The Clinton Exodus Begins

Looks like The Miami Herald is making an Exodus from Trump ..

Miami Herald Makes DEVASTATING Donald Trump Announcement
Donald Trump: an unregistered sex offender. YES !

The Miami Herald Editorial Board has officially endorsed Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton for president.

They were quick to note this wasn’t about picking the lesser of two evils. They addressed that first and ended it with a strong insult for Republican presidential nominee alleged unregistered sex offender Donald Trump.

‘It is not about choosing between a bad candidate and a worse one. The narrative that Hillary Clinton is the lesser of two evils is patently wrong. Ms. Clinton is a pragmatic, tough-minded woman of accomplishment and political conviction with a demonstrated mastery of policy. She is politically flawed. However, Donald Trump is a damaged human being.’
Furthermore, they added that the election wasn’t about the common man vs. the elite, which is a common belief that has revolved around this election since the very beginning in the primaries.

BREAKING: Miami Herald Makes DEVASTATING Donald Trump Announcement (DETAILS)

Outstanding critique of the Herald endorsement !
The Miami Herald recommends Hillary Clinton for president of the United States
The Trump lawyers are already preparing the lawsuit, no doubt.
Look what the Miami Herald Calls Trump........Donald Trump: an unregistered sex offender....Ouch that has to Hurt....

BREAKING: Miami Herald Makes DEVASTATING Donald Trump Announcement (DETAILS)
Dude, the Miami Herald endorsed Clinton over two weeks ago. It is not BREAKING.

And you should to to the source rather than some third rate filter: The Miami Herald recommends Hillary Clinton for president of the United States

That they waited until this late in the cycle is significant in itself.
The Trump lawyers are already preparing the lawsuit.[/QUOTE]
These witnesses will testify....Trump cross examined under Oath ...sweet
Obama fails to repeat the line that Comey is interfering in the election, Michelle Obama unfollows HRC on Twitter and deleted all her Tweets about her, Elizabeth Warren follows suit and unfollows HRC, Sanders Tweets are very vague and no endorsement of Clinton. This is just the tip of the ice berg as more and more dems abandon Clinton.

Dems are looking to regroup for 2020 and do everything they can for a failed Trump Presidency at this point. The exodus has begun and expect more fallout as WikiLeaks exposes more Clinton/DNC/Media corruption this week. The best is yet to come.

UPDATE: Add Barack Obama to the HRC unfollow list

As a side note: There's a video of Chris Matthews in what appears to be him endorsing Trump but I have no context for it right now so I can't be certain of that one. Perhaps someone can clear that up, but it does appear that he flips on Clinton.

LOL-you apparently don't have a link to anything you just stated.

No link it's :bsflag:
Look what the Miami Herald Calls Trump........Donald Trump: an unregistered sex offender....Ouch that has to Hurt....

BREAKING: Miami Herald Makes DEVASTATING Donald Trump Announcement (DETAILS)
Dude, the Miami Herald endorsed Clinton over a week ago. It is not BREAKING.

The Miami Herald recommends Hillary Clinton for president of the United States

That they waited until this late in the cycle is significant in itself.
You're so ruined Tyrone's evening with his blow up Donkey.
Obama fails to repeat the line that Comey is interfering in the election, Michelle Obama unfollows HRC on Twitter and deleted all her Tweets about her,
You got "Rick Rolled"
Fake story about Obamas, Hillary Clinton ensnares Sean Hannity

Radio host Sean Hannity on Tuesday embraced a piece of fake news about President Obama deleting endorsements of Hillary Clinton from his Twitter account. The site wrongly claimed that "Michelle Obama has scrubbed all references to Hillary Clinton from both of her Twitter accounts" and implied that it was the result of FBI investigations into Clinton.

Pro-Trump social media users tweeted about it, further amplifying the falsehood. And a contributor to a relatively credible web site,, posted an item asking "Is the First Lady distancing the Obamas from the Clintons?"

