The Democrat Establishment Think They Can Appeal To Trump Voters, They're Sadly Mistaken

With Biden they may get back some of the saner voters but as long as the swingers are emotively charged with nationalism it is a waste of time..They also need to promote an agenda and a plank not just empty promises like Mexico paying for a wall on the US border or free college..

Thats funny, mg. They always promote freebies and then the costs skyrocket. Lol.
The repubs offered no less by allowing any and all freebies to continue to exist when they were in power. The rich and powerful get their freebies also yet yous guys never bitch about that..

You're stating the obvious. Dems, repubs always give tax cuts to rich and powerful. I don't place my faith on any side. I just do it myself.
If Democrats gave tax cuts for the wealthy they would be Republicans. The reason Democrats and Republicans are different is that Republicans are white and Democrats are everyone else. So naturally their policies are going to be different.

The only people that say Republicans and Democrats are the same are Republicans who are trying to keep Democrats from voting.

If you think changes within tax policy of a percent here and there are game changers, you're mistaken and don't know the game.
Both party's should be speaking to all Americans, explaining there vision for All. the president, senate, house need to work for all of us. not dollars or one party.
When has the current resident of the White House every reached out to Democrats?
There are many people who voted for Trump who can be won back.

Example. How many women are mad Republicans are trying to ban abortion?

Or, how many medicaid workers voted for Trump because they fell for the "it was time for change" line? Republicans cut their benefits. I know one guy personally. I couldn't believe he voted for Trump. Clearly he doesn't know that the GOP doesn't give a shit about him.
I don't believe it.
Hahaha...that’s some funny ass shit.
A LefTarded regressive grows a beard, throws on a Cooter hat and pretends to be a Redneck with the hopes of being taken seriously by Trump supporters. FUCK OFF you filthy pieces of shits.
Remember, 30 states and 2,623 counties....GOOD LUCK!
Both party's should be speaking to all Americans, explaining there vision for All. the president, senate, house need to work for all of us. not dollars or one party.
When has the current resident of the White House every reached out to Democrats?
The three times he was at the State of Union/Addressing the Congress. The Progs are priceless in their drama. They emote I tell you.
The Democrats are really foolish, foolish, foolish people.

They're actively campaigning to people that voted for Trump.

This is not wise, as these voters are clearly extatic w/his performance, as abysmal as it's been.

Here's a great analysis of what sums up my thoughts on this...

I say, Dems should seek more voters and appeal to the ones that are already looking towards them to solve the country's problems. Republicans hate your guys, no sense wasting one second on them.

What's your thoughts?

We can't fix stupid.
The Democrats are really foolish, foolish, foolish people.

They're actively campaigning to people that voted for Trump.

This is not wise, as these voters are clearly extatic w/his performance, as abysmal as it's been.

Here's a great analysis of what sums up my thoughts on this...

I say, Dems should seek more voters and appeal to the ones that are already looking towards them to solve the country's problems. Republicans hate your guys, no sense wasting one second on them.

What's your thoughts?

I’m pretty depressed at Perez and Ellison being the head of the Democratic Party. Democrats should go everywhere to look for more voters. And they should be educating Hispanic and black voters that haven’t voted because they feel they have no voice. Without the vote they truly have no voice. Black Americans died for the right to vote. And even though Republicans are working tirelessly to take away that right, I’m not seeing the fight back. Why not?
I know it’s early in the election process and that they haven’t even started the debate’s.
But with Perez saying no debates on Fox, it’s like he’s working for Trump.

And they should be educating Hispanic and black voters that haven’t voted because they feel they have no voice.

If you educate them, they wont' vote Democrat

No, if you educate them they'll find out that recent republican history has the most criminals and they don't give a damn about anything but winning. Nixon and reagan for sure, and now trump and all his problems and investigations and it's not over by a long shot. He should have been run out of town by his own party by now but it looks like today's republicans really don't give a damn about anything but winning and staying in control.
Hahaha...that’s some funny ass shit.
A LefTarded regressive grows a beard, throws on a Cooter hat and pretends to be a Redneck with the hopes of being taken seriously by Trump supporters. FUCK OFF you filthy pieces of shits.
Remember, 30 states and 2,623 counties....GOOD LUCK!

