The Biden's / Democrats' 'Truth Commission' Did Not Go Away, & Govt Censorship / Disinformation / Propaganda Efforts Still Exist


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
As Elon Musk proved recently by exposing Twitter inner-company files, while Biden's / the Democrats' 'Truth Commission' may be gone their efforts to silence, censor, spread disinformation, and push propaganda are alive and well.

You should know by now the US Federal Bureau of Investigations was actively involved in censoring and silencing Americans on Twitter while using the platformt to spread US Democrat, grade-A disinformation and propaganda. Heck, they had offices and agents inside Twitter.

The FBI are only some of the players in this fascist govt global gambit - ever heard of the 'GEC'?

The GEC, or Global Engagement Center, is an innner agency/department within the US State Department.

Their mission is to 'direct, lead, synchronize, integrate, and coordinate U.S. Federal Government efforts to' identify, combat, and stop the spread of US GOVT-IDENTIFIED disinformation and propaganda, to get the government's (Democrats'/liberal) message out, and to squash all others....

...pretty much the same mission, it seems, as Biden's Truth Commission, the FBI at Twitter, and WH Spokesperson Jeane-Pierre.

Gym has called on her to testify in front of his sham committee. I can't wait to see her humiliate him.

Jankowicz says her story shows what can happen to any private citizen or government official who gets cast as a villain in a far-right conspiracy plot. “I didn’t intend for my entire career to be lit on fire before my eyes by taking this job,” she said.

The now-defunct initiative that Jankowicz briefly headed was aimed at developing government-wide recommendations to stop the flow of disinformation sponsored by China, Russia and violent domestic extremists. Jankowicz, who managed programs on Russia and Belarus for the National Democratic Institute and has advised the Ukrainian government, was chosen for her expertise in online disinformation, according to the Department of Homeland Security, under which she served.


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