The Army Might Be Ditching Its ‘Woke’ Image As It Faces Historic Recruiting Problems


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

The Army Might Be Ditching Its ‘Woke’ Image

As It Faces Historic Recruiting Problems

11 Mar 2023 ~~ By Micaela Burrow

  • The U.S. Army’s new brand and ad campaign largely omits reference to woke identity politics and could be just what the service needs to overcome historic recruiting obstacles, experts told the Daily Caller News Foundation.
  • Prior advertising efforts alienated conservative families that once served as the Army’s primary recruiting base, according to experts.
  • They “forgot that the primary market for Army recruiting is young men from traditional families, looking for a challenge,” Elaine Donnelly, president of the Center for Military Readiness, told the DCNF.
The Army’s new branding campaign, unveiled Wednesday, shied away from social justice and diversity themes as it seeks to overcome a historic drop in recruiting, military experts told the Daily Caller News Foundation.
The service’s buy-in on identity politics could turn off conservative families, which have traditionally served as the military’s largest recruiting base, and exacerbated the service’s recruiting woes in fiscal year 2022, experts and lawmakers warn. But, the years-in-the-making rebrand, with a goal of showcasing the Army’s role in defense and innovation throughout American history and encouraging soldiers to push their limits, could help the Army meet its ambitious recruiting goals for 2023, experts in military readiness told the DCNF.
The Army has come under fire for embracing perceived left-wing values in branding, according to Task and Purpose. One example is a 2021 advertising scheme that emphasized the different kinds of people who could join the service, highlighting a same-sex family.
Left-wing trends in the military’s education and personnel policies — including emphasizing inclusion of LGBTQ+ servicemembers, dubling down on outreach to minority communities, and teaching CRT and giving pronoun advice at the military academies — to support “diversity as a strategic imperative” could cause conservative, often white families to believe they “are not welcome or appreciated in the military,” Elaine Donnelly, president of the Center for Military Readiness, told the DCNF in June.
The Army and every other branch needs to focus on appealing to all Americans, regardless of their political beliefs or background,” Republican Indiana Rep. Jim Banks, who chairs the military personnel subcommittee on the House Armed Services Committee and has sworn to crack down on wokeness in the military, said to the DCNF.
The Army missed its recruiting objectives for 2022 of 60,000 new members by 25%; to make up for that offset, the service set a “stretch goal” for 2023 to 65,000 recruits, according to Wormuth.
The Army accelerated launch of the new branding effort to help with recruiting for 2023, Wormuth explained at the event Wednesday. The new campaign cost roughly $117 million to execute, she said, and is a result of extensive work that included focus groups with relevant stakeholders. But leaders are confident that a data-driven approach will yield results.
The U.S. needs an Army that shows itself to be a capable, hard-hitting force that can defeat and deter enemy aggression, not one that prioritizes inclusion over competence and lowers standards to accommodate more self-described identities, GOP lawmakers argue.

About 84% of new recruits come from military families, according to Gen. McConville.
“So we’re becoming a military family business. We want to be an American family business,” he told reporters Wednesday.
“We need every young person in this country, we need every parent in this country, to know that the United States military is a pathway to success,” McConville said.

Methinks that the efforts of Woke Secy. of Defense Austin and Woke Gen. Mark Milley to feminize our military with transgender's has failed miserably. Sounds more like they're changing the label on the can, but not the contents. Bait and switch.
A TV commercial is going to save it all?
Take a long hard look at The Commander In Chief. Would you fight under him? Look at The Kabul Fiasco. Look at his woke generals and SOS. Not to mention the fact that Biden appears to be instigating for WWIII. Haha.
With people like Biden, Austin, and Milley leading the country and the military, what would you expect to happen. They're intent on using the armed forces of this country for political rather than defense purposes.
The joint military forces will have to do more than change its commercials to fix its recruiting problems. Their 'woke' choices has damaged its institutional reputation for years, and it's going to need to get rid of everyone involved at the top, starting with Biden, Austin, and Milley.
It's not about "woke" or not. It should be simple, "your life is in the hands of the person beside you. Do you give a damn about his politics,.beliefs, pronouns or fetishes he is into? Or do you just want to both be in the best mental.and physical shape possible to improve your chances of staying alive and succeeding in your mission"? That should be the first speech when recruited.and it will put an end to any division immediately. Recruit on patriotism and service.
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The Army Might Be Ditching Its ‘Woke’ Image

