The country is in great shape right now if we can simply maintain things.

biden was not the president...

So his argument against the travel ban is your
proof he'd have been better?

and trump listened to biden, like he always does right, for not approving a travel ban ha...
and this is your argument...

so typical...
when fools screws up, they look around for someone to blame...

you have no proof of biden being against any travel bans...

all you have is a fool fooling you about the virus and anything surrounding it so you dont figure out what a fool he is and what a fool you are for believing a fool...

you have no proof of biden being against any travel bans...

Biden said: “This is no time for Donald Trump’s record of hysteria xenophobia, hysterical xenophobia, and fear-mongering to lead the way instead of science.”

You must have lots of examples of Biden supporting an earlier/more comprehensive travel ban than Trump. LOL!

and where does it in this tweet biden tells trump not to restrict travel?...
ahh right...
it is not in the tweet...
it is in your head...
i bet you hear voices too...

you are a trump zombie infected with his lies...
and you will keep smelling whatever he farts...

You must have lots of examples of Biden supporting an earlier/more comprehensive travel ban than Trump. LOL!
they didnt fool their people...
they didnt lie to them...
they were honest and upfront, like how a good leader should be...
they explained them what is happening and what the plan is in detail, so they all could cooperate...
they asked them to take it serious rather than dismissing it all together claiming it will just go away...

I see. So what you are saying is words are all you need? I don't know if you're for real or joking. :rolleyes:

The United States is guided by the US Constitution. We cannot order our people into isolation like other countries. We have 350 million people here with the will to lead their own life, not the life that a President or any leader demands. The Declaration of Independence provided us with the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Trump had daily press conferences during this crisis. Often he had Drs. Fauci and Birx address the public with their advice. He also had other health experts doing the same. You don't understand how stupid you sound by trying to pin the problem Biden's bed buddies brought to us on President Trump. Saying Trump was in control of a microorganism is as stupid as saying that the over 200,000 Americans that lost their lives to the common flu was DumBama's doing. Do you see how dumb that sounds now?

Speaking of the Kenyan Clown, even his own people admitted they handled H1N1 completely wrong, stating that the only reason millions didn't die is because it was not that contagious, not as deadly, and the FACT they just got lucky. Need the video, let me know, I'll be glad to post it. And if you enjoy videos proving you wrong, I will also be happy to provide the video of Dr. Fauci stating that every pertinent discussion of Covid he and Trump discussed was properly and timely relayed to the public.

The US ranks 8th in covid deaths in the world, and the only reason we rank 8th is because most every other country only lists covid deaths when people actually died from the virus, not like us where many stories came out like a guy who crashed his motorcycle came to the ER in very serious condition, tested positive for Covid, and when he died from his injuries, was ruled a covid death. And don't say that hasn't happened, because it happened in my own family.

march 31
trump: "this will go away by the end of this month..."

this is the foresight of the person you claim to be the "best president ever"...
and try to convince others with his phantom achievements while failing to see his giant failures that cost the people hundreds of thousands of lives and gazillions of dollars...

outside of your fantasy world, in reality, he is an epic failure in biblical proportions hence why he lost the presidency and the senate in a landslide because the people who posses some logic can see through his lies and figure out the pity tiny child behind his big screaming mouth...

only you zombies keep smelling his farts and believe his lies...

you can go do whatever pleases you...
we have judged you people enough and your fellow zombies showed their class yesterday in an unprecedented way...
you may keep beating yourselves now till you have enough will power to push through your egos and hatred for your fellow countrymen...
biden was not the president...

So his argument against the travel ban is your
proof he'd have been better?

and trump listened to biden, like he always does right, for not approving a travel ban ha...
and this is your argument...

so typical...
when fools screws up, they look around for someone to blame...

you have no proof of biden being against any travel bans...

all you have is a fool fooling you about the virus and anything surrounding it so you dont figure out what a fool he is and what a fool you are for believing a fool...

you have no proof of biden being against any travel bans...

Biden said: “This is no time for Donald Trump’s record of hysteria xenophobia, hysterical xenophobia, and fear-mongering to lead the way instead of science.”

