The clinton foundation money laundering keeps being exposed, will the democrat media actually care?

"Cryptic" in the wingnut context seems to mean, "we can make up anything we want". The next day Lyin' Don will claim "a lot of people are saying..." and then the next Breitbart and WND will be reporting it as fact. :laugh2:
You're denying it doesn't mean it's not true. You idiots deny the truth thinking people will believe you. We don't believe you lying libtards because your libtard leaders get caught lying all the time.
I don't see how foreign interests pumping money into the Clinton Foundation can be seen as anything other than purchasing influence.

As if Qatar, or the Saudis or Oman, or the rest of them give a fuck about some kid in the Sub Saharan desert or wherever they spend these dollars.

Why would any of them give to the CF? Any dunce knows the answer to that question.

You have to give these professional criminals credit. When they left DC they took the most profitable, and despicable, element of 'public service', influence peddling, packaged it into a personal product- and raked in millions.

And people are going to put them back at the top of the food chain. It's so stupid it would be funny if it wasn't so stupid.

I'll like to kick Trump in the nuts so hard they fly out the top of his head. Not for being a dick, which is he is, but for dooming us to another 4 years of these two pieces of shit.....
I guess the Republicans have been electing a lot of stupid Senators and Representatives lately. Democrats have actually been saying that for years now. Thanks for the confirmation.
Not only stupid, but out and out full blown fools who have sold out to the corporations.

Some are even traitors like John McCain.
I don't see how foreign interests pumping money into the Clinton Foundation can be seen as anything other than purchasing influence.

It is obviously corruption or at least the APPEARANCE of corruption which used to be a huge disqualifier, but not with this Media whose corproate masters have put them on a 24/7 attack Trump mandate.

I'll like to kick Trump in the nuts so hard they fly out the top of his head. Not for being a dick, which is he is, but for dooming us to another 4 years of these two pieces of shit.....

It is not Trumps fault that these media whores are twisting anything he says to the point of absurdity. Thjis whole fake outrage over Trumps reminding the Dems that 2A supporters will vote against here this November is being spun as a threat to assassinate Hillary, but most people can see through the bullshit, excluding journalists, if they are really people.
I don't see how foreign interests pumping money into the Clinton Foundation can be seen as anything other than purchasing influence.

It is obviously corruption or at least the APPEARANCE of corruption which used to be a huge disqualifier, but not with this Media whose corproate masters have put them on a 24/7 attack Trump mandate.

I'll like to kick Trump in the nuts so hard they fly out the top of his head. Not for being a dick, which is he is, but for dooming us to another 4 years of these two pieces of shit.....

It is not Trumps fault that these media whores are twisting anything he says to the point of absurdity. Thjis whole fake outrage over Trumps reminding the Dems that 2A supporters will vote against here this November is being spun as a threat to assassinate Hillary, but most people can see through the bullshit, excluding journalists, if they are really people.

Well if it isn't corruption, then DC isn't corrupt either, as I don't see the difference between 'donors' pumping money into DC or these people pumping money into the Clinton Foundation.

Actually, I do see a difference. In this case a lot of these 'donors' are foreign governments/interests. Anyone that remembers China Gate knows the Clintons have no problems taking money from foreign interests that are not exactly friendly to the US. They don't give a shit about the country, all they care about is their own wealth and power. A lot of this would sink anyone else but these people have been telling their 'vast conspiracy' lie for so long that an awful lot of idiots actually believe it.

I know the press is beating on Trump, but he's bringing a lot of it on himself . A skilled campaigner would be beating Hillary like a dog by not giving them so much to grab on to with such regularity, and instead highlighting her weaknesses, and there are many.

He's got to wake up, although, without a major, major, smoking gun of some kind proving the corruption or something, I think it's too late for him...
Last edited:
I don't see how foreign interests pumping money into the Clinton Foundation can be seen as anything other than purchasing influence.