The dudes a fucking regressive tool...share more please.
“Don’t expect better of Americans.”
“Don’t expect society to follow any standards.”
These ideals are straight from the Be Regressive 101 manual
The fact that sponges and jellyfish have survived for over 650 million years without a brain is good news for RINO's and the democrats. So, what other politicians are promising any control over unchecked immigration? Tell me or shut up.... At birth, a baby elephant weighs 250 pounds, making them the biggest babies on earth, right after American libtards.

I was 14 when JFK spoke in front of a group of lefties from the Sears loading dock one night. I knew he was a communist then. The next week, Nixon spoke. He was a real American, even a 14 year old knew it. There is just something about the left that is not healthy for a free market country. The business of America is business. The leftards are against that in every way that matters. In all the years since those days, I have never even thought of voting for a tard, and I can say, I NEVER will.
The Democrats are really foolish, foolish, foolish people.

They're actively campaigning to people that voted for Trump.

This is not wise, as these voters are clearly extatic w/his performance, as abysmal as it's been.

Here's a great analysis of what sums up my thoughts on this...

I say, Dems should seek more voters and appeal to the ones that are already looking towards them to solve the country's problems. Republicans hate your guys, no sense wasting one second on them.

What's your thoughts?

Why can’t you run on policy’s that have a history of working, or a track record?

Ohhhh wait socialism doesn’t work, Lol and all the dem candidates have a failed track record.

Socialism works great for the farmers...but you knew that..

No over regulation works bad for the farmers. Get it right.. free them up and end the subsidies .. we don’t want it

Yeah the regs that are killing them are Trump's tariff policies, derpa..Trump shut down free trade when will you guys ever figure that out?
The fact that sponges and jellyfish have survived for over 650 million years without a brain is good news for RINO's and the democrats. So, what other politicians are promising any control over unchecked immigration? Tell me or shut up.... At birth, a baby elephant weighs 250 pounds, making them the biggest babies on earth, right after American libtards.

I was 14 when JFK spoke in front of a group of lefties from the Sears loading dock one night. I knew he was a communist then. The next week, Nixon spoke. He was a real American, even a 14 year old knew it. There is just something about the left that is not healthy for a free market country. The business of America is business. The leftards are against that in every way that matters. In all the years since those days, I have never even thought of voting for a tard, and I can say, I NEVER will.
Nixon was no commie with his price controls during the war.
The Democrats are really foolish, foolish, foolish people.

They're actively campaigning to people that voted for Trump.

This is not wise, as these voters are clearly extatic w/his performance, as abysmal as it's been.

Here's a great analysis of what sums up my thoughts on this...

I say, Dems should seek more voters and appeal to the ones that are already looking towards them to solve the country's problems. Republicans hate your guys, no sense wasting one second on them.

What's your thoughts?

Why can’t you run on policy’s that have a history of working, or a track record?

Ohhhh wait socialism doesn’t work, Lol and all the dem candidates have a failed track record.

Socialism works great for the farmers...but you knew that..

No over regulation works bad for the farmers. Get it right.. free them up and end the subsidies .. we don’t want it

Yeah the regs that are killing them are Trump's tariff policies, derpa..Trump shut down free trade when will you guys ever figure that out?

No it’s epa restrictions that are slowly being repealed that’s why the market and future investments are opening up.. sit down you might learn something.. or do you prefer the masses on welfare?? Hmmm
The Democrats are really foolish, foolish, foolish people.

They're actively campaigning to people that voted for Trump.

This is not wise, as these voters are clearly extatic w/his performance, as abysmal as it's been.

Here's a great analysis of what sums up my thoughts on this...

I say, Dems should seek more voters and appeal to the ones that are already looking towards them to solve the country's problems. Republicans hate your guys, no sense wasting one second on them.

What's your thoughts?

Why can’t you run on policy’s that have a history of working, or a track record?

Ohhhh wait socialism doesn’t work, Lol and all the dem candidates have a failed track record.

Socialism works great for the farmers...but you knew that..

No over regulation works bad for the farmers. Get it right.. free them up and end the subsidies .. we don’t want it

Yeah the regs that are killing them are Trump's tariff policies, derpa..Trump shut down free trade when will you guys ever figure that out?

No it’s epa restrictions that are slowly being repealed that’s why the market and future investments are opening up.. sit down you might learn something.. or do you prefer the masses on welfare?? Hmmm

It doesn't' matter if they allow the farmers to sell you a diseased cow to eat the farmers need to export surplus goods and they are not getting to do as such in the largest nation for importing agri products....
Why can’t you run on policy’s that have a history of working, or a track record?

