The Atlantic is Asking for "Pandemic Amnesty" and Forgiveness


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

The Atlantic is Asking for "Pandemic Amnesty" and Forgiveness

31 Oct 2022 ~~ By Igor Chudov

Wow. The Atlantic has a front-page article (archive link) by Prof. Emily Oster, asking for “Pandemic Amnesty”.
How interesting. The Atlantic is one of the most forward-looking and yet curated publications and they do not publish rubbish and random musings. And now they have a prominent author asking for “amnesty” and forgiveness.
Nobody is asking for amnesty for good deeds, right?
The article rambles and weaves to avoid mentioning anything specific as to who and what the amnesty would be FOR. What are the specific misdeeds that The Atlantic wants to be forgiven? Emily’s article is NOT clear.
It talks, strangely, about people voluntarily wearing masks in foreign preserves:
The author surely did not publish this Atlantic article out of honest-to-goodness concern for the nebulous advocates of “bleach injections”. She wants some other acts — and some other players — to be forgiven instead. Prof. Oster is coy about who those people are. I am sure that she is asking for amnesty for our “Covid response leaders”.
She published her article, before the midterms, because she is concerned about disappointed people starting to ask questions. Questions, such as
  • Why is my vaccine not working for me?
  • Why was I/my friend/my coworker injured by the vaccine and ignored by the medical community?
  • Why am I sicker than before?
  • Why am I having multiple Covid infections after being vaccinated?
  • I was told that my vaccines “stop transmission”, whereas the authorities knew they don’t
  • Why did unaccountable private interests take over the entirety of public response?
  • Why did the above private interests make billions of dollars, while my business went bankrupt?
  • Why was I lied to by the TV and media, while the truth was suppressed by Internet giants profiting from the pandemic?
Is it possible that everyone acted in our best interests and that the mistakes were unintentional? Are the people asking for amnesty confused well-wishers, or are they Covid Criminals who poisoned millions through malice, greed, and reckless disregard for safety? We’d need to know what happened, first, to have the answer!
Only after an investigation that uncovers what transpired, will we be able to judge whether an “amnesty” is appropriate and if so, for whom. Not before.
If such an investigation uncovers crimes, such as violation of national laws or crimes against humanity, then I hope that legally convened courts will be able to assess legally appropriate sanctions against individuals involved.
Should some of those people be amnestied? It is a legitimate question that needs to be addressed — but only after we know what happened.

There's a legal concept called "Criminal negligence." That happens when a person is so profoundly ignorant that it causes harm in others due to their inactions. I.e. being very stupid has a cost. Their lack of doing their own research is criminal. Thus criminal negligence.
The beginnings of asking for mercy.
Forgiveness and repentance go hand in hand. Atonement and retribution are further considerations. Does she offer to atone? No. Oster claims we need to "forgive one another." Unadulterated bull crap. There was only one vicious, cunning, fear precipitating, economy and societal shattering narrative coupled to the orchestrated drive to jab everyone.
She's trying to manufacture an Orwellian memory hole.
Like the Jan 6th persecuted, until there is amnesty there shouldn't be amnesty for those that perpetrated the Covid hoax. Prosecute every single person involved that deceived the public about the Covid virus and the “vaccine.” Prosecute every politician involved in the lockdowns, the vax mandates and the mask mandates
Then throw them all to the crowd.
Here’s the only amnesty they get:

The Atlantic is Asking for "Pandemic Amnesty" and Forgiveness

31 Oct 2022 ~~ By Igor Chudov

Wow. The Atlantic has a front-page article (archive link) by Prof. Emily Oster, asking for “Pandemic Amnesty”.
How interesting. The Atlantic is one of the most forward-looking and yet curated publications and they do not publish rubbish and random musings. And now they have a prominent author asking for “amnesty” and forgiveness.
Nobody is asking for amnesty for good deeds, right?
The article rambles and weaves to avoid mentioning anything specific as to who and what the amnesty would be FOR. What are the specific misdeeds that The Atlantic wants to be forgiven? Emily’s article is NOT clear.
It talks, strangely, about people voluntarily wearing masks in foreign preserves:
The author surely did not publish this Atlantic article out of honest-to-goodness concern for the nebulous advocates of “bleach injections”. She wants some other acts — and some other players — to be forgiven instead. Prof. Oster is coy about who those people are. I am sure that she is asking for amnesty for our “Covid response leaders”.
She published her article, before the midterms, because she is concerned about disappointed people starting to ask questions. Questions, such as
  • Why is my vaccine not working for me?
  • Why was I/my friend/my coworker injured by the vaccine and ignored by the medical community?
  • Why am I sicker than before?
  • Why am I having multiple Covid infections after being vaccinated?
  • I was told that my vaccines “stop transmission”, whereas the authorities knew they don’t
  • Why did unaccountable private interests take over the entirety of public response?
  • Why did the above private interests make billions of dollars, while my business went bankrupt?
  • Why was I lied to by the TV and media, while the truth was suppressed by Internet giants profiting from the pandemic?
Is it possible that everyone acted in our best interests and that the mistakes were unintentional? Are the people asking for amnesty confused well-wishers, or are they Covid Criminals who poisoned millions through malice, greed, and reckless disregard for safety? We’d need to know what happened, first, to have the answer!
Only after an investigation that uncovers what transpired, will we be able to judge whether an “amnesty” is appropriate and if so, for whom. Not before.
If such an investigation uncovers crimes, such as violation of national laws or crimes against humanity, then I hope that legally convened courts will be able to assess legally appropriate sanctions against individuals involved.
Should some of those people be amnestied? It is a legitimate question that needs to be addressed — but only after we know what happened.

