The Deplorables are Organizing

We don't need a dominant party, We need people working for All Americans,, not those who work to enrich them self's & promote their party over working for Our country.

Yeah, and until this mythological race of selfless, altruistic creatures actually comes into being - probably flying in on the backs of winged unicorns - we're going to have to deal with the reality of actual humans, rather than playacting that people are going to be something they are not.
You don’t get 74 million voting against the Swamp Creatures and have the Swamp Creatures steal the election without repercussions. One of two things will happen. The GOP will purge RINOS or it will die and be replaced.

Trump ‘Patriot Party’ would win almost quarter of voters, drop GOP to third place.

hypothetical “Patriot Party” led by former President Donald Trump would win the support of almost a quarter — 23% — of the electorate, bumping the GOP down to third place with just 17%, according to a new Just the News poll with Scott Rasmussen.

The startling survey result comes amid reports that Senate Republican support for convicting Trump in an impeachment trial is fast eroding.

So what are you going to attack THIS time?

Gonna start hitting banks?
Why would we attack Banks? That’s what you Commies do. patriots prefer to attack the Capital.

Protest is different from rioting. Funny how you support destructive rioting from your side, but decry peaceful protest from Trump people. The ring leaders of the attack WERE blm. You don't want yo admit it but there is ample evidence that that is true.

You just lose whatever credibility you have when you ignore real evidence.
nobody supports the criminals rioting and looting after the protesters have gone home nor do we support violent actions by antifa. You are a brainwashed functional moron.
Q Sahaman is how he wants to be known, a symbol supported by many on the far right. So he is known that way. If you think he does not adequately represent your cause, take it up with him. You have only seen me kneeling on a mountain top. Never met the guy. If you do not like him now, you should contact him. Probably easier now. I do not know when his court dates are for participating in the trump insurrection. Play stupid UN-American games win the standard American prizes given for your actions.

He certainly represents your side with his BLM and Earth!First activities.
Maybe trump should not have been supporting QAnon? You are kind of late to start disavowing QAnon for your side now, aren't you? Sorry. You and trump are stuck with them.
I don't have a party. That is what being Independent is all about.
You are living in the past, not just 10 months but generations, casually pitching out Nazi, Reich speak, Goering and Himmler to no avail. Try reality.

You "don't have a party" but are an avid supporter of Xi's man and every democrat in power.

You spew the big lie about "insurrection" by a mob of unarmed goobers putting their feet on Nancy Pigshit's desk. You never condemn the non-stop violence by the Brown Shirt terrorists of the democrat party. You openly lie to coverup the attack on the White House in July, because it interferes with fiction promoted by the Reich.

To the casual observer, it very much looks like you DO have a party.

Why do you pitch the Nazi thing around? Makes you sound like a right-wing extremist nut ball. Are you like that at work or do you hide it to keep your job? Or do you even have a job?

Why do you engage in a 10 month long Kristalnacht? It makes you look like a left-wing extremist Nazis. Do you wear Communist Chinese flags on your clothes when you report for mandatory job interviews? Ensuring no one will hire you but keeping the DOC off your back..
Troll. You know I never did. JADL :9:

Your party did - and continues to, while you cheer them on.

You see Nazi, when you of the Reich speak of "insurgents" after 10 months of non-stop violence that you have justified, defended, and flat out lied about (how many times have I had to post links about the July attack on the White House, yet you still lie about it) then people are going to see your actions as very much like those of Herman Goering and Heinrich Himmler.
I don't have a party. That is what being Independent is all about.
You are living in the past, not just 10 months but generations, casually pitching out Nazi, Reich speak, Goering and Himmler to no avail. Try reality.

Y'know how I can tell you're a leftist? Because you're stupid enough to think that labels create reality.

"Oh, no, I'm an Independent, because that's the label I picked. Pay no attention to the fact that everything I say is a fawning excuse on behalf of the left; just accept my label as reality!!!"