As if Qatar, or the Saudis or Oman, or the rest of them give a fuck about some kid in the Sub Saharan desert or wherever they spend these dollars.

Why would any of them give to the CF? Any dunce knows the answer to that question.

You have to give these professional criminals credit. When they left DC they took the most profitable, and despicable, element of 'public service', influence peddling, packaged it into a personal product- and raked in millions.

And people are going to put them back at the top of the food chain. It's so stupid it would be funny if it wasn't so stupid.

I'll like to kick Trump in the nuts so hard they fly out the top of his head. Not for being a dick, which is he is, but for dooming us to another 4 years of these two pieces of shit.....

It made them billionaires........and it hasn't stopped........
I don't see how foreign interests pumping money into the Clinton Foundation can be seen as anything other than purchasing influence.

It is obviously corruption or at least the APPEARANCE of corruption which used to be a huge disqualifier, but not with this Media whose corproate masters have put them on a 24/7 attack Trump mandate.

I'll like to kick Trump in the nuts so hard they fly out the top of his head. Not for being a dick, which is he is, but for dooming us to another 4 years of these two pieces of shit.....

It is not Trumps fault that these media whores are twisting anything he says to the point of absurdity. Thjis whole fake outrage over Trumps reminding the Dems that 2A supporters will vote against here this November is being spun as a threat to assassinate Hillary, but most people can see through the bullshit, excluding journalists, if they are really people.

Well if it isn't corruption, then DC isn't corrupt either, as I don't see the difference between 'donors' pumping money into DC or these people pumping money into the Clinton Foundation.

Actually, I do see a difference. In this case a lot of these 'donors' are foreign governments/interests. Anyone that remembers China Gate knows the Clintons have no problems taking money from foreign interests that are not exactly friendly to the US. They don't give a shit about the country, all they care about is their own wealth and power. A lot of this would sink anyone else but these people have been telling their 'vast conspiracy' lie for so long that an awful lot of idiots actually believe it.

I know the press is beating on Trump, but he's bringing a lot of it on himself . A skilled campaigner would be beating Hillary like a dog by not giving them so much to grab on to with such regularity, and instead highlighting her weaknesses, and there are many.

He's got to wake up, although, without a major, major, smoking gun of some kind proving the corruption or something, I think it's too late for him...

Sorry......any Republican would be getting the same treatment....from the people I have heard interviewed, Mitt Romney is a really good human being.....and the democrat media turned him into a monster........obama has direct friendships with known terrorists.....bill ayers, bernadine dorhn....they gave his first fund raiser when he was running for office........and his connections to these monsters were ignored or downplayed.......his connection to the racist jeremiah wright, the same thing...but Mitt Rommey....a monster....

hilary has actually done things that have caused chaos and death in a large part of the world.......and the media is covering for her.....they stole money from Haitians.............under the cover of charity activity....and the media doesn't care........

There is no normal reason why hilary is the Presidential nominee......her record would have ended the political career of any republican running for office

Trump is not the problem.....the rot in the media is the problem.....
I don't see how foreign interests pumping money into the Clinton Foundation can be seen as anything other than purchasing influence.

As if Qatar, or the Saudis or Oman, or the rest of them give a fuck about some kid in the Sub Saharan desert or wherever they spend these dollars.

Why would any of them give to the CF? Any dunce knows the answer to that question.

You have to give these professional criminals credit. When they left DC they took the most profitable, and despicable, element of 'public service', influence peddling, packaged it into a personal product- and raked in millions.

And people are going to put them back at the top of the food chain. It's so stupid it would be funny if it wasn't so stupid.

I'll like to kick Trump in the nuts so hard they fly out the top of his head. Not for being a dick, which is he is, but for dooming us to another 4 years of these two pieces of shit.....

It's not Trumps fault or problem.........people don't care....they want free stuff.......and they have been educated in schools controlled by the democrats, and they have watched the news dominated by left wing reporters and their movies and television shows are filled with left wing talking points...even comedies and cartoons.........every late night talk show host is part of the democrat campaign......even on America's got talent they passed through a child comedian who attacked can't get away from them....