Then new characters were added to the fake storyline. "Elizabeth Warren just unfollowed Hillary, and Michelle Obama deleted all her tweets about Hillary," Jack Posobiec, who calls himself a "recovering political operative," tweeted at 2 p.m. Tuesday. He kept going, adding President Obama's name to the list, without any evidence to back it up.
You're so ruined Tyrone's evening with his blow up Donkey.

you got Rick Rolled too

this is Bipartisan Report a Fake news site
BREAKING: Miami Herald Makes DEVASTATING Donald Trump Announcement (DETAILS)

this is the Herald Endorsement of Clinton Two weeks ago
The Miami Herald recommends Hillary Clinton for president of the United States
No really, why not reiterate the post that nobody cared about the first 4,001 times you posted it?
Obama fails to repeat the line that Comey is interfering in the election, Michelle Obama unfollows HRC on Twitter and deleted all her Tweets about her, Elizabeth Warren follows suit and unfollows HRC, Sanders Tweets are very vague and no endorsement of Clinton. This is just the tip of the ice berg as more and more dems abandon Clinton.

Dems are looking to regroup for 2020 and do everything they can for a failed Trump Presidency at this point. The exodus has begun and expect more fallout as WikiLeaks exposes more Clinton/DNC/Media corruption this week. The best is yet to come.

UPDATE: Add Barack Obama to the HRC unfollow list

As a side note: There's a video of Chris Matthews in what appears to be him endorsing Trump but I have no context for it right now so I can't be certain of that one. Perhaps someone can clear that up, but it does appear that he flips on Clinton.

The rats are trying to escape the sinking ship.

I hope both Barack and Michelle are finished singing her praises.

I think it's disgusting that we tax payers foot a huge bill for the Obamas to jet around and campaign for Hillary. It's just a sneaky way for her to pass the cost of her campaign to people who can't stand her.

Kaine and Unable are nightmares that don't deserve to be anywhere near the White House.
Lol you people are blowing this way out of proportion. This update has come too little too late. Hillary has her share of scandals, but Trump's far outweigh hers. It's hurt her poll numbers no doubt, but she will still win. Mitt Romney's polling average was lower than her at this point. Hillary will win.
She is on a downward spiral. Doug Shoen who has been with the Clinton's since 94' just announced he is no longer supporting Clinton and won't vote for her due to the FBI investigation being re-opened.
So she is in a downward spiral because some guy named Doug is ditching her?

Look, at this late in the game, people have already made up their minds about who they will vote for. There isn't very many undecided voters left. Some of them may have been turned off by this scandal, but that doesn't mean they will just jump over to Trump.
No. She isn't in a downward spiral over Doug Shoen. She is in a downward spiral over the news coming out this morning.
Wiles - a writer for American Thinker reported the following news:

Not only is the probe reopened, it has been upgraded and expanded. It has been upgraded from a preliminary inquiry to a formal criminal investigation with grand jury power. That also means that, at least at the level of the federal grand jury itself, assistant U.S. attorneys assigned to that grand jury are now for the first time formally involved.

Who is being investigated? Hillary Clinton. It's very serious. She's not going to survive this one.

I looked up the article - it's total conjecture and provides no sources for that claim. There is nothing from the FBI indicating that that I have seen.
American Thinker (irony!) is a favorite piss rag the rubes line up to be lied to by. It's down there with InfoWars, The Daily Caller, and Drudge.

They have more integrity than the mainstream media which has now become what the national enquirer used to be decades ago. Who will listen to them now after seeing what they have done in their collusion with one of the biggest criminals in American history? Their polls are a farce and you know it. So do the American people.
Michelle Obama unfollows HRC on Twitter and deleted all her Tweets about her, Elizabeth Warren follows suit and unfollows HRC,
No shit?
Yup, no shit

mmmmhhhh.....debunked: Michelle Obama reportedly clears out mentions of Hillary Clinton on Twitter accounts (Update: debunked)
....its true and confirmed. She unfollowed

So Moochelle actually does have some kind of standards?

