South Africa: Priest poisons congregation !

Do you think the priest should be executed ?

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Ancient lion

Thank your creator
Nov 22, 2010
Priest Feeds Congregation Rat Poison to Show They Can Defy Death… They All Die

Mark 16:18

"when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well."


During the High Place Conference, which is also referred to as his “Supernatural Service,” Monyeki proclaimed that they must not fear death, as they will not die. He then started pouring Rattax (a popular rat poison) into a bottle of water, which he then urged his believers to drink.

Predictably enough, in the evening, many members of the congregation started to complain of stomach pains, and later 5 of them were declared to be dead. 13 more of the member of the congregation were taken to the hospital for ingesting Monyeki’s rat poison cocktail.

Monyeki, however, refused to take the blame for the horrific effects of what he did. Instead, all he had to say was, Too much of any good thing could be bad.

We’re guessing that by “good thing” he’s referring to the ability to escape from death.

The incident has sparked an investigation, though no arrests have been made.
Priest Feeds Congregation Rat Poison to Show They Can Defy Death... They All Die
It would be tragic if an actual cult developed around this nut Monyeki, '
as happened historically around the thief, rapist, murderer Muhummad of
Mecca. It is not clear to me what the Gospel of Mark means to Christian
scholars. Just who MARK was historically is very fuzzy
Looks like he missed the one about not putting God to the test.
Looks like he missed the one about not putting God to the test.

what was mark writing about, Compost? according to Wikki---"mark"
was written in Greek-------got any ideas what the imagery is all about?
Looks like he missed the one about not putting God to the test.

what was mark writing about, Compost? according to Wikki---"mark"
was written in Greek-------got any ideas what the imagery is all about?
"Poison" of deceitful spirit. It can be of work, words or thoughts.

Psalm 140 To the chief Musician, A Psalm of David.]]

1. Deliver me, O LORD, from the evil man: preserve me from the violent man;

2. Which imagine mischiefs in their heart; continually are they gathered together for war.

3. They have sharpened their tongues like a serpent; adders' poison is under their lips. Selah.

This also describes a spirit/wine that they have.
Deuteronomy 32:33 Their wine is the poison of dragons, and the cruel venom of asps.
Priest Feeds Congregation Rat Poison to Show They Can Defy Death… They All Die

Mark 16:18

"when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well."


During the High Place Conference, which is also referred to as his “Supernatural Service,” Monyeki proclaimed that they must not fear death, as they will not die. He then started pouring Rattax (a popular rat poison) into a bottle of water, which he then urged his believers to drink.

Predictably enough, in the evening, many members of the congregation started to complain of stomach pains, and later 5 of them were declared to be dead. 13 more of the member of the congregation were taken to the hospital for ingesting Monyeki’s rat poison cocktail.

Monyeki, however, refused to take the blame for the horrific effects of what he did. Instead, all he had to say was, Too much of any good thing could be bad.

We’re guessing that by “good thing” he’s referring to the ability to escape from death.

The incident has sparked an investigation, though no arrests have been made.
Priest Feeds Congregation Rat Poison to Show They Can Defy Death... They All Die
What do you think should happen to him? The law of the Bible allows for a place for those who commit manslaughter. A city (meaning a prison) where they can flee to and dwell if the deaths were not intentional (manslaughter).
Priest Feeds Congregation Rat Poison to Show They Can Defy Death… They All Die

Mark 16:18

"when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well."


During the High Place Conference, which is also referred to as his “Supernatural Service,” Monyeki proclaimed that they must not fear death, as they will not die. He then started pouring Rattax (a popular rat poison) into a bottle of water, which he then urged his believers to drink.

Predictably enough, in the evening, many members of the congregation started to complain of stomach pains, and later 5 of them were declared to be dead. 13 more of the member of the congregation were taken to the hospital for ingesting Monyeki’s rat poison cocktail.

Monyeki, however, refused to take the blame for the horrific effects of what he did. Instead, all he had to say was, Too much of any good thing could be bad.

We’re guessing that by “good thing” he’s referring to the ability to escape from death.