Sure, sweetie. Just as soon as I get a lobotomy, I'll get busy being as ignorant and gullible as you are.
I don't have a party. That is what being Independent is all about.
You are living in the past, not just 10 months but generations, casually pitching out Nazi, Reich speak, Goering and Himmler to no avail. Try reality.

You "don't have a party" but are an avid supporter of Xi's man and every democrat in power.

You spew the big lie about "insurrection" by a mob of unarmed goobers putting their feet on Nancy Pigshit's desk. You never condemn the non-stop violence by the Brown Shirt terrorists of the democrat party. You openly lie to coverup the attack on the White House in July, because it interferes with fiction promoted by the Reich.

To the casual observer, it very much looks like you DO have a party.

View attachment 448809
Just Another Damn lie. You are getting to be a broken record of stating lies as if facts. Are you running for office on the trump republican ticket?
Q Sahaman is how he wants to be known, a symbol supported by many on the far right. So he is known that way. If you think he does not adequately represent your cause, take it up with him. You have only seen me kneeling on a mountain top. Never met the guy. If you do not like him now, you should contact him. Probably easier now. I do not know when his court dates are for participating in the trump insurrection. Play stupid UN-American games win the standard American prizes given for your actions.

He certainly represents your side with his BLM and Earth!First activities.
Maybe trump should not have been supporting QAnon? You are kind of late to start disavowing QAnon for your side now, aren't you? Sorry. You and trump are stuck with them.

Oh, please. The left that you laughingly try to pretend you don't ass-lick for scours the Internet, looking for an attack point, brings it up with demands for repudiation to people who've never heard of it, and then triumphantly declares that lack of awareness - presumably caused by having a life other than hunting for political attack points - is "support!"

Sorry, but we're not "stuck" with anything simply because your "independently Democrat-fellating" ass tells us so. I don't recall any of us ever electing you Grand High Arbiter of You Believe This Because I Say You Do, so perhaps YOU should consider yourself stuck with getting over yourself.
Maybe trump should not have been supporting QAnon?


So he should have supported Jeff Epstein and the democrat child sex preditors?

You are kind of late to start disavowing QAnon for your side now, aren't you? Sorry. You and trump are stuck with them.

Qanon opposes and exposes child sex trafficking. Bill Clinton, Robert DeNiro, Prince Andrew, Katie Couric, Kevin Spacey, Dan Rather, Stephen King.

You of the Reich called them a "conspiracy theory" for years, mocking the idea that some cabal of sexual predators that included the most powerful people in media, the Reich, and European Monarchies, had a secret island of underage sex slaves they would fly to.

You DO grasp all of these claims have been proven, right?

QAnon fight the exploitation of underage boys and girls by the ruling caste. They are not a political movement, and can only be viewed as "right wing" due to how deeply the Reich is involved in sex trafficking.
Maybe trump should not have been supporting QAnon?


So he should have supported Jeff Epstein and the democrat child sex preditors?

You are kind of late to start disavowing QAnon for your side now, aren't you? Sorry. You and trump are stuck with them.

Qanon opposes and exposes child sex trafficking. Bill Clinton, Robert DeNiro, Prince Andrew, Katie Couric, Kevin Spacey, Dan Rather, Stephen King.

You of the Reich called them a "conspiracy theory" for years, mocking the idea that some cabal of sexual predictors that included the most powerful people in media, the Reich, and European Monarchies, had a secret island of underage sex slaves they would fly to.

You DO grasp all of these claims have been proven, right?

QAnon fight the exploitation of underage boys and girls by the ruling caste. They are not a political movement, and can only be viewed as "right wing" due to how deeply the Reich is involved in sex trafficking.
Trump flew with his friend Jeffrey on the Lolita express. I thought he already supported exploitation of underage boys and girls. To tell the truth, I wondered whether that was why Epstein (Jefferey Epstein did not kill himself) died in federal prison under the trump administration control, possibly to keep him silent. Trump has been know to take steps to gain the silence of those involved in extramarital sexual exploits the whole time he has been married.
I don't have a party. That is what being Independent is all about.
You are living in the past, not just 10 months but generations, casually pitching out Nazi, Reich speak, Goering and Himmler to no avail. Try reality.

