The Democrats / Left Is TERRIFIED of President Trump, Attempting To Eliminate All Things Trump Because They Know They Can / Did Not Beat Him

It’s not fear, Trump just got whooped by a guy who is two decades past his prime. It’s just that Trump is toxic and best left ignored so he and his crew of over emotional childish troll supporters don’t gain any more steam.

We all know that without unsolicited mail in ballots, midnight drops of "found" ballots after observers were sent away - based on lies - courts violating there ow state constitutions to extend voting hours, on and on - that the 2020 election never happens.

Georgia has already restored election integrity, Nevada is also in the process of returning of free and fail elections.

The Reich got away with 2020, but it was a one time trick. You shot your wad. Without the massive irregularities in voting, Harris/Biden would be on the ash heap of history.
No we don’t all know that. There is no evidence to support any mass fraud With mail in ballots or secret midnight dumps. Trump was just a dim Ass and campaigned against using them while the Dems promoted their use and won.
No, we don’t all know that. There is alot of evidence to support mass fraud with mail in ballots and secret midnight are just a little sheep spreading your idols propaganda....
No there is not evidence of that. I’ve heard those claims and challenged those making them to show proof and they all either run from the debate or post debunked/unverified lies. Go ahead and prove me wrong. I dare you
if you could ever get away from your publishing stations...there is real news in AMERICA....and camera footage
Yes, there is. ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, NPR, BBC, all kinds of real news.
No there is not evidence of that. I’ve heard those claims and challenged those making them to show proof and they all either run from the debate or post debunked/unverified lies. Go ahead and prove me wrong. I dare you

I have a space alien from another dimension in my basement.

Go ahead and prove me wrong. I dare you

Stupid fuck.
View attachment 474757

Make the 'Orange Bad Man' Go Away.....

Facebook scrubs Lara Trump interview of ex-president from platform; threatens penalties

Facebook scrubs Lara Trump interview of ex-president from platform; threatens penalties

They want to eliminate the memory of Trump because with him around Biden's failures seem even worse by comparison.

Well, they did 'beat' him, albeit not legally.
Yes, there is. ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, NPR, BBC, all kinds of real news.


Mocking aside, he's FAR more credible than the Reich propaganda corps....
No there is not evidence of that. I’ve heard those claims and challenged those making them to show proof and they all either run from the debate or post debunked/unverified lies. Go ahead and prove me wrong. I dare you

I have a space alien from another dimension in my basement.

Go ahead and prove me wrong. I dare you

Stupid fuck.
Exactly the type of arguments you’ve been making here. Pure retard. Bet it probably worked in 3rd grade though
It’s not fear, Trump just got whooped by a guy who is two decades past his prime. It’s just that Trump is toxic and best left ignored so he and his crew of over emotional childish troll supporters don’t gain any more steam.

We all know that without unsolicited mail in ballots, midnight drops of "found" ballots after observers were sent away - based on lies - courts violating there ow state constitutions to extend voting hours, on and on - that the 2020 election never happens.

Georgia has already restored election integrity, Nevada is also in the process of returning of free and fail elections.

The Reich got away with 2020, but it was a one time trick. You shot your wad. Without the massive irregularities in voting, Harris/Biden would be on the ash heap of history.
No we don’t all know that. There is no evidence to support any mass fraud With mail in ballots or secret midnight dumps. Trump was just a dim Ass and campaigned against using them while the Dems promoted their use and won.
No, we don’t all know that. There is alot of evidence to support mass fraud with mail in ballots and secret midnight are just a little sheep spreading your idols propaganda....
No there is not evidence of that. I’ve heard those claims and challenged those making them to show proof and they all either run from the debate or post debunked/unverified lies. Go ahead and prove me wrong. I dare you
if you could ever get away from your publishing stations...there is real news in AMERICA....and camera footage
Yes, there is. ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, NPR, BBC, all kinds of real news.
GAHAHAHAHA!!!!! The Lamestream Press? Fucking propaganda arm of the Democrat Party? No thank you, Bolshevik scumbag.
The True Believers will never let this go, at least not out loud. They're completely emotionally invested in this.

