The damning argument for Trump made by his defenders.

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Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2017
Despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, Trumpleton's (following Don's lead in lemming-like fashion) claim Crooked Donald was not aware of the plethora of warnings about the virus being issued by one of his trade advisers, the medical community in and outside of the WH, and the nation's intel agencies.

He Could Have Seen What Was Coming: Behind Trump’s Failure on the Virus
An examination reveals the president was warned about the potential for a pandemic but that internal divisions, lack of planning and his faith in his own instincts led to a halting response.
The Following wants us to accept the fantastical notion Trump was oblivious to all of it.......................though he understood enough to put the China travel restrictions in place.

Why, if Trump cultists are correct, shouldn't the Tweeter-in-Chief be rightly blamed for being asleep at the wheel?

How can anyone make the claim he is a competent leader deserving of credit for the admin's response if red lights were flashing all around him and he failed to see them or inquire about them? Especially considering the number of rallies he held and golfing weekends he went on during the critical period between Jan and March.
Yeah, let's have the president yell at the top of his lungs about a coming pandemic knowing what he says will scare off those investing in the stock market, thus causing a recession or possibly a depression. You libs don't understand economic matters.
Yeah, let's have the president yell at the top of his lungs about a coming pandemic knowing what he says will scare off those investing in the stock market, thus causing a recession or possibly a depression. You libs don't understand economic matters.

They bitched and moaned when he started the process of saving us all. Now they bitch and moan that he didn't do it soon enough. Praise Trump.
Despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, Trumpleton's (following Don's lead in lemming-like fashion) claim Crooked Donald was not aware of the plethora of warnings about the virus being issued by one of his trade advisers, the medical community in and outside of the WH, and the nation's intel agencies.

He Could Have Seen What Was Coming: Behind Trump’s Failure on the Virus
An examination reveals the president was warned about the potential for a pandemic but that internal divisions, lack of planning and his faith in his own instincts led to a halting response.
The Following wants us to accept the fantastical notion Trump was oblivious to all of it.......................though he understood enough to put the China travel restrictions in place.

Why, if Trump cultists are correct, shouldn't the Tweeter-in-Chief be rightly blamed for being asleep at the wheel?

How can anyone make the claim he is a competent leader deserving of credit for the admin's response if red lights were flashing all around him and he failed to see them or inquire about them? Especially considering the number of rallies he held and golfing weekends he went on during the critical period between Jan and March.
We don't believe you. Of all the people in our nation, you guys are the most irresponsible by a higher percentage. You cost more money. You have driven people away from cities and now the suburbs. You tax the hell out of people in blue states ti crazy levels. All of those blue voters with good pensions have left areas because of oppressive taxation. Blue states have people living hundreds of miles from cities paying the freight to the cities for their living.
Despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, Trumpleton's (following Don's lead in lemming-like fashion) claim Crooked Donald was not aware of the plethora of warnings about the virus being issued by one of his trade advisers, the medical community in and outside of the WH, and the nation's intel agencies.

He Could Have Seen What Was Coming: Behind Trump’s Failure on the Virus
An examination reveals the president was warned about the potential for a pandemic but that internal divisions, lack of planning and his faith in his own instincts led to a halting response.
The Following wants us to accept the fantastical notion Trump was oblivious to all of it.......................though he understood enough to put the China travel restrictions in place.

Why, if Trump cultists are correct, shouldn't the Tweeter-in-Chief be rightly blamed for being asleep at the wheel?

How can anyone make the claim he is a competent leader deserving of credit for the admin's response if red lights were flashing all around him and he failed to see them or inquire about them? Especially considering the number of rallies he held and golfing weekends he went on during the critical period between Jan and March.

So in the same post you acknowledge Trump put the travel ban on and then state he dintdo shit. You called him a racist just for kicks I guess.

You clowns need to give it a rest.
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