The Dems just don't get it!

The left leaning base is pissed? Gee, you think moderates and independents CARE?

The left is throwing a "tizzy" and it's not going to do a thing to improve things for them with moderates and independents. Go ahead and block city streets with protests because the person you didn't want to win...did! Every average working stiff who can't get to and from work because some George Soros paid idiots are blocking traffic aren't going to suddenly have an change of heart and become progressives because people like you are "pissed"!
So when did Trump become the Republican savior? It certainly wasn't during the primary's.
When he prevented Hillary from naming the next three supreme court justices, lol.
Excuse me?
Just a small homage to the folks in the I/P forum. Since I've been back, I've yet to stop in and say hi to my buddies. That had nothing to do with you.

Getting back to this thread, that's another thing the Dems are doing that I don't like.................kissing a little too much Israeli ass!

Do you have anything to say that is relative to this thread? Or do you just like pontificating with pictures?

You don't think the Democrats booing God and Israel three times was relevant to your comment that you would like to see the Dems kiss less Israeli ass?

It was a youtube video, not a picture, lol.

Was the irony lost on you that you went off OP with your little homage to the folks in the I/P forum and then accused me of not having anything relevant to this thread? At least I was responding to something you wrote, lol.

When he prevented Hillary from naming the next three supreme court justices, lol.
You can't name supreme court nominees, when the other side is so fucked (and hates this country so much), they refuse to have any confirmation hearings.
You don't get you, Billo? It's not that people see Trump as a "savior"'s that they see him as someone who MIGHT clean up the dysfunctional mess that our country has become.
Like putting people in his Cabinet that are unqualified for the job they are holding like Sessions and DeVos?

The last guy was the one who was supposed to be the "savior" and he made things worse. People gravitated to Trump because the others promised nothing except more of the same.
Both guys shoveled a lot of ear candy our way. Then we were reminded the last guy's bottom line was that he was a "politician". We'll see what the new guy becomes.

Unqualified? In what way? DeVos isn't a big fan of the teacher's unions. She thinks parents should have choices about where their kids get an education. Is that why you don't think she's qualified? It's why the teacher's unions didn't want to see her confirmed. Our public school systems are failing our kids and to be quite frank...the teacher's unions don't care!
Unqualified? In what way? DeVos isn't a big fan of the teacher's unions. She thinks parents should have choices about where their kids get an education. Is that why you don't think she's qualified? It's why the teacher's unions didn't want to see her confirmed. Our public school systems are failing our kids and to be quite frank...the teacher's unions don't care!
Talk to the hand!

I'm sick of you fuckers trying to tell me the emperor has new clothes.
You don't think the Democrats booing God and Israel three times was relevant to your comment that you would like to see the Dems kiss less Israeli ass?

It was a youtube video, not a picture, lol.

Was the irony lost on you that you went off OP with your little homage to the folks in the I/P forum and then accused me of not having anything relevant to this thread? At least I was responding to something you wrote, lol.

The Dems kiss a lot of Israeli ass. God doesn't kiss any. In fact, God doesn't even like Israel.

That's all I'm going to say about that. You wanna "go" on this topic, start a thread in the proper forum and I'll come in and eat your lunch.

Only babies would do to this country what you fuckers did during the Obama administration.

What did us "fuckers" do during the Obama Administration? Oppose policies that were bad? Point out that the numbers didn't work with the "Affordable Care Act"? Point out that his foreign policy was a disaster?

The reality of what happened during the Obama Administration, that Barack Obama took office with majorities in both the House and Senate. He LOST those majorities in his first two years because his agenda was not what the American people wanted and they sent Republicans to Washington to stop Barry, Harry and Nancy from doing any more damage to the country!
You don't think the Democrats booing God and Israel three times was relevant to your comment that you would like to see the Dems kiss less Israeli ass?

It was a youtube video, not a picture, lol.

Was the irony lost on you that you went off OP with your little homage to the folks in the I/P forum and then accused me of not having anything relevant to this thread? At least I was responding to something you wrote, lol.

The Dems kiss a lot of Israeli ass. God doesn't kiss any. In fact, God doesn't even like Israel.

That's all I'm going to say about that. You wanna "go" on this topic, start a thread in the proper forum and I'll come in and eat your lunch. now claim to know what God likes? Really, Billo?
What did us "fuckers" do during the Obama Administration? Oppose policies that were bad? Point out that the numbers didn't work with the "Affordable Care Act"? Point out that his foreign policy was a disaster?

The reality of what happened during the Obama Administration, that Barack Obama took office with majorities in both the House and Senate. He LOST those majorities in his first two years because his agenda was not what the American people wanted and they sent Republicans to Washington to stop Barry, Harry and Nancy from doing any more damage to the country!
You shut down government at the expense of the American people, so fuck you!
Does he talk to you personally and tell you what he's liking and what he's not? How does that work?
Democrats in this country still don't get the fact that they are not going to win anything until they stop kissing the butt of the same sponsors the Reps are kissing and start acting in concert with the real liberal and progressive movements in this country.

The Crisis within the Democratic Party
In one of the most striking political comebacks in U.S. history, the Republican Party marched in lockstep to victory in the midterm elections and seized control of the House of Representatives and state houses across the nation. Republicans made a battle plan, they disciplined their troops, and the corporations paid for the ammunition.

Unless the Democrats do something drastically differently during the next two years, the rich and powerful will cement their victory around the body of democracy and dump the barrel of freedom into the deep dark waters of cash politics where it will be lost forever.

The biggest reason the Dems are in the position they are in now, is because liberals can see them for what they really are, which is just the flip side of the republican coin. And you're not going to get liberals, progressives or millennials to vote for you until you stop bailing out Wall Street, suppressing constitutional rights, voting for wars of aggression and compromising with the rich and powerful fascists that run this country.

Look at all the protests across this country today, that's not just because people can't stand right wing representatives, it's because YOU DEMS dropped the ball on democracy!
If Republicans do the right things they have nothing to worry about
You don't think the Democrats booing God and Israel three times was relevant to your comment that you would like to see the Dems kiss less Israeli ass?

It was a youtube video, not a picture, lol.

Was the irony lost on you that you went off OP with your little homage to the folks in the I/P forum and then accused me of not having anything relevant to this thread? At least I was responding to something you wrote, lol.

The Dems kiss a lot of Israeli ass. God doesn't kiss any. In fact, God doesn't even like Israel.

That's all I'm going to say about that. You wanna "go" on this topic, start a thread in the proper forum and I'll come in and eat your lunch.
The youtube video says otherwise, lol. You don't believe in God.
The Democrat party, instead of facing reality for their epic defeat in the last election. Continue to ignore the fact that they ran a seriously flawed candidate, and embraced unpopular economic policies that were rejected by the middle class.

Instead of questioning what went wrong and why? And taking steps to address the problem. Their only response has been to blame Putin and the Russian's for the Democrat disaster at the ballot box. ...... :cool:
The American people did this to themselves

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