The Cry Of The "WHOOPS"!


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Oak Grove, Massachusetts
T'is a cry fraught with fear!

Especially when heard in a hospital.

MOST especially when it's heard in an operating theater....

NHS blunders - including wrong body parts amputated and mistaken circumcisions

A cry heard 621 times during a four month period in Britain's National Health Service. The "service" so admired by American liberals crying out to bring it here as "Medicare For All".

What'a a "whoopsie"?

Read and weep......

"The figures show doctors have operated on the wrong body parts and left surgical tools (including surgical gloves, chest drains and drill bits) inside patients many times over.

One patient had the wrong toe amputated, while another had the wrong part of their colon removed.

Two men were mistakenly circumcised, while a woman had a lump removed from the wrong breast and two others had a biopsy taken from their cervix rather than their colon.

A further six women had ovaries removed in error during hysterectomies, plunging them into menopause."

Sounds almost as good as "you can keep your doctor......".
T'is a cry fraught with fear!

Especially when heard in a hospital.

MOST especially when it's heard in an operating theater....

NHS blunders - including wrong body parts amputated and mistaken circumcisions

A cry heard 621 times during a four month period in Britain's National Health Service. The "service" so admired by American liberals crying out to bring it here as "Medicare For All".

What'a a "whoopsie"?

Read and weep......

"The figures show doctors have operated on the wrong body parts and left surgical tools (including surgical gloves, chest drains and drill bits) inside patients many times over.

One patient had the wrong toe amputated, while another had the wrong part of their colon removed.

Two men were mistakenly circumcised, while a woman had a lump removed from the wrong breast and two others had a biopsy taken from their cervix rather than their colon.

A further six women had ovaries removed in error during hysterectomies, plunging them into menopause."

Sounds almost as good as "you can keep your doctor......".

Now you know they must obey their medical gods.
So what you're saying is NHS is not near as bad as here in the U.S.?

The third-leading cause of death in US most doctors don't want you to know about

Do 500 People in The US Die From Medical Error Every Two Days? Here's The Real Data

How Many Die from Medical Mistakes in U.S. Hospitals?

Study Suggests Medical Errors Now Third Leading Cause of Death in the U.S. - 05/03/2016

Zero comparison to the OP.

Thanks for playing

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