The blowback from the Media Nazi references and incitement to mob actions.

It's all in play. The references calling folks Nazis for not voting Democrat and electing Trump. The references to slavery, Japanese internment, and calls for "getting in their faces". The threats to politicians and elected officials and the folks who fight the daily border wars.

What this cadre of conspirators needs to know is that THEY will be responsible for the escalation of rhetoric and actions. And the American people WILL hold them responsible for any inflammation and violence that results. And for the Dems, they need to understand that going on Nazi comparison binge over the required detainment at the Southern border is gonna FURTHER alienate that "dependable Jewish vote". Or the "dependable Black vote" when it's compared to slavery. Or the maybe NOT dependable Asian vote when all this this is hysterically compared to "internment".

Watch the video at MRC site below. And realize this is NOT JUST Cable news. It has leaked to "THE VIEW", to late night TV, to fairly stable places like Salon. And THEIR contribution is included below.

Cable News: 22 Comparisons of Immigration Policy to the Holocaust, Slavery

By Bill D'Agostino | June 18, 2018 11:55 PM EDT
The pundit class have officially snapped over the Trump administration’s zero-tolerance border enforcement policy. Since Friday, the collective breakdown has yielded a total of 22 instances in which cable news commentators compared the separation of parents and children illegally entering the country to World War II-era war crimes and human rights violations.

The Holocaust was invoked 12 times across CNN and MSNBC between June 15 and the 18th, generally in the form of comparisons between DHS detention centers and Nazi concentration camps. There were also six mentions of Japanese-American internment camps, as well as four comparisons to slavery.

On Friday, MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough opened Morning Joe with a tasteless Holocaust reference. “Children are being marched away to showers,” he intoned, “just like the Nazis said they were taking people to the showers, and then they never came back. You’d think they would use another trick.”

Over the weekend, CNN political commentator Dave Jacobson threw a miniature tantrum over the policy. On Saturday’s CNN Newsroom during the 10 a.m. hour, he opined, “Donald Trump increasingly looks like Hitler in Nazi Germany.” The following day, he appeared again on Newsroom in the afternoon to embellish on his already hysterical take: “Increasingly, Donald Trump is turning this nation into Nazi Germany and turning these [detention centers] into concentration camps.”

MSNBC’s Chris Matthews, evidently eager to join in the hyperventilating excitement, managed to last less than a minute before evoking concentration camps while hosting Hardball on Monday. Throughout the show, he repeatedly interrupted guests to draw their attention to images of crying children that flashed across the screen.

(((Direct Vid link below)))

Cable News: 22 Comparisons of Immigration Policy to the Holocaust, Slavery

It’s long past time to compare Donald Trump and the Nazis

The only discernible difference between what Donald Trump is doing to undocumented immigrants on our southern border and what the Nazis did all over Europe to Jews is that the Nazis had to go from house to house to round up their victims, while all Trump’s Border Patrol has to do is wait for their victims to walk or swim across the border.

That’s it. Practically everything else is the same. The actions Trump’s Border Enforcement agents are taking when they separate immigrant children at processing centers from their parents have nothing to do with law enforcement. Neither did the Nazis when they separated Jewish children from their parents inside the gates of Buchenwald and Auschwitz and Dachau. Trump’s agents on the border are carrying out a policy promulgated by his administration. Nazi SS stormtroopers were carrying out the policy of rounding up political opponents, “undesirables,” and Jews, and incarcerating them in concentration camps. These camps were entirely extra-legal. You didn’t have to be convicted of a crime to be incarcerated in a concentration camp. Nor have the immigrants and their children being held in hastily constructed cages been convicted of crimes.

The “crime” in Hitler’s Germany and occupied countries was being Jewish. The “crime” committed by the children being rounded up and caged along our southern border is being brown and undocumented.

Cry us a river. Isn't it just a bitch when you get the shit you've been doing for 8 straight years shoved back down your throat!? God how you people hate it when you get to receive it.

Buckle up buttercup.

So how far you wanna push this? You have no problem with an 18month tantrum turning ugly? I assume you just eat this crap up daily on your Reddit feed thinking that it's GREAT for America. You ready buttercup? This what you want for the entire future? Because it's escalated WAAAAY the fuck beyond any precedents and it's gonna be HELL on wheels even if you babies ever regain any power..

A couple things, you actually believe all the rest of the world does exactly what you have imagined they do in your little bubble. Most people have never been on Reddit, who gives a shit.

Secondly you and the other mouth foamers who just loooove to threaten people online. THIS is who you are. You sit at a computer and threaten people, that's it. You don't really, all bullshit aside, think you scare anyone do you? You don't really believe that your fake bravado crap has any effect on anyone do you? You are so outside reality I feel only pity for you.
Reality is liberal media scum stirring people to violence, everyday. The fact you lie and deny seems to prove that you are either part of the problem or have no sense.

We are mellow and civil, the liberals are going for violence they don't understand we will fight back

Oh I am sorry- when were you attacked? Should we send flowers?
Cry us a river. Isn't it just a bitch when you get the shit you've been doing for 8 straight years shoved back down your throat!? God how you people hate it when you get to receive it.

Buckle up buttercup.

So how far you wanna push this? You have no problem with an 18month tantrum turning ugly? I assume you just eat this crap up daily on your Reddit feed thinking that it's GREAT for America. You ready buttercup? This what you want for the entire future? Because it's escalated WAAAAY the fuck beyond any precedents and it's gonna be HELL on wheels even if you babies ever regain any power..

A couple things, you actually believe all the rest of the world does exactly what you have imagined they do in your little bubble. Most people have never been on Reddit, who gives a shit.

Secondly you and the other mouth foamers who just loooove to threaten people online. THIS is who you are. You sit at a computer and threaten people, that's it. You don't really, all bullshit aside, think you scare anyone do you? You don't really believe that your fake bravado crap has any effect on anyone do you? You are so outside reality I feel only pity for you.
Reality is liberal media scum stirring people to violence, everyday. The fact you lie and deny seems to prove that you are either part of the problem or have no sense.