And it will be more than 4 years...with a hilary controlled Supreme Court they won't need the Congress...they can pass laws at the state level, they can pass regulations through left wing controlled federal agencies and they will be made law by her will be for the rest of the countries history.....

the libertarians who sit their smugly condemning Trump.....and ignoring the real threat of hilary.........libertarianism will be over for ever in this will be no different from those weird cults that worship comets.........there will be no chance of limited government ever again..........until it all collapses in a Venezuela.......
Anyone that remembers China Gate knows the Clintons have no problems taking money from foreign interests that are not exactly friendly to the US. They don't give a shit about the country, all they care about is their own wealth and power. A lot of this would sink anyone else but these people have been telling their 'vast conspiracy' lie for so long that an awful lot of idiots actually believe it.

I remember when algore was caught coming out of "The Chinese Temple of Doom" with his hands in the campaign till... Nothing was ever done, because he had hooked his wagon to the Clinton's. Ole' algore looked straight into the cameras and said, "we didn't do anything wrong and we are going to make sure we never do it again"... No wonder he didn't even carry his home state in 2000...
I don't see how foreign interests pumping money into the Clinton Foundation can be seen as anything other than purchasing influence.

As if Qatar, or the Saudis or Oman, or the rest of them give a fuck about some kid in the Sub Saharan desert or wherever they spend these dollars.

Why would any of them give to the CF? Any dunce knows the answer to that question.

You have to give these professional criminals credit. When they left DC they took the most profitable, and despicable, element of 'public service', influence peddling, packaged it into a personal product- and raked in millions.

And people are going to put them back at the top of the food chain. It's so stupid it would be funny if it wasn't so stupid.

I'll like to kick Trump in the nuts so hard they fly out the top of his head. Not for being a dick, which is he is, but for dooming us to another 4 years of these two pieces of shit.....

It's not Trumps fault or problem.........people don't care....they want free stuff.......and they have been educated in schools controlled by the democrats, and they have watched the news dominated by left wing reporters and their movies and television shows are filled with left wing talking points...even comedies and cartoons.........every late night talk show host is part of the democrat campaign......even on America's got talent they passed through a child comedian who attacked can't get away from them....

And it will be more than 4 years...with a hilary controlled Supreme Court they won't need the Congress...they can pass laws at the state level, they can pass regulations through left wing controlled federal agencies and they will be made law by her will be for the rest of the countries history.....

the libertarians who sit their smugly condemning Trump.....and ignoring the real threat of hilary.........libertarianism will be over for ever in this will be no different from those weird cults that worship comets.........there will be no chance of limited government ever again..........until it all collapses in a Venezuela.......

Yeah, I dunno. Trump had actually very briefly caught her, if not passed her, in the polls and things were trending positively in his direction.

then came the stuff with the Khan's. whether or not the Khan's were shills for Clinton they lost their son and Trump really fucked up on that one.

A lot of the rest of the stuff he's done and said he got away with without it really effecting his support. I think that was possibly because people couldn't relate to the groups he was attacking, so they didn't really feel those attacks in a visceral way to the point where they would not support him if they had been and cross over to Clinton, who a lot of people utterly despise.

When he did this to those parents he crossed a line to a place where anyone with a son could put themselves in those people's shoes and think about how they'd feel if Trump were spitting at them after their losing their son. I know that's exactly what went through my mind. I thought of my son coming home in a coffin and this guy taking a great big steaming crap on that. I wanted to punch him in his damn mouth at that point. It was that exact moment where I said 'fuck that guy'. I think a lot of other people reacted the same, and his numbers went straight into free-fall.

I hate the hell out of Clinton, think she's a damn criminal, and the idea of having to look at that kunt for the next 4 or 8 years makes me want to puke, but Trump and Trump's mouth are his largest adversaries in this election- and they're kicking his ass, IMHO.

