The cops know who is causing violence at BLM protests -


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast
And it ain't the dreaded Trump boogeyman AntiFa!

A cache of law enforcement materials was recently hacked and posted online under the title “BlueLeaks,” providing an unprecedented look at the communications between state, local, and federal law enforcement in the face of the nationwide protests. In an analysis of nearly 300 documents that reference “antifa,” The Intercept found repeated instances of antifa and left-wing protesting activities cast in cartoonishly grim terms alongside more substantive reports of lethal right-wing violence and threats that have received scant mention from top Trump administration officials.​
“It’s chatter, it’s ‘intelligence reporting suggests,’” he said. On June 2, for example, the Department of Homeland Security circulated a tweet to law enforcement agencies across the country reporting that antifa was stashing bricks to “fuel protests.” The intelligence made its way to a law enforcement fusion center in Maine. Last week, Mainer magazine tracked down the original source of the tweet: a far-right, pro-Trump biker who goes by the name “the Wolfman,” who claimed that Facebook kept deleting his brick-planting evidence “because they are BLM supporters.”​

This is an excellent, and well-researched read kids ... Don't miss it!

And it ain't the dreaded Trump boogeyman AntiFa!

A cache of law enforcement materials was recently hacked and posted online under the title “BlueLeaks,” providing an unprecedented look at the communications between state, local, and federal law enforcement in the face of the nationwide protests. In an analysis of nearly 300 documents that reference “antifa,” The Intercept found repeated instances of antifa and left-wing protesting activities cast in cartoonishly grim terms alongside more substantive reports of lethal right-wing violence and threats that have received scant mention from top Trump administration officials.​
“It’s chatter, it’s ‘intelligence reporting suggests,’” he said. On June 2, for example, the Department of Homeland Security circulated a tweet to law enforcement agencies across the country reporting that antifa was stashing bricks to “fuel protests.” The intelligence made its way to a law enforcement fusion center in Maine. Last week, Mainer magazine tracked down the original source of the tweet: a far-right, pro-Trump biker who goes by the name “the Wolfman,” who claimed that Facebook kept deleting his brick-planting evidence “because they are BLM supporters.”​

This is an excellent, and well-researched read kids ... Don't miss it!

Everybody knows who is causing the violence. Antifa and BLM. Looters and thugs, and all this in the name of a thug, Say his name: George Floyd.
And it ain't the dreaded Trump boogeyman AntiFa!

A cache of law enforcement materials was recently hacked and posted online under the title “BlueLeaks,” providing an unprecedented look at the communications between state, local, and federal law enforcement in the face of the nationwide protests. In an analysis of nearly 300 documents that reference “antifa,” The Intercept found repeated instances of antifa and left-wing protesting activities cast in cartoonishly grim terms alongside more substantive reports of lethal right-wing violence and threats that have received scant mention from top Trump administration officials.​
“It’s chatter, it’s ‘intelligence reporting suggests,’” he said. On June 2, for example, the Department of Homeland Security circulated a tweet to law enforcement agencies across the country reporting that antifa was stashing bricks to “fuel protests.” The intelligence made its way to a law enforcement fusion center in Maine. Last week, Mainer magazine tracked down the original source of the tweet: a far-right, pro-Trump biker who goes by the name “the Wolfman,” who claimed that Facebook kept deleting his brick-planting evidence “because they are BLM supporters.”​

This is an excellent, and well-researched read kids ... Don't miss it!

This is a load of shit. Most of your burning cities have District Attorneys who are in Soros' employ. Philadelphia, St Louis, San Francisco, Chicago, etc. If there was anyone to the Right of Mao Tse Tung responsible, their asses would already be charged.
And it ain't the dreaded Trump boogeyman AntiFa!

A cache of law enforcement materials was recently hacked and posted online under the title “BlueLeaks,” providing an unprecedented look at the communications between state, local, and federal law enforcement in the face of the nationwide protests. In an analysis of nearly 300 documents that reference “antifa,” The Intercept found repeated instances of antifa and left-wing protesting activities cast in cartoonishly grim terms alongside more substantive reports of lethal right-wing violence and threats that have received scant mention from top Trump administration officials.​
“It’s chatter, it’s ‘intelligence reporting suggests,’” he said. On June 2, for example, the Department of Homeland Security circulated a tweet to law enforcement agencies across the country reporting that antifa was stashing bricks to “fuel protests.” The intelligence made its way to a law enforcement fusion center in Maine. Last week, Mainer magazine tracked down the original source of the tweet: a far-right, pro-Trump biker who goes by the name “the Wolfman,” who claimed that Facebook kept deleting his brick-planting evidence “because they are BLM supporters.”​

This is an excellent, and well-researched read kids ... Don't miss it!

Well researched my behind.... Every single source leads back to far left wing groups known for making shit up..
And it ain't the dreaded Trump boogeyman AntiFa!