We are mellow and civil, the liberals are going for violence they don't understand we will fight back

Oh I am sorry- when were you attacked? Should we send flowers?

Not yet, it's not about me, I better not see it in person
You and all the other internet 'tough guys'.


Yeah. From a buttercup that thinks all this is just funny. You REALLY THINK it's all just fun and games? Where ya gonna run when your revolution gets out of control?

You need to read the signs. It's not funny any more.

It is perpetually hilarious. The real civil war was fought for actual reasons, they were fucked up reasons i.e. keeping slaves because our economy needs them. Today though your only reasons are the ones conservative talk-radio and Fake Fox News tells you on a daily basis. They WANT you to be uber angry so they can milk votes from the angry cows. That is what you are to them, cattle that are to be managed.

And how you make it easy for them.

1st off. I'm awaiting the demise of both your corrupt and rigormortic parties. I ain't a combatant here. Neither is 44% of the American voters in the Big Middle. You think you're INNOCENT of inciting all this? Nuh huh. You're not. And it's NOT funny. It's DANGEROUS and it contributes to the demise of the American political system.

You have no idea how badly your govt "colluded to influence" the previous election. WE caused this distrust of our Pol system. Not Putin. And if you're with the "resistance" and you think this all a joke, you're doing more work for Putin than he EVER imagined he'd get from Americans..

Can't even hear the carnage and crying going in the FBI, State Dept and the old directors of CIA and NSC. Your probably oblivious to how FRAGILE this situation really is.

So I ask you again. Are you SUPPORTING this unconscionable escalation of rhetoric and action as portray by the hysterical media? And why do think it's funny?

Because you use terms like "as portrayed by the hysterical media".

This whole 'fake news' bullshit is just that. It is bullshit. The mainstream news reports news, as it always has. That an orange piece of shit with a douchebag agenda that just happens to fit the douchebag agenda of Fox News is cackling about 'fake news' is meaningless. He's lying and you know he's lying.

But you carry HIS dangerous vomitosus forward as if IT were real. It isn't. YOU don't understand how dangerous HE is to the democracy.

Clear it up for you?

There is no "mainstream" journalism anymore. Outside of a hand full of long form journals like Mother Jones, National Review, The Nation and Reason Magazine. MAYBE the WSJ.

It's all hysteria all the time. All unnamed sources and gossip and fake fact checkers. They've chucked any principles or integrity that they were ever taught. And more often now they are taught "to change world" rather than actually report EVERYTHING that's news. The black outs on covering the investigations at the FBI are a prominent example of filtering the news. It serves no one to have the Media turn into political advocacy groups that BY ALL RIGHTS --- should be held accountable as political action committees.

. And it certainly puts America into great danger.

YOU are too entirely hysterical to SEE any of this. That's how the danger progresses.

The one I see getting hysterical here is you.

Who is most determined to claim that the mainstream media is all fake- Donald Trump.

No one spews out more hysteria or fake news than Donald Trump- and the media is his enemy.

Donald Trump has been sowing discord since 2011- when he joined the Birther train. He blew the dog whistle for white supremacists and every single person who felt threatened by anyone who looked different than they did.

Trump is reaping what he sowed- and he is loving it.
Yeah. From a buttercup that thinks all this is just funny. You REALLY THINK it's all just fun and games? Where ya gonna run when your revolution gets out of control?

You need to read the signs. It's not funny any more.

It is perpetually hilarious. The real civil war was fought for actual reasons, they were fucked up reasons i.e. keeping slaves because our economy needs them. Today though your only reasons are the ones conservative talk-radio and Fake Fox News tells you on a daily basis. They WANT you to be uber angry so they can milk votes from the angry cows. That is what you are to them, cattle that are to be managed.

And how you make it easy for them.

1st off. I'm awaiting the demise of both your corrupt and rigormortic parties. I ain't a combatant here. Neither is 44% of the American voters in the Big Middle. You think you're INNOCENT of inciting all this? Nuh huh. You're not. And it's NOT funny. It's DANGEROUS and it contributes to the demise of the American political system.

You have no idea how badly your govt "colluded to influence" the previous election. WE caused this distrust of our Pol system. Not Putin. And if you're with the "resistance" and you think this all a joke, you're doing more work for Putin than he EVER imagined he'd get from Americans..

Can't even hear the carnage and crying going in the FBI, State Dept and the old directors of CIA and NSC. Your probably oblivious to how FRAGILE this situation really is.

So I ask you again. Are you SUPPORTING this unconscionable escalation of rhetoric and action as portray by the hysterical media? And why do think it's funny?

Because you use terms like "as portrayed by the hysterical media".

This whole 'fake news' bullshit is just that. It is bullshit. The mainstream news reports news, as it always has. That an orange piece of shit with a douchebag agenda that just happens to fit the douchebag agenda of Fox News is cackling about 'fake news' is meaningless. He's lying and you know he's lying.

But you carry HIS dangerous vomitosus forward as if IT were real. It isn't. YOU don't understand how dangerous HE is to the democracy.

Clear it up for you?

There is no "mainstream" journalism anymore. Outside of a hand full of long form journals like Mother Jones, National Review, The Nation and Reason Magazine. MAYBE the WSJ.

It's all hysteria all the time. All unnamed sources and gossip and fake fact checkers. They've chucked any principles or integrity that they were ever taught. And more often now they are taught "to change world" rather than actually report EVERYTHING that's news. The black outs on covering the investigations at the FBI are a prominent example of filtering the news. It serves no one to have the Media turn into political advocacy groups that BY ALL RIGHTS --- should be held accountable as political action committees.

. And it certainly puts America into great danger.