There's a legal concept called "Criminal negligence." That happens when a person is so profoundly ignorant that it causes harm in others due to their inactions. I.e. being very stupid has a cost. Their lack of doing their own research is criminal. Thus criminal negligence.
The beginnings of asking for mercy.
Forgiveness and repentance go hand in hand. Atonement and retribution are further considerations. Does she offer to atone? No. Oster claims we need to "forgive one another." Unadulterated bull crap. There was only one vicious, cunning, fear precipitating, economy and societal shattering narrative coupled to the orchestrated drive to jab everyone.
She's trying to manufacture an Orwellian memory hole.
Like the Jan 6th persecuted, until there is amnesty there shouldn't be amnesty for those that perpetrated the Covid hoax. Prosecute every single person involved that deceived the public about the Covid virus and the “vaccine.” Prosecute every politician involved in the lockdowns, the vax mandates and the mask mandates
Then throw them all to the crowd.
So you blame your blob for declaring a national emergency for a Hoax or are you willing to forgive him? This should be fun.
So you blame your blob for declaring a national emergency for a Hoax or are you willing to forgive him? This should be fun.

You were dumb enough to take "his " poison shot ...

Well he was listening to your establishment "experts "

And Try and Stay on topic ..I know it's gonna be hard for you leatrds .....the followers of " science "need to derail
The shot isn't poison. Otherwise...ya know...I'd be dead.

So you forgive him for this? Did he fire any of the "experts"?
Just because you survived it so far ......what about the dead and injured from an ineffective useless experimental treatment that was forced on people for something with a survival rate above 90 % .......for just about every demographic no less

People all over the former western world including in the USA were flat out forced or pressured to roll up thier sleeves

When you gonna just admit how gullible you were ?
Just because you survived it so far ......
Its been about 2 years with multiple boosters. I'm probably just immortal. LOL
what about the dead and injured from an ineffective useless experimental treatment that was forced on people for something with a survival rate above 90 % .......for just about every demographic no less
Adverse reactions happen to every shot. The vaccine is safe, effective, free, and available. You have to be brain damaged to refuse to get the jab.
So, lets talk about your blob.

Do you hold him responsible for declaring a national emergency over what you think is a hoax?
Do you hold him responsible for manufacturing what you think is poison?
Do you hold him responsible for not firing the people who advised him?

Or are you not just man enough to take a stand against your master and will forever succumb to your out of control daddy issues?
Its been about 2 years with multiple boosters. I'm probably just immortal. LOL

Adverse reactions happen to every shot. The vaccine is safe, effective, free, and available. You have to be brain damaged to refuse to get the jab.

So, lets talk about your blob.

Do you hold him responsible for declaring a national emergency over what you think is a hoax?
Do you hold him responsible for manufacturing what you think is poison?
Do you hold him responsible for not firing the people who advised him?

Or are you not just man enough to take a stand against your master and will forever succumb to your out of control daddy issues?

What ?
The shot isn't poison. Otherwise...ya know...I'd be dead.

So you forgive him for this? Did he fire any of the "experts"?
You'll never change the mind of a horse paste eater. Crazy... They want to hang the professional epidemiologists, medical experts, and scientists who all worked tirelessly to come up with a vaccine in record time. Working with the best knowledge and information available at the time. But they have no problem believing hucksters promoting snake oil cures and certainly don't want to hang them. If anybody needs amnesty, it's the horse paste hucksters and bleach injectors and superspreaders who made a bad problem worse.
You'll never change the mind of a horse paste eater. Crazy... They want to hang the professional epidemiologists, medical experts, and scientists who all worked tirelessly to come up with a vaccine in record time. Working with the best knowledge and information available at the time. But they have no problem believing hucksters promoting snake oil cures and certainly don't want to hang them. If anybody needs amnesty, it's the horse paste hucksters and bleach injectors and superspreaders who made a bad problem worse.

How many boosters have you had ?
Also do you have a mirror?

