The biggest threat to Americans today is?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

If you ask the stooges in the intelligence community of the Biden administration, the biggest threat to life and liberty to Americans is far right terrorists groups.

Tom Cotton questions them about this, and asks how many Americans have died from far-right terrorist groups last year, which the stooge answered, "I don't have those numbers with me now"


Then Tom asks her how many people have died from fentanyl overdoses last year? Again, she stated she did not have those numbers either, but knew them to be well over 100,000 dead last year as we all do, it's just common irrefutable knowledge.

But then the stooge shifts gears and says, "But you can't compare the two, that is, drug overdoses and terrorist activity".

Say what?

Drug cartels are terrorist organizations, since they are killing more Americans every year than died in all of the Vietnam war.

This is why America can never do anything about the drug cartels, it's because the Biden administration is only focused on attacking perceived political adversaries.

They only care about political power and not Americans.

Linsdey Grham said he would suggest legislation to go after drug cartels as a military operation.

Imagine an army of drones flying and taking out these drug cartels 24/7.
… the American Citizenry. Yes, the people of this country are the biggest threat to this country’s future.

The lack of a common moral and ideological foundation accepted and embraced by the vast majority of the population creates a wide selection of societal fissures and cracks which have already started, and are rapidly increasing in number and size. Unless this trend is reversed soon, this country cannot survive.
Who here support labeling the drug cartels as terrorist organizations and going to war with them?


I have to say, this is a war I could get behind.

I would start by overwhelming force. They need to hit them hard and fast before they have a chance to defend themselves properly.

They need to be as merciless as drug cartels have been passing out candy fentanyl to children.
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… the American Citizenry. Yes, the people of this country are the biggest threat to this country’s future.

The lack of a common moral and ideological foundation accepted and embraced by the vast majority of the population creates a wide selection of societal fissures and cracks which have already started, and are rapidly increasing in number and size. Unless this trend is reversed soon, this country cannot survive.

^^^ THIS ^^^
You are SO spot on

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