YOU are too entirely hysterical to SEE any of this. That's how the danger progresses.

The one I see getting hysterical here is you.

Who is most determined to claim that the mainstream media is all fake- Donald Trump.

No one spews out more hysteria or fake news than Donald Trump- and the media is his enemy.

Donald Trump has been sowing discord since 2011- when he joined the Birther train. He blew the dog whistle for white supremacists and every single person who felt threatened by anyone who looked different than they did.

Trump is reaping what he sowed- and he is loving it.

Who is attacking people in the streets ?

We all read this crap and seeing the videos..
It's all in play. The references calling folks Nazis for not voting Democrat and electing Trump. The references to slavery, Japanese internment, and calls for "getting in their faces". The threats to politicians and elected officials and the folks who fight the daily border wars.

What this cadre of conspirators needs to know is that THEY will be responsible for the escalation of rhetoric and actions. And the American people WILL hold them responsible for any inflammation and violence that results. And for the Dems, they need to understand that going on Nazi comparison binge over the required detainment at the Southern border is gonna FURTHER alienate that "dependable Jewish vote". Or the "dependable Black vote" when it's compared to slavery. Or the maybe NOT dependable Asian vote when all this this is hysterically compared to "internment".

Watch the video at MRC site below. And realize this is NOT JUST Cable news. It has leaked to "THE VIEW", to late night TV, to fairly stable places like Salon. And THEIR contribution is included below.

Cable News: 22 Comparisons of Immigration Policy to the Holocaust, Slavery

By Bill D'Agostino | June 18, 2018 11:55 PM EDT
The pundit class have officially snapped over the Trump administration’s zero-tolerance border enforcement policy. Since Friday, the collective breakdown has yielded a total of 22 instances in which cable news commentators compared the separation of parents and children illegally entering the country to World War II-era war crimes and human rights violations.

The Holocaust was invoked 12 times across CNN and MSNBC between June 15 and the 18th, generally in the form of comparisons between DHS detention centers and Nazi concentration camps. There were also six mentions of Japanese-American internment camps, as well as four comparisons to slavery.

On Friday, MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough opened Morning Joe with a tasteless Holocaust reference. “Children are being marched away to showers,” he intoned, “just like the Nazis said they were taking people to the showers, and then they never came back. You’d think they would use another trick.”

Over the weekend, CNN political commentator Dave Jacobson threw a miniature tantrum over the policy. On Saturday’s CNN Newsroom during the 10 a.m. hour, he opined, “Donald Trump increasingly looks like Hitler in Nazi Germany.” The following day, he appeared again on Newsroom in the afternoon to embellish on his already hysterical take: “Increasingly, Donald Trump is turning this nation into Nazi Germany and turning these [detention centers] into concentration camps.”

MSNBC’s Chris Matthews, evidently eager to join in the hyperventilating excitement, managed to last less than a minute before evoking concentration camps while hosting Hardball on Monday. Throughout the show, he repeatedly interrupted guests to draw their attention to images of crying children that flashed across the screen.

(((Direct Vid link below)))

Cable News: 22 Comparisons of Immigration Policy to the Holocaust, Slavery

It’s long past time to compare Donald Trump and the Nazis

The only discernible difference between what Donald Trump is doing to undocumented immigrants on our southern border and what the Nazis did all over Europe to Jews is that the Nazis had to go from house to house to round up their victims, while all Trump’s Border Patrol has to do is wait for their victims to walk or swim across the border.

That’s it. Practically everything else is the same. The actions Trump’s Border Enforcement agents are taking when they separate immigrant children at processing centers from their parents have nothing to do with law enforcement. Neither did the Nazis when they separated Jewish children from their parents inside the gates of Buchenwald and Auschwitz and Dachau. Trump’s agents on the border are carrying out a policy promulgated by his administration. Nazi SS stormtroopers were carrying out the policy of rounding up political opponents, “undesirables,” and Jews, and incarcerating them in concentration camps. These camps were entirely extra-legal. You didn’t have to be convicted of a crime to be incarcerated in a concentration camp. Nor have the immigrants and their children being held in hastily constructed cages been convicted of crimes.

The “crime” in Hitler’s Germany and occupied countries was being Jewish. The “crime” committed by the children being rounded up and caged along our southern border is being brown and undocumented.
So, the administration does unconscionable things and the President says unconscionable things about others and his loyal staff ape him, and those of us who are totally ripped by all of this are supposed to quietly stand down and let them do whatever, say whatever, and make nary a peep. Trump, from the beginning of his campaign, has been the one stirring the pot of divisiveness and ugliness, and just like with everything else, his supporters are blaming it on the other side. It is incredible.

I am completely opposed to heckling anyone in their private lives, but I'll be damned if I believe we need to be quiet or be blamed for the divisiveness. That's pure projection that is.
You and all the other internet 'tough guys'.


Yeah. From a buttercup that thinks all this is just funny. You REALLY THINK it's all just fun and games? Where ya gonna run when your revolution gets out of control?

You need to read the signs. It's not funny any more.

It is perpetually hilarious. The real civil war was fought for actual reasons, they were fucked up reasons i.e. keeping slaves because our economy needs them. Today though your only reasons are the ones conservative talk-radio and Fake Fox News tells you on a daily basis. They WANT you to be uber angry so they can milk votes from the angry cows. That is what you are to them, cattle that are to be managed.

And how you make it easy for them.

1st off. I'm awaiting the demise of both your corrupt and rigormortic parties. I ain't a combatant here. Neither is 44% of the American voters in the Big Middle. You think you're INNOCENT of inciting all this? Nuh huh. You're not. And it's NOT funny. It's DANGEROUS and it contributes to the demise of the American political system.

You have no idea how badly your govt "colluded to influence" the previous election. WE caused this distrust of our Pol system. Not Putin. And if you're with the "resistance" and you think this all a joke, you're doing more work for Putin than he EVER imagined he'd get from Americans..

