The big C

Just found out I have it, but all you fuckwads are still going to have to put up with me anyway. The best part is I am going to be able to describe, in detail, exactly what is wrong with Obamacare and why everyone who supported it should be drawn and quartered.

Man I'm sorry. That really sucks. I hope you find proper treatment, ObamaCare or not.
Just found out I have it, but all you fuckwads are still going to have to put up with me anyway. The best part is I am going to be able to describe, in detail, exactly what is wrong with Obamacare and why everyone who supported it should be drawn and quartered.

WTF does your cancer have to do with Obamacare? If you don't have insurance, then I think Obamacare would be a benefit. If you do have insurance, how the hell does obamacare effect you?

Sorry you have cancer, I sincerely wish you the best...but again, how is obamacare effecting you.

Don't use a pity story to advance your political beliefs...give me the facts as to obamacare is hurting your treatment.

I predict crickets and more pleas for empathy from USMB members.

^ that

he just happened to post this the day after Syrenn's "eavesdropping" thread where she takes pot shots at O'care based on UNVERIFIABLE personal observations. Color me shocked. :neutral:
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Just found out I have it, but all you fuckwads are still going to have to put up with me anyway. The best part is I am going to be able to describe, in detail, exactly what is wrong with Obamacare and why everyone who supported it should be drawn and quartered.

WTF does your cancer have to do with Obamacare? If you don't have insurance, then I think Obamacare would be a benefit. If you do have insurance, how the hell does obamacare effect you?

Sorry you have cancer, I sincerely wish you the best...but again, how is obamacare effecting you.

Don't use a pity story to advance your political beliefs...give me the facts as to obamacare is hurting your treatment.

I predict crickets and more pleas for empathy from USMB members.

^ that

he just happened to post this the day after Syrenn's "eavesdropping" thread where she takes pot shots at O'care based on UNVERIFIABLE personal observations. Color me shocked. :neutral:

How about if I color you stupid? I posted this thread the same fucking day she posted her thread, the same day I got out of the hospital after my roommate discovered that his insurance wasn't all the Obama promised.
Did you have insurance before finding out you had cancer?
I have a friend who has chronic pancreatitis and is medical bills were mounting due to not having insurance. Now he has insurance to cover him having to go in the hospital every other month. He actually just got out of the hospital.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.
Well I wouldn't rush to conclusions, like using it as a way to politically attack the ACA before even using it, like this woman did through Americans for Prosperity. It was determined that she actually saved $$$ because of O'care/ACA:

Yeah, don't rush to conclusions.

That $9000 drug bill might just be an early April Fools joke.

You know what a sense of humor the medical profession has.
Well I wouldn't rush to conclusions, like using it as a way to politically attack the ACA before even using it, like this woman did through Americans for Prosperity. It was determined that she actually saved $$$ because of O'care/ACA:

Why would any sane person claim that they don''t rush to conclusions right after they got caught rushing to a conclusion?

They wouldn't, which means you are insane.

Or a lying sack of shit.
WTF does your cancer have to do with Obamacare? If you don't have insurance, then I think Obamacare would be a benefit. If you do have insurance, how the hell does obamacare effect you?

Sorry you have cancer, I sincerely wish you the best...but again, how is obamacare effecting you.

Don't use a pity story to advance your political beliefs...give me the facts as to obamacare is hurting your treatment.

I predict crickets and more pleas for empathy from USMB members.

If you could think you wouldn't have said what you just did.

By the way, I dare you to fucking show me any fucking pity, it will be the last fucking time you ever fucking pity anyone.
I don't know you and I'm not showing you any fucking pity. Then again, I do have pity for you...I have pity for you because you are using your cancer to attack obamacare and you can't show how it is relevant. A lot of people have specifically attacked obamacare in your is obamacare effecting your treatment.

I have a feeling that we are going to learn precisely how it is relevant in the coming days, weeks, months, years...
Damn Quantum

If I were you I'd find the best cancer Dr's $$$ can buy. Your life literally depends on it. I listened to Robin Quivers tell her cancer story on Howard Stern and the first set of doctors told her she was essentially going to die. They were just looking to prolong her life for a year or two. Howard stepped in and found her the best care she could get and today she is CANCER FREE. Not in remission, she's cured.

You can search her story and read about it (if you want). I can't remember who her doctors were off hand but they told her they were going to "cure her" and cure her they did.

They also told her attitude is everything. You have to maintain a positive attitude. I'd also start juicing everyday too. Juicing as in juicing veggies. Kale, spinach, wheatgrass, carrots, beets.

Power up your body to do battle with this bitch called cancer. Anyway man I hope you find the best Doctors to handle this. This is your life we're talking about. There is no price you can put on it.

Btw, FUCK cancer!

I agree... it is all about powering up while you can..... and having a good attitude!
Well I wouldn't rush to conclusions, like using it as a way to politically attack the ACA before even using it, like this woman did through Americans for Prosperity. It was determined that she actually saved $$$ because of O'care/ACA:

I think I'll just be patient and listen to the 'bag. And reserve comment. It's now his mission to listen to the professionals. And I think all he's asking of us is to listen to him.
Well I wouldn't rush to conclusions, like using it as a way to politically attack the ACA before even using it, like this woman did through Americans for Prosperity. It was determined that she actually saved $$$ because of O'care/ACA:

I think I'll just be patient and listen to the 'bag. And reserve comment. It's now his mission to listen to the professionals. And I think all he's asking of us is to listen to him.

As was pointed out by another, he used the OP to say he was going to use his supposed illness as a vehicle to attack the ACA. Go back & read it.

Just found out I have it, but all you fuckwads are still going to have to put up with me anyway. The best part is I am going to be able to describe, in detail, exactly what is wrong with Obamacare and why everyone who supported it should be drawn and quartered.

One woman did that already for an Americans for Prosperity (Koch Bros front-group?) commercial and it was found out that the ACA actually saved her more many than before. (see post #106)
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Well I wouldn't rush to conclusions, like using it as a way to politically attack the ACA before even using it, like this woman did through Americans for Prosperity. It was determined that she actually saved $$$ because of O'care/ACA:

I think I'll just be patient and listen to the 'bag. And reserve comment. It's now his mission to listen to the professionals. And I think all he's asking of us is to listen to him.

As was pointed out by another, he used the OP to say he was going to use his supposed illness as a vehicle to attack the ACA. Go back & read it.

Just found out I have it, but all you fuckwads are still going to have to put up with me anyway. The best part is I am going to be able to describe, in detail, exactly what is wrong with Obamacare and why everyone who supported it should be drawn and quartered.

One woman did that already for an Americans for Prosperity (Koch Bros front-group?) commercial and it was found out that the ACA actually saved her more many than before. (see post #106)

So the person who found out that their liability for their drugs skyrocketed was lying to QW.


Dot has a link. So all stories where people are being harmed by changed policies are incorrect.

My friend's story is a lie too. She's not facing greater expenses than she's ever seen before because specialists are now out of network. I can just show her Dot's link and she'll feel much better.

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