You must have lots of examples of Biden supporting an earlier/more comprehensive travel ban than Trump. LOL!

and where does it in this tweet biden tells trump not to restrict travel?...
ahh right...
it is not in the tweet...
it is in your head...
i bet you hear voices too...

you are a trump zombie infected with his lies...
and you will keep smelling whatever he farts...

You must have lots of examples of Biden supporting an earlier/more comprehensive travel ban than Trump. LOL!

now you know trump is a liar and you are a believer...
stock market is aware that conspiracy theorist lunatics are going to be kicked out of the government soon and country will be back to sanity...
hence its booming...

Business wants Trump GONE... CEOs allover the country are outraged and disgusted with him.
No they aren't. They just don't want the cancel culture to come for them.
stock market is aware that conspiracy theorist lunatics are going to be kicked out of the government soon and country will be back to sanity...
hence its booming...
Nope. The stock markets are betting that the democrats will spend like crazy, $2,000 stimulus checks, $2T Infrastructure, plus who knows how much on the "Green New Deal". Spend now, Venezuela later...

2K stimulus was a trump idea...
Does the $2k stimulus idea mean its a bad idea or a good idea if its Trump's?
IMHO Trump and Nancy agreed on $2k, but Mitch balked, and the stupid coxucker lost the senate, duh.
Biden already promised to take back the tax cuts day your stimulus is worth zilch...
IMHO the personal tax cuts were a bad idea, but the corporate tax cuts were a good idea.
The stimulus is worth $2,000 not zilch. I hope its targeted to those who really need it.
I'm okay taxing the 5%ers a bit more, someone needs to pay the bills and the top tax rate had a free ride for decades:
The Dow, S&P, and Nasdaq are at all time highs. Unemployment gets lower every month. All we have to do is re-open the economy, which Democrats will probably do in February anyhow, and everything is great. Vaccinate the old, unhealthy, and health care workers. Everybody else gets herd immunity and we won't lose more than .01% of our population in the USA at most. If the press would stop sensationalizing it, no one would even notice the Coronavirus.

Even with counting everything as a Covid death, we only lost .1% of our population in 2020 coming in with no herd immunity, no vaccine, and no treatments. We have nothing to fear from the Coronavirus. The economy is artificially depressed right now with the partial shutdown and the stock market is still booming. Open up our economy the rest of the way, which is what is going to happen in February anyhow, and the economy will explode.

The only thing left after that is to prevent progressives from changing things.

Dow, S&P and Nasdaq all hit record highs following Capitol chaos -
The DOW is not a measure of how the country is doing.

The US is circling the drain and unless we get our corrupt politicians and the political parties responsible for that corruption under control we are inevitably going to end up in the sewer
The CDC estimated 20m doses of the vaccine would be distributed by the end of December.
OMG, they are 1-week late! Too bad the governors can't figure out how to get the shots in arms faster?!
That must be Trump's fault! (No, its actually the governors' fault. If they needed help they should ask for it)

View attachment 438923

They have been asking for help - since March. They're still waiting.
The Dow, S&P, and Nasdaq are at all time highs. Unemployment gets lower every month. All we have to do is re-open the economy, which Democrats will probably do in February anyhow, and everything is great. Vaccinate the old, unhealthy, and health care workers. Everybody else gets herd immunity and we won't lose more than .01% of our population in the USA at most. If the press would stop sensationalizing it, no one would even notice the Coronavirus.

Even with counting everything as a Covid death, we only lost .1% of our population in 2020 coming in with no herd immunity, no vaccine, and no treatments. We have nothing to fear from the Coronavirus. The economy is artificially depressed right now with the partial shutdown and the stock market is still booming. Open up our economy the rest of the way, which is what is going to happen in February anyhow, and the economy will explode.

The only thing left after that is to prevent progressives from changing things.

Dow, S&P and Nasdaq all hit record highs following Capitol chaos -

The economy is NOT the stock market. You have the highest rates of unemployment in recent history in some communities, and in the nation overall. 200,000 small businesses have closed permanently, and billionaires have gotten a whole lot richer, while 8 million Americans have fallen into poverty.