Can't even hear the carnage and crying going in the FBI, State Dept and the old directors of CIA and NSC. Your probably oblivious to how FRAGILE this situation really is.

So I ask you again. Are you SUPPORTING this unconscionable escalation of rhetoric and action as portray by the hysterical media? And why do think it's funny?

Because you use terms like "as portrayed by the hysterical media".

This whole 'fake news' bullshit is just that. It is bullshit. The mainstream news reports news, as it always has. That an orange piece of shit with a douchebag agenda that just happens to fit the douchebag agenda of Fox News is cackling about 'fake news' is meaningless. He's lying and you know he's lying.

But you carry HIS dangerous vomitosus forward as if IT were real. It isn't. YOU don't understand how dangerous HE is to the democracy.

Clear it up for you?

There is no "mainstream" journalism anymore. Outside of a hand full of long form journals like Mother Jones, National Review, The Nation and Reason Magazine. MAYBE the WSJ.

It's all hysteria all the time. All unnamed sources and gossip and fake fact checkers. They've chucked any principles or integrity that they were ever taught. And more often now they are taught "to change world" rather than actually report EVERYTHING that's news. The black outs on covering the investigations at the FBI are a prominent example of filtering the news. It serves no one to have the Media turn into political advocacy groups that BY ALL RIGHTS --- should be held accountable as political action committees.

. And it certainly puts America into great danger.

YOU are too entirely hysterical to SEE any of this. That's how the danger progresses.

It's a hot day, enjoy your koolaid.
No one spews out more hysteria or fake news than Donald Trump- and the media is his enemy.

DId you watch the video in the OP? Is that not hysterical? It's on 24/7 on the lefty cable channels. It's even in Salon and the WashPo. Much of it IS fake. They look for opportunities to take childish swats. Like "journalists" posting pics from a Trump rally an HOUR before it starts to claim that was the attendance. It's all folks who have CHUCKED their principles and credibility DOING the reporting..

The media has been my enemy for over a decade. They are gonna get people killed and made stupid. If you're not aware of the dangers -- you've already had your brains sucked out.
So much is fake, yet people do believe it because it is repeated over and over.
No one spews out more hysteria or fake news than Donald Trump- and the media is his enemy.

DId you watch the video in the OP? Is that not hysterical? It's on 24/7 on the lefty cable channels. It's even in Salon and the WashPo. Much of it IS fake. They look for opportunities to take childish swats. Like "journalists" posting pics from a Trump rally an HOUR before it starts to claim that was the attendance. It's all folks who have CHUCKED their principles and credibility DOING the reporting..

The media has been my enemy for over a decade. They are gonna get people killed and made stupid. If you're not aware of the dangers -- you've already had your brains sucked out.
It's all in play. The references calling folks Nazis for not voting Democrat and electing Trump. The references to slavery, Japanese internment, and calls for "getting in their faces". The threats to politicians and elected officials and the folks who fight the daily border wars.

What this cadre of conspirators needs to know is that THEY will be responsible for the escalation of rhetoric and actions. And the American people WILL hold them responsible for any inflammation and violence that results. And for the Dems, they need to understand that going on Nazi comparison binge over the required detainment at the Southern border is gonna FURTHER alienate that "dependable Jewish vote". Or the "dependable Black vote" when it's compared to slavery. Or the maybe NOT dependable Asian vote when all this this is hysterically compared to "internment".

Watch the video at MRC site below. And realize this is NOT JUST Cable news. It has leaked to "THE VIEW", to late night TV, to fairly stable places like Salon. And THEIR contribution is included below.

Cable News: 22 Comparisons of Immigration Policy to the Holocaust, Slavery

By Bill D'Agostino | June 18, 2018 11:55 PM EDT
The pundit class have officially snapped over the Trump administration’s zero-tolerance border enforcement policy. Since Friday, the collective breakdown has yielded a total of 22 instances in which cable news commentators compared the separation of parents and children illegally entering the country to World War II-era war crimes and human rights violations.

The Holocaust was invoked 12 times across CNN and MSNBC between June 15 and the 18th, generally in the form of comparisons between DHS detention centers and Nazi concentration camps. There were also six mentions of Japanese-American internment camps, as well as four comparisons to slavery.

On Friday, MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough opened Morning Joe with a tasteless Holocaust reference. “Children are being marched away to showers,” he intoned, “just like the Nazis said they were taking people to the showers, and then they never came back. You’d think they would use another trick.”

Over the weekend, CNN political commentator Dave Jacobson threw a miniature tantrum over the policy. On Saturday’s CNN Newsroom during the 10 a.m. hour, he opined, “Donald Trump increasingly looks like Hitler in Nazi Germany.” The following day, he appeared again on Newsroom in the afternoon to embellish on his already hysterical take: “Increasingly, Donald Trump is turning this nation into Nazi Germany and turning these [detention centers] into concentration camps.”

MSNBC’s Chris Matthews, evidently eager to join in the hyperventilating excitement, managed to last less than a minute before evoking concentration camps while hosting Hardball on Monday. Throughout the show, he repeatedly interrupted guests to draw their attention to images of crying children that flashed across the screen.

(((Direct Vid link below)))

Cable News: 22 Comparisons of Immigration Policy to the Holocaust, Slavery

It’s long past time to compare Donald Trump and the Nazis

The only discernible difference between what Donald Trump is doing to undocumented immigrants on our southern border and what the Nazis did all over Europe to Jews is that the Nazis had to go from house to house to round up their victims, while all Trump’s Border Patrol has to do is wait for their victims to walk or swim across the border.

