minutes” telling his violent supporters to, “Stop it”, should have looked into the mirror and told himself to, “Stop it” months ago.

Before you simple-minded Trump-bots respond, read the short article at the following link. The author wrote it at a third to fourth grade level, so it is possible half of you will understand it.

‘I’ll Say It Right to the Camera — Stop It’: Donald Trump Says the Hate Speech from His Alleged Supporters ‘Saddens’ Him


Good for him.

I'd rather he'd declare the KKK and White Supremacists his enemy and the enemy of all Americans.

I'd like to hear the President-Elect warn them that they can have their free speech and right to lawful assembly, but when they step out of those bounds and engage in intimidation or incitement, they will feel the full force of the dept of justice coming down on them.
Good on him for slapping down those of his supporters who use hate speech.

That's very, very good.

That's an acceptable step.

For Trump to say it saddens him to hear his base spout hate speech is one of the most hypocritical statements ever to pour out of his pie hole.

With the many months he spent cultivating the hatred in his supporters and welcoming endorsements by leaders of hate groups, how can he sincerely act surprised by the obscene words and violent actions of his loyal fans? He is the cause of the violence taking place on BOTH sides. Unlike Trump, Mrs. Clinton discouraged such behavior by voters.

Of course, his Trump-bots on these message boards will be quick to deny this fact, just as they deny all other facts that show the United States’ brand of conservatism for the evil it has truly become.

The right-wingers' hatred of the poor, the homeless, the disabled, the elderly, and any other segment of the population dependent on safety net programs is well documented, and is not mitigated by their minor concerns for the unborn. As for that issue, the conservatives’ so-called compassion disappears minutes, no, seconds after the infant’s first breath. They then see the child as a potential leech on society who will soon be picking their right wing pockets.

The Donald, looking into the camera during his interview on “60 Minutes” telling his violent supporters to, “Stop it”, should have looked into the mirror and told himself to, “Stop it” months ago.

Before you simple-minded Trump-bots respond, read the short article at the following link. The author wrote it at a third to fourth grade level, so it is possible half of you will understand it.

‘I’ll Say It Right to the Camera — Stop It’: Donald Trump Says the Hate Speech from His Alleged Supporters ‘Saddens’ Him


Good for him.

I'd rather he'd declare the KKK and White Supremacists his enemy and the enemy of all Americans.

I'd like to hear the President-Elect warn them that they can have their free speech and right to lawful assembly, but when they step out of those bounds and engage in intimidation or incitement, they will feel the full force of the dept of justice coming down on them.

I would too and if the left would do that with these rioters and people who destroy property and promote violence that would be great.
Hate speech is hate speech, bucky hypocrite. You can tell the truth without it. You don't correct Donald, he corrects you, kid.
Good on him for slapping down those of his supporters who use hate speech.

That's very, very good.

That's an acceptable step.
Then why did he just hire Bannon? You think Trump is going to become super-PC dude?
The Donald Says the Hate Speech From His Supporters ‘Saddens’ Him....

...yet by comparison Hillary and Barry remain silent as their constituents / supporters engage in seditious / treasonous / racial terrorist acts, AFTER having been proven to have been behind financing, organizing, and supporting acts of violence against Trump supporters before the election.

For Trump to say it saddens him to hear his base spout hate speech is one of the most hypocritical statements ever to pour out of his pie hole.

With the many months he spent cultivating the hatred in his supporters and welcoming endorsements by leaders of hate groups, how can he sincerely act surprised by the obscene words and violent actions of his loyal fans? He is the cause of the violence taking place on BOTH sides. Unlike Trump, Mrs. Clinton discouraged such behavior by voters.

Of course, his Trump-bots on these message boards will be quick to deny this fact, just as they deny all other facts that show the United States’ brand of conservatism for the evil it has truly become.

The right-wingers' hatred of the poor, the homeless, the disabled, the elderly, and any other segment of the population dependent on safety net programs is well documented, and is not mitigated by their minor concerns for the unborn. As for that issue, the conservatives’ so-called compassion disappears minutes, no, seconds after the infant’s first breath. They then see the child as a potential leech on society who will soon be picking their right wing pockets.

The Donald, looking into the camera during his interview on “60 Minutes” telling his violent supporters to, “Stop it”, should have looked into the mirror and told himself to, “Stop it” months ago.

Before you simple-minded Trump-bots respond, read the short article at the following link. The author wrote it at a third to fourth grade level, so it is possible half of you will understand it.

‘I’ll Say It Right to the Camera — Stop It’: Donald Trump Says the Hate Speech from His Alleged Supporters ‘Saddens’ Him


Good for him.

I'd rather he'd declare the KKK and White Supremacists his enemy and the enemy of all Americans.

I'd like to hear the President-Elect warn them that they can have their free speech and right to lawful assembly, but when they step out of those bounds and engage in intimidation or incitement, they will feel the full force of the dept of justice coming down on them.

but when they step out of those bounds and engage in intimidation or incitement, they will feel the full force of the dept of justice coming down on them.

Yes, he SHOULD follow Obamas footsteps in that regard.

(Ferguson, Baltimore, etc)
]but when they step out of those bounds and engage in intimidation or incitement, they will feel the full force of the dept of justice coming down on them.
Yes, he SHOULD follow Obamas footsteps in that regard. (Ferguson, Baltimore, etc)
^^^^^^^^^ Watch immediately above for the waffling on hate speech. Wonder who it will be.

Obama don't count no more.

It's all on Trump. He made a good first start with telling his supporters to stop the hate speech.

edit: it was peach doubling down on hate speech

vvvvv let's see if he double down again
So, he shouldn't decry it?

You crazy fucks are just pissed that he is, so you can't criticize him for not.

Grow the fuck up.
Obama's REAL 'Legacy'

There are TWO (2) Donald Trumps:
1) Trump for President;
2) Trump as President-elect.

Trump as POTUS may be similar to #2.
The #1 was a "player" whose goal was to ignite his voter base and defeat his Repub & Demo opponents.

Are we now seeing the real Donald, or is he still playing games?
His foreign policy (business concerns, EU/NATO partners, Putin's crap, ISIS crap, etc) will hopefully play out differently than implied when acting as #1 asshole, now that he'll be actually responsible for many, many lives.

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