You're one week away from food riots, in your cities, and yesterday, an armed mob attempted to overthrow your government. Today, 4,000 people died of covid.

Keep things going along the same. You haven't the resources to last more than a couple of weeks if you do.
1. You're either crazy, or from another planet?!
2. The "mob" did not want to overthrow the government or they would have had guns not flags.
3. Worry about Canada, eh? The US is just fine.
4. The US has 20m doses of the vaccine and 6m injected, with the rate increasing, doing well.
The Dow, S&P, and Nasdaq are at all time highs. Unemployment gets lower every month. All we have to do is re-open the economy, which Democrats will probably do in February anyhow, and everything is great. Vaccinate the old, unhealthy, and health care workers. Everybody else gets herd immunity and we won't lose more than .01% of our population in the USA at most. If the press would stop sensationalizing it, no one would even notice the Coronavirus.

Even with counting everything as a Covid death, we only lost .1% of our population in 2020 coming in with no herd immunity, no vaccine, and no treatments. We have nothing to fear from the Coronavirus. The economy is artificially depressed right now with the partial shutdown and the stock market is still booming. Open up our economy the rest of the way, which is what is going to happen in February anyhow, and the economy will explode.

The only thing left after that is to prevent progressives from changing things.

Dow, S&P and Nasdaq all hit record highs following Capitol chaos -
The DOW is not a measure of how the country is doing.

The US is circling the drain and unless we get our corrupt politicians and the political parties responsible for that corruption under control we are inevitably going to end up in the sewer
If the DOW is not a financial metric, what is?
p.s. I'm not circling the drain, I'm doing well thank you.
The Dow, S&P, and Nasdaq are at all time highs. Unemployment gets lower every month. All we have to do is re-open the economy, which Democrats will probably do in February anyhow, and everything is great. Vaccinate the old, unhealthy, and health care workers. Everybody else gets herd immunity and we won't lose more than .01% of our population in the USA at most. If the press would stop sensationalizing it, no one would even notice the Coronavirus.

Even with counting everything as a Covid death, we only lost .1% of our population in 2020 coming in with no herd immunity, no vaccine, and no treatments. We have nothing to fear from the Coronavirus. The economy is artificially depressed right now with the partial shutdown and the stock market is still booming. Open up our economy the rest of the way, which is what is going to happen in February anyhow, and the economy will explode.

The only thing left after that is to prevent progressives from changing things.

Dow, S&P and Nasdaq all hit record highs following Capitol chaos -
The DOW is not a measure of how the country is doing.

The US is circling the drain and unless we get our corrupt politicians and the political parties responsible for that corruption under control we are inevitably going to end up in the sewer
If the DOW is not a financial metric, what is?
p.s. I'm not circling the drain, I'm doing well thank you.
a financial metric is not an indicator of the well being of the entire country and the people in it.

There is a hell of a lot more to the health and well being of the people than the DOW
The Dow, S&P, and Nasdaq are at all time highs. Unemployment gets lower every month. All we have to do is re-open the economy, which Democrats will probably do in February anyhow, and everything is great. Vaccinate the old, unhealthy, and health care workers. Everybody else gets herd immunity and we won't lose more than .01% of our population in the USA at most. If the press would stop sensationalizing it, no one would even notice the Coronavirus.

Even with counting everything as a Covid death, we only lost .1% of our population in 2020 coming in with no herd immunity, no vaccine, and no treatments. We have nothing to fear from the Coronavirus. The economy is artificially depressed right now with the partial shutdown and the stock market is still booming. Open up our economy the rest of the way, which is what is going to happen in February anyhow, and the economy will explode.

The only thing left after that is to prevent progressives from changing things.

Dow, S&P and Nasdaq all hit record highs following Capitol chaos -
The DOW is not a measure of how the country is doing.

The US is circling the drain and unless we get our corrupt politicians and the political parties responsible for that corruption under control we are inevitably going to end up in the sewer
If the DOW is not a financial metric, what is?
p.s. I'm not circling the drain, I'm doing well thank you.
a financial metric is not an indicator of the well being of the entire country and the people in it.