That’s it. Practically everything else is the same. The actions Trump’s Border Enforcement agents are taking when they separate immigrant children at processing centers from their parents have nothing to do with law enforcement. Neither did the Nazis when they separated Jewish children from their parents inside the gates of Buchenwald and Auschwitz and Dachau. Trump’s agents on the border are carrying out a policy promulgated by his administration. Nazi SS stormtroopers were carrying out the policy of rounding up political opponents, “undesirables,” and Jews, and incarcerating them in concentration camps. These camps were entirely extra-legal. You didn’t have to be convicted of a crime to be incarcerated in a concentration camp. Nor have the immigrants and their children being held in hastily constructed cages been convicted of crimes.

The “crime” in Hitler’s Germany and occupied countries was being Jewish. The “crime” committed by the children being rounded up and caged along our southern border is being brown and undocumented.
So, the administration does unconscionable things and the President says unconscionable things about others and his loyal staff ape him, and those of us who are totally ripped by all of this are supposed to quietly stand down and let them do whatever, say whatever, and make nary a peep. Trump, from the beginning of his campaign, has been the one stirring the pot of divisiveness and ugliness, and just like with everything else, his supporters are blaming it on the other side. It is incredible.

I am completely opposed to heckling anyone in their private lives, but I'll be damned if I believe we need to be quiet or be blamed for the divisiveness. That's pure projection that is.

So you support news organizations featuring a Nazi calling flame fest for a week? Don't see a danger in that. I was not talking about YOU. MOST of the people are already brain-dead by eating the Gerber's strained version of "news". I'm talking about the MEDIA losing their minds and infecting the rest of the country.

Did you watch the video in the OP? See any issues there?

I've got suggestions on what you can do to DISSENT. But involves much harder work than what I'm seeing on mainstream or social media.
It's all in play. The references calling folks Nazis for not voting Democrat and electing Trump. The references to slavery, Japanese internment, and calls for "getting in their faces". The threats to politicians and elected officials and the folks who fight the daily border wars.

What this cadre of conspirators needs to know is that THEY will be responsible for the escalation of rhetoric and actions. And the American people WILL hold them responsible for any inflammation and violence that results. And for the Dems, they need to understand that going on Nazi comparison binge over the required detainment at the Southern border is gonna FURTHER alienate that "dependable Jewish vote". Or the "dependable Black vote" when it's compared to slavery. Or the maybe NOT dependable Asian vote when all this this is hysterically compared to "internment".

Watch the video at MRC site below. And realize this is NOT JUST Cable news. It has leaked to "THE VIEW", to late night TV, to fairly stable places like Salon. And THEIR contribution is included below.

Cable News: 22 Comparisons of Immigration Policy to the Holocaust, Slavery

By Bill D'Agostino | June 18, 2018 11:55 PM EDT
The pundit class have officially snapped over the Trump administration’s zero-tolerance border enforcement policy. Since Friday, the collective breakdown has yielded a total of 22 instances in which cable news commentators compared the separation of parents and children illegally entering the country to World War II-era war crimes and human rights violations.

The Holocaust was invoked 12 times across CNN and MSNBC between June 15 and the 18th, generally in the form of comparisons between DHS detention centers and Nazi concentration camps. There were also six mentions of Japanese-American internment camps, as well as four comparisons to slavery.

On Friday, MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough opened Morning Joe with a tasteless Holocaust reference. “Children are being marched away to showers,” he intoned, “just like the Nazis said they were taking people to the showers, and then they never came back. You’d think they would use another trick.”

Over the weekend, CNN political commentator Dave Jacobson threw a miniature tantrum over the policy. On Saturday’s CNN Newsroom during the 10 a.m. hour, he opined, “Donald Trump increasingly looks like Hitler in Nazi Germany.” The following day, he appeared again on Newsroom in the afternoon to embellish on his already hysterical take: “Increasingly, Donald Trump is turning this nation into Nazi Germany and turning these [detention centers] into concentration camps.”

MSNBC’s Chris Matthews, evidently eager to join in the hyperventilating excitement, managed to last less than a minute before evoking concentration camps while hosting Hardball on Monday. Throughout the show, he repeatedly interrupted guests to draw their attention to images of crying children that flashed across the screen.

(((Direct Vid link below)))

Cable News: 22 Comparisons of Immigration Policy to the Holocaust, Slavery

It’s long past time to compare Donald Trump and the Nazis

The only discernible difference between what Donald Trump is doing to undocumented immigrants on our southern border and what the Nazis did all over Europe to Jews is that the Nazis had to go from house to house to round up their victims, while all Trump’s Border Patrol has to do is wait for their victims to walk or swim across the border.

That’s it. Practically everything else is the same. The actions Trump’s Border Enforcement agents are taking when they separate immigrant children at processing centers from their parents have nothing to do with law enforcement. Neither did the Nazis when they separated Jewish children from their parents inside the gates of Buchenwald and Auschwitz and Dachau. Trump’s agents on the border are carrying out a policy promulgated by his administration. Nazi SS stormtroopers were carrying out the policy of rounding up political opponents, “undesirables,” and Jews, and incarcerating them in concentration camps. These camps were entirely extra-legal. You didn’t have to be convicted of a crime to be incarcerated in a concentration camp. Nor have the immigrants and their children being held in hastily constructed cages been convicted of crimes.

The “crime” in Hitler’s Germany and occupied countries was being Jewish. The “crime” committed by the children being rounded up and caged along our southern border is being brown and undocumented.
So, the administration does unconscionable things and the President says unconscionable things about others and his loyal staff ape him, and those of us who are totally ripped by all of this are supposed to quietly stand down and let them do whatever, say whatever, and make nary a peep. Trump, from the beginning of his campaign, has been the one stirring the pot of divisiveness and ugliness, and just like with everything else, his supporters are blaming it on the other side. It is incredible.

I am completely opposed to heckling anyone in their private lives, but I'll be damned if I believe we need to be quiet or be blamed for the divisiveness. That's pure projection that is.

