The Biden Climate Plan..... What is it?


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
Top Of The Great Divide
I have looked high and low for this elusive plan that Biden claimed was his, on his web site, and can not find it. Biden renounced the Green New Deal but that is the only plan i can find on his web site. The Manifesto on his web site also only references the GND and many other enviro wacko and Marxist positions.

Can anyone point me to where this Magnificent Biden Plan is enumerated?
I have looked high and low for this elusive plan that Biden claimed was his, on his web site, and can not find it. Biden renounced the Green New Deal but that is the only plan i can find on his web site. The Manifesto on his web site also only references the GND and many other enviro wacko and Marxist positions.

Can anyone point me to where this Magnificent Biden Plan is enumerated?
The only thing I've been able to find (from a few different sources) on the Biden GND is that it is AOC's GND plus five years and another approx. trillion dollars.
I have looked high and low for this elusive plan that Biden claimed was his, on his web site, and can not find it. Biden renounced the Green New Deal but that is the only plan i can find on his web site. The Manifesto on his web site also only references the GND and many other enviro wacko and Marxist positions.

Can anyone point me to where this Magnificent Biden Plan is enumerated?
The only thing I've been able to find (from a few different sources) on the Biden GND is that it is AOC's GND plus five years and another approx. trillion dollars.
SO I am not just missing it... It doesn't exist and now the AOC Green New Deal has a new name... The Biden Plan.....

SO its just like every other climate change meme... when people find out that it is a redistribution scam, change the name and hope they dont find out about it....
I have looked high and low for this elusive plan that Biden claimed was his, on his web site, and can not find it. Biden renounced the Green New Deal but that is the only plan i can find on his web site. The Manifesto on his web site also only references the GND and many other enviro wacko and Marxist positions.

Can anyone point me to where this Magnificent Biden Plan is enumerated?

It is the Green New Deal. You don't appoint the top Mental Midget who penned the plan - AOC - as your head to implement it, if you have a different stance.
I have looked high and low for this elusive plan that Biden claimed was his, on his web site, and can not find it. Biden renounced the Green New Deal but that is the only plan i can find on his web site. The Manifesto on his web site also only references the GND and many other enviro wacko and Marxist positions.

Can anyone point me to where this Magnificent Biden Plan is enumerated?

It is the Green New Deal. You don't appoint the top Mental Midget who penned the plan - AOC - as your head to implement it, if you have a different stance.

Using common sense that would be the stated positon but he clearly said his WAS NOT THE GREEN NEW DEAL.... Did he LIE? I think so,,
I have looked high and low for this elusive plan that Biden claimed was his, on his web site, and can not find it. Biden renounced the Green New Deal but that is the only plan i can find on his web site. The Manifesto on his web site also only references the GND and many other enviro wacko and Marxist positions.

Can anyone point me to where this Magnificent Biden Plan is enumerated?
Biden reminds me of the Max Stirner cultists....You ask them to flesh out why it is that they believe as they do, and they screech "READ THE BOOK!"

Biden doesn't know what his policies are or what he truly believes....."Go to my website!" is the only answer you get when he's queried on any of even the broadest details of his vague, incoherent, and platitude infested twaddle.

Though Trump is a populist not guided by any overarching philisophical principle, at least he can tell you why be believes what he does and why he's doing what he's doing.
Biden's plan is wishful thinking disconnected from consequence and cost. Like most idiotic left wing Democrat plans.
I am in awe that last night he claimed several plans that are 100 Trillion over ten years or more.. how is he gonna pay for all this with just 4 trillion in tax hikes?
Because it's going to create a million-squillion jobs in industries that haven't even been invented yet!
Biden's plan is wishful thinking disconnected from consequence and cost. Like most idiotic left wing Democrat plans.
I am in awe that last night he claimed several plans that are 100 Trillion over ten years or more.. how is he gonna pay for all this with just 4 trillion in tax hikes?
Because it's going to create a million-squillion jobs in industries that haven't even been invented yet!
Kind of like those "SHOVEL READY JOBS" Obama touted that never came to fruition... Biden has a history of talking shit..
Biden's plan is wishful thinking disconnected from consequence and cost. Like most idiotic left wing Democrat plans.
I am in awe that last night he claimed several plans that are 100 Trillion over ten years or more.. how is he gonna pay for all this with just 4 trillion in tax hikes?

Don't worry Biden said his $100 trillion plan will pay for itself. Yet more proof Biden is a blithering idiot.
Biden's plan is wishful thinking disconnected from consequence and cost. Like most idiotic left wing Democrat plans.
I am in awe that last night he claimed several plans that are 100 Trillion over ten years or more.. how is he gonna pay for all this with just 4 trillion in tax hikes?
Because it's going to create a million-squillion jobs in industries that haven't even been invented yet!

Biden said "thousands", then realized how stupid that was and changed it to "millions". Millions of new jobs in the you know, the thing, uh come on man you know, the thing.
Biden's plan is wishful thinking disconnected from consequence and cost. Like most idiotic left wing Democrat plans.
I am in awe that last night he claimed several plans that are 100 Trillion over ten years or more.. how is he gonna pay for all this with just 4 trillion in tax hikes?
A percentage of the people in politics are crazy. We elect these people. They are fronted to us for the most part. If the people who elected AOC thinks its funny and they are getting back at someone, wait until the money sent to them is reduced by their venom.

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