The despicable Jen Psaki links the police shooting of the knife wielding 16 year old to "police violence"


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
I'm running out of words to describe the idiocy of the left regarding these incidents. It's no wonder that Pew Research has concluded that over half of liberal white women suffer from mental illness. Frankly, I'm stunned that it's not more like 90%.

‘She Was A Child’: White House Calls Fatal Police Shooting Of Black Teen In Ohio ‘Tragic’

"White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki on Wednesday deemed the fatal police shooting of a teenage girl allegedly wielding a knife in Columbus, Ohio, “tragic,” saying “she was just a child.”
Police in Columbus fatally shot the girl, 16, shortly before a jury in Minneapolis on Tuesday convicted former police officer Derek Chauvin of murdering George Floyd. Body camera footage of the Ohio shooting, released by police, shows an officer shooting the girl four times after she apparently lunged at two people while holding a knife.

“The killing of 16-year-old Ma’Khia Bryant by Columbus police is tragic. She was a child. We are thinking of her friends and family and the communities that are grieving her loss,” Psaki said at a White House briefing, adding that President Joe Biden had been briefed on the shooting.

“We know that police violence disproportionately impacts Black and Latino communities and that Black women and girls, like Black men and boys, experience higher rates of police violence. We also know that there are particular vulnerabilities that children in foster care like Ma’Khia face,” Psaki said Wednesday. “Our focus is on working to address systemic racism and implicit bias head-on and of course to passing laws and legislation that will put much-needed reforms into place at police departments around the country.”

‘She Was A Child’: White House Calls Fatal Police Shooting Of Black Teen In Ohio ‘Tragic’ | The Daily Wire
I can not take that idiot seriously.

A parrot fro the Fake President , that's all she is.

given Xiden’s well known and documented bigotry...he might of thought the fact she didn’t stab and kill the other african american girl first tragic
I love how Psaki triggers the losers.

And I especially love her FAFO face. You'd think the fascists would learn, upon seing that face, that they shouldn't try pushing their loaded propaganda questions, given the whupping that they're in for. But they always do, and she always humiliates them.

Please, she's a moronic dingbat
I love how Psaki triggers the losers.

And I especially love her FAFO face. You'd think the fascists would learn, upon seing that face, that they shouldn't try pushing their loaded propaganda questions, given the whupping that they're in for. But they always do, and she always humiliates them.
i think it’s sick you think it’s tragic a young african-americans was saved.
I love how Psaki triggers the losers.

And I especially love her FAFO face. You'd think the fascists would learn, upon seing that face, that they shouldn't try pushing their loaded propaganda questions, given the whupping that they're in for. But they always do, and she always humiliates them.

So asshole, in regards to the officer that likely saved a woman from being stabbed, are you stupidly saying that this incident was "police violence"?
I'm running out of words to describe the idiocy of the left regarding these incidents. It's no wonder that Pew Research has concluded that over half of liberal white women suffer from mental illness. Frankly, I'm stunned that it's not more like 90%.

‘She Was A Child’: White House Calls Fatal Police Shooting Of Black Teen In Ohio ‘Tragic’

"White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki on Wednesday deemed the fatal police shooting of a teenage girl allegedly wielding a knife in Columbus, Ohio, “tragic,” saying “she was just a child.”
Police in Columbus fatally shot the girl, 16, shortly before a jury in Minneapolis on Tuesday convicted former police officer Derek Chauvin of murdering George Floyd. Body camera footage of the Ohio shooting, released by police, shows an officer shooting the girl four times after she apparently lunged at two people while holding a knife.

“The killing of 16-year-old Ma’Khia Bryant by Columbus police is tragic. She was a child. We are thinking of her friends and family and the communities that are grieving her loss,” Psaki said at a White House briefing, adding that President Joe Biden had been briefed on the shooting.

“We know that police violence disproportionately impacts Black and Latino communities and that Black women and girls, like Black men and boys, experience higher rates of police violence. We also know that there are particular vulnerabilities that children in foster care like Ma’Khia face,” Psaki said Wednesday. “Our focus is on working to address systemic racism and implicit bias head-on and of course to passing laws and legislation that will put much-needed reforms into place at police departments around the country.”

‘She Was A Child’: White House Calls Fatal Police Shooting Of Black Teen In Ohio ‘Tragic’ | The Daily Wire
Another one bites the dust. Boom Boom Boom--Another one bites the Dust!
I love how Psaki triggers the losers.

And I especially love her FAFO face. You'd think the fascists would learn, upon seing that face, that they shouldn't try pushing their loaded propaganda questions, given the whupping that they're in for. But they always do, and she always humiliates them.

So asshole, in regards to the officer that likely saved a woman from being stabbed, are you stupidly saying that this incident was "police violence"?
As long as the little murderess stays dead ,that is all that matters.
I love how Psaki triggers the losers.

And I especially love her FAFO face. You'd think the fascists would learn, upon seing that face, that they shouldn't try pushing their loaded propaganda questions, given the whupping that they're in for. But they always do, and she always humiliates them.
She is the most idiotic, incompetent, dishonest White House Press Secretary I have seen in the last 20 years.
I love how Psaki triggers the losers.

And I especially love her FAFO face. You'd think the fascists would learn, upon seing that face, that they shouldn't try pushing their loaded propaganda questions, given the whupping that they're in for. But they always do, and she always humiliates them.
She is the most idiotic, incompetent, dishonest White House Press Secretary I have seen in the last 20 years.
Sara Sanders was the BEST.
I love how Psaki triggers the losers.

And I especially love her FAFO face. You'd think the fascists would learn, upon seing that face, that they shouldn't try pushing their loaded propaganda questions, given the whupping that they're in for. But they always do, and she always humiliates them.
Uh huh. Whatever you say...
I love how Psaki triggers the losers.

And I especially love her FAFO face. You'd think the fascists would learn, upon seing that face, that they shouldn't try pushing their loaded propaganda questions, given the whupping that they're in for. But they always do, and she always humiliates them.
You're retarded.
Watch this bodycam footage of AFTER the event.
The woman that was about to be stabbed clearly states "She came after me, so he (the officer) got her!"

Once Mamooth watches this, I expect a full apology to everyone in this thread.

Mammy will not apologize; he will always believe the cop shot the kid simply because she's black.

Exactly as he's been programmed.

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