The Democrat Party's War on Women casualty list.


Diamond Member
Oct 13, 2011
In Liberal minds, rent free.
The left and their lapdog media will inundate us with the completely fictional War on Women that they claim the GOP is engaged in. But if we count the bodies on the left, we can easily see that their are waging the true war, and it's horrendous.

Off the top of my head there is:

Marilyn Monroe - Killed
Mary Jo Kopechne - Killed
Katheen Willey - Sexually Assaulted
Paula Jones - Sexually Assaulted
Juanita Broderick - Raped
Monica Lewinski - used and discarded
Hillary Clinton - Cheated on, too many times to count.

This is a short list. I know there are more. Let's list them and count them. Let's expose the real War on Women.

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