The country is having a pretty good last couple weeks.


Platinum Member
May 22, 2017
The stock market is up almost 38% over the last month. If the National Guard can round up all the trouble makers and we completely re-open business, we can really get this economy going again.
The stock market is up almost 38% over the last month. If the National Guard can round up all the trouble makers and we completely re-open business, we can really get this economy going again.

Jesus what a nut.
DJIA is up 2,000 points from it's low point of 23,000 on May 13th.
That's less that 10% and you claim 38%?
Go take a math class! :D
Correction. It's up 38% from 18951.93 on March 3, a little over two months ago. Things are still going good in this country despite the mindless sabotage of the left.
The stock market is up almost 38% over the last month.
Even IF the DOW were up 38% over the last month, which it certainly isn't, that is no definitive indicator of the health or potential of the economy, you putz! Hell, with the current unemployment rate at 14.7% and rising, we are currently running an upward Depression Era ramp in unemployment which is only expected to continue its increase. The damn stock market is nothing but a casino for the schmuck gamblers or the Wall Street Crowd. If people are unemployed, their income is going down right along with their purchasing power causing more business closures and increased unemployment, ad nauseam!
If the National Guard can round up all the trouble makers and we completely re-open business, we can really get this economy going again.
Increasing the number of those with police powers to bully and coerce the People into obedient, subservient objects of the State to carry out the State's plans for "A More Perfect Union" will only turn into an Autocracy at best. If that's your desire, get thy ass over to Eastern Europe or the Middle East!

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