A cache of law enforcement materials was recently hacked and posted online under the title “BlueLeaks,” providing an unprecedented look at the communications between state, local, and federal law enforcement in the face of the nationwide protests. In an analysis of nearly 300 documents that reference “antifa,” The Intercept found repeated instances of antifa and left-wing protesting activities cast in cartoonishly grim terms alongside more substantive reports of lethal right-wing violence and threats that have received scant mention from top Trump administration officials.​
“It’s chatter, it’s ‘intelligence reporting suggests,’” he said. On June 2, for example, the Department of Homeland Security circulated a tweet to law enforcement agencies across the country reporting that antifa was stashing bricks to “fuel protests.” The intelligence made its way to a law enforcement fusion center in Maine. Last week, Mainer magazine tracked down the original source of the tweet: a far-right, pro-Trump biker who goes by the name “the Wolfman,” who claimed that Facebook kept deleting his brick-planting evidence “because they are BLM supporters.”​

This is an excellent, and well-researched read kids ... Don't miss it!

You're a liar. Like always, you need to be removed.
Why do all the left wing local and state leaders let the right burn and pillage like they do?
I guesd the left really is tolerant.
And why was trumo throwing his own supporters in the back of vans? Cant be good for re election.
And it ain't the dreaded Trump boogeyman AntiFa!

A cache of law enforcement materials was recently hacked and posted online under the title “BlueLeaks,” providing an unprecedented look at the communications between state, local, and federal law enforcement in the face of the nationwide protests. In an analysis of nearly 300 documents that reference “antifa,” The Intercept found repeated instances of antifa and left-wing protesting activities cast in cartoonishly grim terms alongside more substantive reports of lethal right-wing violence and threats that have received scant mention from top Trump administration officials.​
“It’s chatter, it’s ‘intelligence reporting suggests,’” he said. On June 2, for example, the Department of Homeland Security circulated a tweet to law enforcement agencies across the country reporting that antifa was stashing bricks to “fuel protests.” The intelligence made its way to a law enforcement fusion center in Maine. Last week, Mainer magazine tracked down the original source of the tweet: a far-right, pro-Trump biker who goes by the name “the Wolfman,” who claimed that Facebook kept deleting his brick-planting evidence “because they are BLM supporters.”​

This is an excellent, and well-researched read kids ... Don't miss it!

And yet despite this "truth" your Democratic elected officials in charge of all of these cities where the violence is out of control are sitting back and letting it all happen and even rejecting the help of federal forces to get it all under control.

You know, because Democrats love right wing antagonists destroying their cities, right ass clown? Tell me something, were the occupiers of CHAZ who murdered two people, including a black teenager, also right wing terrorists?

Do enlighten us, Tokyo Rose. Inquiring minds want to know.
Everybody knows who is causing the violence. Antifa and BLM. Looters and thugs, and all this in the name of a thug, Say his name: George Floyd.

Law enforcement disagrees.
You didn't have time to read the piece so don't pretend that ya did.
You ain't "everybody" loon. Not by a longs shot! ;-)
You, apparently, think thugs and looters are even stupider than I do.

I'd say nice try, but it's too puny.
And yet despite this "truth" your Democratic elected officials in charge of all of these cities where the violence is out of control are sitting back and letting it all happen and even rejecting the help of federal forces to get it all under control.

You know, because Democrats love right wing antagonists destroying their cities, right ass clown? Tell me something, were the occupiers of CHAZ who murdered two people, including a black teenager, also right wing terrorists?

Do enlighten us, Tokyo Rose. Inquiring minds want to know.

Therein lies the problem Taz - "my" Democrat elected officials (I'm an Independent) aren't rejecting the help of Donald's Secret Police for no reason. They are rejecting them because they are EXACERBATING the problem.

Problems in Portland had diminished to a low roar until Donnie's assholes showed up. Once they did, in came the RW loons. Boogaloo Boys, White Nationalists, and of course your smattering of anti-government Anarchists from Oakland to Seattle poured in.

Face it, these are not people who are the slightest bit interested in the BLM movement. They simply LOVE chaos. And Captain Chaos (Donald) loves them!

I live 90 minutes outside of Portland. I was a Portland resident all through the 90's. I know the story here my friend. Nobody here knows these buttplugs who are causing the problems.

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And it ain't the dreaded Trump boogeyman AntiFa!

