The democrat party is growing

You're an idiot. You wouldn't even have the right to vote is it weren't for Republican women and those Republican men who pushed for suffrage and passed the 19th Amendment.

Your party was opposed to it.

Now scurry off to Google and find me something that contradicts that, cockroach.
They changed their ways, the democrats are like the old republicans, 1919 is a long time ago, and the Republicans want to go back before that.
What's sad is that really is the best you can do.

I accept your surrender.
Some people just can't stand hypocrites. It's the entire reason you think people hate Christians. I deeply respect those who really try to live by the example Jesus set. No problem with them at all. On the other hand people who have the worst parts of religion and politics all mixed up in a big authoritarian ball are scumbags. Which one are you?
Some people just can't stand hypocrites. It's the entire reason you think people hate Christians. I deeply respect those who really try to live by the example Jesus set. No problem with them at all. On the other hand people who have the worst parts of religion and politics all mixed up in a big authoritarian ball are scumbags. Which one are you?


Lenin said "force your enemy to live by their own rules."


In your little world there are Communist/Fascists like you, and the enemy - who are Christians.

Anyone not a Communist is automatically a Christain.

Notice that the only one here calling for suppression

of the beliefs of others is you.

How about you Communists live by YOUR rules? How about Bill Gates or BARACK OBAMA give 100% of their ill gained wealth to the poor?

For years you Nazis preached about

Now it's BUH MUH REICHSTAG FIRE as you outlaw protests against your Reich. Suddenly the right to protest just isn't a thing anymore.

Do you support sending in the tanks in Canada to end the protest Tienamin Square Style? Of course you do, show the peasants who have the power! Seig Heil.

Lenin said "force your enemy to live by their own rules."


In your little world there are Communist/Fascists like you, and the enemy - who are Christians.

Anyone not a Communist is automatically a Christain.

Notice that the only one here calling for suppression

of the beliefs of others is you.

How about you Communists live by YOUR rules? How about Bill Gates or BARACK OBAMA give 100% of their ill gained wealth to the poor?

For years you Nazis preached about
View attachment 600476

Now it's BUH MUH REICHSTAG FIRE as you outlaw protests against your Reich. Suddenly the right to protest just isn't a thing anymore.

Do you support sending in the tanks in Canada to end the protest Tienamin Square Style? Of course you do, show the peasants who have the power! Seig Heil.

Jesus said fix your own moral failings before you try to correct others. If you live by the example of Christ no one will ever call you a hypocrite nor will you feel threatened by "The World". Calling yourself a Christian is a public announcement that you adhere to a moral code. If you're always talking about Jesus but you are also nasty and mean to others you open yourself for extra criticism.
Jesus said fix your own moral failings before you try to correct others.

What I expect from Jesus is that he fix the lawn mower and get the back yard under control.

Marx said "The exploitation of the proletarians is a crime against humanity."

Yet who are the greatest exploiters?

If you live by the example of Christ no one will ever call you a hypocrite nor will you feel threatened by "The World".

Ditto if you put in action the ideals of Marx

Calling yourself a Christian is a public announcement that you adhere to a moral code. If you're always talking about Jesus but you are also nasty and mean to others you open yourself for extra criticism.

Live by your own fucking rules, then we can discuss what others do, hypocrite.
You would probably be astounded by just how much Hitler used Protestant religious arguments for doing the things he did.

Yes I would. Will you make up some quotes? Communists/Nazis are well known for fabricating false history to promote your evil.

Standard Disclaimer: Adolf Hitler was of course raised CATHOLIC, though an occultist in reality.

What I expect from Jesus is that he fix the lawn mower and get the back yard under control.

Marx said "The exploitation of the proletarians is a crime against humanity."

Yet who are the greatest exploiters?

Ditto if you put in action the ideals of Marx

Live by your own fucking rules, then we can discuss what others do, hypocrite.
Being a Christian and a right winger at the same time makes you schizo. The two mixed together bring out the worst in both. These days right wing Christianity is little more than a political movement disguised as a religious faith. A plethora of moral escape clauses contrived to make your sins acceptable in the eyes of God but no one else's.
Being a Christian and a right winger at the same time makes you schizo. The two mixed together bring out the worst in both. These days right wing Christianity is little more than a political movement disguised as a religious faith. A plethora of moral escape clauses contrived to make your sins acceptable in the eyes of God but no one else's.

Again, adhere to your own stated principles, THEN and ONLY then can you discuss others.

You're not clever. Dig up some other "how to deal with Americans" bullshit - this one
Again, adhere to your own stated principles, THEN and ONLY then can you discuss others.

You're not clever. Dig up some other "how to deal with Americans" bullshit - this one
I have an ethical code that very closely mirrors the teachings of Christ without all the ritual mumbo-jumbo mysticism of religiosity. Amazing how much being constantly worried about death and the afterlife can cloud the very basic code of conduct espoused by the founder of your religion.
I have an ethical code that very closely mirrors the teachings of Christ without all the ritual mumbo-jumbo mysticism of religiosity. Amazing how much being constantly worried about death and the afterlife can cloud the very basic code of conduct espoused by the founder of your religion.

Founder of my religion because I'm not a Communist. There are only Communists and Christians, Anyone not a Communist is a Christian!
Founder of my religion because I'm not a Communist. There are only Communists and Christians, Anyone not a Communist is a Christian!
Ah, the good old "If you are not with us you are against us" crap. The final refrain of every authoritarian ever.

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