The Divider in Chief...

September 2004: As John Kerry steps up his criticism of the Bush administration's handling of Iraq and the war on terror, Republicans repeatedly suggest that he is emboldening the enemy. Senator Zell Miller (D-GA) says that "while young Americans are dying in the sands of Iraq and the mountains of Afghanistan, our nation is being torn apart and made weaker because of the Democrats' manic obsession to bring down our Commander in Chief." President Bush says, "You can embolden an enemy by sending a mixed message... You send the wrong message to our troops by sending mixed messages." And Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT) claims that terrorists "are going to throw everything they can between now and the election to try and elect Kerry," adding that Democrats are "consistently saying things that I think undermine our young men and women who are serving over there."

In addition, South Dakota GOP chair Randy Frederick attacked Senator Tom Daschle, saying "Daschle's three years as Complainer in Chief have brought shame to the honor of his office, concern to our men and women in uniform, and comfort to America's enemies." When asked about this comment, John Thune, Daschle's opponent, cited Daschle's statement that President Bush "failed so miserably at diplomacy that we're now forced to war" before the invasion of Iraq, saying "What it does is emboldens our enemies and undermines the morale of our troops," adding, "His words embolden the enemy."

Funny that the right spent all those years calling fellow Americans terrorist lovers...then are shocked when the accusers hit back.

Oh how they loved major expanses in Govt for Patriot Act and Homeland Security so much they called anyone who dared question "unamerican" and "more concerned for terrorist". Now they pretend they never liked the Patriot Act or Homeland Security....except, no one believes them
C'mon is anyone going to refute the division caused in the Bush admin or was it all to the good until 2008?

I think politicians dividing a country is in the eye of the beholder and these so-called divisive things Obama does depend on which side of the political spectrum you are on.

Obama's calls for unity:

Americans... still believe in an America where anything's possible - they just don't think their leaders do.

And I will do everything that I can as long as I am President of the United States to remind the American people that we are one nation under God, and we may call that God different names but we remain one nation.

As I've said, there were patriots who supported this war, and patriots who opposed it. And all of us are united in appreciation for our servicemen and women, and our hopes for Iraqis' future.

But what we can do, as flawed as we are, is still see God in other people, and do our best to help them find their own grace. That's what I strive to do, that's what I pray to do every day.

Focusing your life solely on making a buck shows a certain poverty of ambition. It asks too little of yourself. Because it's only when you hitch your wagon to something larger than yourself that you realize your true potential.

I opposed the Defense of Marriage Act in 1996. It should be repealed and I will vote for its repeal on the Senate floor. I will also oppose any proposal to amend the U.S. Constitution to ban gays and lesbians from marrying.

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Well I know a lot of people who hated Bush. But never did I hear anyone call Republicans "the enemy" or "terrorists". That's on Obama. Period.

Oh so you are ignoring all the examples I provided. I guess you ve to deny reality in order to believe your lies. Obama didn't start this as the examples that you choose to ignore show.

Call the left terrorist lovers, say they are more concerned about terrorist than protecting America, they are engulfing the enemy and disgracing the troops. Then when you get punched back you flop on the ground screaming. The only tears you get came from a crocodile.
This country is more divided than ever. Tonight I am going to a party with some die hard union people whom I've always respected and joked around with. I fear those days over. And while I hope it will be less contentious after the election (regardless of who wins) I doubt if it can be repaired. And frankly, I don't think the president gives a shit. He has shown his true colors and thinks of half the country as the "enemy". He intends to fundamentally change this country and if that means destroying it first, so be it.

well before talk radio and year round political pundits in the media we used to have time to heal between the bouts of election madness.
It is now a continous year round 24 hr drone that is destroying this country.

Lots of people have problems with the fairness doctrine but it prevented this from happening.

Yeah let's make it so the liberals have control of all the media... if there were a market for liberal talk radio, then there would be lots of liberal talk hosts and lots of liberal stations.

There isn't for a reason... the liberals are boring and lie too much for talk radio listeners.

Besides.. libs dominate the FM dial... there seem to be plenty of drones listening to it.
C'mon is anyone going to refute the division caused in the Bush admin or was it all to the good until 2008?


No... you libs treated Bush like he was Satan incarnate.

I remember all the shitty things said about him and Cheney by liberal Demoncat politicians.

Don't even try and act like it was all sunshine and rainbows buddy.

You liberals seem to think we can't remember things.
Doing the right thing for minorities...

This is an interesting term.

Could you define what this means, and how it would be accomplished?


