The Death Of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Pushed Me To Join The Satanic Temple


Paladin of the Lost Hour
Mar 4, 2013
The article title alone is worth a look, eh? :auiqs.jpg:

"When Justice Ginsburg died, I knew immediately that action was needed on a scale we have not seen before. Our democracy has become so fragile that the loss of one of the last guardians of common sense and decency in government less than two months before a pivotal election has put our civil and reproductive rights in danger like never before. And, so, I have turned to Satanism."

The Death Of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Pushed Me To Join The Satanic Temple
The article title alone is worth a look, eh? :auiqs.jpg:

"When Justice Ginsburg died, I knew immediately that action was needed on a scale we have not seen before. Our democracy has become so fragile that the loss of one of the last guardians of common sense and decency in government less than two months before a pivotal election has put our civil and reproductive rights in danger like never before. And, so, I have turned to Satanism."

The Death Of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Pushed Me To Join The Satanic Temple

Good that they are admitting who they are.

And that is much more accurate indeed. Fundamentally, they worship destruction and evil. That explains most socialists.
The article title alone is worth a look, eh? :auiqs.jpg:

"When Justice Ginsburg died, I knew immediately that action was needed on a scale we have not seen before. Our democracy has become so fragile that the loss of one of the last guardians of common sense and decency in government less than two months before a pivotal election has put our civil and reproductive rights in danger like never before. And, so, I have turned to Satanism."

The Death Of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Pushed Me To Join The Satanic Temple


Funny how lefties use the term "reproductive rights" in place of abortion. Imagine how it would effect your "reproductive rights" if they showed what happens when full term infants are stabbed in the back of the head and their brains sucked out or when a baby is left on a cold stainless table until it dies. There is little chance of Roe being overturned but lefties won't give an inch when it comes to killing babies. Maybe we can get a S.C. Justice with a little common sense instead of a political activist.
Oh, come on. We do need someone to protect us and our freedoms from theocrats. Particularly women and LGBTs need protection, as these groups are the first to come under attack by people who claim to be "religious." So why not have an organization that provides a counter-balance? It's not as if some evil god known as "satan" actually exists.
Someone who is that obsessed with abortions (post birth or after birth?) quite obviously was always a Satanist to begin with... and not the Larping kind, either.

What does "obsessed with abortions" mean? As far as I know, Justice Ginsburg just protected the individual's right to proceed according to her beliefs, regardless of what they are. It is the right-wingers who appear to be "obsessed with abortions."

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