There is a hell of a lot more to the health and well being of the people than the DOW
okay, what metric(s) are you putting up to show we're circling drains?
The Dow, S&P, and Nasdaq are at all time highs. Unemployment gets lower every month. All we have to do is re-open the economy, which Democrats will probably do in February anyhow, and everything is great. Vaccinate the old, unhealthy, and health care workers. Everybody else gets herd immunity and we won't lose more than .01% of our population in the USA at most. If the press would stop sensationalizing it, no one would even notice the Coronavirus.

Even with counting everything as a Covid death, we only lost .1% of our population in 2020 coming in with no herd immunity, no vaccine, and no treatments. We have nothing to fear from the Coronavirus. The economy is artificially depressed right now with the partial shutdown and the stock market is still booming. Open up our economy the rest of the way, which is what is going to happen in February anyhow, and the economy will explode.

The only thing left after that is to prevent progressives from changing things.

Dow, S&P and Nasdaq all hit record highs following Capitol chaos -
The DOW is not a measure of how the country is doing.

The US is circling the drain and unless we get our corrupt politicians and the political parties responsible for that corruption under control we are inevitably going to end up in the sewer
If the DOW is not a financial metric, what is?
p.s. I'm not circling the drain, I'm doing well thank you.
a financial metric is not an indicator of the well being of the entire country and the people in it.

There is a hell of a lot more to the health and well being of the people than the DOW
okay, what metric(s) are you putting up to show we're circling drains?
have you been watching the news?

George Washington predicted this very situation that would be caused by powerful political parties right down to the violence.

Our politicians are corrupt and no longer serve the people and instead serve their political parties and the big money donors who get them elected.

We have ignored this cancer for too long and now it's metastasized.
The Dow, S&P, and Nasdaq are at all time highs. Unemployment gets lower every month. All we have to do is re-open the economy, which Democrats will probably do in February anyhow, and everything is great. Vaccinate the old, unhealthy, and health care workers. Everybody else gets herd immunity and we won't lose more than .01% of our population in the USA at most. If the press would stop sensationalizing it, no one would even notice the Coronavirus.

Even with counting everything as a Covid death, we only lost .1% of our population in 2020 coming in with no herd immunity, no vaccine, and no treatments. We have nothing to fear from the Coronavirus. The economy is artificially depressed right now with the partial shutdown and the stock market is still booming. Open up our economy the rest of the way, which is what is going to happen in February anyhow, and the economy will explode.

The only thing left after that is to prevent progressives from changing things.

Dow, S&P and Nasdaq all hit record highs following Capitol chaos -
The DOW is not a measure of how the country is doing.

The US is circling the drain and unless we get our corrupt politicians and the political parties responsible for that corruption under control we are inevitably going to end up in the sewer
If the DOW is not a financial metric, what is?
p.s. I'm not circling the drain, I'm doing well thank you.
a financial metric is not an indicator of the well being of the entire country and the people in it.

There is a hell of a lot more to the health and well being of the people than the DOW
okay, what metric(s) are you putting up to show we're circling drains?
have you been watching the news?

George Washington predicted this very situation that would be caused by powerful political parties right down to the violence.

Our politicians are corrupt and no longer serve the people and instead serve their political parties and the big money donors who get them elected.

We have ignored this cancer for too long and now it's metastasized.
Totally agree with that rationale'.
There is too much money in politics, but money is "free speech" so says the USSC.
Another problem is that the MSM is too partisan, their "fake news" makes the problems worse.
The country is divided almost evenly between populists and socialists, and neither side will give an inch.
Hopefully the 2022 mid-terms will have the House and Senate go back to the GOP so the dems can't do too much damage.
Totally agree with that rationale'.
There is too much money in politics, but money is "free speech" so says the USSC.
Another problem is that the MSM is too partisan, their "fake news" makes the problems worse.
The country is divided almost evenly between populists and socialists, and neither side will give an inch.
Hopefully the 2022 mid-terms will have the House and Senate go back to the GOP so the dems can't do too much damage.

