The Biggest Politician to Pander to Blacks….and Why


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2021
Who: Governor Newsom.

Why: His proposal to steal money from whites who did nothing wrong and give it to blacks who did nothing to earn it is in preparation for his 2024 presidential run. He is planning to bribe every black for his or her vote.

Why it won’t work: There are more whites who don’t want (more of) their money confiscated than there are blacks who want a windfall they don’t deserve.

I do not believe in reparations going to anyone. I do however think we should have a level playing field. Inner city schools are just not as good as suburban schools, they just aren't. Education and opportunity is what we should be focused on.
Who: Governor Newsom.

Why: His proposal to steal money from whites who did nothing wrong and give it to blacks who did nothing to earn it is in preparation for his 2024 presidential run. He is planning to bribe every black for his or her vote.

Why it won’t work: There are more whites who don’t want (more of) their money confiscated than there are blacks who want a windfall they don’t deserve.

Is that who you vote for the person that pays you?
I do not believe in reparations going to anyone. I do however think we should have a level playing field. Inner city schools are just not as good as suburban schools, they just aren't. Education and opportunity is what we should be focused on.
I know you‘re a liberal, and thus believe the answer to everything is to spend more taxpayer money on something, but often money isn’t the solution. Washington DC spends more than TWICE the money on each student than the adjacent county, and the former’s students are still achieving at 1/3rd the level:

1) Washington, DC, taxpayers provide $30,000 per year, per student, and yet less than a quarter of 8th graders can read at a proficient level.

2) In nearby Loudoun County, the cost per student is HALF that - just $15,000 - and 86% of middle schoolers read at a proficient answer.

Sometimes money doesn’t solve the problem.

I know you‘re a liberal, and thus believe the answer to everything is to spend more taxpayer money on something, but often money isn’t the solution. Washington DC spends more than TWICE the money on each student than the adjacent county, and the former’s students are still achieving at 1/3rd the level:

1) Washington, DC, taxpayers provide $30,000 per year, per student, and yet less than a quarter of 8th graders can read at a proficient level.

2) In nearby Loudoun County, the cost per student is HALF that - just $15,000 - and 86% of middle schoolers read at a proficient answer.

Sometimes money doesn’t solve the problem.

You don't know me. All you know is your conservative idea of everyone who is not just like you is. As I was just telling someone else, this demonstrates you lack of critical thinking skill and your tendency to believe whatever it was you just read or heard in the RWNM. We do need to improve inner city and rural schools across the nation. When I was a kid my family and everyone (probably) in my small town was conservative (Nixon) type republicans. Education was a very important thing to them, then sometime around the Tea Party thing the Repubs found out teachers were in unions. We need to improve the schools, if it takes more money, it takes more money, if it takes legislation, legislate. ANother area both sides are idiots.
You don't know me. All you know is your conservative idea of everyone who is not just like you is. As I was just telling someone else, this demonstrates you lack of critical thinking skill and your tendency to believe whatever it was you just read or heard in the RWNM. We do need to improve inner city and rural schools across the nation. When I was a kid my family and everyone (probably) in my small town was conservative (Nixon) type republicans. Education was a very important thing to them. We need to improve the schools, if it takes more money, it takes more money, if it takes legislation, legislate. ANother area both sides are idiots.
You accuse me of lack of critical thinking?

1) So tell me….what “legislation” will help improve the inner-city schools?

2) And you tell me it takes MORE money? I just showed you that DC spends TWICE the amount per student as the successful Loudoun County system - and DC is still abysmally behind. How much more should we take from taxpayers? Three times as much? Four times as much?

Sorry, but $30,000 per student is more than enough. More, more, more won’t solve their problems.
Who: Governor Newsom.

Why: His proposal to steal money from whites who did nothing wrong and give it to blacks who did nothing to earn it is in preparation for his 2024 presidential run. He is planning to bribe every black for his or her vote.

Why it won’t work: There are more whites who don’t want (more of) their money confiscated than there are blacks who want a windfall they don’t deserve.


Let's sit here and see how many of the blacks whose vote he wants actually receive a dime before the election he intends to run in. Bet that the empty promises will eventually start pissing them off and they already have a mean skill set and are just itching to get out there and use their skills.

Besides, why is he trying so hard to win votes in the first place when the demonicrats know that all they need to do is steal votes? Much easier than all the tedious campaigning and it's been spectacularly successful so far.

Look at where Katie Hobbit is after ZERO campaigning!

I suggest that hard working middle class whites do what I have done -- tie your money up in tax free vehicles. I haven't a dime of taxable income because I have a smart broker. I am not going to give a dime to lazy nothings who think all Americans are as stupid as they themselves are lazy.


Let's sit here and see how many of the blacks whose vote he wants actually receive a dime before the election he intends to run in. Bet that the empty promises will eventually start pissing them off and they already have a mean skill set and are just itching to get out there and use their skills.

Besides, why is he trying so hard to win votes in the first place when the demonicrats know that all they need to do is steal votes? Much easier than all the tedious campaigning and it's been spectacularly successful so far.

Look at where Katie Hobbit is after ZERO campaigning!

I suggest that hard working middle class whites do what I have done -- tie your money up in tax free vehicles. I haven't a dime of taxable income because I have a smart broker. I am not going to give a dime to lazy nothings who think all Americans are as stupid as they themselves are lazy.

Psssst, I gots a friend who has an election fer sale, you interested?
White liberal guilt.

Which stems from white liberal self-loathing.

How does someone who hates him/her/itself manage to even breathe on a regular basis? I'd think that much self-loathing would cause them to immolate spontaneously.

You accuse me of lack of critical thinking?

1) So tell me….what “legislation” will help improve the inner-city schools?

2) And you tell me it takes MORE money? I just showed you that DC spends TWICE the amount per student as the successful Loudoun County system - and DC is still abysmally behind. How much more should we take from taxpayers? Three times as much? Four times as much?

Sorry, but $30,000 per student is more than enough. More, more, more won’t solve their problems.
Yes, you have no idea who I am, yet you start babbling about me getting a job and the rest of that silly right wing mindless babble. So yea, I think you lack critical thinking skills and you just proved it.
How is keeping the money I earn getting paid? The liberal mind is truly confounding.

Democrats routinely vote for candidates that will give them something for “free”., Where have you been?
The Republicans give out free shit by the busloads also, in fact, I have a hard choice of who to vote for until my accountant tells me who is paying the most. Want to keep more of yer dough, try tax avoision.
In this case he is simply vote buying.
White Liberal Guilt usually extends to hand wringing and carrying signs.
Once the guilt translates to financial pain the white liberal guilt. subsides.

I hope I'm watching when that starts.

It'll be fun.


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