Then vote, not post hateful crap on media or television, we never did it to you ..
Cry us a river. Isn't it just a bitch when you get the shit you've been doing for 8 straight years shoved back down your throat!? God how you people hate it when you get to receive it.

Buckle up buttercup.

So how far you wanna push this? You have no problem with an 18month tantrum turning ugly? I assume you just eat this crap up daily on your Reddit feed thinking that it's GREAT for America. You ready buttercup? This what you want for the entire future? Because it's escalated WAAAAY the fuck beyond any precedents and it's gonna be HELL on wheels even if you babies ever regain any power..

A couple things, you actually believe all the rest of the world does exactly what you have imagined they do in your little bubble. Most people have never been on Reddit, who gives a shit.

Secondly you and the other mouth foamers who just loooove to threaten people online. THIS is who you are. You sit at a computer and threaten people, that's it. You don't really, all bullshit aside, think you scare anyone do you? You don't really believe that your fake bravado crap has any effect on anyone do you? You are so outside reality I feel only pity for you.

I've threatened no one. Asked you if you're part of this mob action instigation crew and whether you're ALL in for your "buckle up" taunt.. Do I NEED to buckle up? Was that a threat?

You and all the other internet 'tough guys'.


Yeah. From a buttercup that thinks all this is just funny. You REALLY THINK it's all just fun and games? Where ya gonna run when your revolution gets out of control?

You need to read the signs. It's not funny any more.

it was funny when trump was telling his supporters to beat protesters at his rallies.

it was funny when someone sucker punched a guy at one of his rallies.

but suddenly, sarah and a couple of other trumplings can't eat their din-dins and it's serious business

It's all in play. The references calling folks Nazis for not voting Democrat and electing Trump. The references to slavery, Japanese internment, and calls for "getting in their faces". The threats to politicians and elected officials and the folks who fight the daily border wars.

What this cadre of conspirators needs to know is that THEY will be responsible for the escalation of rhetoric and actions. And the American people WILL hold them responsible for any inflammation and violence that results. And for the Dems, they need to understand that going on Nazi comparison binge over the required detainment at the Southern border is gonna FURTHER alienate that "dependable Jewish vote". Or the "dependable Black vote" when it's compared to slavery. Or the maybe NOT dependable Asian vote when all this this is hysterically compared to "internment".

Watch the video at MRC site below. And realize this is NOT JUST Cable news. It has leaked to "THE VIEW", to late night TV, to fairly stable places like Salon. And THEIR contribution is included below.

Cable News: 22 Comparisons of Immigration Policy to the Holocaust, Slavery

By Bill D'Agostino | June 18, 2018 11:55 PM EDT
The pundit class have officially snapped over the Trump administration’s zero-tolerance border enforcement policy. Since Friday, the collective breakdown has yielded a total of 22 instances in which cable news commentators compared the separation of parents and children illegally entering the country to World War II-era war crimes and human rights violations.

The Holocaust was invoked 12 times across CNN and MSNBC between June 15 and the 18th, generally in the form of comparisons between DHS detention centers and Nazi concentration camps. There were also six mentions of Japanese-American internment camps, as well as four comparisons to slavery.

On Friday, MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough opened Morning Joe with a tasteless Holocaust reference. “Children are being marched away to showers,” he intoned, “just like the Nazis said they were taking people to the showers, and then they never came back. You’d think they would use another trick.”

Over the weekend, CNN political commentator Dave Jacobson threw a miniature tantrum over the policy. On Saturday’s CNN Newsroom during the 10 a.m. hour, he opined, “Donald Trump increasingly looks like Hitler in Nazi Germany.” The following day, he appeared again on Newsroom in the afternoon to embellish on his already hysterical take: “Increasingly, Donald Trump is turning this nation into Nazi Germany and turning these [detention centers] into concentration camps.”

MSNBC’s Chris Matthews, evidently eager to join in the hyperventilating excitement, managed to last less than a minute before evoking concentration camps while hosting Hardball on Monday. Throughout the show, he repeatedly interrupted guests to draw their attention to images of crying children that flashed across the screen.

(((Direct Vid link below)))

Cable News: 22 Comparisons of Immigration Policy to the Holocaust, Slavery

It’s long past time to compare Donald Trump and the Nazis

The only discernible difference between what Donald Trump is doing to undocumented immigrants on our southern border and what the Nazis did all over Europe to Jews is that the Nazis had to go from house to house to round up their victims, while all Trump’s Border Patrol has to do is wait for their victims to walk or swim across the border.

That’s it. Practically everything else is the same. The actions Trump’s Border Enforcement agents are taking when they separate immigrant children at processing centers from their parents have nothing to do with law enforcement. Neither did the Nazis when they separated Jewish children from their parents inside the gates of Buchenwald and Auschwitz and Dachau. Trump’s agents on the border are carrying out a policy promulgated by his administration. Nazi SS stormtroopers were carrying out the policy of rounding up political opponents, “undesirables,” and Jews, and incarcerating them in concentration camps. These camps were entirely extra-legal. You didn’t have to be convicted of a crime to be incarcerated in a concentration camp. Nor have the immigrants and their children being held in hastily constructed cages been convicted of crimes.

The “crime” in Hitler’s Germany and occupied countries was being Jewish. The “crime” committed by the children being rounded up and caged along our southern border is being brown and undocumented.

The Democrats are doing what they know how to do the best...HATE
It's all in play. The references calling folks Nazis for not voting Democrat and electing Trump. The references to slavery, Japanese internment, and calls for "getting in their faces". The threats to politicians and elected officials and the folks who fight the daily border wars.

What this cadre of conspirators needs to know is that THEY will be responsible for the escalation of rhetoric and actions. And the American people WILL hold them responsible for any inflammation and violence that results. And for the Dems, they need to understand that going on Nazi comparison binge over the required detainment at the Southern border is gonna FURTHER alienate that "dependable Jewish vote". Or the "dependable Black vote" when it's compared to slavery. Or the maybe NOT dependable Asian vote when all this this is hysterically compared to "internment".