The incident has sparked an investigation, though no arrests have been made.
Priest Feeds Congregation Rat Poison to Show They Can Defy Death... They All Die
What do you think should happen to him? The law of the Bible allows for a place for those who commit manslaughter. A city (meaning a prison) where they can flee to and dwell if the deaths were not intentional (manslaughter).

biblical "manslaughter" referred either to the accidental killing or
killing with some other mitigating feature------like "self defense"---or simply a
NEGLIGENT issue. In biblical law actual MURDER must be premeditated with
INTENTION to kill (something called "mens rea" in the jargon of lawyers)

This case seems to me more like INSANITY-----(in biblical terms-----the jerk was
"possessed by an 'evil spirit'-" or something like that------thus the killings would
be more like "manslaughter" than actual MURDER ---which as you stated would
be an EXILE to the city of refuge------not execution)
Priest Feeds Congregation Rat Poison to Show They Can Defy Death… They All Die

Mark 16:18

"when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well."


During the High Place Conference, which is also referred to as his “Supernatural Service,” Monyeki proclaimed that they must not fear death, as they will not die. He then started pouring Rattax (a popular rat poison) into a bottle of water, which he then urged his believers to drink.

Predictably enough, in the evening, many members of the congregation started to complain of stomach pains, and later 5 of them were declared to be dead. 13 more of the member of the congregation were taken to the hospital for ingesting Monyeki’s rat poison cocktail.

Monyeki, however, refused to take the blame for the horrific effects of what he did. Instead, all he had to say was, Too much of any good thing could be bad.

We’re guessing that by “good thing” he’s referring to the ability to escape from death.

The incident has sparked an investigation, though no arrests have been made.
Priest Feeds Congregation Rat Poison to Show They Can Defy Death... They All Die
What do you think should happen to him? The law of the Bible allows for a place for those who commit manslaughter. A city (meaning a prison) where they can flee to and dwell if the deaths were not intentional (manslaughter).

biblical "manslaughter" referred either to the accidental killing or
killing with some other mitigating feature------like "self defense"---or simply a
NEGLIGENT issue. In biblical law actual MURDER must be premeditated with
INTENTION to kill (something called "mens rea" in the jargon of lawyers)

This case seems to me more like INSANITY-----(in biblical terms-----the jerk was
"possessed by an 'evil spirit'-" or something like that------thus the killings would
be more like "manslaughter" than actual MURDER ---which as you stated would
be an EXILE to the city of refuge------not execution)
Nice, thanks! Now if people can wrap their minds around that and think spiritually verses carnal minds we may get somewhere with some of them. Being carnally minded is like being stuck in a prison of carnal flesh without hope or understanding. I think that is a problem a lot of people have a hard time grasping when they get involved in just the religion of things without any sound spiritual guidance.
The person or organization that brainwashed and taught him the NT nonsense should be punished, in the same way you seek judgement for the radical orgs that teach and influence extreme acts using similar rediculous interpretations and teachings.

That being said, this priest, Applegate,
Jim Jones, David Koresh,
and Jesus all have in common the Pide Piper Cultist leading their people to death.
=bad shepherds
The person or organization that brainwashed and taught him the NT nonsense should be punished, in the same way you seek judgement for the radical orgs that teach and influence extreme acts using similar rediculous interpretations and teachings.

That being said, this priest, Applegate,
Jim Jones, David Koresh,
and Jesus all have in common the Pide Piper Cultist leading their people to death.
=bad shepherds

DOOMS DAY religions seem to be very successful in the past several decades.
Early on----Christianity was a doomsday religion------St Paul seems to imply that
THE END IS IMMINENT in his writings. Of course, Judaism is VERY
---- "ERA OF THE APOCALYPSE" conscious-----but somehow----never
actually IMMINENT. I am not sure how islam was in past centuries---but right now it seems to be REALLY FOCUSED on MARTYRDOM. People traveling to ISIS land are not going there seeking LONG LIFE-------they all seem SUICIDAL
to me. I wonder how the Islamic fascination with suicide will pan out
reminds me of this

Martha Stewart Leaves K-Mart: Opens Christian Human Body Parts Store

Editor's Note: This article was originally published when Martha Stewart first opened her Christian Prosthetics Outlet at Landover Christian Mall. Church officials expect the store to continue to thrive despite Mrs. Stewart's indictment for obstruction of justice and securities fraud and the Security and Exchange Commission's inevitable civil lawsuit against her for insider trading. The store's profits continued to skyrocket even after Mrs. Stewart was first accused of wrongdoing. "True Christians are just glad the laws she broke are some of the more silly man-made laws and that she remains innocent of breaking any of God's law," noted Pastor Deacon Fred.