That will probably happen unless the Democrats can push mail-in voting hard enough to get the politically ignorant and welfare people to vote for them again. If we vote the regular way, then we will get back the Congress in 22.
Totally agree with that rationale'.
There is too much money in politics, but money is "free speech" so says the USSC.
Another problem is that the MSM is too partisan, their "fake news" makes the problems worse.
The country is divided almost evenly between populists and socialists, and neither side will give an inch.
Hopefully the 2022 mid-terms will have the House and Senate go back to the GOP so the dems can't do too much damage.

That will probably happen unless the Democrats can push mail-in voting hard enough to get the politically ignorant and welfare people to vote for them again. If we vote the regular way, then we will get back the Congress in 22.
They wont have a virus hoax to fuel their illegal mailins next time.
Totally agree with that rationale'.
There is too much money in politics, but money is "free speech" so says the USSC.
Another problem is that the MSM is too partisan, their "fake news" makes the problems worse.
The country is divided almost evenly between populists and socialists, and neither side will give an inch.
Hopefully the 2022 mid-terms will have the House and Senate go back to the GOP so the dems can't do too much damage.

That will probably happen unless the Democrats can push mail-in voting hard enough to get the politically ignorant and welfare people to vote for them again. If we vote the regular way, then we will get back the Congress in 22.
The GOP needs to do two things ASAP:
1. Reform state voting laws similar to FL to stop the cheating
2. Organize GOP voters like Stacy Abrams did in GA, she added about 800,000 voters and made sure they voted.
march 31
trump: "this will go away by the end of this month..."

this is the foresight of the person you claim to be the "best president ever"...
and try to convince others with his phantom achievements while failing to see his giant failures that cost the people hundreds of thousands of lives and gazillions of dollars...

outside of your fantasy world, in reality, he is an epic failure in biblical proportions hence why he lost the presidency and the senate in a landslide because the people who posses some logic can see through his lies and figure out the pity tiny child behind his big screaming mouth...

only you zombies keep smelling his farts and believe his lies...

you can go do whatever pleases you...
we have judged you people enough and your fellow zombies showed their class yesterday in an unprecedented way...
you may keep beating yourselves now till you have enough will power to push through your egos and hatred for your fellow countrymen...

We know you leftists are born liars, but you prove that every time you try to blame the covid problem on the President. Everybody that lives in reality laughs at you. What you are also saying is that every leader in Europe and our border countries are also responsible for the deaths of their own citizens. And I see you avoided my question, so once again: If Trump is responsible for the deaths and illness related to covid, is DumBama responsible for the hundreds of thousands of deaths from the common flu during his two terms, and if not, why not? Because if you think a President can control a microorganism, a germ, a virus, then apply the same standards to every President. If you can't, then you are proving to us you're a liar.

Trump lost because the commies were able to use this virus as a reason to get stupid people to vote. Politically ignorant and welfare types generally won't take the time to go to the polls and vote because for one, they don't know what they're voting on, and two, they really don't care. Politically ignorant and welfare people who do vote vote Democrat.
The GOP needs to do two things ASAP:
1. Reform state voting laws similar to FL to stop the cheating
2. Organize GOP voters like Stacy Abrams did in GA, she added about 800,000 voters and made sure they voted.

We both know what Biden's plans are for the country, and the ultimate disaster it's going to create. I think what the Republicans should do is just let the Democrats carry through with their plans. They don't have to vote with them, but don't offer much resistance either. By the time of next election, our fuel prices will likely be sky high, our economy in the toilet even with covid being a thing of the past, our cost of living will be on the increase which means inflation like we haven't seen in decades.

It's kind of like what experts say about people with addiction problems. You have to hit rock bottom before you realize you have a problem and make change. Only you can make that decision.

The feds can't change voting laws unfortunately. How states vote is up to the states, and even if they are violating their own state Constitution as we've seen in this election, the courts will not get involved. What the RNC can do is threaten campaign funds to legislatures who don't make change in states we currently are in control of, but I don't know if that will be enough.
biden was not the president...

