The Dark Shadow Government.

Dan Stubbs

May 4, 2017
Some where in the Deep South.
The following is just one example of the Shadow Government.

The former chairwoman of the Federal Election Commission, who famously eyed regulating the politics of conservative outlets like the Drudge Report, has joined an advocacy group funded by George Soros and run by his son.Ann Ravel is the first fellow listed with the California advocacy group New America.Her fellowship began in March and pays a $30,000 stipend."We want to help amplify the work of each of our fellows, both to help them better articulate and reach their target audience, and to raise their profiles as change-makers," according to the group.Since leaving the FEC, Ravel has continued to speak out for more election regulation, especially on the internet where she sees political advertising shifting to in the next presidential contest.Was A Special Prosecutor For President Trump Inevitable?
She has applauded calls for regulating political speech and spending on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube and this week endorsed tracing the funding of online ads and regulating individual Twitter accounts. In a tweet, for example, she drew attention to a report of a Twitter supporter of Donald Trump named "Amy" who the San Francisco Examiner could not find.Ravel tweeted, "Searching for proof of Amy. FEC allows anonymous internet political ads & refuses to regulate foreign $-leads 2 this."
New America receives funding from the Soros group Open Society Foundations and it is run by Soros son Jonathan Soros.Paul Bedard, the Washington Examiner's "Washington Secrets" columnist, can be contacted at [email protected] Report YouTube George Soros Twitter FEC Facebook Washington Secrets Paul Bedard
The way Trump's people throw around tax payer dollars, the must be the shadow government.
Barnabas Collins for President ...

Barnabas Collins for President ...


He only has upper fangs, he isn't a true canine. And what happens when a vampire breaks a fang? They can't go to the dentist and have a fang fixed, the dentist will know what's up and not want to stick his neck out. Thank you try the veal.
These non profits should not be non profit, they should pay taxes. Too many non profits watchdogs and think tanks.

Media Matter for Americans (is a politically progressive media watchdog in the United States.)


The Media Research Center (MRC) is a politically conservative content analysis organization based in Reston, Virginia, founded in 1987 by L. Brent Bozell III. Its stated mission is to "expose and neutralize the propaganda arm of the Left: the national news media."[1]

(the first one L. Ingraham had on her show, all about George Soros, and about it being a non profit.

She never made mention they have a right wing non profit one as well)
If it’s the shadow government, how do we know about it?

It's called " LEAKING" ever hear the term. Those on the inside who see what is being done to out Country LEAK information.

Why do you think that ass hole Obama prosecuted WHISTLE BLOWERS and TRUMP had to put a PROTECTION on them.

Jesus Christ
Jesus Cripe you fkrs are stupid as fk man.



Our own fkn Government sprayed gases chemicals into cities just to see wha tit would do

Information that dumbasses can't seem to believe is also called DECLASSIFIED....

are you seriously that stupid you can't learn what declassified information means just like this bs..

Government accidentally sends strange conspiracy theory file describing 'remote mind control' | Daily Mail Online
The US government may have been secretly collecting documents on 'remote mind control' and 'forced memory blanking', accidentally leaked files suggest.

A reporter claims to have been mysteriously sent the proof after filing a request for a different set of information.

In what sounds like a plot from the X-files, they revealed research into bizarre 'psycho-electronic' weaponry.



Government accidentally sends strange conspiracy theory file describing 'remote mind control' | Daily Mail Online

Anybody with a brain can go to the actual CIA . FBI website and put in keyword " DE CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS" . oh imagine that.....
'Shadow Government'


This belongs in CT.

It's too bad idiots like you are so stupid . under educated will react that way though.
PHD's can't always teach you that such a shame.


“We see the government of God over the world is hidden,” Francis Bacon wrote in 1605, describing the deepest of deep states: the lord’s reign over us, which Bacon thought a good model for earthly rule. “Obscure and invisible” was how Bacon thought government worked best, and King James I agreed, instructing, in 1624, a too inquisitive subject that none shall “meddle with anything concerning our Government, or deep Matters of State.”

What is the “deep state”? The New York Times has given us an explainer on the concept, which doesn’t explain much. Things are bad, but not as bad as Turkey or Egypt, the Times says, which really do have deep states; and besides, leaks from the deep state will save us from the deep state.

“We see the government of God over the world is hidden,” Francis Bacon wrote in 1605, describing the deepest of deep states: the lord’s reign over us, which Bacon thought a good model for earthly rule. “Obscure and invisible” was how Bacon thought government worked best, and King James I agreed, instructing, in 1624, a too inquisitive subject that none shall “meddle with anything concerning our Government, or deep Matters of State.”

What Is the Deep State?

The following is just one example of the Shadow Government.

The former chairwoman of the Federal Election Commission, who famously eyed regulating the politics of conservative outlets like the Drudge Report, has joined an advocacy group funded by George Soros and run by his son.Ann Ravel is the first fellow listed with the California advocacy group New America.Her fellowship began in March and pays a $30,000 stipend."We want to help amplify the work of each of our fellows, both to help them better articulate and reach their target audience, and to raise their profiles as change-makers," according to the group.Since leaving the FEC, Ravel has continued to speak out for more election regulation, especially on the internet where she sees political advertising shifting to in the next presidential contest.Was A Special Prosecutor For President Trump Inevitable?
She has applauded calls for regulating political speech and spending on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube and this week endorsed tracing the funding of online ads and regulating individual Twitter accounts. In a tweet, for example, she drew attention to a report of a Twitter supporter of Donald Trump named "Amy" who the San Francisco Examiner could not find.Ravel tweeted, "Searching for proof of Amy. FEC allows anonymous internet political ads & refuses to regulate foreign $-leads 2 this."
New America receives funding from the Soros group Open Society Foundations and it is run by Soros son Jonathan Soros.Paul Bedard, the Washington Examiner's "Washington Secrets" columnist, can be contacted at [email protected] Report YouTube George Soros Twitter FEC Facebook Washington Secrets Paul Bedard
I did some looking around and found that this is what all Progressive do, they have backup in case they get fired from their job. Good example is ROSEY MC DONALD after attacking Tom Selic on her show and people quit watching the show was taken off the air. Not long afterward she showed up on several movies, commercials she came out ok in the end. A comic Ansino Hall's program became so far to the left he lost viewers and the show was taken off the air. He was backed up by the Progressives. In government many are hired by the Left Progressive to work in the orgs, that want to over throw this Nation.

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