The best moments of your life that you keep in memory?


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2016
There are always several moments but more than others for my part I remember spending time with my little sister on summer evenings when we went to a terrase to drink a glass of red wine and the music that played in French .

And you?
Dance driving down the road with my kid listening to music and singing at the top of our lungs. That lasted a couple of years and up to that age where he was embarrassed.

Then it became a threat! So help me I will sing.....

LOUDLY and dance in public.

My first puppy
There are always several moments but more than others for my part I remember spending time with my little sister on summer evenings when we went to a terrase to drink a glass of red wine and the music that played in French .

And you?

All the fun I had with my girls as they grew up. Timeless
The "Happy Birthday!" video that I got last year from actor Bronson Pinchot at the Cameo website is what tops my list, I love him so much. :) :) :)

God bless you and him always!!!

Best moments? My wedding and honeymoon 50 years ago in the winter in northwestern Wyoming. Togwotee Pass and the Great Divide are something ever so enigmatic in December. Love is blue, though. I lost him 5 years ago, but those memories still bring joy to my heart to have been with the best man God ever created as a gift to lucky me. :) ♡♡♡
The day I shot "sharpshooter" at Parris Island Marine Corps boot camp right handed and right eyed although I am left handed. Somehow it gave an 18 year old confidence that would last a lifetime.
The day I shot "sharpshooter" at Parris Island Marine Corps boot camp right handed and right eyed although I am left handed. Somehow it gave an 18 year old confidence that would last a lifetime.
Semper fi from a Marine's daughter and thank you for your service to this country, Whitehall. :thup:
I don’t know
Lately I have been thinking of the days as a kid when we would hang out at this low level country club in Michigan. My parents were members and they had tennis courts , huge swimming pools and basketball among other things . It was very low end but I used to go there every weekend ( in summer ),when I was around 12 or 13 until maybe 16/17.
I only remember being super happy . Most of the hundreds of members were Jewish

This was my best memory of childhood and maybe of my odd life
My best memory was the exact moment that i realized that i didn't like the act of sex. Not only that but I accepted that I never liked sex. It was a breathtaking moment. I felt like a great weight had been lifted. I could take a deep enjoyable breath for the first time. The word NO had bestowed a sense of power that I had never felt before. Finally I was in total and complete control. It was thrilling.
Perhaps not the best moment but one of the proudest for me was when I was 15/16 and played football (soccer!)

I don't know why, but one of the national newspapers were covering our game (possibly for some youth football supplement feature or something).

But anyway, myself and my little Cousin (who got killed aged only 19 coming out a Halloween party at the Duck Bay Marina when he wandered onto the express way and a taxi run him over and killed him instantly - was tragic it devastated our whole family) both played in the same team.

I was a midfielder, him a striker.

We won the game 3-2 where I scored the winner but my cousin got sent off around 20-minutes into the game.

The newspaper cut out should still be somewhere (I'd love to find it) but it said in the article (and I'm paraphrasing a little) "Midfield star (my second name) stole the show with a fantastic midfield performance and sublime winning goal, while thug (his second name) let himself and his teams mates down with a woeful display of ill-discipline"

My Gran who lived with us at the time, my Mum went running in to her room with the newspaper saying "Look at this eh eh one Grandson a star and the other one a thug eh" lol

Doesn't sound like much but it made me really proud. Me and my little Cousin were best friends and had a good sporting rivalry as kids playing in the same team trying to outdo each other whenever possible.

Was nice to get recognition like that in a national newspaper (even if it was a few pages in and buried in amongst a lot of other stuff).
My best memory was the exact moment that i realized that i didn't like the act of sex. Not only that but I accepted that I never liked sex. It was a breathtaking moment. I felt like a great weight had been lifted. I could take a deep enjoyable breath for the first time. The word NO had bestowed a sense of power that I had never felt before. Finally I was in total and complete control. It was thrilling.

That explains a lot.

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