On the rest of it, I agree with you completely. Clinton is going to continue what Obama started. She'll stack the court, and if she gets the congress we are utterly fucked.
Anyone that remembers China Gate knows the Clintons have no problems taking money from foreign interests that are not exactly friendly to the US. They don't give a shit about the country, all they care about is their own wealth and power. A lot of this would sink anyone else but these people have been telling their 'vast conspiracy' lie for so long that an awful lot of idiots actually believe it.

I remember when algore was caught coming out of "The Chinese Temple of Doom" with his hands in the campaign till... Nothing was ever done, because he had hooked his wagon to the Clinton's. Ole' algore looked straight into the cameras and said, "we didn't do anything wrong and we are going to make sure we never do it again"... No wonder he didn't even carry his home state in 2000...

I remember the testimony before congress.....Bhudist nuns testifying they accepted money from the democrats and then wrote their own checks.........and then when gore insisted that they had originally planned on having their campaign event at a nearby restaurant.......but the place cancelled on them....then the congressman interrogating the algore minion said...yeah..we thought that is what you would say so we spoke to those people...they said they never heard of you.......

Those days will be coming back but much worse....the clinton foundation will be like the bank in Scar Face when the drug thugs are walking in with duffle bags full of money that need to be laundered..........
And here is actual footage of the clinton foundation....and the duffle bags full of money going in....

I think they even have a tiger at the clinton foundation............

"Cryptic" in the wingnut context seems to mean, "we can make up anything we want". The next day Lyin' Don will claim "a lot of people are saying..." and then the next Breitbart and WND will be reporting it as fact.
People are pointing out clear differences between the Romney polling and the Trump polling, plus actual specifics about what is being done. And your retort is 'Whiners!' How do you think closing your eyes to Reality helps your cause? Because you are an idiot?
Who else is "closing their eyes", let's see...

"Donald Trump does not reflect historical Republican values nor the inclusive approach to governing that is critical to healing the divisions in our country," Sen. Susan Collins(R-ME)

He "cannot and will not support" Trump -- who he said "does not have the temperament" to be commander in chief. Sen. Mark Kirk (R-IL)

He has said "Trump does not even know what the Constitution is about." He urged voters to vote their conscience in a post on Medium July 11. Sen. Ben Sasse (R-NE)

Saying he thinks the Republican Party has been "conned," Graham added that he doesn't think Trump is "a reliable Republican conservative." Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC)

"It's becoming increasingly difficult to see that he's going to make the changes that he needs," Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ)

Trump "did a lot of damage" and that he thinks it'll be difficult for the Republican nominee to "recover from his previous comments. "I'll give him a chance, but at this point, I have no intentions of voting for him," Sen. Dean Heller (R-NV)

Trump is "deeply flawed in endless ways" and "unrepentant in all things" then declared: "While I disagree with her on many issues, I will vote for Mrs. Clinton." Rep. Richard Hanna (R-NY)

He doesn't see how he can support Trump following his comments about NATO and the Khan family. "I'm an American before I'm a Republican," Rep. Adam Kinzinger(R-IL)

Has "no plans" to vote for Trump. "I think some of us have to stand up once in a while and just have to say how we feel about this," Rep. Charlie Dent(R-PA)

"People ask me, 'What do you think about (Donald) Trump?' Honestly, I don't care for him much." Rep. Mike Coffman (R-CO)

"I will not support Donald Trump," referring to Trump's comments about women, Muslims, Latinos and POWs. "We're looking for a uniter, not a divider," Rep. Bob Dold (R-IL)

...and that's just a partial list!

Republicans who oppose Donald Trump -
Who said he does, he is still way better than the hag hildabeast.
I remember the testimony before congress.....Bhudist nuns testifying they accepted money from the democrats and then wrote their own checks.........and then when gore insisted that they had originally planned on having their campaign event at a nearby restaurant.......but the place cancelled on them....then the congressman interrogating the algore minion said...yeah..we thought that is what you would say so we spoke to those people...they said they never heard of you.......

