"...the Democratic Convention Downplayed Abortion"


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Time and again we've all seen posts by the savages.....er, Democrat voters, who swear that the country agrees with them, that is is simply peachy keen to slaughter defenseless innocent children....both the born and unborn.

"New York abortion law changes allow infanticide"
New York abortion law changes allow infanticide

"Anti-infanticide bill blocked by Senate Democrats"
Senate Democrats block Republicans’ anti-infanticide bill

So it proved quite an affront to the said shock troops that this DNC Nominating Convention admitted that abortion is not popular in this nation.

"Transport yourself back in time to May 2019 and imagine you had been told that the 2020 Democratic National Convention would take a muted approach to the issue of abortion. This prediction would have been shocking.

The 2012 Democratic convention, amid the “war on women” and the travails of Sandra Fluke, was a rip-roaring abortion jamboree.
The 2016 Democratic convention somehow managed to be an even more pro-abortion extravaganza: The party platform called explicitly, for the first time, to provide unlimited taxpayer-funding of abortion for Medicaid recipients, a plank one Democratic senator called “crazy.” The president of Planned Parenthood was given an 8:00 p.m. speaking slot. The leader of NARAL spoke onstage about the time she aborted her first child, not because of any medical issue but because it was an inconvenient time to have a child, and the crowd cheered.

In May 2019, several states across the South had just passed laws that would ban abortion when a baby’s heartbeat is detectable early in pregnancy (if the federal courts allowed states to govern themselves on this issue). Democratic activists were panicked and outraged. One would have reasonably thought the 2020 Democratic convention would have put the “war on women” front and center.

But that didn’t happen.

Biden said in his acceptance speech that “as God’s children each of us have a purpose in our lives.” He spoke of the need for America to “finally live up to and make real the words written in the sacred documents that founded this nation that all men and women are created equal. Endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights. Among them life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”

He promised: “I will stand always for our values of human rights and dignity.”

How could Biden speak these words in one breath and in the next breath endorse the legal right to kill some human beings? He couldn’t. And he didn’t. The fundamental contradiction would have simply been too jarring."
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As I have repeatedly pointed out, once you are able to justify butchering infants, and selling the babies butchered remains off to the highest bidders, at such point there is absolutely no evil thing beyond you, you are capable of any evil fucking thing the democratic party asks of you, anything at all!
Abortion has been the law of the land for 50 years.

What is to downplay?

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