So his argument against the travel ban is your
proof he'd have been better?

and trump listened to biden, like he always does right, for not approving a travel ban ha...
and this is your argument...

so typical...
when fools screws up, they look around for someone to blame...

you have no proof of biden being against any travel bans...

all you have is a fool fooling you about the virus and anything surrounding it so you dont figure out what a fool he is and what a fool you are for believing a fool...

you have no proof of biden being against any travel bans...

Biden said: “This is no time for Donald Trump’s record of hysteria xenophobia, hysterical xenophobia, and fear-mongering to lead the way instead of science.”

You must have lots of examples of Biden supporting an earlier/more comprehensive travel ban than Trump. LOL!

and where does it in this tweet biden tells trump not to restrict travel?...
ahh right...
it is not in the tweet...
it is in your head...
i bet you hear voices too...

you are a trump zombie infected with his lies...
and you will keep smelling whatever he farts...

You must have lots of examples of Biden supporting an earlier/more comprehensive travel ban than Trump. LOL!

now you know trump is a liar and you are a believer...

Still no proof Biden had better ideas to stop the spread?
stock market is aware that conspiracy theorist lunatics are going to be kicked out of the government soon and country will be back to sanity...
hence its booming...
Nope. The stock markets are betting that the democrats will spend like crazy, $2,000 stimulus checks, $2T Infrastructure, plus who knows how much on the "Green New Deal". Spend now, Venezuela later...

2K stimulus was a trump idea...
Does the $2k stimulus idea mean its a bad idea or a good idea if its Trump's?
IMHO Trump and Nancy agreed on $2k, but Mitch balked, and the stupid coxucker lost the senate, duh.
Biden already promised to take back the tax cuts day your stimulus is worth zilch...
IMHO the personal tax cuts were a bad idea, but the corporate tax cuts were a good idea.
The stimulus is worth $2,000 not zilch. I hope its targeted to those who really need it.
I'm okay taxing the 5%ers a bit more, someone needs to pay the bills and the top tax rate had a free ride for decades:
View attachment 439234

the top tax rate had a free ride for decades:

Free ride? What do you mean?
march 31
trump: "this will go away by the end of this month..."

this is the foresight of the person you claim to be the "best president ever"...
and try to convince others with his phantom achievements while failing to see his giant failures that cost the people hundreds of thousands of lives and gazillions of dollars...

outside of your fantasy world, in reality, he is an epic failure in biblical proportions hence why he lost the presidency and the senate in a landslide because the people who posses some logic can see through his lies and figure out the pity tiny child behind his big screaming mouth...

only you zombies keep smelling his farts and believe his lies...

you can go do whatever pleases you...
we have judged you people enough and your fellow zombies showed their class yesterday in an unprecedented way...
you may keep beating yourselves now till you have enough will power to push through your egos and hatred for your fellow countrymen...

We know you leftists are born liars, but you prove that every time you try to blame the covid problem on the President. Everybody that lives in reality laughs at you. What you are also saying is that every leader in Europe and our border countries are also responsible for the deaths of their own citizens. And I see you avoided my question, so once again: If Trump is responsible for the deaths and illness related to covid, is DumBama responsible for the hundreds of thousands of deaths from the common flu during his two terms, and if not, why not? Because if you think a President can control a microorganism, a germ, a virus, then apply the same standards to every President. If you can't, then you are proving to us you're a liar.

Trump lost because the commies were able to use this virus as a reason to get stupid people to vote. Politically ignorant and welfare types generally won't take the time to go to the polls and vote because for one, they don't know what they're voting on, and two, they really don't care. Politically ignorant and welfare people who do vote vote Democrat.

he had 1 chance in his 4 years to be a true leader to his people...
and he failed that opportunity miserably by looking straight into their eyes and lying...
at least thats what we figured from his own voice months later...

what this guy is made of was obvious to many from the beginning..
but it became apparent to many more, including many conservatives, by the end...

thats why you see lots of states voted opposite ways for senate and presidency...
and your failure to see it is your own problem...

now you can blabber "obama this, obama that" all you like...

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