You "don't have a party" but are an avid supporter of Xi's man and every democrat in power.

You spew the big lie about "insurrection" by a mob of unarmed goobers putting their feet on Nancy Pigshit's desk. You never condemn the non-stop violence by the Brown Shirt terrorists of the democrat party. You openly lie to coverup the attack on the White House in July, because it interferes with fiction promoted by the Reich.

To the casual observer, it very much looks like you DO have a party.

View attachment 448809
Just Another Damn lie. You are getting to be a broken record of stating lies as if facts. Are you running for office on the trump republican ticket?

What specifically do you claim is less than entirely accurate?

Go ahead and post your condemnation of the attack on White House in July?

I mean, if I'm lying that should be easy for you to do...
I don't have a party. That is what being Independent is all about.
You are living in the past, not just 10 months but generations, casually pitching out Nazi, Reich speak, Goering and Himmler to no avail. Try reality.

You "don't have a party" but are an avid supporter of Xi's man and every democrat in power.

You spew the big lie about "insurrection" by a mob of unarmed goobers putting their feet on Nancy Pigshit's desk. You never condemn the non-stop violence by the Brown Shirt terrorists of the democrat party. You openly lie to coverup the attack on the White House in July, because it interferes with fiction promoted by the Reich.

To the casual observer, it very much looks like you DO have a party.

View attachment 448809
Just Another Damn lie. You are getting to be a broken record of stating lies as if facts. Are you running for office on the trump republican ticket?

What specifically do you claim is less than entirely accurate?

Go ahead and post your condemnation of the attack on White House in July?

I mean, if I'm lying that should be easy for you to do...
I did not really read further than the first line about Xi's man. See. First line, and you lose your audience. Maybe try putting the bullsh#t at the end, so people will take you serious enough to read your scree.
Trump flew with his friend Jeffrey on the Lolita express.

Well, now that's a fucking lie, as you well know.

Trump was in the celebrity circle that included Epstein, but despite the lie you tell for your party, for your Reich, Trump banished Epstein decades back.

You claim not to be a member of the Reich, yet you openly and blatantly lie to promote the agenda of the Reich.

Trump barred Jeffrey Epstein from Mar-a-Lago over sex assault: court docs

I thought he already supported exploitation of underage boys and girls. To tell the truth, I wondered whether that was why Epstein (Jefferey Epstein did not kill himself) died in federal prison under the trump administration control, possibly to keep him silent. Trump has been know to take steps to gain the silence of those involved in extramarital sexual exploits the whole time he has been married.

The problem is Herr Himmler, nothing you vomit out is true. You seek to defame the object of hatred as instructed by your filthy party - but you start with a blatant lie that has been debunked thousands of times on this board - meaning you know full well that you're lying, but hold party above all so lie anyway.

Epstein was in Ryker's Island. A prison for the State of New York, when he was murdered.

Who gained from his death?

Obviously Bill Clinton, Prince Andrew, Chris Tucker, Robert DeNiro who are all proven multiple times to be clients of the sex trafficker.

Despite your fucking lie, Trump never did.
I did not really read further than the first line about Xi's man. See. First line, and you lose your audience. Maybe try putting the bullsh#t at the end, so people will take you serious enough to read your scree.

You read the whole thing and ducked because you're exposed.

You are a partisan hack and utterly dishonest - that is the truth.

You melted down because I spoke of your hero in unflattering terms. You don't like that I identify Quid Pro as "Xi's man," I don't like that Beijing Biden is fully in the hip pocket of Xi Jinping.
Here's the problem:

A Trump third party could provoke a pivotal realignment in American politics. With the support of 46% of registered voters in the new poll, Democrats would reap the benefits of a fractured opposition and entrench themselves as the nation's dominant party — even without majority support.

From the OP's link. The Lefties would love nothing more than becoming America's dominant political party.
This is the kind of guilting and shaming for my vote that I do not respond to.