Good memory 2aguy... You been doing this awhile it appears... I sold my first vote in 1960 to a little tow-headed girl with pretty curls in her hair. I voted for JFK in the Macon Grade School First Grade class... Got a kiss... Been politicking every since...
Republicans who oppose Donald Trump -

Google these folks after their next primary elections and see where they are working. I heard the CVS in Baltimore is looking for a few good folks...

Should hilary get elected there will be no reason to ever vote Republican it will be time for electoral payback......I will donate to each one of the opponents of the establishment republicans who helped hilary....
"Cryptic" in the wingnut context seems to mean, "we can make up anything we want". The next day Lyin' Don will claim "a lot of people are saying..." and then the next Breitbart and WND will be reporting it as fact.
People are pointing out clear differences between the Romney polling and the Trump polling, plus actual specifics about what is being done. And your retort is 'Whiners!' How do you think closing your eyes to Reality helps your cause? Because you are an idiot?
Who else is "closing their eyes", let's see...

"Donald Trump does not reflect historical Republican values nor the inclusive approach to governing that is critical to healing the divisions in our country," Sen. Susan Collins(R-ME)

He "cannot and will not support" Trump -- who he said "does not have the temperament" to be commander in chief. Sen. Mark Kirk (R-IL)

He has said "Trump does not even know what the Constitution is about." He urged voters to vote their conscience in a post on Medium July 11. Sen. Ben Sasse (R-NE)

Saying he thinks the Republican Party has been "conned," Graham added that he doesn't think Trump is "a reliable Republican conservative." Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC)

"It's becoming increasingly difficult to see that he's going to make the changes that he needs," Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ)

Trump "did a lot of damage" and that he thinks it'll be difficult for the Republican nominee to "recover from his previous comments. "I'll give him a chance, but at this point, I have no intentions of voting for him," Sen. Dean Heller (R-NV)

Trump is "deeply flawed in endless ways" and "unrepentant in all things" then declared: "While I disagree with her on many issues, I will vote for Mrs. Clinton." Rep. Richard Hanna (R-NY)

He doesn't see how he can support Trump following his comments about NATO and the Khan family. "I'm an American before I'm a Republican," Rep. Adam Kinzinger(R-IL)

Has "no plans" to vote for Trump. "I think some of us have to stand up once in a while and just have to say how we feel about this," Rep. Charlie Dent(R-PA)

"People ask me, 'What do you think about (Donald) Trump?' Honestly, I don't care for him much." Rep. Mike Coffman (R-CO)

"I will not support Donald Trump," referring to Trump's comments about women, Muslims, Latinos and POWs. "We're looking for a uniter, not a divider," Rep. Bob Dold (R-IL)

...and that's just a partial list!

Republicans who oppose Donald Trump -
Who said he does, he is still way better than the hag hildabeast.
What a cogent and thoughtful argument! :rolleyes:
Folks, how many murdered people have been close acquaintances of yours? The Clinton's have dozens. A 27 year old Democrat staffer involved in the DNC email scandal was the latest. Shot in the back and nothing stolen from him.
"Cryptic" in the wingnut context seems to mean, "we can make up anything we want". The next day Lyin' Don will claim "a lot of people are saying..." and then the next Breitbart and WND will be reporting it as fact.
People are pointing out clear differences between the Romney polling and the Trump polling, plus actual specifics about what is being done. And your retort is 'Whiners!' How do you think closing your eyes to Reality helps your cause? Because you are an idiot?
Who else is "closing their eyes", let's see...

