The coming ice age and...


Diamond Member
Jan 8, 2011
...the next pole shift, micro nova, and mass extinction event. The earth’s cataclysmic time line is rapidly approaching. Many of us living today my witness the end of times. Yet we’re debating global warming, when clearly we are heading into a new ice age.

Fossil Pollen Record Suggests Vulnerability to Mass Extinction Ahead
Fossil Pollen Record Suggests Vulnerability to Mass Extinction Ahead

New study warns: We have underestimated the pace at which the Arctic is melting
New study warns: We have underestimated the pace at which the Arctic is melting

How Cold Was the Ice Age? Researchers Now Know
Scientists' ice age "hindcast" may shed light on future climate
How Cold Was the Ice Age? Researchers Now Know

We're supposed to worry about something that may happen in thousands of years, but AGW which may happen much sooner isn't even mentioned?
...the next pole shift, micro nova, and mass extinction event. The earth’s cataclysmic time line is rapidly approaching. Many of us living today my witness the end of times. Yet we’re debating global warming, when clearly we are heading into a new ice age.

Fossil Pollen Record Suggests Vulnerability to Mass Extinction Ahead
Fossil Pollen Record Suggests Vulnerability to Mass Extinction Ahead

New study warns: We have underestimated the pace at which the Arctic is melting
New study warns: We have underestimated the pace at which the Arctic is melting

How Cold Was the Ice Age? Researchers Now Know
Scientists' ice age "hindcast" may shed light on future climate
How Cold Was the Ice Age? Researchers Now Know

People been predicting it for 2000 years Plus. I wouldn't sell my home and start end of times partying this weekend if I were you.

As far as we know the laws of physics prevail no matter where you go in the known or unknown universe. The first law of physics is that absolute cold rules the universe and rare life forms like the Earth depend on that quirky nuclear reactor in the sky. Cold is the norm. Nobody notices but we need a gigantic support system to get hot water out of the water tap but the cold water is natural. What does that tell us? Cold is the norm and we should thank whatever Diety we worship that we live in a temperate environment that could turn into an iceberg in a heartbeat.
We're supposed to worry about something that may happen in thousands of years, but AGW which may happen much sooner isn't even mentioned?
Many scientists are well aware of earth’s history of cyclical catastrophes. They claim we’re due now. If they’re right, it will happen in the next 20 years or so.

AGW is a mistake. We are likely headed for a new ice age, after the extinction event. Most of us won’t be here then, so it doesn’t really matter.
Deniers have been predicting "Ice Age Just Around the Corner!" for over 40 years running now.

Needless to say, their HolyIceAge never arrives.

No matter. They have faith. Just like any other end times cult, each time their icy apocalypse fails to arrive, deniers just push back the date a little more.

In stark contrast, the real scientists have been predicting global warming over that same time frame, and getting it totally correct. That's why they're the ones with credibility.
Deniers have been predicting "Ice Age Just Around the Corner!" for over 40 years running now.

Needless to say, their HolyIceAge never arrives.

No matter. They have faith. Just like any other end times cult, each time their icy apocalypse fails to arrive, deniers just push back the date a little more.

In stark contrast, the real scientists have been predicting global warming over that same time frame, and getting it totally correct. That's why they're the ones with credibility.
Yes, the geologic record should be ignored. Smart. Really smart.

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