They just can't get it through their heads that a majority of the country doesn't adore the buffoon like they do. It just can't be.
I notice you were clever enough to avoid the topic of this thread

which is the censorship of Trump on Facebook

the pettiness and insecurity coming from your side is sad to behold
View attachment 474757

Make the 'Orange Bad Man' Go Away.....

Facebook scrubs Lara Trump interview of ex-president from platform; threatens penalties

Facebook scrubs Lara Trump interview of ex-president from platform; threatens penalties

They want to eliminate the memory of Trump because with him around Biden's failures seem even worse by comparison.

It’s not fear, Trump just got whooped by a guy who is two decades past his prime. It’s just that Trump is toxic and best left ignored so he and his crew of over emotional childish troll supporters don’t gain any more steam.

The party of safe spaces, coloring books, therapy animals and scream at the sky nights calls Trump supporters over emotional and childish. just can't buy entertainment like this.
The President of Iran is still on Facebook.
Trump was acquitted in the Impeachment and he has not been accused of incitment of violence by any police force.
So why is he still banned from FB.
(For the record, I think the Trumps should boycott it now, and go elsewhere)
I would love to see all the trumps go elsewhere. Perhaps China.

You're going to love seeing jobs going to China now that you installed Baked Potatoes Job Kiling *Joe. Possibly yours if you have one. Wouldn't that be a hoot.
The President of Iran is still on Facebook.
Trump was acquitted in the Impeachment and he has not been accused of incitment of violence by any police force.
So why is he still banned from FB.
(For the record, I think the Trumps should boycott it now, and go elsewhere)
I would love to see all the trumps go elsewhere. Perhaps China.

You're going to love seeing jobs going to China now that you installed Baked Potatoes Job Kiling *Joe. Possibly yours if you have one. Wouldn't that be a hoot.
I'm retired. I don't do anything I didn't already want to do, and I usually don't even start that till noon or after.
It’s not fear, Trump just got whooped by a guy who is two decades past his prime. It’s just that Trump is toxic and best left ignored so he and his crew of over emotional childish troll supporters don’t gain any more steam.

We all know that without unsolicited mail in ballots, midnight drops of "found" ballots after observers were sent away - based on lies - courts violating there ow state constitutions to extend voting hours, on and on - that the 2020 election never happens.

Georgia has already restored election integrity, Nevada is also in the process of returning of free and fail elections.

The Reich got away with 2020, but it was a one time trick. You shot your wad. Without the massive irregularities in voting, Harris/Biden would be on the ash heap of history.
No we don’t all know that. There is no evidence to support any mass fraud With mail in ballots or secret midnight dumps. Trump was just a dim Ass and campaigned against using them while the Dems promoted their use and won.
No, we don’t all know that. There is alot of evidence to support mass fraud with mail in ballots and secret midnight are just a little sheep spreading your idols propaganda....
No there is not evidence of that. I’ve heard those claims and challenged those making them to show proof and they all either run from the debate or post debunked/unverified lies. Go ahead and prove me wrong. I dare you
if you could ever get away from your publishing stations...there is real news in AMERICA....and camera footage
Yes, there is. ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, NPR, BBC, all kinds of real news.
wow, you just named all of the publishers, try NEWS networks, not those one sided parrot stations, they are biased, and there is no journalism on any of those shit stations. this, in part, explains why you are retarded.
it also explains why you are in denial, other than being a demonRAT, those shit stations parrot your idols, and have no clue what the TRUTH is....these shit stations spew anti-AMERICA propaganda.
there is plenty of evidence regarding the fraud election... . Go ahead and prove me wrong. I dare you
the rules---you cant use any of the publishers shit...real news...good luck retard
View attachment 474757

Make the 'Orange Bad Man' Go Away.....

Facebook scrubs Lara Trump interview of ex-president from platform; threatens penalties

Facebook scrubs Lara Trump interview of ex-president from platform; threatens penalties

They want to eliminate the memory of Trump because with him around Biden's failures seem even worse by comparison.

We are not terrified of that fool we just want to see that megalomaniac get his just deserves. Oranfe is the new black after all.

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