The Best Thing About the GOP Debate

The 24 million are not there to see a petulent kindergartner. They are there because they are concerned about the direction of the country. And they are very worried.
All that FauxNoise needs to do is change the name from the GOP primary debates to the T-Rump Reality Show and start following him around like the Kardashians.

They will make out like bandits. :D
Personally, After going through the first debate, my interest in RNC debates has eased up.

I thought Trump was going to self-destruct.
Instead, FOX news self destructed.

Tell me when someone else is hosting it.
when they allow me out of this jacket with the tie behind sleaves I will explain exactly how the Trumbots are the more insane with graphics on a whiteboard ala Glen Beck.

This jacket wont let me use my trump doll and 10 penny nails the way I want.....

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