Could be the Repubs would end up the third party and the new party the dominant one: happened before, with the Whigs and the Republicans, exactly that way. The Whigs dragged on awhile, but not for more than an election or two. And then everyone totally realigned.

And fought a great civil war, but never mind that; couldn't possibly be related, right?
Here's the problem:

A Trump third party could provoke a pivotal realignment in American politics. With the support of 46% of registered voters in the new poll, Democrats would reap the benefits of a fractured opposition and entrench themselves as the nation's dominant party — even without majority support.

From the OP's link. The Lefties would love nothing more than becoming America's dominant political party.
This is the kind of guilting and shaming for my vote that I do not respond to.

Could be the Repubs would end up the third party and the new party the dominant one: happened before, with the Whigs and the Republicans, exactly that way. The Whigs dragged on awhile, but not for more than an election or two. And then everyone totally realigned.

And fought a great civil war, but never mind that; couldn't possibly be related, right?

"Could be the Repubs would end up the third party and the new party the dominant one"

Could be. Could be that Biden and the democrats will fuck things up so bad over the next 4 years that they won't get the support from the independent voters in 2024 that they got in 2020. But it could also be that the Patriot Party and the GOP split the votes that the democrats don't get, and the democrats win anyway with much less that 50% of the vote.

I think the chances for the repubs is better if Trump doesn't start that 3rd party and whoever the GOP nominee is will be elected the next president. And I highly doubt that person will be Donald J. Trump; he made too many enemies and is in process of making even more enemies as we speak.
Here's the problem:

A Trump third party could provoke a pivotal realignment in American politics. With the support of 46% of registered voters in the new poll, Democrats would reap the benefits of a fractured opposition and entrench themselves as the nation's dominant party — even without majority support.

From the OP's link. The Lefties would love nothing more than becoming America's dominant political party.

They already are through cheating. The repub/democrat political class are the enemy of the people of this country. We need a non corrupt Party to counter them. A Party that adheres to the COTUS and works for what is best for the country, andvthe citizens. Not what is best for the oligarchs.
It's more often the republicans who are the crooks etc. Obama's record. Clean. Trump's? A disaster.
Trump flew with his friend Jeffrey on the Lolita express.

Well, now that's a fucking lie, as you well know.

Trump was in the celebrity circle that included Epstein, but despite the lie you tell for your party, for your Reich, Trump banished Epstein decades back.

You claim not to be a member of the Reich, yet you openly and blatantly lie to promote the agenda of the Reich.

Trump barred Jeffrey Epstein from Mar-a-Lago over sex assault: court docs

I thought he already supported exploitation of underage boys and girls. To tell the truth, I wondered whether that was why Epstein (Jefferey Epstein did not kill himself) died in federal prison under the trump administration control, possibly to keep him silent. Trump has been know to take steps to gain the silence of those involved in extramarital sexual exploits the whole time he has been married.

The problem is Herr Himmler, nothing you vomit out is true. You seek to defame the object of hatred as instructed by your filthy party - but you start with a blatant lie that has been debunked thousands of times on this board - meaning you know full well that you're lying, but hold party above all so lie anyway.

Epstein was in Ryker's Island. A prison for the State of New York, when he was murdered.

Who gained from his death?

Obviously Bill Clinton, Prince Andrew, Chris Tucker, Robert DeNiro who are all proven multiple times to be clients of the sex trafficker.

Despite your fucking lie, Trump never did.
Well, there is this:
Flight Logs Show Trump Was on the “Lolita Express”

Newly unsealed flight logs show Trump flew on Epstein’s private plane at least once, in 1997. (And we know Epstein flew on Trump’s plane.) According to the Insider, handwritten logs show Trump flew from Palm Beach International Airport to the Newark Liberty International Airport with Maxwell; Epstein; Epstein’s brother, Mark; billionaire couple Glenn and Eva Dubin; and someone identified as “Didler” or “Didier” on January 5, 1997.

This corroborates Mark Epstein’s claim in a 2009 deposition that Trump flew on Epstein’s plane. Mark said Trump was on the plane “numerous times,” but that he was only present for one flight with Trump in the late ’90s.

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