As It Faces Historic Recruiting Problems

11 Mar 2023 ~~ By Micaela Burrow

  • The U.S. Army’s new brand and ad campaign largely omits reference to woke identity politics and could be just what the service needs to overcome historic recruiting obstacles, experts told the Daily Caller News Foundation.
  • Prior advertising efforts alienated conservative families that once served as the Army’s primary recruiting base, according to experts.
  • They “forgot that the primary market for Army recruiting is young men from traditional families, looking for a challenge,” Elaine Donnelly, president of the Center for Military Readiness, told the DCNF.
The Army’s new branding campaign, unveiled Wednesday, shied away from social justice and diversity themes as it seeks to overcome a historic drop in recruiting, military experts told the Daily Caller News Foundation.
The service’s buy-in on identity politics could turn off conservative families, which have traditionally served as the military’s largest recruiting base, and exacerbated the service’s recruiting woes in fiscal year 2022, experts and lawmakers warn. But, the years-in-the-making rebrand, with a goal of showcasing the Army’s role in defense and innovation throughout American history and encouraging soldiers to push their limits, could help the Army meet its ambitious recruiting goals for 2023, experts in military readiness told the DCNF.
The Army has come under fire for embracing perceived left-wing values in branding, according to Task and Purpose. One example is a 2021 advertising scheme that emphasized the different kinds of people who could join the service, highlighting a same-sex family.
Left-wing trends in the military’s education and personnel policies — including emphasizing inclusion of LGBTQ+ servicemembers, dubling down on outreach to minority communities, and teaching CRT and giving pronoun advice at the military academies — to support “diversity as a strategic imperative” could cause conservative, often white families to believe they “are not welcome or appreciated in the military,” Elaine Donnelly, president of the Center for Military Readiness, told the DCNF in June.
The Army and every other branch needs to focus on appealing to all Americans, regardless of their political beliefs or background,” Republican Indiana Rep. Jim Banks, who chairs the military personnel subcommittee on the House Armed Services Committee and has sworn to crack down on wokeness in the military, said to the DCNF.
The Army missed its recruiting objectives for 2022 of 60,000 new members by 25%; to make up for that offset, the service set a “stretch goal” for 2023 to 65,000 recruits, according to Wormuth.
The Army accelerated launch of the new branding effort to help with recruiting for 2023, Wormuth explained at the event Wednesday. The new campaign cost roughly $117 million to execute, she said, and is a result of extensive work that included focus groups with relevant stakeholders. But leaders are confident that a data-driven approach will yield results.
The U.S. needs an Army that shows itself to be a capable, hard-hitting force that can defeat and deter enemy aggression, not one that prioritizes inclusion over competence and lowers standards to accommodate more self-described identities, GOP lawmakers argue.

About 84% of new recruits come from military families, according to Gen. McConville.
“So we’re becoming a military family business. We want to be an American family business,” he told reporters Wednesday.
“We need every young person in this country, we need every parent in this country, to know that the United States military is a pathway to success,” McConville said.

Methinks that the efforts of Woke Secy. of Defense Austin and Woke Gen. Mark Milley to feminize our military with transgender's has failed miserably. Sounds more like they're changing the label on the can, but not the contents. Bait and switch.
A TV commercial is going to save it all?
Take a long hard look at The Commander In Chief. Would you fight under him? Look at The Kabul Fiasco. Look at his woke generals and SOS. Not to mention the fact that Biden appears to be instigating for WWIII. Haha.
With people like Biden, Austin, and Milley leading the country and the military, what would you expect to happen. They're intent on using the armed forces of this country for political rather than defense purposes.
The joint military forces will have to do more than change its commercials to fix its recruiting problems. Their 'woke' choices has damaged its institutional reputation for years, and it's going to need to get rid of everyone involved at the top, starting with Biden, Austin, and Milley.

Yeah, bro. The war on terrorism was a complete fraud that saw soldier's sent to be killed or maimed for temporary political advantages and nothing more; but surely the recruiting problem is due to gay people and whatever you believe about CRT :rolleyes:
The biggest part of the military has always been military families. Our was the Navy. Men of my family have been in the American Navy since John Paul Jones. My son is the last. When the subject of any military branch comes up, boys flounce about pretending to cry over their pronouns.
Yeah, bro. The war on terrorism was a complete fraud that saw soldier's sent to be killed or maimed for temporary political advantages and nothing more; but surely the recruiting problem is due to gay people and whatever you believe about CRT :rolleyes:
The war on terror was difficult on the military since Bush refused to activate the draft and really abused the volunteer military by repeated deployments

But the issue today is the military embrace of butt fucking men wearing dresses and lipstick

Its an impossible situation for soldiers who dont go in for for that stuff

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