The Biden campaign running on "Throw Grandma Off The Cliff!!!" Seriously?


Diamond Member
Apr 6, 2020
Sunny Florida
Is it just me or is it rather amazing that after all this time to come up with a platform that will excite the country to vote for him...that the best that Joe Biden's campaign could come up with is accusing Donald Trump of wanting to get rid of the protections for people with preexisting conditions? This is the same thing the Democrats tried when Hillary was their candidate with the whole throw grandma off the cliff thing. It's what you do when you don't HAVE a credible platform!
Biden and the Democrats have done something no one thought possible. They have actually gone beyond Full Retard.
You run negative ads when you don't have a positive message that the people believe. Is anyone here REALLY naive enough to believe that Joe Biden is going to give all of us the same healthcare that he and his family have enjoyed for the past fifty years while he was a Senator and Vice President? Politicians like Biden make promises that they know they can't possibly keep!
It's worse. Fingers internal polling is so bad his campaign is running the oldy but goody Trump will bankrupt social security in 3 years ad. I saw it tonight.
Very desperate if you have to dust that one off.
The white house is in court right now tying to kill the existing illness clause, and they have nothing to replace it.
When Walter Mondale was running in the Democrat primary in 1984, he was being pursued by a younger candidate named Gary Hart. Gary Hart's advertisements basically said, "We need a younger candidate with fresh, new ideas."

Mondale beat him down with a simple request to PRODUCE those "fresh, new ideas." There were none. Hart couldn't name anything noteworthy.

At the time, there were some popular and funny commercials being played constantly by the Wendy's hamburger chain. The commercials made fun of the small size of their competitors' burgers with the rhetorical question, "Where's the beef?" And that catch-phrase was adopted by Mondale. That campaign remains tagged with the slogan. Didn't work against Reagan.

Watching Joe Biden's commercials in recent weeks, I think we are in a "Where's the Beef?" moment again. He keeps talking about how he is going to "bring back the good jobs," and make peoples' lives better, but there is no clue whatsoever about exactly what he thinks he can do to reverse the negative trends that exist.

In fact, if he were to do what he SAYS he will do with the Corona Virus thing (ask everyone to stay locked up in their basement for the foreseeable future), it will bring about job losses and bankruptcies that will make the Great Depression look like a garden party.

Somebody needs to ask Sleepy Joe to explain exactly what he will do to bring back these jobs that he claims to have a handle on. Our Beloved President renegotiated international trade deals, strong-armed employers, and brought tax inducements to reward companies that kept jobs here and punished those who took them overseas.

Sleepy Joe, Where's the Beef?
Is it just me or is it rather amazing that after all this time to come up with a platform that will excite the country to vote for him...that the best that Joe Biden's campaign could come up with is accusing Donald Trump of wanting to get rid of the protections for people with preexisting conditions? This is the same thing the Democrats tried when Hillary was their candidate with the whole throw grandma off the cliff thing. It's what you do when you don't HAVE a credible platform!
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Trump is running on 6 million have to die, so the stock market goes back up, and he can watch football.

Let's see which one of those has more appeal.
Is it just me or is it rather amazing that after all this time to come up with a platform that will excite the country to vote for him...that the best that Joe Biden's campaign could come up with is accusing Donald Trump of wanting to get rid of the protections for people with preexisting conditions? This is the same thing the Democrats tried when Hillary was their candidate with the whole throw grandma off the cliff thing. It's what you do when you don't HAVE a credible platform!
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Trump is running on 6 million have to die, so the stock market goes back up, and he can watch football.

Let's see which one of those has more appeal.
What does that even mean?

It's a simple question that DGS just pointed out rather succinctly...what are Joe Biden's fresh new ideas, Skews? What are his solutions? Not just his vague promises...what are his concrete plans to make any of those things happen? How is he going to create jobs? How is he going to grow the economy? How is he going to handle the pandemic? How is he going to continue the peace process in the Middle East that Trump has begun? How is he going to handle the trade war with China? How is he going to fix the riots that are tearing our cities apart?

Those are questions that our media SHOULD be asking Joe Biden! Instead he's allowed to issue vague taped statements read from a teleprompter and not take questions from the press! That isn't the way any Presidential campaign has EVER been allowed to take place!
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Is it just me or is it rather amazing that after all this time to come up with a platform that will excite the country to vote for him...that the best that Joe Biden's campaign could come up with is accusing Donald Trump of wanting to get rid of the protections for people with preexisting conditions? This is the same thing the Democrats tried when Hillary was their candidate with the whole throw grandma off the cliff thing. It's what you do when you don't HAVE a credible platform!
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I can’t see how that would work for them considering they murdered thousands of grandmas in COVID infected nursing homes to bolster their pandemic numbers.
Is it just me or is it rather amazing that after all this time to come up with a platform that will excite the country to vote for him...that the best that Joe Biden's campaign could come up with is accusing Donald Trump of wanting to get rid of the protections for people with preexisting conditions? This is the same thing the Democrats tried when Hillary was their candidate with the whole throw grandma off the cliff thing. It's what you do when you don't HAVE a credible platform!
View attachment 391489
I can’t see how that would work for them considering they murdered thousands of grandmas in COVID infected nursing homes to bolster their pandemic numbers.

You have to understand that this isn't about people with preexisting conditions...this is about creating a diversion from what the agenda of the far left IS and where they are looking to take us!

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