WALL STREET JOURNAL - With news of lackluster sales and peril of bankruptcy at retailer K-Mart, marketing doyenne Martha Stewart announced that she is abandoning ship. “Frankly,” said Ms. Stewart, while firing one of her whisk designers for having an odd air about him, ”We’ve done market studies and there just aren’t enough Pentecostals in this country to have a big enough market for the cheap plastic crap K-Mart sells. While I’m willing to attach my name to successful garbage if the price is right, as a business woman, I can’t afford to be associated with unsuccessful crap!”

Within hours of admitting her long-speculated-about departure from K-Mart, Ms. Stewart announced that she would be focusing her attention on the flagship store of her new retail chain “An Eye for an Eye” at Landover Baptist Christian Mall. An Eye for an Eye will be competing with Dr. Severed’s well-established, “Panorama of Prosthetics Outlet.” Both stores specialize in selling sinless plastic body parts to Christians who have been betrayed by their own bodies. True Christians are told by the Lord Jesus that if any body part might cause them to sin, it is best that they cut it off.

“And if thy hand offend thee, cut it off: it is better for thee to enter into life maimed, than having two hands to go into hell, into the fire that never shall be quenched . . . . And if thy foot offend thee, cut it off: it is better for thee to enter halt into life, than having two feet to be cast into hell, into the fire than never shall be quenched . . . . And if thine eye offend thee, pluck it out: it is better for thee to enter into the kingdom of God with one eye, than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire” (Mark 9:43-47; see also Matthew 5:29-30; 18:8-9; Luke 20:46-47).

Martha Stewart Opens Christian Body Parts Store

The person or organization that brainwashed and taught him the NT nonsense should be punished, in the same way you seek judgement for the radical orgs that teach and influence extreme acts using similar rediculous interpretations and teachings.

That being said, this priest, Applegate,
Jim Jones, David Koresh,
and Jesus all have in common the Pide Piper Cultist leading their people to death.
=bad shepherds

DOOMS DAY religions seem to be very successful in the past several decades.
Early on----Christianity was a doomsday religion------St Paul seems to imply that
THE END IS IMMINENT in his writings. Of course, Judaism is VERY
---- "ERA OF THE APOCALYPSE" conscious-----but somehow----never
actually IMMINENT. I am not sure how islam was in past centuries---but right now it seems to be REALLY FOCUSED on MARTYRDOM. People traveling to ISIS land are not going there seeking LONG LIFE-------they all seem SUICIDAL
to me. I wonder how the Islamic fascination with suicide will pan out

All have the common theme: teaching kingdom in death-not to fear death.
The death cultism of hades and Egyptian underworld teachings teach death as better then life while in Judaism death is unatural, & despised and we are motivated for it to be overcome.
Looks like he missed the one about not putting God to the test.

what was mark writing about, Compost? according to Wikki---"mark"
was written in Greek-------got any ideas what the imagery is all about?
What do you mean?

as in what is the standard sunday explanation for the "the poison will not harm
you"------you did use some old time Hebrew imagery of Poison------I believe that mark was into Hebrew imagery
The person or organization that brainwashed and taught him the NT nonsense should be punished, in the same way you seek judgement for the radical orgs that teach and influence extreme acts using similar rediculous interpretations and teachings.

That being said, this priest, Applegate,
Jim Jones, David Koresh,
and Jesus all have in common the Pide Piper Cultist leading their people to death.
=bad shepherds

DOOMS DAY religions seem to be very successful in the past several decades.
Early on----Christianity was a doomsday religion------St Paul seems to imply that
THE END IS IMMINENT in his writings. Of course, Judaism is VERY
---- "ERA OF THE APOCALYPSE" conscious-----but somehow----never
actually IMMINENT. I am not sure how islam was in past centuries---but right now it seems to be REALLY FOCUSED on MARTYRDOM. People traveling to ISIS land are not going there seeking LONG LIFE-------they all seem SUICIDAL
to me. I wonder how the Islamic fascination with suicide will pan out

All have the common theme: teaching kingdom in death-not to fear death.
The desth cultism of hades and Egyptian underworld teachings teach death as better then life while in Judaism death is unatural, & despised and we are motivated for it to be overcome.

yes----all true------Judaism is not pro-death whereas muslims actually claim that
all of life is a PREPARATION for the hot shot END. Christians do focus
on ENTRY INTO HEAVEN-----but not quite as passionately as muslims.
It seems to me that muslims are REALLY getting into the idea to the extent
that young healthy people are actually BRINGING it on by the fail-safe
MARTYR method. It seems to me that the "BRING IT ON" thing could really spin out of control. Little kids actually LEARN to parrot "I WANT TO BE A MARTYR"

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