The Chief administrator of EVERY VA facility that cooked the books should be fired

You folks who are not vets have no idea about what you are talking.

Really, you don't.

STFU Fakey.

I'm a Vet, as are many in my family Tree........

Abuses have been there for a long time............

Why don't you get back to me when you learn about Red Tape.
My main concern is for the vets, and to Fire and prosecute those accountable. My stance on Obama is he's a blithering idiot anyway.........

But right now, while we BS, other vets may die............

Didn't this story break in Arizona in the worst way discovered as yet? How accountable is John McCain, Senator and federal go-between of that state? Did anyone complain to his office? If so, why did he not respond?

I'd like to see a full inquiry on what McCain knew and when.

Wtf are you smoking where McCain is an important player in a NATIONAL scandal of an institution he has no role in operating?
If it can be proved that VA administrators received bonuses for creating what amounted to death lists they should be indicted for manslaughter all the way up to the top of the agency.

The lists were phoney, the wait-times were real. That's fraud not manslaughter.

The Obama defense seems to be that the "lists" were phony but we know the bonuses were real. If it can be proved that the "death lists" were real it's a slam dunk for indictments all the way to the White House but wait, the A.G. is too busy trying to find conservatives who donated too much money to candidates.
If it can be proved that VA administrators received bonuses for creating what amounted to death lists they should be indicted for manslaughter all the way up to the top of the agency.

The lists were phoney, the wait-times were real. That's fraud not manslaughter.

The Obama defense seems to be that the "lists" were phony but we know the bonuses were real. If it can be proved that the "death lists" were real it's a slam dunk for indictments all the way to the White House but wait, the A.G. is too busy trying to find conservatives who donated too much money to candidates.
There are no death-lists. That's nonsense. This is fraud, mismanagement, obviously, and lack of funding. That's all. Keep your inner drama queen in check.
My main concern is for the vets, and to Fire and prosecute those accountable. My stance on Obama is he's a blithering idiot anyway.........

But right now, while we BS, other vets may die............

Didn't this story break in Arizona in the worst way discovered as yet? How accountable is John McCain, Senator and federal go-between of that state? Did anyone complain to his office? If so, why did he not respond?

I'd like to see a full inquiry on what McCain knew and when.

I don't care who gets their asses handed to them if they are guilty. McLame is a a Rhino anyway...........But this is an Executive Dept., and under the food chain of that Chain of Command.

That comes later. For now we need immediate actions.

No, we investigate McCain as rigorously as the general who just stepped down. We can do both at the same time: reform and investigate.

McLame is factually a P-RINO. [pretending republican in name only]. They fitted him with that label when Cheney's approval rating began to plummet just below Satan. They needed a pocket-boy to appear middle leaning. But of course he lost anyway.
The lists were phoney, the wait-times were real. That's fraud not manslaughter.

The Obama defense seems to be that the "lists" were phony but we know the bonuses were real. If it can be proved that the "death lists" were real it's a slam dunk for indictments all the way to the White House but wait, the A.G. is too busy trying to find conservatives who donated too much money to candidates.
There are no death-lists. That's nonsense. This is fraud, mismanagement, obviously, and lack of funding. That's all. Keep your inner drama queen in check.

Riddle me this.

If I'm a vet, and waiting to be seen for ailments, and I'm told you are number 34 on the priority list to be seen.................

Then aren't I on a list.

If I die before being seen, then some could say that it is a death list because I died waiting on a list to be seen............
The fish rots from the head.

The first thing to do is FIRE a lot of people. Mass firings are in order. Next, claw back all of the bonuses paid- every singe one. Then conduct a full investigation, hospital by hospital. Criminally prosecute as needed. Lastly, close the VA and outsource their care to private providers.
Didn't this story break in Arizona in the worst way discovered as yet? How accountable is John McCain, Senator and federal go-between of that state? Did anyone complain to his office? If so, why did he not respond?

I'd like to see a full inquiry on what McCain knew and when.

I don't care who gets their asses handed to them if they are guilty. McLame is a a Rhino anyway...........But this is an Executive Dept., and under the food chain of that Chain of Command.

That comes later. For now we need immediate actions.

No, we investigate McCain as rigorously as the general who just stepped down. We can do both at the same time: reform and investigate.

McLame is factually a P-RINO. [pretending republican in name only]. They fitted him with that label when Cheney's approval rating began to plummet just below Satan. They needed a pocket-boy to appear middle leaning. But of course he lost anyway.

There are VA centers around the country and in many states.......................

Why do you focus only on ONE STATE and one person here......................

If a Senator of Arizona is culpable then so are others...............So please fell free to add to your very short list on Senators and Congressmen who need investigation on this.

Again, I don't care. All, irregardless of party, evolved should get their asses handed to them.
The Obama defense seems to be that the "lists" were phony but we know the bonuses were real. If it can be proved that the "death lists" were real it's a slam dunk for indictments all the way to the White House but wait, the A.G. is too busy trying to find conservatives who donated too much money to candidates.
There are no death-lists. That's nonsense. This is fraud, mismanagement, obviously, and lack of funding. That's all. Keep your inner drama queen in check.

Riddle me this.

If I'm a vet, and waiting to be seen for ailments, and I'm told you are number 34 on the priority list to be seen.................

Then aren't I on a list.

