The awesome Pres.Trump signs Executive Order for unemployment benefits

Sunni Man

Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2008
Patriotic American Muslim
Our beloved Pres.Trump cares deeply about his citizens and wants to help them during these troubling times. He is an extraordinary ruler who isn't afraid to make the difficult decisions. By signing this executive order for unemployment benefits after congress failed to make a deal. He proved we made the right choice 4 years ago, and he will again be the right choice in the 2020 election. ... :cool:
Our beloved Pres.Trump cares deeply about his citizens and wants to help them during these troubling times. He is an extraordinary ruler who isn't afraid to make the difficult decisions. By signing this executive order for unemployment benefits after congress failed to make a deal. He proved we made the right choice 4 years ago, and he will again be the right choice in the 2020 election. ... :cool:

Bad bad bad bad precedent if it stands. Hopefully it's voted down in SCOTUS, and is maybe the greatest trolling of Pelosi ever
IF, and yes that is upper case, politicians were serious about relief, or stimulus, the income tax would have been stopped, indefinitely- making voters grateful for debt is not stimulating anything but the fed reserves reserves.
There would be an "official" counter to the hysteria and life would go on- although to say "as usual" is not really very bright, since "as usual" is status quo and that is THE why we find ourselves wondering what in the fuck is going on- while we keep voting the same people into officialdom and wondering why doing the same thing over and over produces worse results - SMH-
Our beloved Pres.Trump cares deeply about his citizens and wants to help them during these troubling times. He is an extraordinary ruler who isn't afraid to make the difficult decisions. By signing this executive order for unemployment benefits after congress failed to make a deal. He proved we made the right choice 4 years ago, and he will again be the right choice in the 2020 election. ... :cool:

Bad bad bad bad precedent if it stands. Hopefully it's voted down in SCOTUS, and is maybe the greatest trolling of Pelosi ever
Both parties were at fault in enacting the law allowing a potus to divert money from one appropriated purpose to a different, unappropriated, project. There are many reasons to not want biden as potus, imo, but Trump's not going to sign any legislation that at least tones down that law to be for an actual emergency (like a asteroid hit) that time doesn't allow congress to take necessary action.

But with the UI, the states don't actually have the cash on hand to pay the added benefits. There's no money the states have their hands on unless its' the Stimulus money allocated but not yet paid. I'm guessing the allocated but so far unspent money was for something other than UI,

Our beloved Pres.Trump cares deeply about his citizens and wants to help them during these troubling times. He is an extraordinary ruler who isn't afraid to make the difficult decisions. By signing this executive order for unemployment benefits after congress failed to make a deal. He proved we made the right choice 4 years ago, and he will again be the right choice in the 2020 election. ... :cool:
The UE benefits they will not get since there has to be an entire system created to bypass the current one. So it is a dead piece of legislation that was done as a gesture only.
Good call on Trump's part. $400 a week benefit (split $300 from fed, $100 from the state) instead of $600 is a good compromise. Plus I'm all for not sending those stimulus payments the 2 parties were talking about like they did back in May as if it was Monopoly money. To the complaints of Democrats I'd reply, do not pass "Go", do not collect an additional $200.
Unfunded mandate
Do you know what that term means?

if so ‘splain it to us because you are using it wrong
Oh, okay, here's what it means.
Now since logically speaking, 'splaining how I'm allegedly "using it wrong" would only seem possible, potentially productive, and backing what is your so far baseless assertion alone, why don't you just man up and go for it, twinkletoes?
why don't you just man up and go for it, twinkletoes?

why the personal insults?

that usually means you know you know you are weak

Unfunded mandates are as the name says mandates

meaning the states have to pay whether they like it or not

But in this case participation is entirely optional
Our beloved Pres.Trump cares deeply about his citizens and wants to help them during these troubling times. He is an extraordinary ruler who isn't afraid to make the difficult decisions.
And he signed an executive order to stop all evictions.
When I first heard that he did this my first question was how. In any case he made a mistake politically by not keeping it at +$600, because that way it would make the Dems look worse and people receiving it would Have been grateful. I predict when it’s all said and done probably this week they’ll compromise on a big bill and bring UE back to +$600
Raise your hand if you want the President to have this kind of power

Although not agreeing with them all, I've been comfortable with the use of executive orders by presidents of both parties. I'm not sure how I'd view the resulting repercussions on the balance of power if EO's were eliminated. For now I'm solidly on the, "if it's not broke, don't fix it", side of the matter.

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