The Centralia Massacre of unarmed men by domestic terrorists

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

Well they held up the train and killed 23 unarmed soldiers who were on their way home. Is that an act of war or an act of terrorism ? They mutilated the bodies after killing them as well.

I suspect that if the south had won it would have been the former. But thankfully they didnt and we can now see the massacre for what it was.

Its complicated though, isnt it ?
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Well they held up the train and killed 23 unarmed soldiers who were on their way home. Is that an act of war or an act of terrorism. They mutilated the bodies after killing them as well.

I suspect that if the south had won it would have been the former. But thankfully they didnt and we can now see the massacre for what it was.

Its complicated though, isnt it ?
got anything current or are you just trolling again

Well they held up the train and killed 23 unarmed soldiers who were on their way home. Is that an act of war or an act of terrorism. They mutilated the bodies after killing them as well.

I suspect that if the south had won it would have been the former. But thankfully they didnt and we can now see the massacre for what it was.

Its complicated though, isnt it ?
got anything current or are you just trolling again
In the History forum ?

Well they held up the train and killed 23 unarmed soldiers who were on their way home. Is that an act of war or an act of terrorism. They mutilated the bodies after killing them as well.

I suspect that if the south had won it would have been the former. But thankfully they didnt and we can now see the massacre for what it was.

Its complicated though, isnt it ?
got anything current or are you just trolling again
In the History forum ?
thats your excuse for a piss poor troll of america??

you should worry about your own history,

Well they held up the train and killed 23 unarmed soldiers who were on their way home. Is that an act of war or an act of terrorism. They mutilated the bodies after killing them as well.

I suspect that if the south had won it would have been the former. But thankfully they didnt and we can now see the massacre for what it was.

Its complicated though, isnt it ?
What do you think of your shithole's Opium War with China?

Well they held up the train and killed 23 unarmed soldiers who were on their way home. Is that an act of war or an act of terrorism. They mutilated the bodies after killing them as well.

I suspect that if the south had won it would have been the former. But thankfully they didnt and we can now see the massacre for what it was.

Its complicated though, isnt it ?
What do you think of your shithole's Opium War with China?
Start a thread about it. I have never defended the empire.happy to join in.

Well they held up the train and killed 23 unarmed soldiers who were on their way home. Is that an act of war or an act of terrorism. They mutilated the bodies after killing them as well.

I suspect that if the south had won it would have been the former. But thankfully they didnt and we can now see the massacre for what it was.

Its complicated though, isnt it ?
What do you think of your shithole's Opium War with China?
Start a thread about it. I have never defended the empire.happy to join in.
I would start a thread on it on British poofter forum, where it belongs.

T.J. Stiles: The Union soldiers who came on the scene later described a scene where men were mutilated in the most horrific fashion. In fact, in one case, a man's privates were described as being cut off and being shoved in the man's mouth. And there were scalps taken. There were other acts of mutilation. It was an incredibly brutal day. And, at one point, according to Frank James, Dave Poole, one of their comrades, was jumping from body to body across the battlefield. And when he was asked what he was doing, he said that he was counting them and that was the easiest way to do it. So these were men who were completely hardened... And Jesse James was immersed in the most savage kind of bloodshed conceivable.

Phil Stewart, Local Historian, Pentagon Corespondent for Reuters, Specialist on Colombia's guerrilla war and Brazilian politics: Dying became insignificant. It didn't mean anything. People were dying daily. Guys were getting arms blown off. You ride into battle and the guy next to you would be virtually decapitated by either musket balls or cannon balls. These are the things that Jesse James at 14 and 15 years old was seeing on a daily basis. Bloody Bill Anderson was tying human scalps to his bridle. Guys were hung. Guys were decapitated. Both sides had their heads cut off, riding around with them on poles. Some of those guys would cut off ears of the guys that they had killed and would make necklaces out of them. Wearing human body parts around their neck and that has got to affect a 14-15 year old kid. It just does. Life becomes less significant.

All of the soldiers were beheaded. Its scary how society breaks down in this fashion. Happens all over the world all of the time.
Terrorism? Act of War?


no more than the actions of Quantrill were acts of war or terrorism.

they were the actions of criminals.

Well they held up the train and killed 23 unarmed soldiers who were on their way home. Is that an act of war or an act of terrorism ? They mutilated the bodies after killing them as well.

I suspect that if the south had won it would have been the former. But thankfully they didnt and we can now see the massacre for what it was.

Its complicated though, isnt it ?
Rocks and glass houses.
The winners write the history books so Sherman goes down as a hero in the biggest arson in American history when he ordered Atlanta burned.. Oh yeah it seems that federal law enforcement used tanks and poison gas to obliterate about 80 men, women and children in Waco, Texas when they could have arrested Koresch at the local 7-11. The media justified the atrocity so it was fine and dandy.
Shit happened in the British empire. In 1919 the Brits forbade residents of Punjab India from congregating above a certain number even for religious purposes. A Brit commander named Dyer ordered his troops to fire on unarmed Indian civilians until their ammunition was exhausted and anywhere from 400 to a thousand people lay dead. Terrorism is a big tent and it's best to leave the flaps down sometimes.

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