If I die before being seen, then some could say that it is a death list because I died waiting on a list to be seen............
Someone could say that and they be wrong. Just because they said you were #22, but you were actually #222 doesn't mean they could see you any sooner than they did. The lack of timely treatment that could lead to early deaths is why they are dying, not because of their position on a list, or two lists in this case.
The fish rots from the head.

The first thing to do is FIRE a lot of people. Mass firings are in order. Next, claw back all of the bonuses paid- every singe one. Then conduct a full investigation, hospital by hospital. Criminally prosecute as needed. Lastly, close the VA and outsource their care to private providers.

The private guys don't want Medicare a lot of times. Do you think they are going to want these guys with stuff they have no idea how to treat and you still won't pay up? Not a chance.
There are no death-lists. That's nonsense. This is fraud, mismanagement, obviously, and lack of funding. That's all. Keep your inner drama queen in check.

Riddle me this.

If I'm a vet, and waiting to be seen for ailments, and I'm told you are number 34 on the priority list to be seen.................

Then aren't I on a list.

If I die before being seen, then some could say that it is a death list because I died waiting on a list to be seen............
Someone could say that and they be wrong. Just because they said you were #22, but you were actually #222 doesn't mean they could see you any sooner than they did. The lack of timely treatment that could lead to early deaths is why they are dying, not because of their position on a list, or two lists in this case.

That is a matter of opinion.

The VA is a completely Gov't controlled and run branch. It has a specified budget and resources. So they therefore, have to place people on lists to give a priority to who is seen based on availability............

Therefore, because of the set up and system, people die waiting. Which was the original point of the Death List. Saying that too many will wait or not be treated as a result of the law, system, or Red Tape............

They are also understaffed because of pay. Face it, they are going to make more money outside the VA.............So the VA will have trouble recruiting more doctors.........

Bottom line, they should be able to go outside the VA system to get help now to ensure more don't die.
The fish rots from the head.

The first thing to do is FIRE a lot of people. Mass firings are in order. Next, claw back all of the bonuses paid- every singe one. Then conduct a full investigation, hospital by hospital. Criminally prosecute as needed. Lastly, close the VA and outsource their care to private providers.

The private guys don't want Medicare a lot of times. Do you think they are going to want these guys with stuff they have no idea how to treat and you still won't pay up? Not a chance.

And why is that..............

Who's fault is that..............

I've talked to Docs before who stated it takes so damn long to get paid by the Gov't that they simply stop taking Medicare.

That is because Gov't run programs are usually BS, full of double talk and massive paper work. Their Administration costs are 4 times that of the private world.
The fish rots from the head.

The first thing to do is FIRE a lot of people. Mass firings are in order. Next, claw back all of the bonuses paid- every singe one. Then conduct a full investigation, hospital by hospital. Criminally prosecute as needed. Lastly, close the VA and outsource their care to private providers.

The private guys don't want Medicare a lot of times. Do you think they are going to want these guys with stuff they have no idea how to treat and you still won't pay up? Not a chance.

And why is that..............

Who's fault is that..............

I've talked to Docs before who stated it takes so damn long to get paid by the Gov't that they simply stop taking Medicare.

That is because Gov't run programs are usually BS, full of double talk and massive paper work. Their Administration costs are 4 times that of the private world.
There's a reason why I want Universal Single-Payer. It fixes these kind of issues, for the most part, but yes, red tape is always going to be a problem and it's especially bad at the VA. They also have a serious funding issue. Too many vets and not enough staff, meaning, money!
The private guys don't want Medicare a lot of times. Do you think they are going to want these guys with stuff they have no idea how to treat and you still won't pay up? Not a chance.

And why is that..............

Who's fault is that..............

I've talked to Docs before who stated it takes so damn long to get paid by the Gov't that they simply stop taking Medicare.

That is because Gov't run programs are usually BS, full of double talk and massive paper work. Their Administration costs are 4 times that of the private world.
There's a reason why I want Universal Single-Payer. It fixes these kind of issues, for the most part, but yes, red tape is always going to be a problem and it's especially bad at the VA. They also have a serious funding issue. Too many vets and not enough staff, meaning, money!

It is especially bad in every Gov't agency...........

Which is one of it's major malfunctions............

I got a very good taste of the red tape in the military.........

It's a planetary tree killing paper work........

Most completely unnecessary. So tell me when the Gov't can get it's collective head out of it's ass.
Why do you libs excuse incompetence? Why is holding people accountable looked at as a bad thing?

We don't. You think because you start a thread calling for everyone to be fired it means you are more interested in holding people accountable than someone who wants the actual culprits to be held accountable.

This idea that conservatives are any more law abiding or willing to hold people accountable is bullshit.
Why do you libs excuse incompetence? Why is holding people accountable looked at as a bad thing?

We don't. You think because you start a thread calling for everyone to be fired it means you are more interested in holding people accountable than someone who wants the actual culprits to be held accountable.

This idea that conservatives are any more law abiding or willing to hold people accountable is bullshit.

Honorable mention for one of the dumbest posts on the boards.

Why do you libs excuse incompetence? Why is holding people accountable looked at as a bad thing?

We don't. You think because you start a thread calling for everyone to be fired it means you are more interested in holding people accountable than someone who wants the actual culprits to be held accountable.

This idea that conservatives are any more law abiding or willing to hold people accountable is bullshit.

Honorable mention for one of the dumbest posts on the boards.


Is that right? In what way, genius.

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