Ohhhh wait socialism doesn’t work, Lol and all the dem candidates have a failed track record.
Socialism works great for the farmers...but you knew that..
No over regulation works bad for the farmers. Get it right.. free them up and end the subsidies .. we don’t want it
Yeah the regs that are killing them are Trump's tariff policies, derpa..Trump shut down free trade when will you guys ever figure that out?
No it’s epa restrictions that are slowly being repealed that’s why the market and future investments are opening up.. sit down you might learn something.. or do you prefer the masses on welfare?? Hmmm
It doesn't' matter if they allow the farmers to sell you a diseased cow to eat the farmers need to export surplus goods and they are not getting to do as such in the largest nation for importing agri products....
Well you should support trump on the tariffs .. we need to win this battle.. or do you want farmers on welfare and America getting raped?
Socialism works great for the farmers...but you knew that..
No over regulation works bad for the farmers. Get it right.. free them up and end the subsidies .. we don’t want it
Yeah the regs that are killing them are Trump's tariff policies, derpa..Trump shut down free trade when will you guys ever figure that out?
No it’s epa restrictions that are slowly being repealed that’s why the market and future investments are opening up.. sit down you might learn something.. or do you prefer the masses on welfare?? Hmmm
It doesn't' matter if they allow the farmers to sell you a diseased cow to eat the farmers need to export surplus goods and they are not getting to do as such in the largest nation for importing agri products....
Well you should support trump on the tariffs .. we need to win this battle.. or do you want farmers on welfare and America getting raped?
I support Trump putting tariffs on his and his families crap from China yet there are zero...until such time the emperor needs to suffer like the rest...
No over regulation works bad for the farmers. Get it right.. free them up and end the subsidies .. we don’t want it
Yeah the regs that are killing them are Trump's tariff policies, derpa..Trump shut down free trade when will you guys ever figure that out?
No it’s epa restrictions that are slowly being repealed that’s why the market and future investments are opening up.. sit down you might learn something.. or do you prefer the masses on welfare?? Hmmm
It doesn't' matter if they allow the farmers to sell you a diseased cow to eat the farmers need to export surplus goods and they are not getting to do as such in the largest nation for importing agri products....
Well you should support trump on the tariffs .. we need to win this battle.. or do you want farmers on welfare and America getting raped?
I support Trump putting tariffs on his and his families crap from China yet there are zero...until such time the emperor needs to suffer like the rest...
Lol what!?
The Democrats are really foolish, foolish, foolish people.

They're actively campaigning to people that voted for Trump.

This is not wise, as these voters are clearly extatic w/his performance, as abysmal as it's been.

Here's a great analysis of what sums up my thoughts on this...

I say, Dems should seek more voters and appeal to the ones that are already looking towards them to solve the country's problems. Republicans hate your guys, no sense wasting one second on them.

What's your thoughts?
You let some real idiots order you what to think.
The Democrats are really foolish, foolish, foolish people.

They're actively campaigning to people that voted for Trump.

This is not wise, as these voters are clearly extatic w/his performance, as abysmal as it's been.

Here's a great analysis of what sums up my thoughts on this...

I say, Dems should seek more voters and appeal to the ones that are already looking towards them to solve the country's problems. Republicans hate your guys, no sense wasting one second on them.

What's your thoughts?

The DNC is nothing but a communist front group that loathes this country and all that want liberty and freedom.

Fuck the left.
There are many people who voted for Trump who can be won back.

Example. How many women are mad Republicans are trying to ban abortion?

Or, how many medicaid workers voted for Trump because they fell for the "it was time for change" line? Republicans cut their benefits. I know one guy personally. I couldn't believe he voted for Trump. Clearly he doesn't know that the GOP doesn't give a shit about him.
I don't believe it.
Not the brightest guy. He fell for the decades of attacks against Hillary. And I remember when I asked him what was he thinking he literally said, "I don't know it seemed like a time for change". That's literally what Trump said at his rallies.

Remember he was the anti government Trump. He wasn't a Democrat or Republican supposedly. So even if Republicans want to cut medicaid, these nuts on medicade didn't realize Trump would be fully on board with cutting medicaid.

Yes, plenty of poor white trash voted for Trump because of racism or illegals. Now they are seeing cuts to the safety nets they rely on. Remember Republicans were one vote away from repealing Obamacare? Well if that didn't win some of them back what will?

If they don't realize how close they came to losing something that benefits them, nothing will


One vote away.

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