Wow, shock
This just in, Rachel Madcow has said she wants to shit on Hillary,.... wait, no that is "sit on Hillary's face"

Wow, so weird.
Lol you people are blowing this way out of proportion. This update has come too little too late. Hillary has her share of scandals, but Trump's far outweigh hers. It's hurt her poll numbers no doubt, but she will still win. Mitt Romney's polling average was lower than her at this point. Hillary will win.
She is on a downward spiral. Doug Shoen who has been with the Clinton's since 94' just announced he is no longer supporting Clinton and won't vote for her due to the FBI investigation being re-opened.

Monumental dupe.
Thus far, your source hasn't proven it's case, particularly when multiple sources indicate quite the opposite.
And of course YOUR source of truth is truer than the OTHER sources of truth.

In this case, yes. I made the effort to actually sign up on Twitter and look for myself.
I did too, but now what do I do??? Of course I am clueless, I don't even have a facebook account....I talk to my friends on the phone...or in person....I like to talk, what can I say??? :D

but, what am I suppose to who I want to follow? And then what???? Is there some course I could take on this...??? :lol:

Bwhaaaaaaa :(
Just google the name of the person and put Twitter behind it. Their page will come up for you.
but then what Mrs.M? Can you give me a brief on how it all actually works?

Ok, I google a name, put twitter at the end and I will get whomever I am interested in and go to their twitter I suppose to select follow? And what does "follow" give me? Their comments and messages they post? Can I answer what they have posted or comment on their post, where they will see me responding or do they have to follow me in order for them to see me responding??????????????????? HELPPPPPPPP!

I have no idea.....and how do I even respond to their post? And how do I start a post of my own?

Crud, I am exhausted just thinking about having to figure this out!

If you are gonna do it....follow me while you are there. I sometimes post cat pics.
Lol you people are blowing this way out of proportion. This update has come too little too late. Hillary has her share of scandals, but Trump's far outweigh hers. It's hurt her poll numbers no doubt, but she will still win. Mitt Romney's polling average was lower than her at this point. Hillary will win.
She is on a downward spiral. Doug Shoen who has been with the Clinton's since 94' just announced he is no longer supporting Clinton and won't vote for her due to the FBI investigation being re-opened.
So she is in a downward spiral because some guy named Doug is ditching her?

Look, at this late in the game, people have already made up their minds about who they will vote for. There isn't very many undecided voters left. Some of them may have been turned off by this scandal, but that doesn't mean they will just jump over to Trump.
And of course YOUR source of truth is truer than the OTHER sources of truth.

In this case, yes. I made the effort to actually sign up on Twitter and look for myself.
I did too, but now what do I do??? Of course I am clueless, I don't even have a facebook account....I talk to my friends on the phone...or in person....I like to talk, what can I say??? :D

but, what am I suppose to who I want to follow? And then what???? Is there some course I could take on this...??? :lol:

Bwhaaaaaaa :(
Just google the name of the person and put Twitter behind it. Their page will come up for you.
but then what Mrs.M? Can you give me a brief on how it all actually works?

Ok, I google a name, put twitter at the end and I will get whomever I am interested in and go to their twitter I suppose to select follow? And what does "follow" give me? Their comments and messages they post? Can I answer what they have posted or comment on their post, where they will see me responding or do they have to follow me in order for them to see me responding??????????????????? HELPPPPPPPP!

I have no idea.....and how do I even respond to their post? And how do I start a post of my own?

Crud, I am exhausted just thinking about having to figure this out!
Type into the search engine Barack Obama Twitter you'll see official link and click that, then read the page and scroll down to read more. You don't have to join unless you want to see who he is following and he's following far too many people to find Hillary. You'd be looking for days. I would not join facebook. Steer clear of it. Once you join they keep you signed up even after you ask to be removed. There is way too many horror stories about facebook. I would not have anything to do with that site.

Twitter is alright. I had an account and then canceled it after too many people started following me (thousands). It felt overwhelming - like I was in a room with thousands of strangers watching every word I wrote. It felt creepy. My computer tech told me that was the idea - gain a lot of followers. I told him I don't like that idea - please get me out of there now!

Thousands of followers! You are so awesome!

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