The baseball players dont like the lastest proposal and I have to say I understand lol


Gold Member
Jul 10, 2014
The highest paid players would get the biggest pay cut

gave up giving a shit about baseball back in the 90s when they went on strike for the third time. if the $ is simply not there to pay the players, not sure what they think can happen.

they sit and don't get paid at all if we have no season?
The highest paid players would get the biggest pay cut

They got it half assed backwards with their scheme. The best players in baseball are the underpaid ones. Not the scrubs.

People go to the games to see Pete Rose or Rocky Colavito or Willie Mays. Not to see the supporting cast. If anyone should get less, its the crappier players as they don't bring in much money.

If someone goes to see a concert, the dancers and the band sitting behind Brittany or Lorde or Justin Bieber get paid a whole lot less than the main talent. And so should it be in sports.
gave up giving a shit about baseball back in the 90s when they went on strike for the third time. if the $ is simply not there to pay the players, not sure what they think can happen.

they sit and don't get paid at all if we have no season?

I believe so
Aren't they going to try to start in July?

How about the NFL? I mean, they will be starting games without fans. Isn't that going to hurt them financially, as well? You would think, they would take a pay cut, too. Yes?
not even sure how that would work out.

player signs a contract for X number of years.
natural disaster takes a year away.

where does that money go? are the teams still libel to pay the players?

and a quick OK GOOGLE we have the answer. no play, no pay. if that is the case i'd be damn sure to play for a few million less just to make sure i am still maximizing my earning potential in sports.
Aren't they going to try to start in July?

How about the NFL? I mean, they will be starting games without fans. Isn't that going to hurt them financially, as well? You would think, they would take a pay cut, too. Yes?

That may not be the case anymore because things are starting to open back up next week. Like outdoor dining in PA so I dont see a empty stadium in 3 months. Maybe less fans
I can't wait for college football! :)

I wouldnt care if that shit came back. I put that in the same category as table tennis
The highest paid players would get the biggest pay cut

When they negotiated for their current salaries they actually used a salary by source calculation. They wanted their salary to reflect a percent of the income generated from putting "asses in the seats" at the stadium.

In this case they would have the most to lose by simply using that same formula for their current salary.
gave up giving a shit about baseball back in the 90s when they went on strike for the third time. if the $ is simply not there to pay the players, not sure what they think can happen.

they sit and don't get paid at all if we have no season?
That was pretty stupid to give up on it cause of that, a much better reason I gave up on it is around thst timeframe was when owners ruined the game tearing g Down classic iconic ballparks and making it so the smaller market teams can’t compete with the large market teams anymore. If mlb were to disappear I would say good riddance,same with the nfl
I can't wait for college football! :)

I wouldnt care if that shit came back. I put that in the same category as table tennis
I wouldn’t care if that shit came back either. I put it in the same catagory of the NFL. I would love it even more so if that shit NFL did not come back either,I would really throw a party for that one. Just give us good old college football,forget the fucking corrupt NFL cartel,the no fan loyalty league

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