The conservative heritage foundation want's to "end recreational sex".

youre just mad that includes sex with minors like you guys have been promoting,,
I didn't know the heritage foundation was into that.

I guess it stands to reason, they are republicans.

And did you ever read that thing about apostrophes?
I didn't know the heritage foundation was into that.

I guess it stands to reason, they are republicans.

And did you ever read that thing about apostrophes?
its you guys that promote and cheer for it not them,,

your projecting isnt going to work here pervert,,

did you ever read that thing about pedos get the woodchipper??
Birth control pills can wreck havoc on a woman's body, including cancer.

Condoms prevent pregnancy AND diseases. Wrap that rascal!
Their all from freedom but they want to control what happens in bedrooms. Hypocrisy defined. The pill has been a miracle. A gift from our creator. Where does this idiotic stance originate?
Religious zealotry

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