Watch the video at MRC site below. And realize this is NOT JUST Cable news. It has leaked to "THE VIEW", to late night TV, to fairly stable places like Salon. And THEIR contribution is included below.

Cable News: 22 Comparisons of Immigration Policy to the Holocaust, Slavery

By Bill D'Agostino | June 18, 2018 11:55 PM EDT
The pundit class have officially snapped over the Trump administration’s zero-tolerance border enforcement policy. Since Friday, the collective breakdown has yielded a total of 22 instances in which cable news commentators compared the separation of parents and children illegally entering the country to World War II-era war crimes and human rights violations.

The Holocaust was invoked 12 times across CNN and MSNBC between June 15 and the 18th, generally in the form of comparisons between DHS detention centers and Nazi concentration camps. There were also six mentions of Japanese-American internment camps, as well as four comparisons to slavery.

On Friday, MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough opened Morning Joe with a tasteless Holocaust reference. “Children are being marched away to showers,” he intoned, “just like the Nazis said they were taking people to the showers, and then they never came back. You’d think they would use another trick.”

Over the weekend, CNN political commentator Dave Jacobson threw a miniature tantrum over the policy. On Saturday’s CNN Newsroom during the 10 a.m. hour, he opined, “Donald Trump increasingly looks like Hitler in Nazi Germany.” The following day, he appeared again on Newsroom in the afternoon to embellish on his already hysterical take: “Increasingly, Donald Trump is turning this nation into Nazi Germany and turning these [detention centers] into concentration camps.”

MSNBC’s Chris Matthews, evidently eager to join in the hyperventilating excitement, managed to last less than a minute before evoking concentration camps while hosting Hardball on Monday. Throughout the show, he repeatedly interrupted guests to draw their attention to images of crying children that flashed across the screen.

(((Direct Vid link below)))

Cable News: 22 Comparisons of Immigration Policy to the Holocaust, Slavery

It’s long past time to compare Donald Trump and the Nazis

The only discernible difference between what Donald Trump is doing to undocumented immigrants on our southern border and what the Nazis did all over Europe to Jews is that the Nazis had to go from house to house to round up their victims, while all Trump’s Border Patrol has to do is wait for their victims to walk or swim across the border.

That’s it. Practically everything else is the same. The actions Trump’s Border Enforcement agents are taking when they separate immigrant children at processing centers from their parents have nothing to do with law enforcement. Neither did the Nazis when they separated Jewish children from their parents inside the gates of Buchenwald and Auschwitz and Dachau. Trump’s agents on the border are carrying out a policy promulgated by his administration. Nazi SS stormtroopers were carrying out the policy of rounding up political opponents, “undesirables,” and Jews, and incarcerating them in concentration camps. These camps were entirely extra-legal. You didn’t have to be convicted of a crime to be incarcerated in a concentration camp. Nor have the immigrants and their children being held in hastily constructed cages been convicted of crimes.

The “crime” in Hitler’s Germany and occupied countries was being Jewish. The “crime” committed by the children being rounded up and caged along our southern border is being brown and undocumented.

The Democrats are doing what they know how to do the best...HATE

They hate Nazis, fascists, and sexual predators. And for some reason conservatives don't understand that.
It's all in play. The references calling folks Nazis for not voting Democrat and electing Trump. The references to slavery, Japanese internment, and calls for "getting in their faces". The threats to politicians and elected officials and the folks who fight the daily border wars.

What this cadre of conspirators needs to know is that THEY will be responsible for the escalation of rhetoric and actions. And the American people WILL hold them responsible for any inflammation and violence that results. And for the Dems, they need to understand that going on Nazi comparison binge over the required detainment at the Southern border is gonna FURTHER alienate that "dependable Jewish vote". Or the "dependable Black vote" when it's compared to slavery. Or the maybe NOT dependable Asian vote when all this this is hysterically compared to "internment".

Watch the video at MRC site below. And realize this is NOT JUST Cable news. It has leaked to "THE VIEW", to late night TV, to fairly stable places like Salon. And THEIR contribution is included below.

Cable News: 22 Comparisons of Immigration Policy to the Holocaust, Slavery

By Bill D'Agostino | June 18, 2018 11:55 PM EDT
The pundit class have officially snapped over the Trump administration’s zero-tolerance border enforcement policy. Since Friday, the collective breakdown has yielded a total of 22 instances in which cable news commentators compared the separation of parents and children illegally entering the country to World War II-era war crimes and human rights violations.

The Holocaust was invoked 12 times across CNN and MSNBC between June 15 and the 18th, generally in the form of comparisons between DHS detention centers and Nazi concentration camps. There were also six mentions of Japanese-American internment camps, as well as four comparisons to slavery.

On Friday, MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough opened Morning Joe with a tasteless Holocaust reference. “Children are being marched away to showers,” he intoned, “just like the Nazis said they were taking people to the showers, and then they never came back. You’d think they would use another trick.”

Over the weekend, CNN political commentator Dave Jacobson threw a miniature tantrum over the policy. On Saturday’s CNN Newsroom during the 10 a.m. hour, he opined, “Donald Trump increasingly looks like Hitler in Nazi Germany.” The following day, he appeared again on Newsroom in the afternoon to embellish on his already hysterical take: “Increasingly, Donald Trump is turning this nation into Nazi Germany and turning these [detention centers] into concentration camps.”

MSNBC’s Chris Matthews, evidently eager to join in the hyperventilating excitement, managed to last less than a minute before evoking concentration camps while hosting Hardball on Monday. Throughout the show, he repeatedly interrupted guests to draw their attention to images of crying children that flashed across the screen.