The Atlantic is Asking for "Pandemic Amnesty" and Forgiveness

31 Oct 2022 ~~ By Igor Chudov

Wow. The Atlantic has a front-page article (archive link) by Prof. Emily Oster, asking for “Pandemic Amnesty”.
How interesting. The Atlantic is one of the most forward-looking and yet curated publications and they do not publish rubbish and random musings. And now they have a prominent author asking for “amnesty” and forgiveness.
Nobody is asking for amnesty for good deeds, right?
The article rambles and weaves to avoid mentioning anything specific as to who and what the amnesty would be FOR. What are the specific misdeeds that The Atlantic wants to be forgiven? Emily’s article is NOT clear.
It talks, strangely, about people voluntarily wearing masks in foreign preserves:
The author surely did not publish this Atlantic article out of honest-to-goodness concern for the nebulous advocates of “bleach injections”. She wants some other acts — and some other players — to be forgiven instead. Prof. Oster is coy about who those people are. I am sure that she is asking for amnesty for our “Covid response leaders”.
She published her article, before the midterms, because she is concerned about disappointed people starting to ask questions. Questions, such as
  • Why is my vaccine not working for me?
  • Why was I/my friend/my coworker injured by the vaccine and ignored by the medical community?
  • Why am I sicker than before?
  • Why am I having multiple Covid infections after being vaccinated?
  • I was told that my vaccines “stop transmission”, whereas the authorities knew they don’t
  • Why did unaccountable private interests take over the entirety of public response?
  • Why did the above private interests make billions of dollars, while my business went bankrupt?
  • Why was I lied to by the TV and media, while the truth was suppressed by Internet giants profiting from the pandemic?
Is it possible that everyone acted in our best interests and that the mistakes were unintentional? Are the people asking for amnesty confused well-wishers, or are they Covid Criminals who poisoned millions through malice, greed, and reckless disregard for safety? We’d need to know what happened, first, to have the answer!
Only after an investigation that uncovers what transpired, will we be able to judge whether an “amnesty” is appropriate and if so, for whom. Not before.
If such an investigation uncovers crimes, such as violation of national laws or crimes against humanity, then I hope that legally convened courts will be able to assess legally appropriate sanctions against individuals involved.
Should some of those people be amnestied? It is a legitimate question that needs to be addressed — but only after we know what happened.

There's a legal concept called "Criminal negligence." That happens when a person is so profoundly ignorant that it causes harm in others due to their inactions. I.e. being very stupid has a cost. Their lack of doing their own research is criminal. Thus criminal negligence.
The beginnings of asking for mercy.
Forgiveness and repentance go hand in hand. Atonement and retribution are further considerations. Does she offer to atone? No. Oster claims we need to "forgive one another." Unadulterated bull crap. There was only one vicious, cunning, fear precipitating, economy and societal shattering narrative coupled to the orchestrated drive to jab everyone.
She's trying to manufacture an Orwellian memory hole.
Like the Jan 6th persecuted, until there is amnesty there shouldn't be amnesty for those that perpetrated the Covid hoax. Prosecute every single person involved that deceived the public about the Covid virus and the “vaccine.” Prosecute every politician involved in the lockdowns, the vax mandates and the mask mandates
Then throw them all to the crowd.

The ratio on that article on Twitter is one of the biggest I have ever seen. Tens of thousands of responses to her and only like 1,000 likes. She is getting absolutely destroyed.
When you ask for amnesty, you're admitting criminality. The Atlantic had a lot of company in the MSM when it comes to promoting a false narrative to benefit Pfizer and the rest of the pharmaceuticals. It was basically killing for money.
Oops. Our bad. Don't be mad.


You weren't allowed to go to work, your child is socially retarded, you weren't allowed at your father's bedside, so he died alone, you had to wear a mask to buy groceries, you were denied entry to restaurants because you weren't vaccinated, your teenaged nephew died in his sleep two days after getting the jab...

Just let it go and move on?

I say NO.

We're constantly told that people should be "held accountable". OK. Let's start with Anthony Fauci and his science proclamations de jour. On a local level, Gretchen Whitmer, who took lockdowns to the hilt. How about public trails? It'll be better than OJ!

What do you think?
Oops. Our bad. Don't be mad.

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You weren't allowed to go to work, your child is socially retarded, you weren't allowed at your father's bedside, so he died alone, you had to wear a mask to buy groceries, you were denied entry to restaurants because you weren't vaccinated, your teenaged nephew died in his sleep two days after getting the jab...

Just let it go and move on?

I say NO.

We're constantly told that people should be "held accountable". OK. Let's start with Anthony Fauci and his science proclamations de jour. On a local level, Gretchen Whitmer, who took lockdowns to the hilt. How about public trails? It'll be better than OJ!

What do you think?
The blob needs to be held accountable for first declaring a national emergency over what you consider a hoax and then manufacturing a vaccine that you consider poison then, right?

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