"Donald Trump does not reflect historical Republican values nor the inclusive approach to governing that is critical to healing the divisions in our country," Sen. Susan Collins(R-ME)

He "cannot and will not support" Trump -- who he said "does not have the temperament" to be commander in chief. Sen. Mark Kirk (R-IL)

He has said "Trump does not even know what the Constitution is about." He urged voters to vote their conscience in a post on Medium July 11. Sen. Ben Sasse (R-NE)

Saying he thinks the Republican Party has been "conned," Graham added that he doesn't think Trump is "a reliable Republican conservative." Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC)

"It's becoming increasingly difficult to see that he's going to make the changes that he needs," Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ)

Trump "did a lot of damage" and that he thinks it'll be difficult for the Republican nominee to "recover from his previous comments. "I'll give him a chance, but at this point, I have no intentions of voting for him," Sen. Dean Heller (R-NV)

Trump is "deeply flawed in endless ways" and "unrepentant in all things" then declared: "While I disagree with her on many issues, I will vote for Mrs. Clinton." Rep. Richard Hanna (R-NY)

He doesn't see how he can support Trump following his comments about NATO and the Khan family. "I'm an American before I'm a Republican," Rep. Adam Kinzinger(R-IL)

Has "no plans" to vote for Trump. "I think some of us have to stand up once in a while and just have to say how we feel about this," Rep. Charlie Dent(R-PA)

"People ask me, 'What do you think about (Donald) Trump?' Honestly, I don't care for him much." Rep. Mike Coffman (R-CO)

"I will not support Donald Trump," referring to Trump's comments about women, Muslims, Latinos and POWs. "We're looking for a uniter, not a divider," Rep. Bob Dold (R-IL)

...and that's just a partial list!

Republicans who oppose Donald Trump -
Who said he does, he is still way better than the hag hildabeast.
What a cogent and thoughtful argument! :rolleyes:
Still the truth, something you libtards hate.
"Cryptic" in the wingnut context seems to mean, "we can make up anything we want". The next day Lyin' Don will claim "a lot of people are saying..." and then the next Breitbart and WND will be reporting it as fact.
People are pointing out clear differences between the Romney polling and the Trump polling, plus actual specifics about what is being done. And your retort is 'Whiners!' How do you think closing your eyes to Reality helps your cause? Because you are an idiot?
Who else is "closing their eyes", let's see...

"Donald Trump does not reflect historical Republican values nor the inclusive approach to governing that is critical to healing the divisions in our country," Sen. Susan Collins(R-ME)

He "cannot and will not support" Trump -- who he said "does not have the temperament" to be commander in chief. Sen. Mark Kirk (R-IL)

He has said "Trump does not even know what the Constitution is about." He urged voters to vote their conscience in a post on Medium July 11. Sen. Ben Sasse (R-NE)

Saying he thinks the Republican Party has been "conned," Graham added that he doesn't think Trump is "a reliable Republican conservative." Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC)

"It's becoming increasingly difficult to see that he's going to make the changes that he needs," Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ)

Trump "did a lot of damage" and that he thinks it'll be difficult for the Republican nominee to "recover from his previous comments. "I'll give him a chance, but at this point, I have no intentions of voting for him," Sen. Dean Heller (R-NV)

Trump is "deeply flawed in endless ways" and "unrepentant in all things" then declared: "While I disagree with her on many issues, I will vote for Mrs. Clinton." Rep. Richard Hanna (R-NY)

He doesn't see how he can support Trump following his comments about NATO and the Khan family. "I'm an American before I'm a Republican," Rep. Adam Kinzinger(R-IL)

Has "no plans" to vote for Trump. "I think some of us have to stand up once in a while and just have to say how we feel about this," Rep. Charlie Dent(R-PA)

"People ask me, 'What do you think about (Donald) Trump?' Honestly, I don't care for him much." Rep. Mike Coffman (R-CO)

"I will not support Donald Trump," referring to Trump's comments about women, Muslims, Latinos and POWs. "We're looking for a uniter, not a divider," Rep. Bob Dold (R-IL)

...and that's just a partial list!

Republicans who oppose Donald Trump -
Who said he does, he is still way better than the hag hildabeast.
What a cogent and thoughtful argument! :rolleyes:
Still the truth, something you libtards hate.
So you're saying all those Republicans are liars?

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