I see you didn't get your answer Mac. Face it most are more interested in demonizing the other side that thinking logically.

I never heard the Republicans refer to Dems as the enemy. And if you're going to do the right thing for minorities, shouldn't you be doing the right thing for everyone??
C'mon is anyone going to refute the division caused in the Bush admin or was it all to the good until 2008?


No... you libs treated Bush like he was Satan incarnate.

I remember all the shitty things said about him and Cheney by liberal Demoncat politicians.

Don't even try and act like it was all sunshine and rainbows buddy.

You liberals seem to think we can't remember things.

Are you denying the examples provided?
Doing the right thing for minorities...

This is an interesting term.

Could you define what this means, and how it would be accomplished?


I see you didn't get your answer Mac. Face it most are more interested in demonizing the other side that thinking logically.

I never heard the Republicans refer to Dems as the enemy. And if you're going to do the right thing for minorities, shouldn't you be doing the right thing for everyone??

I have a helluva time getting many of my questions answered here. I figure it's either because they're too difficult for ideologues to spin or because I'm a complete idiot. The jury's out on that one, I reckon.

Yep, it seems to me that your point, that "doing the right thing" for all Americans would trump dividing people into little constituencies and serving them separately would be the obvious course of action. But Democrats just don't see it that way, and I was hoping for some insight on that.

Not much luck so far.

obama doesn't believe he's dividing anyone. He wants us to be one big happy socialist family and those who won't agree are doing the dividing.

The nation is so polarized and so divided that no president could govern as one nation that which has clearly become two with opposing political goals and ideologies.
obama doesn't believe he's dividing anyone. He wants us to be one big happy socialist family and those who won't agree are doing the dividing.

The nation is so polarized and so divided that no president could govern as one nation that which has clearly become two with opposing political goals and ideologies.

I don't think that we are half as divided as the polls and the MSM wants us to think. Come Election Day we will all unite and sent the Kenyan home with Mooch.
obama doesn't believe he's dividing anyone. He wants us to be one big happy socialist family and those who won't agree are doing the dividing.

The nation is so polarized and so divided that no president could govern as one nation that which has clearly become two with opposing political goals and ideologies.

I find it absolutely incredible that he really doesn't believe he is dividing, he knows he is dividing and if he can do enough spinning and create enough of a rift, he can win.

Some of the dividing he has done:

America vs big oil
America vs small business
America vs doctors
America vs insurance
America vs banks
America vs rich
America vs republicans
Republicans vs clean air, clean water.
Republicans vs women
Republicans vs seniors
Republicans vs blacks
Republicans vs Hispanics
Poor vs rich
Romney vs taxpayers

It is crazy how much hate Mr. Hope and Change has given us.
obama doesn't believe he's dividing anyone. He wants us to be one big happy socialist family and those who won't agree are doing the dividing.

The nation is so polarized and so divided that no president could govern as one nation that which has clearly become two with opposing political goals and ideologies.

I find it absolutely incredible that he really doesn't believe he is dividing, he knows he is dividing and if he can do enough spinning and create enough of a rift, he can win.

Some of the dividing he has done:

America vs big oil
America vs small business
America vs doctors
America vs insurance
America vs banks
America vs rich
America vs republicans
Republicans vs clean air, clean water.
Republicans vs women
Republicans vs seniors
Republicans vs blacks
Republicans vs Hispanics
Poor vs rich
Romney vs taxpayers

It is crazy how much hate Mr. Hope and Change has given us.

He knows exactly what he is doing and he lets his "henchman" do it for him.
Get real! There is no way a president of one party or the other can satisfy the opposition. If you are against social issues and the like, you see Obama as being divisive. If you are against unnecessary wars and class warfare, you didn't like Bush. That is a simplistic analogy by it is fact. Romney will be just as divisive except that the dems will be saying it if he's elected like the cons are now. Obama doesn't agree with or support most of the issues the cons do and vice versa. So, people can keep on blaming the guy in the Oval Office or they can try to be more in the middle and work to support their side without being hateful and using really stupid language (some of it invented to be as offensive as possible). Different pholosophies, policies, and ideas will always be divisivie to some extent. Because Obama doesn't agree with a lot of cons ideas, makes him divisive TO THEM.

What Divides America?
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Government has no place dealing with social issues at all. This is why the nation is so divided. The government is supposed to be limited to dealing only with it's own legitimate functions. When it strayed into social issues, the govenment became polariazed with the division getting wider and deeper all the time.

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