(((Direct Vid link below)))

Cable News: 22 Comparisons of Immigration Policy to the Holocaust, Slavery

It’s long past time to compare Donald Trump and the Nazis

The only discernible difference between what Donald Trump is doing to undocumented immigrants on our southern border and what the Nazis did all over Europe to Jews is that the Nazis had to go from house to house to round up their victims, while all Trump’s Border Patrol has to do is wait for their victims to walk or swim across the border.

That’s it. Practically everything else is the same. The actions Trump’s Border Enforcement agents are taking when they separate immigrant children at processing centers from their parents have nothing to do with law enforcement. Neither did the Nazis when they separated Jewish children from their parents inside the gates of Buchenwald and Auschwitz and Dachau. Trump’s agents on the border are carrying out a policy promulgated by his administration. Nazi SS stormtroopers were carrying out the policy of rounding up political opponents, “undesirables,” and Jews, and incarcerating them in concentration camps. These camps were entirely extra-legal. You didn’t have to be convicted of a crime to be incarcerated in a concentration camp. Nor have the immigrants and their children being held in hastily constructed cages been convicted of crimes.

The “crime” in Hitler’s Germany and occupied countries was being Jewish. The “crime” committed by the children being rounded up and caged along our southern border is being brown and undocumented.
So, the administration does unconscionable things and the President says unconscionable things about others and his loyal staff ape him, and those of us who are totally ripped by all of this are supposed to quietly stand down and let them do whatever, say whatever, and make nary a peep. Trump, from the beginning of his campaign, has been the one stirring the pot of divisiveness and ugliness, and just like with everything else, his supporters are blaming it on the other side. It is incredible.

I am completely opposed to heckling anyone in their private lives, but I'll be damned if I believe we need to be quiet or be blamed for the divisiveness. That's pure projection that is.

Then vote, not post hateful crap on media or television, we never did it to you ..

It's all in play. The references calling folks Nazis for not voting Democrat and electing Trump. The references to slavery, Japanese internment, and calls for "getting in their faces". The threats to politicians and elected officials and the folks who fight the daily border wars.

What this cadre of conspirators needs to know is that THEY will be responsible for the escalation of rhetoric and actions. And the American people WILL hold them responsible for any inflammation and violence that results. And for the Dems, they need to understand that going on Nazi comparison binge over the required detainment at the Southern border is gonna FURTHER alienate that "dependable Jewish vote". Or the "dependable Black vote" when it's compared to slavery. Or the maybe NOT dependable Asian vote when all this this is hysterically compared to "internment".

Watch the video at MRC site below. And realize this is NOT JUST Cable news. It has leaked to "THE VIEW", to late night TV, to fairly stable places like Salon. And THEIR contribution is included below.

Cable News: 22 Comparisons of Immigration Policy to the Holocaust, Slavery

By Bill D'Agostino | June 18, 2018 11:55 PM EDT
The pundit class have officially snapped over the Trump administration’s zero-tolerance border enforcement policy. Since Friday, the collective breakdown has yielded a total of 22 instances in which cable news commentators compared the separation of parents and children illegally entering the country to World War II-era war crimes and human rights violations.

The Holocaust was invoked 12 times across CNN and MSNBC between June 15 and the 18th, generally in the form of comparisons between DHS detention centers and Nazi concentration camps. There were also six mentions of Japanese-American internment camps, as well as four comparisons to slavery.

On Friday, MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough opened Morning Joe with a tasteless Holocaust reference. “Children are being marched away to showers,” he intoned, “just like the Nazis said they were taking people to the showers, and then they never came back. You’d think they would use another trick.”

Over the weekend, CNN political commentator Dave Jacobson threw a miniature tantrum over the policy. On Saturday’s CNN Newsroom during the 10 a.m. hour, he opined, “Donald Trump increasingly looks like Hitler in Nazi Germany.” The following day, he appeared again on Newsroom in the afternoon to embellish on his already hysterical take: “Increasingly, Donald Trump is turning this nation into Nazi Germany and turning these [detention centers] into concentration camps.”

MSNBC’s Chris Matthews, evidently eager to join in the hyperventilating excitement, managed to last less than a minute before evoking concentration camps while hosting Hardball on Monday. Throughout the show, he repeatedly interrupted guests to draw their attention to images of crying children that flashed across the screen.

(((Direct Vid link below)))

Cable News: 22 Comparisons of Immigration Policy to the Holocaust, Slavery

It’s long past time to compare Donald Trump and the Nazis

The only discernible difference between what Donald Trump is doing to undocumented immigrants on our southern border and what the Nazis did all over Europe to Jews is that the Nazis had to go from house to house to round up their victims, while all Trump’s Border Patrol has to do is wait for their victims to walk or swim across the border.

That’s it. Practically everything else is the same. The actions Trump’s Border Enforcement agents are taking when they separate immigrant children at processing centers from their parents have nothing to do with law enforcement. Neither did the Nazis when they separated Jewish children from their parents inside the gates of Buchenwald and Auschwitz and Dachau. Trump’s agents on the border are carrying out a policy promulgated by his administration. Nazi SS stormtroopers were carrying out the policy of rounding up political opponents, “undesirables,” and Jews, and incarcerating them in concentration camps. These camps were entirely extra-legal. You didn’t have to be convicted of a crime to be incarcerated in a concentration camp. Nor have the immigrants and their children being held in hastily constructed cages been convicted of crimes.

The “crime” in Hitler’s Germany and occupied countries was being Jewish. The “crime” committed by the children being rounded up and caged along our southern border is being brown and undocumented.

The Democrats are doing what they know how to do the best...HATE

They hate Nazis, fascists, and sexual predators. And for some reason conservatives don't understand that.

Wouldn't that mean that Libnutts hated themselves? Buuuuut that would mean that they are psycho......oh that's right
So calling a politician a Nazi is bad but not calling someone gay Muslim Marxist or a first lady a tranny is perfectly fine? Oblama was referenced as Hitler also, yeah stupid huh?

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