A cache of law enforcement materials was recently hacked and posted online under the title “BlueLeaks,” providing an unprecedented look at the communications between state, local, and federal law enforcement in the face of the nationwide protests. In an analysis of nearly 300 documents that reference “antifa,” The Intercept found repeated instances of antifa and left-wing protesting activities cast in cartoonishly grim terms alongside more substantive reports of lethal right-wing violence and threats that have received scant mention from top Trump administration officials.​
“It’s chatter, it’s ‘intelligence reporting suggests,’” he said. On June 2, for example, the Department of Homeland Security circulated a tweet to law enforcement agencies across the country reporting that antifa was stashing bricks to “fuel protests.” The intelligence made its way to a law enforcement fusion center in Maine. Last week, Mainer magazine tracked down the original source of the tweet: a far-right, pro-Trump biker who goes by the name “the Wolfman,” who claimed that Facebook kept deleting his brick-planting evidence “because they are BLM supporters.”​

This is an excellent, and well-researched read kids ... Don't miss it!

And yet despite this "truth" your Democratic elected officials in charge of all of these cities where the violence is out of control are sitting back and letting it all happen and even rejecting the help of federal forces to get it all under control.

You know, because Democrats love right wing antagonists destroying their cities, right ass clown? Tell me something, were the occupiers of CHAZ who murdered two people, including a black teenager, also right wing terrorists?

Do enlighten us, Tokyo Rose. Inquiring minds want to know.

Therein lies the problem Taz - "my" Democrat elected officials (I'm an Independent) aren't rejecting the help of Donald's Secret Police for no reason. They are rejecting them because they are EXACERBATING the problem.

Problems in Portland had diminished to a low roar until Donnie's assholes showed up. Once they did, in came the RW loons. Boogaloo Boys, White Nationalists, and of course your smattering of anti-government Anarchists from Oakland to Seattle poured in.

Face it, these are not people who are the slightest bit interested in the BLM movement. They simply LOVE chaos. And Captain Chaos (Donald) loves them!

I live 90 minutes outside of Portland. I know the story here my friend. Nobody knows the buttplugs who are causing the problems.
Sure we do liar, we see them on the news every night.
And it ain't the dreaded Trump boogeyman AntiFa!

A cache of law enforcement materials was recently hacked and posted online under the title “BlueLeaks,” providing an unprecedented look at the communications between state, local, and federal law enforcement in the face of the nationwide protests. In an analysis of nearly 300 documents that reference “antifa,” The Intercept found repeated instances of antifa and left-wing protesting activities cast in cartoonishly grim terms alongside more substantive reports of lethal right-wing violence and threats that have received scant mention from top Trump administration officials.​
“It’s chatter, it’s ‘intelligence reporting suggests,’” he said. On June 2, for example, the Department of Homeland Security circulated a tweet to law enforcement agencies across the country reporting that antifa was stashing bricks to “fuel protests.” The intelligence made its way to a law enforcement fusion center in Maine. Last week, Mainer magazine tracked down the original source of the tweet: a far-right, pro-Trump biker who goes by the name “the Wolfman,” who claimed that Facebook kept deleting his brick-planting evidence “because they are BLM supporters.”​

This is an excellent, and well-researched read kids ... Don't miss it!

If that were the case why would your shitstain mayors support them?
And yet despite this "truth" your Democratic elected officials in charge of all of these cities where the violence is out of control are sitting back and letting it all happen and even rejecting the help of federal forces to get it all under control.

You know, because Democrats love right wing antagonists destroying their cities, right ass clown? Tell me something, were the occupiers of CHAZ who murdered two people, including a black teenager, also right wing terrorists?

Do enlighten us, Tokyo Rose. Inquiring minds want to know.

Therein lies the problem Taz - "my" Democrat elected officials (I'm an Independent) aren't rejecting the help of Donald's Secret Police for no reason. They are rejecting them because they are EXACERBATING the problem.

Problems in Portland had diminished to a low roar until Donnie's assholes showed up. Once they did, in came the RW loons. Boogaloo Boys, White Nationalists, and of course your smattering of anti-government Anarchists from Oakland to Seattle poured in.

Face it, these are not people who are the slightest bit interested in the BLM movement. They simply LOVE chaos. And Captain Chaos (Donald) loves them!

I live 90 minutes outside of Portland. I was a Portland resident all through the 90's. I know the story here my friend. Nobody here knows these buttplugs who are causing the problems.


"Boogaloo Boys" and "White Nationalists" are fake groups, they don't exist. Phantoms.

Sometimes BLM/Antifa/Coffee Party types will play dress up, and pretend to be a member. A lot like "The Brotherhood" and Emmanuel Goldstein. Not a real person, not a real group, just something for the Liberal Masses to direct their hate at.
Everybody knows who is causing the violence. Antifa and BLM. Looters and thugs, and all this in the name of a thug, Say his name: George Floyd.

Law enforcement disagrees.
You didn't have time to read the piece so don't pretend that ya did.
You ain't "everybody" loon. Not by a longs shot! ;-)
Law enforcement has only arrested weirdo ANTIFA types and racist BLM supporters, so yeah, they know exactly who is causing the violence.
NO ONE has directly commented on the Intercept piece. It is irrefutable. The cops know what's going on in Portland and Seattle. Those who live here and follow news know what's going on here too. Sadly, you do not.

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